[07:30] 우분투 IRC Freenode 에서 libra.chat 이전 논의중 인가 보군요 https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/minutes-for-the-2021-05-19-community-council-meeting/22367 [07:31] THX young bin ^^ [07:53] it seems that freenode is under control of the company since recently that has nothing related to the network . Now a lot of channels move to irc.libera.chat [07:54] several people from the staff left [07:54] Ah~ [07:58] 퇴근 준비 해야죠? le x___ [07:58] there are explanation here https://linuxfr.org/users/vstinner/journaux/multiple-demissions-dans-l-equipe-du-reseau-irc-freenode (it's in french, if you can translate that with a translator;) [07:59] 안녕하세요 [07:59] THX again, fox mask. [07:59] Jason-KR: 오늘은 조금 늦게 퇴근할 거 같습니다. 다 해놓은 일에 변동이 생겨서 수정중이에요 [08:03] 😰