[00:00] yes please... (I likely missed heaps given it 'blew up' yesterday arvo for me, and I didn't leave this box on [00:00] (^ and then I went a took a long nap to sleep on it) [00:00] guiverc: Gimme a few tics to split the list out and upload. [00:03] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-irc/2021-May/001923.html - there is also this in the meantime btw. And the links the first one includes should be sufficient to give an adequate picture. [00:04] thanks kryten [00:07] guiverc: My list - may take you a bit to wade through all this: https://termbin.com/ncrn . [00:08] thanks Bashing-om [00:11] UWN: Agreed, we lead with kryten's later link suggestion. [00:12] If we are lucky, there is going to be an actual announcement in the meantime though. [00:13] Not that I heard of anything of that sort yet though, just hoping we won't have to break the news by linking to resolution emails.. [00:19] kryten: My thought is to bullet all this hype stuff and media attention under the Planet summary of -so far- of "freenode changes owners, jose resigns as staff.". [00:24] I disagree, and I'll leave it you as an exercise to figure out why. >_< [00:24] There is various reasons in there! [00:26] kryten: we see what settles out - We might end up bulletting under a phoronix.com summary. [00:27] Now you have got to be kidding me.. making it worse as a potential option.. :P [00:30] Ok, I'll try and solve the riddle.. I think it's most appropriate to 1.) keep it in the General News section as suggested and 2.) keep it as a.. general news item rather than one dedicated to a single affected ex-staffer. [00:32] Just as I said I'm hoping that we get a better offical resource to link to than those two resolution emails - but not getting one won't change this. [00:33] kryten: Kay - me likes it KISS . [02:16] guiverc: "bdmurray's latest release annoucement" Did not see such in my sources - got a link handy ? [02:17] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2021-May/005216.html [02:19] guiverc: Huh ! where was my mind as that is in my sources -- lemme look again :) After a smoke break. [02:20] I watch release & other ML for fridge purposes... probably why it came across my radar [02:22] guiverc: Oh I did read that ^ - did not think it was useful to us. Am I mistaken ? [02:23] nope... I don't believe you were mistaken [02:23] Yeah, I'd agree here too. [02:23] * guiverc interest is i'm expecting to speak to brian in next day or so, and so it likely it me more as I can ask a question of the author... [02:24] s/it me more/it hit me more/ ^ [02:42] Bashing-om, did anyone write up the new member today and email the announcement to UWN [02:44] Nothing on the news team ML yet anyway.. [02:44] Wild_Man: Nope - As I have seen nothing on the M/L for the new member :( [02:48] I thought maybe you wrote it up, the announcement is created when one of us emails the details to the UWM [02:49] Trying to connect to libera - getting disconnected for SASL authentication failed - going to do a NO-NO and edit the irssi config file by hand and add the cert path. [02:49] Bashing-om: See #ubuntuforums [02:50] kryten: :) [08:00] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Ubuntu Blog: Data Lake, Data Lab, Data Hub: what’s the difference? @ https://ubuntu.com//blog/data-lake-data-lab-data-hub-whats-the-difference [14:29] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Ubuntu Podcast from the UK LoCo: S14E11 – Pigs Eating Shot @ https://ubuntupodcast.org/2021/05/20/s14e11-pigs-eating-shot/ [15:14] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: TUXEDO’s New InfinityBook Pro 14 is All About the Screen @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2021/05/tuxedo-infinitybook-pro-3k-screen (by Joey Sneddon) [15:50] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Linux App Support on Chromebooks is Coming Out of Beta @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2021/05/linux-app-support-on-chromebooks-is-coming-out-of-beta (by Joey Sneddon) [21:31] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Stephen Michael Kellat: Say What Now? @ http://coyote.works//say-what-now.html === Bashing-1m is now known as Bashing-om