
leftyfbRight, nothing but blaming everyone else and saying “I have money, trust me”04:02
leftyfbI see no reason to trust this guy at all04:02
leftyfbEspecially since zero people have vouched for him. Zero people have publicly stated they are on his side and will continue to work with him04:04
Samianis there a channel for bashing ubuntu?04:12
SamianI need to get my anger off my chest04:12
Samianthe more I use it the more I hate it. I'm about to quite my job telling the jerk I report to I'm not coding on ubuntu, don't like it fire me04:12
Samianhis reasons for using ubuntu was totally unsound, pathetic, incorrect, illthought, illconceived, made without good reason04:13
SamianI feel like a suicidal coder sometimes04:16
SamianI get so angry when I'm not finding something04:16
Samianor when I can't find a little dinky bug04:16
Samianand then I pull my hair out and screem04:16
ducassegood morning07:00
wyoungGood morning!14:40
=== guntbert is now known as yesitsme
=== yesitsme is now known as guntbert_
=== Bashing-1m is now known as Bashing-om

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