
sysadminATTENTION: This channel will be terminated. Any nicks remaining in the channel will also be terminated. This action cannot be undone00:18
leftyfbsysadmin: stop it00:18
jpmhI;m using 20.04 and the gnome-screensaver - how do I change the settings for the saver?  I see no entry in settings!00:20
panickedthumbLooks like migration is incoming00:22
DumbLDoorHi! anyone has any idea on libfreshwrapper flash crashes on 21.04?00:49
DumbLDooror how to recover from crashes without starting another user session?00:49
sysadminATTENTION: This channel will be terminated. Any nicks remaining in the channel will also be terminated. This action cannot be undone.00:51
leftyfbDumbLDoor: libfreshwrapper isn't supported00:52
leftyfbsysadmin: cut it out. It's not funny, nor is it even remotely accurate.00:52
DumbLDoorleftyfb: ty! Is any other flash lib still supported?00:52
oerheksthere is a flash player snap, also a hack and a prop blob https://snapcraft.io/flasharch00:52
oerhekssupport with the maintainer00:53
leftyfbDumbLDoor: flash isn't supported by anyone, including Adobe, it's creator. If there's anyone still making flash sites/applications, they won't be for long00:54
DumbLDoorleftyfb: some have resorted to thick clients with older versions of flash..00:55
DumbLDoorleftyfb: Was using palemoon till 20.10, now it crashes. ANy idea on vivaldi?00:55
oerheksalso palemoon was a hack, not seriously supported here00:56
leftyfbKryptron: thank you00:59
DumbLDooroerheks: ty01:01
DumbLDoorAny way to run flash sites still on ubuntu? Adobe projector etc?01:01
leftyfbDumbLDoor: none that are supported01:01
oerhekssee that snap01:02
KiwiNYCHello, after I copy a few files from one drive to another, they are getting unmounted and I get an error message. Error Mounting /dev/sde/ at /media/4TB wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sde, missing codepage or helper program or other (udisks-error-quark,0)01:04
KiwiNYCanyone run into this issue ?01:04
KiwiNYCafter a reboot however, the drive gets mounted properly and works well.01:05
DumbLDoorleftyfb, oerheks: I will try to hook up adobe flash with edge dev on Ubuntu. Do you have any idea on this?01:06
oerhekshtml5 is the bomb01:08
oerhekssorry, no idea what edge dev means, and not seriously interested to find out01:08
DumbLDooroerheks: Microsoft Edge (dev edition). anyways!01:09
wyoungMicrosoft Edge is the worst.  Isn't MS using webkit now?01:29
tomreyn!ot | wyoung01:30
ubottuwyoung: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:30
wyoungtomreyn: Does it matter anymore?  I thought Freenode was shutting down.01:32
tomreynwyoung: that's not a topic for this channel either01:32
wyoungtomreyn: Right, anal right to the end!  I will respect your wishes and speak no more offtopic in here.01:33
TortillaSandwichany knowledge if official ubuntu channels are moving networks?02:01
=== BrianG61UK__ is now known as BrianG61UK
* RoDiMuS-X hopes not02:02
leftyfbTortillaSandwich: you want #ubuntu-offtopic02:02
TortillaSandwichleftyfb: well, Im not looking to discuss the drama. I just wanna know if they are/are not moving02:02
TortillaSandwichleftyfb: which is sorta on topic02:02
TortillaSandwichor if its TBD02:03
panickedthumbTortillaSandwich https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-irc/2021-May/001922.html02:03
TortillaSandwichpanickedthumb: thank you! exactly what I wanted to know.02:04
TortillaSandwichsee you guys there02:04
=== BenCraft1 is now known as BenCraft
krytenpanickedthumb: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-irc/2021-May/001923.html - if you are going to continue linking to the email archives, this one would be better then btw.02:10
panickedthumbGood spot. I wouldn't say "I'm going to continue" as I didn't even plan on doing it the second time, but that's definitely a better resource for us02:11
krytenYeah, because the first one merely reflects the recommendation of what to do.02:13
krytenAnd if we are informing users already, might as well do it with clear facts. :)02:14
panickedthumbYeah totally. And I'm sure a better resource will come up soon as well, as this is such a surprise and people are moving fast02:14
krytenYeah, I'm hoping for that too.02:15
=== BenCraft0 is now known as BenCraft
=== BenCraft7 is now known as BenCraft
tripelbmy system beeps at me, sometimes often, then more seldom. What is it and how can I found out?02:58
wyoungtripelb: It is your PC speaker, feel free to open up your computer and rip it out.03:00
tripelbwyoung, yes of corse the sound if from my speaker, or in this case from the speaker jack. -- thanks for the dismiss-her non-answer. Reminds me of the 2000's attitudes.03:21
tripelbway back it was like running the g.... (forgot the word) at the military schools.03:22
tomreyntripelb: this can be a warning from the mainboard firmware that the system is overheating.03:25
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.03:25
tomreyntripelb: see also what's logged to the kernel log, run   dmesg -T   or   journalctl -bk03:27
* tomreyn bbl03:27
tripelbtomreyn I will do that. oh overheating. ok will do that stuff.03:38
tripelbhello I am looking at the App store (suitcase with an A for software) and I have NO IDEA what is the catagory for browsers.03:55
tripelbwait, productivity has cromium. you know there is a grid of programs and NO CLUES as to what each does and  NO WAY to search on a name. -- Did GNOMES design this? Or ogres?03:56
tripelbI should be able to type in browsers and see them all. this is lame.03:57
tripelbjust a user comment to the wise.03:58
tripelbunable to install chromium statuscode 409 snap change conflick .. message snam chromium has install snap change in progress.03:59
tripelbIs there another browser (not firefox or chrome) in the stable?03:59
tripelbwait, inspite of the UNABLE message, it has installed. WOW HOW PROFESSIONAL04:00
tripelbOh SMART -- the Asuitcase has the apps NOT IN ALPHAbetic order.04:01
tripelband there is no search box.  SUPER_PRO04:02
AmaranthIsn't there a search button on the top left corner?04:03
tripelbcant install opera either, same complaints as chromium but this timeit actually does NOT INSTALL04:04
AmaranthDunno on that one, I don't use snap04:04
tripelbah a Q on the very main screen. thanks, it isnt on the productivity page.  But I did find openra and it wont install.04:05
chard7ahow to parse a dml insert script's value without insert into database04:05
tripelbbrave installs. (I dont like it but it is a way to not use ff or chrome. OK I am in the groove of detective work on my issues.  LAters gaters04:06
chard7alike INSERT INTO tb_a VALUES (aa,bb,cc);04:06
chard7ai want get aa bb cc04:06
wyoungtripelb: You're very much welcome.  I am glad I could assist with your reminiscing.05:04
kiwichapI am installing software updates on ubuntu and it says updating snaps it is taking quite a while and I can't tell if it's working or not05:18
kiwichapis it?05:18
kiwichapwill it work if the screen saver is on?05:18
tripelbtomreyn, that page doesnt exist but this does https://lintut.com/how-to-monitor-cpu-and-gpu-temperature-in-ubuntu-linux/05:42
tripelbbut then it got confusing. # Chip drivers   coretemp    /etc/init.d/kmod start   (before that) lots and then do you want to add these line to /etc/modules.. was successful. now I am lost. so to bed. tomorrow.05:48
tripelbIthis was my success but now what...)  ntel digital thermal sensor...                             Success!   (driver `coretemp')05:50
tripelboh dumb. i just do the command     sensors05:50
zodj #ubuntu-offtopic06:04
zodmy bad folks06:04
isomarigreetings, Are there any possible conflicts if I also install plasma on ubuntut so I have a choice on login?06:15
Bashing-omhelp network06:17
KittyTroubleHey so I don't have a USB on me but I do have an external hard drive. How can I install ubuntu on my desktop using it? Boot options don't seem to recognize it as a USB device07:48
KittyTroubleI don't have a flash drive on me*07:48
TheBigKare u sure it doesnt get recognized?07:49
KittyTroubleI dunno I get an error every time I try to choose it in the boot options07:49
TheBigKthe hard drive is attached via usb as well isnt it?07:49
TheBigKwhat kind of error u get07:50
TheBigKanother option would be to install it over network if u have a second computer of some sort07:50
KittyTroubleI do have a second computer but I don't know how that works07:51
TheBigKis on that computer a linux installed?07:51
KittyTroubleNo, windows07:51
TheBigKon windows i have no idea either how to install a pxe environment :D07:52
TheBigKcan u format the external hard drive or did u already?07:52
KittyTroubleI used rufus on it but I had to check list usb hard drives07:53
TheBigKjust to extract that iso onto that external hard drive isnt enough. u need a boot sector directing to a grub on there07:53
TheBigKokay. stilll no luck with it?07:53
KittyTroubleUnder boot device menu I see onboard or USB CD-ROM drive, onboard network controller, and USB device. If I choose either of the USB options it says selected boot device not available07:54
TheBigKi would check ur bios for some wrong settings... may be try disable secure boot?07:56
TheBigKhard to say whats wrong without knowing more details07:56
TheBigKbut im using usually flash drives which i have plenty laying around here :D07:57
jellywhich components is 21.04 using for Active Directory joining and GPOs?  Is it just realmd with a GUI slapped on top?07:58
jellyand what specific GPO can be used with Ubuntu workstations?07:59
=== ayr-ton is now known as court_jester
EriC^KittyTrouble: by any chance do you have ubuntu or any other OS that uses grub installed on the internal hdd you're trying to install to?08:01
KittyTroubleNo I do not. It's a new desktop I just bought that has windows 1008:02
KittyTroubleoptiplex 76008:02
enycI wondered if theres' any silly  secure-boot problem08:03
pikapikaKittyTrouble, is it viable to carry a desktop as a portable machine?08:03
EriC^maybe rufus didn't make the live usb right?08:03
EriC^KittyTrouble: i'd see if there's a fat32 partition with the efi dir inside and try to disable secure boot and boot the usb in uefi mode08:05
EriC^for uefi mode all you need is a fat32, and the contents of the ubuntu iso in it08:05
KittyTroublepikapika not sure what you're asking08:06
EriC^but if you have at least efi/boot/bootx64.efi in there it should give you at least a grub shell08:06
pikapikaKittyTrouble, lug around a desktop in your bag08:06
KittyTroubleNo I don't think so, why?08:06
pikapikaKittyTrouble, laptops are regressing these days08:07
pikapikaVery limited options08:07
KittyTroubleI'm trying to install ubuntu onto a desktop, so I don't get your line of questioning08:07
EriC^he's trolling08:07
pikapikaKittyTrouble, its an unrelated matter08:08
KittyTroubleI don't see any secure boot setting, the SATA operation does list AHCI, ATA and legacy though08:09
EriC^is there a uefi mode/csm legacy for booting?08:09
KittyTroubleNothing that I can see08:10
KittyTroublegoogling it08:10
KittyTroubleregardless that shouldnt affect booting off USB08:10
EriC^when you used the boot options menu earlier, did it say "uefi usb" or just usb?08:10
KittyTroublejust usb08:11
EriC^KittyTrouble: yeah it can boot in legacy mode08:11
KittyTroubleI just need a way to install ubuntu on this, and I don't particularly want to keep windows08:12
KittyTroubleI guess maybe I can buy a flash drive there has to be a way to use my external hard drive08:13
EriC^if i were you, i would create a fat32 on it, extract the contents of the ubuntu iso there, and boot it in uefi mode08:14
EriC^and possibly checksum the iso before doing so, just to know it's all intact08:14
KittyTroubleI don't know how to boot off a specific partititon08:15
EriC^if you can point the dell bios to boot it in uefi mode, it should boot, or maybe if you have a 'browse for efi file' option you could manually browse to hdd/efi/boot/bootx64.efi and boot grub08:15
EriC^KittyTrouble: when you select the hdd to be booted in uefi mode, it'll search for any fat32 and boot that specific file, it's the standard08:16
EriC^if you boot the hdd in legacy mode, it will look in the mbr for a bootloader and run that08:16
EriC^KittyTrouble: actually i think the fat32 partition has to have the efi partition flag as well08:17
KittyTroubleThis is a lot of info and I don't know how to do the things you're saying, nor am I sure it would work08:18
EriC^KittyTrouble: ok, when you plug the usb hdd in your other desktop, do you see a fat32 partition show up?08:19
KittyTroubleI dunno if it's a partition or not08:20
KittyTroubleIt shows up in explorer08:20
EriC^ok browse the files08:20
EriC^do you see a 'efi' dir?08:20
EriC^inside it 'boot' then bootx64.efi ?08:21
EriC^ok good08:21
KittyTroublewell it's capitalized but yes08:21
EriC^ok so the file uefi uses by standard to boot is there08:21
KittyTroubleSo what are you suggesting that I do on my desktop to get it working?08:22
EriC^well im trying to understand the situation, just the basics, like car isnt starting, is there fuel in the tank? sort of08:22
EriC^but since the file is there and the bios says no bootloader found or whatever, i'd guess maybe it has a problem booting usb hdd's or something in uefi mode? maybe if you could attempt to let it boot it in legacy mode that might work?08:23
KittyTroubleI have this external hard drive which I'd like to just work as a flash drive would, but I don't think it actually works that way08:23
KittyTroubleThe only setting for AHCI/ATA/LEGACY is for SATA Operation08:24
EriC^KittyTrouble: there are other options you could do to go about it, ultimately08:24
EriC^i think it should work though, it's like as if you had ubuntu installed on the usb hdd, it would use the same file to boot08:26
EriC^1 sec08:26
EriC^KittyTrouble: do you have options like these? https://youtu.be/5TtFuHTjRME?t=5308:28
KittyTroubleIt's a little bit different. That screen doesn't have the option that video mentions08:29
KittyTroubleI could try updating bios08:30
tatertotsKittyTrouble: if you are unable to create USB installation media, you have the option to burn a DVD/-RW but you probably don't have that either08:30
EriC^KittyTrouble: what options do you have when you go to the bios menu?08:31
EriC^KittyTrouble: look for anything relating to secureboot, enabling usb booting, uefi/legacy08:31
KittyTroubleI already told you, there's nothing like that08:31
KittyTroubleThere is a usb device thing08:32
KittyTroubleEverything is already enabled08:32
EriC^can you screenshot?08:32
KittyTroubleJust it won't load off USB08:32
KittyTroubleOk, itll be a second I'll have to take pictures of it08:33
KittyTroubleI started setting up windows was gonna try updating my bios I'll take a picture of the errors in a bit08:38
KittyTroubleOkay about to take pictures08:44
KittyTroubleThey're uploading08:48
KittyTroublehttps://imgur.com/a/ayDkAaV is all there is EriC^08:50
herbert__Hi! I am trying to run qt4 and qt5 on the same machine (ubuntu 20.04) but I cant find a package for qt4... how do I install it? I need it to build an app with qmake that is written in qt4.08:50
KittyTroubleI guess I can just try unetbootin09:10
KittyTroubleI didnt really wanna dual boot though09:10
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
RazvaHi. Is this correct for forwarding port `65432` on eth0 to port `65432` on eth1 to : `ufw route allow in on eth0 out on eth1 to port 65432 from any port 65432 comment "SSH Sea"` ?09:29
gebbioneis there a way to add a VPN to network manager without a password? I cannot get past the configuration unless a password is specified09:37
EriC^^KittyTrouble: sorry im back09:48
EriC^^KittyTrouble: what happens if you try to enter "System setup" ?09:49
KittyTroublethats just the bios thing in the other screen09:49
EriC^^yup, that's what's needed, there should be a secureboot setting, uefi/legacy, usb booting related options there hopefully09:49
KittyTroubleim installing unetbootin on drive c and seeing if that works09:49
EriC^^KittyTrouble: also it could be worth it to try a different usb port as well09:50
KittyTroubleI showed you the available options in the album there09:50
EriC^^KittyTrouble: ok cool09:50
EriC^^oh ok, didnt see the rest of the pics below09:50
KittyTroubleI don't really want to take up space to keep windows on the computer but seems too much of a headache to do it otherwise09:51
EriC^^you can erase windows completely if you boot the live usb made by unetbootin too09:52
EriC^^KittyTrouble: still though there should be some secure boot setting somewhere in the bios i feel09:53
KittyTroubleI did it on drive c09:53
EriC^^KittyTrouble: one of the best ways to make a live usb is using dd on linux, you really just need to copy the image to the drive as whole09:54
KittyTroubleIt's probably just a compatibility issue with the drive and the computer, or something like the drive isn't treated as a flash drive, I dunno09:55
EriC^^if you want you could try using dd equivalent for windows, it's because dd is the more fool-proof sure way of doing it, also think rufus has an option to just use dd, there's some info here on using dd on windows https://superuser.com/questions/839502/windows-equivalent-for-dd09:56
EriC^^KittyTrouble: yeah it's odd, but really it doesnt have to be treated as a flash drive, like if you had an actual install on the hdd, it should also be able to boot it i guess09:56
EriC^^(it's basically the same in the end, for uefi as i mentioned earlier it will use bootx64.efi, for legacy booting it will try to load the bootloader in the MBR master boot record)09:57
EriC^^KittyTrouble: did you try another usb port?09:58
EriC^^how did you download the iso? torrent?09:59
KittyTroubleno off the website09:59
KittyTroubleI already said I'm installing it based on unetbootin on the c drive10:00
KittyTroubleIs there a way I can delete my windows partition after the fact?10:00
KittyTroubleAnd make this one bigger?10:00
KittyTroubleOr it can't work that way?10:00
EriC^^not sure what you mean, i thought unetbootin only makes live usbs10:00
EriC^^oh ok great, what step are you at, it's still installing or you reached the try/install menu and booted the live session?10:02
KittyTroubleI'm at the step where it asks the installation type. If I choose erase disk and install ubuntu is it gonna glitch out since the installation stuff is on drive c?10:03
KittyTroubleI have to just do it on a new partition, don't I?10:03
EriC^^yeah that's what i think as well10:03
guivercKittyTrouble, you haven't said what release that I can see; if you've plenty of RAM & a very recent release; the validation of media causes the whole installation media to be loaded into ram cache (as long as you've RAM available to keep it there... but that is dependent on unstated release)10:05
Learner2can anybody help me to boot into my system?10:05
KittyTroubleIt's the latest long term release10:05
Learner2I have ubuntu on my laptop, last night ran apt upgrade10:05
Learner2then rebooted and it boots only into memtest10:05
EriC^^KittyTrouble: do you also have a desktop environment right now? or just the installer?10:06
Learner2adding complexity: it's zfs on root with native encryption on10:06
KittyTroubleguiverc, you think if I erase disk and install ubuntu that it should be fine?10:06
KittyTroubleThat's what I'd prefer10:06
guivercKittyTrouble, nope, it does the verify before cache is active so what I suggested doesn't apply (fully) in focal10:06
EriC^^guiverc: shouldn't it be using 'toram' as a kernel parameter for that?10:07
KittyTroubleI'm confused by what you're saying10:07
KittyTroubleYou gotta spell it out for me, I'm not good with OS stuff10:07
* guiverc the changes I was referring to where started in groovy (20.10) & completed in hirsute (21.04) so focal didn't have that yet10:07
guivercEriC^^, toram may work; I've no experience with it and installs in a LONG time10:08
EriC^^i think the safest approach is to delete the windows partition create an 'empty partition of size of the iso' and then install to the remaining space10:09
KittyTroubleBut isnt the installation media ON the windows partition10:10
EriC^^what do you think guiverc ? or he could reboot, edit grub's line with toram, but then it's a little risky10:10
guivercI'd agree with what you said EriC^^ ; create partition for ISO & install with that (small amount of disk space is lost; easily reclaimed if you can be bothered)10:10
EriC^^KittyTrouble: yes but it's actually written there in the 'space' and right now it's loaded, so even if you remove the partition it would continue10:10
EriC^^as long as you dont overwrite it with the new install or any other data in that 'space'10:11
Learner2no custom settings. it'sthe way ubuntu installer has set it up10:12
EriC^^KittyTrouble: so basically, you can either lose 4-5gb at the start, and then later try to reclaim it, or you can try to reboot, and in grub add in 'toram' so it loads everything to ram and try your luck with that10:12
Learner2(just chose zfs and full disk encryption opntions in the installer)10:12
KittyTroubleWhen I load the computer, it says choose an operating system, windows or unetbootin10:13
KittyTroubleChoosing unetbootin allows me to install ubuntu etc10:13
EriC^^KittyTrouble: when you press unetbootin though it gives a grub menu with try or install ubuntu though right?10:13
EriC^^i'd just go with the safer route of losing 4-5gb and reclaiming later10:14
EriC^^so you know your install is 100% and not corrupted somehow10:14
KittyTroubleYou say that but I don't know the steps to do what youre staying10:14
KittyTroubleI need a step 1 do this, step 2 do this, etc10:14
gebbionedo you have any suggestions on what i can do to fix this error ? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5vFdXSqSjP/10:15
EriC^^KittyTrouble: gotcha, are you in the desktop right now or just the installer?10:15
EriC^^i.e can you open a terminal?10:15
KittyTroubleI was in the installer. I tried resizing a partition and it gave an error10:15
EriC^^what was the error?10:16
KittyTroubleWhen I get back into the partitions I'll tell you10:16
KittyTroubleIt's doing a disk check10:16
EriC^^ok, if you can get a desktop it'd be better (the try ubuntu option)10:16
KittyTroubleIt was just an error resizing it and then there was some unknown stuff about the artition10:16
KittyTroubleOnce I get into the desktop then what10:19
EriC^^open a terminal and type 'sudo parted -ls'10:19
EriC^^do you have an internet connection in the live session?10:19
KittyTroubleI should10:20
EriC^^ok, type 'sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999' it will give you a link back to the paste, share it here please10:20
KittyTroubleIt's taking a bit to load so when it does I'll do tha10:21
V|Ai keep downloading files and they keep disappearing WTF10:22
V|Adownload done .. folder is empty10:23
Learner2V|A, you probably download to a different folder10:24
KittyTroubleok im in10:26
EriC^^KittyTrouble: ok, that's interesting, there seems to be an ext partition at the end, which is the same size as the ubuntu iso10:29
EriC^^maybe it's not actually using the first windows partition?10:29
KittyTroubleYeah maybe10:30
EriC^^KittyTrouble: type 'sudo cfdisk /dev/sda'10:30
KittyTroublethen what10:30
EriC^^highlight the 500mb partition and delete it10:31
EriC^^KittyTrouble: can you open another terminal as well and type "mount | nc termbin.com 9999" ?10:32
EriC^^it should show what's actually mounted right now, if it's not using the ntfs one at all, maybe we can just delete it fully10:32
EriC^^nevermind, it's using it /dev/sda2 on /cdrom type fuseblk (rw,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other,blksize=4096)10:34
EriC^^KittyTrouble: ok, in cfdisk, try to highlight the 316gb ntfs partition and delete it10:35
KittyTroubleThere's not a 316gb theres a 294g10:35
KittyTroubledelete that one? sda2?10:36
KittyTroubleThat's deleted10:36
EriC^^ok, now create a new partition10:36
KittyTroubleOk, done10:37
EriC^^wait did it not ask for size?10:37
KittyTroubleOh it did, I just chose the full amount10:37
KittyTroubleWas that wrong?10:37
EriC^^ok, delete it and create again using the size 4G10:38
KittyTroubleOk, done10:38
EriC^^ok "write" the new partition table10:39
EriC^^ok, quit the program10:39
KittyTroubleYou mean quit the terminal?10:40
EriC^^no, just cfdisk if it hasnt already10:40
KittyTroubleOkay, what next?10:40
EriC^^KittyTrouble: type "ls /sys/firmware/efi"10:40
EriC^^does it say no such dir, or does it list a bunch of dirs?10:41
KittyTroublels /sys/firmware/efi10:41
KittyTroubleno such10:41
EriC^^ok great, that means the live usb is booted in legacy mode, which is great cause windows was in legacy mode and your bios is using that10:42
EriC^^KittyTrouble: ok, start the installer from the desktop icon10:42
KittyTroubleThe installer has detected that the following disks have mounted partitions: /dev/sdb Do you want the installer to try to unmount the partitions on these disks before continuing?10:44
EriC^^no need10:44
KittyTroubleOkay now I'm on the page install alongside windows 10, erase disk and install ubuntu, and something else10:45
KittyTroubleWhat should I put10:45
KittyTroubleSomething else I assume?10:46
EriC^^yup go for it10:46
KittyTroubleOkay, what now?10:47
KittyTroubleI'm on the list of partitions10:47
KittyTroublePlus button on the free space/10:47
=== ghoti_ is now known as ghoti
EriC^^KittyTrouble: yes press that and create a partition after the 4gb one10:49
EriC^^make it mountpoint "/" and fs type "ext4"10:49
KittyTroublePrimary or logical?10:49
EriC^^also at the bottom of the screen to the left, make sure it says location to install bootloader "/dev/sda" not sda1 or anything else10:50
KittyTroubleit defaulted to my external drive, changed it to sda10:51
EriC^^ok great10:51
KittyTroubleThe installer needs to commit changes to partition tables but cannot do so because partitions on the following mount points could not be unmounted: /cdrom10:52
KittyTroublePlease close any applications using these mount points10:52
KittyTroubleWindow says failed to unmount partitions10:54
EriC^^yeah, that sucks, the ntfs one was mounted there10:54
KittyTroubleWhat should I do?10:55
EriC^^KittyTrouble: ok, new plan, try to use "dd" in ubuntu right now make the live usb on the ext hdd just in case (since right now it looks kind of skewed from parted's output earlier), 2nd reverse the changes we made to the partition table, boot into windows and from there shrink the windows partition and then boot again and install to the unallocated free space10:58
EriC^^KittyTrouble: was the iso located on the C: drive?10:59
KittyTroubleOriginally yes, idk what unetbootin did10:59
EriC^^ok, type in a terminal "nautilus /cdrom" see if you can browse to it and find it10:59
KittyTroubleYes, I'm there11:00
EriC^^ok right click somewhere and press "open in terminal" if that's available11:00
KittyTroublein terminal11:01
EriC^^ok, type md5sum ubuntu<press tab to autocomplete the iso filename>11:02
EriC^^mds5um ubuntu-desktop-blabla.iso11:02
KittyTroubleThere's no .iso in that folder11:02
EriC^^where's the iso located?11:03
KittyTroubleThe iso was located in my downloads folder before running the unetbootin on it11:03
EriC^^you saw it there in nautilus still?11:03
KittyTroubleThere is a cdrom folder...it doesnt have an iso folder, it has the files and folders inside of it11:04
KittyTroubledoesnt have an iso file11:04
EriC^^no windows files? users dir?11:05
EriC^^KittyTrouble: ok, go to users > your user > downloads11:06
KittyTroubleI didnt download an iso11:08
DejanI hope you guys are planning to move to OFTC where #Debian is :)11:08
KittyTroubleunetbootin downloaded it for me11:08
KittyTroubleI can go download it though11:08
KittyTroubleShould I do that?11:09
EriC^^KittyTrouble: sure why not11:10
EriC^^we can at least get a 100% sure working live usb on the ext hdd, in case we end up needing it11:11
KittyTroubleI mean it's not gonna help if my computer can't detect the hdd11:12
KittyTroubleI guess it's not downloading11:15
KittyTroubledownloads in the live ubuntu use RAM, right11:15
KittyTroublethats probably why11:16
KittyTroublei only have 4 gb ram11:16
EriC^^no you should be able to save to "/cdrom"11:16
EriC^^it's mounted read-write11:16
EriC^^KittyTrouble: type in a terminal "wget -O /cdrom/ubuntu.iso https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04/ubuntu-"11:17
KittyTroubleI'm downloading it using firefox already11:19
KittyTroubleAnyways, 1 minute left on the download11:19
KittyTroubledoing the md5sum thing11:22
KittyTroubleit's doing whatever it's doing11:22
EriC^^ok actually do sha256sum <iso here> instead11:22
KittyTroubleI aleady did md5sum is that ok?11:22
EriC^^it should give back 93bdab204067321ff131f560879db46bee3b994bf24836bb78538640f689e58f11:22
EriC^^yeah thats fine11:22
KittyTroubleseems fine to me11:23
EriC^^starts with 93 ends with 8f?11:23
EriC^^ok great11:24
EriC^^KittyTrouble: type "sudo umount /dev/sdb1"11:24
EriC^^KittyTrouble: then type "sudo dd if=<ubuntu iso here> of=/dev/sdb bs=4M status=progress && sync"11:25
EriC^^note that it's /dev/sdb and not /dev/sdb111:25
KittyTroubleif=ubuntu........iso of= ... right?11:26
EriC^^KittyTrouble: ok, now type "sudo cfdisk /dev/sda"11:30
EriC^^KittyTrouble: delete the 4gb partition from earlier11:31
KittyTroubleso now there is a bunch of free space11:32
KittyTroublethen sda3 then a 1 mb free space then sda411:33
EriC^^ok 1 sec11:33
EriC^^ok, create a partition, when it asks for size put "316GB"11:34
EriC^^it's very important that it's GB and not G11:35
EriC^^KittyTrouble: create another partition and when it asks for size type "500MB"11:36
KittyTroublenow there is 357M free space11:37
EriC^^KittyTrouble: ok i dont think it will matter11:39
EriC^^KittyTrouble: ok, try to restart the pc and boot into windows11:40
KittyTroubleI don't need to write the partitions?11:40
EriC^^ok sorry, yes11:41
KittyTroubleno boot device available11:42
EriC^^KittyTrouble: for the ext hdd and the internal?11:44
KittyTroubleThats just the default message. No boot device available11:44
KittyTroubleGoing into boot options and choosing USB device is the same11:44
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EriC^^KittyTrouble: i think it must be that it used the partition id to boot11:46
KittyTroubleSo guess my computer is bricked now till I get it figured out11:47
EriC^^i wish we had made a backup of the whole partition table in case the installer plan didnt work out11:47
Learner2can anyone help me?11:48
EriC^^KittyTrouble: yeah sorry about that, you need to maybe get a usb or cd/dvd with a live usb on it11:48
EriC^^KittyTrouble: can you not get any usb or dvd somehow?11:49
KittyTroubleWell not right now, it's the middle of the night11:49
KittyTroubleI was trying to make do with what I had11:49
KittyTroubleGonna go to bed11:50
KittyTroubleThanks for trying11:50
EriC^^in any case though, you really need to have a working live usb at hand for the future if you ever need it to fix anything11:50
EriC^^KittyTrouble: no problem, im sorry it didnt work out and the pc isnt usable right now11:50
KittyTroubleProbably should have changed the partition size from within windows11:51
EriC^^yeah that's what we were trying to in the end, to shrink it from there11:52
EriC^^hindsight is 20/20 i guess11:52
aienaI am trying to run an ubuntu vm with virtgl so it can use my nvidia card. But If I enable 3d acceleration my VM boots up with a black screen what could be wrong?11:55
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stubkanI have a big problem.  Hopefully someone can help..   I was running Testdisk yesterday and  something happened to make my disk space go to 0 and all the system stopped, so I shut it down and noticed I couldnt modify the hard drive.  so I rebooted,  It now won't let me log in and all the log files dont have any errors except 'cant write log,12:13
stubkanout of disk space' and similar msgs.12:13
stubkanI loaded the system on a live usb and deleted files to free up about 10gb of space, go back to try to login, still can't... back to live usb, 0 disk space left.   It's done it twice now, I am not sure why the disk space keeps disappearing.  fsck -f has no errors12:13
aienastubkan: it looks like your harddrive is failing/failed12:14
aienahmm wait12:15
aienastubkan: are you using btrfs?12:16
stubkanWouldnt it have mentioned it when I did disk checking,  all the data seems fine  I can read and write any of it, it just goes to space 0 when I try to boot it up, cant see where the space went12:16
aienastubkan: tye rereadig what you wrote it seems like the drive is ok12:16
aienastubkan: what are the filesystems in use for root and home?12:17
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aienais it ext4 on all?12:17
aienais root and home in 1 partition?12:17
stubkanhang on trying to find the right command12:18
stubkanit seems boot is EFI, main drive is "linux filesystem" according to fdisk12:19
aienastubkan: do you have a root shell can you give me output of the "df -T" command?12:19
stubkanit says /dev/nvme0n1p2 ext4     490691512 459948004   5748028  99% /media/mint/a322ed68-12:20
stubkancant find the boot partition on that output12:20
aienahmm ok so you are using ext412:20
aienathat rules out btrfs12:20
stubkanThere is one thing I think MAY have caused this12:20
OceanGaoHow can this strange problem appear?12:20
stubkanwhen I opened testdisk I selected UFI or EFI - the linux partition type ,possibly...  so I was thinking maybe selecting the wrong partition type somehow made it go wrong12:21
EriC^^stubkan: that shouldnt cause an issue unless you ended up writing anything in testdisk12:21
aienastubkan: I don't think so you did not modify your filesystem12:21
EriC^^even then it shouldnt cause this12:21
aienabtrfs has snapshots so those could but ext4 has nothing.12:22
stubkanI couldnt see any files in testdisk, so I clicked c/C which it said was going to 'scan' for files and it progressed for 10 minutes or so before this happened12:22
EriC^^stubkan: did you add any weird commands to your startup? fallocate or something?12:22
stubkandoes that count as modifying filesystem12:22
aienaEriC^^: also why is the mount point  /media/mint/a322ed68-12:22
stubkanits on a live usb12:23
aienastubkan: are you doing this from a liveboot?12:23
aienaare makes sense12:23
stubkanI cant log in the system, disk space 0 so it wont let me log in12:23
OceanGaostubkan what if you run df -aT?12:23
stubkanlots of stuff on df -aT .,. want pastebin?12:23
stubkanor what should I look for in that12:23
EriC^^stubkan: you could test the hdd health using smart test, sudo apt-get install smartmontools && sudo smartctl -a /dev/nvme0n1 | nc termbin.com 999912:24
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stubkanhere https://imgur.com/a/2fnv00312:24
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aienastubkan: I would recommend installing "filelight" on the vm and running an analysis on your ssd12:26
stubkanwhats the nc termbin.com 9999 gonna do12:26
aiena*err filelight on the liveboot12:27
stubkanits installing now12:27
stubkanIf the disk space is going to 0 on startup, that probably means the disk capacity is being edited straight to 0 ...12:27
EriC^^stubkan: it sends the output to a pastebin12:27
aienastubkan: that is unlikely it could be some malware creating junk or something else12:28
stubkancos otherwise, file space shouldnt disappear this fast, even temporary files caching somewhere12:28
stubkanoh dear12:28
aienaeither way a liveboot will allow you to poke through the filesystem12:28
stubkanhmm thats odd, filelight says 30GB free12:29
aienai think your ssd is a 500GB ssd12:29
aienaoh boy he left12:29
stubkanI got disconnected12:33
stubkanThere is a 90GB file,  image.dd  ... I think testdisk made this file and this broke my system, hoping its this simple ....  https://imgur.com/a/3QV66T112:34
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silatelhow can i make my terminal on ubuntu look like the kali terminal?13:06
holgerssonsilatel: You would probably need the same terminal emulator and the same shell with special configurations.13:10
holgerssonsilatel: I think this article has a good explanation: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/kali-linux-terminal-and-shell/13:10
holgerssonsilatel: and from there "By default, the terminal of Kali 2020.2 Linux is Qterminal and the Desktop environment is Xfce/Xfce server."13:11
IIIFEHi there. How can I have a PPA package have higher priority over an official package from ubuntu 20.04?13:12
holgerssonsilatel: I never really used kali, so I don't know their TE well. What exactly do you want to copy? The optics? Maybe just some fancy transparent background?13:12
holgerssonIIIFE: https://askubuntu.com/questions/293619/assign-higher-priority-to-ppa13:13
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holgersson(untested though, but sounds valid)13:14
IIIFEThank you holgersson13:14
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OceanGaoanyone can help with my problem?13:29
silatelholgersson i'm just trying to get my terminal to look exactly like kali's13:30
silatelholgersson: i saw that kali's desktop environment is Xfce/Xfce server. Is it possible to use that same one on ubuntu?13:30
OceanGaowell, possible13:31
holgerssonsilatel: it is possible to run XFCE (it's just another desktop environment like KDE, Gnome etc.)13:31
holgerssonsilatel: what do you currently run?13:31
OceanGaoxfce is available on apt-get13:31
holgerssonsilatel: anyways, if you just want the optics of that terminal, try out qterminal13:32
holgerssonyou can ofc mix programms from different desktop environments, as long as they are in the repositories.13:32
IIIFEYou can install xubuntu to get xfce with ubuntu right out of the box.13:32
silatelholgersson: how do i see what i currently run? :D i just have ubuntu 20.0413:32
silatelholgersson: do i just apt-get xfce? how do i use it then?13:33
holgerssonsilatel: I guess it's "ubuntu budgie" then13:33
silatelholgersson: how can i check?13:33
IIIFEInstall xfce and then log out and change your desktop session to xfce.13:33
holgerssonsilatel: good question, next one!13:33
IIIFEBecause I"m assuming you're using a display manager like lightdm.13:33
holgerssonsilatel: seriously, just install qterminal and check if this is sufficient13:34
silatelcould it break something? or is it safe to do it?13:34
holgerssonit's safe13:34
silatelno no, because i want the whole kali theme, so if it's possible to do that then i will try13:34
silatelok let me just check really fast and get back to you guys13:34
silateland thank you so much for your help13:34
holgerssondidn't help much, but you're welcome :D13:34
OceanGaowell, if you want to run xfc on ubuntu, run sudo apt install xfce4 && sudo apt install xfce4-session13:35
OceanGaothen run xfce4-session13:35
holgerssonOceanGao: What's your problem? I only see your message "How can this strange problem appear?"13:35
silatelit tells me to choose display manager between gdm3 and lightdm13:35
IIIFEJust pick lightdm13:35
IIIFETrust me13:35
bbt3134Is there a recommended way for preventing the use of `snap install` in a multitenant setup with less privileged users?13:35
silatelwhat's the difference?13:36
IIIFEI find lightdm to be lighter and snappier13:36
OceanGaoholgersson I'm trying to run microsoft-edge on WSLg13:36
IIIFEgdm3 is too gnomey13:36
OceanGaoholgersson I tried to ask the same question on #ubuntu-on-windows13:36
holgerssonOceanGao: What's your problem?13:36
silatelso after i install xfce4 and xfce4-session what do i do?13:36
OceanGaoholgersson: Running microsoft-edge on WSLg failed13:37
silatelif i try to run xfce4-session it says another session manager is already running13:37
holgerssonOceanGao: Wasn't the GUI support only planned?13:37
IIIFEDid you log out?13:38
holgerssonOceanGao: ah, nvm, hence the trailing "g" in WSLg13:38
silatelif i log out then i can't use my pc13:39
holgerssonOceanGao: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/commandline/the-initial-preview-of-gui-app-support-is-now-available-for-the-windows-subsystem-for-linux-2/13:39
holgerssonOceanGao: With a "bare metal" installation with an X server you can set the environment variable:13:40
holgerssonOceanGao: 'DISPLAY=:0 foo'13:40
holgerssonI'd try it for the WSLg, too.13:41
OceanGaoholgersson: I tried VcXsrV but it behaved badly13:41
holgerssonsilatel: Sure. However, log out, then you have a field somewhere to choose your desktop environment. Switch it to XFCE and log in with your user name and password as usual.13:42
OceanGaoholgersson: Running microsoft-edge on WSLg outputs https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bzMZPFbRKG/13:42
holgerssonsilatel: When you are logged in you can start your IRC client as usual13:42
holgerssonOceanGao: looks as no dbus daemon is running there13:43
leftyfbOceanGao: sorry, but what you're trying to do isn't supported officially. Best to wait in #ubuntu-on-windows for someone to help you13:43
OceanGaoleftyfb: I tried asking this in #ubuntu-on-windows but no one replied for over an hour13:44
holgerssonjust an hour? You might need to wait for days in some IRC channels :D13:45
brutamontesI cant install LAMP on Ubuntu using tasksel.13:45
brutamontesWARNING: tempfile is deprecated; consider using mktemp instead.13:45
brutamontestasksel: apt-get failed (100)13:45
leftyfbOceanGao: wait longer. Again, what you're trying to do is not officially supported. Also .... why? You're literally running Windows. Run their browser there13:45
OceanGaoleftyfb: Nothing but a test for WSLg13:46
leftyfbOceanGao: for WSLg support, please see https://github.com/microsoft/wslg or contact Microsoft13:47
leftyfbbrutamontes: please don't crosspost. What version of ubuntu are you running?13:48
leftyfbbrutamontes: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-linux-apache-mysql-php-lamp-stack-on-ubuntu-20-0413:50
leftyfbbrutamontes: also, if you're setting up a server for any serious hosting, I would recommend sticking with LTS releases like 20.0413:51
brutamontesi use tasksel13:51
brutamontesfor years now13:51
silatelif i log out then i can't use my pc/part13:51
mgedminwow, tasksel is brutal: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tasksel/+bug/57428714:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 574287 in tasksel (Ubuntu) "tasksel: forcefully removes packages when tasks overlap" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:07
mefistofelesis ubuntu staying in freenode?14:29
leftyfbmefistofeles: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-irc/2021-May/001923.html    any further discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic14:30
mefistofelesleftyfb: thanks14:32
varaindemianwhat tool can I use/do you recommend to backup and restore os (in case of various errors) right from a live usb?14:37
leftyfbvaraindemian: I recommend a fresh install and using something like rsync to copy your file back. You can also use something like ansible to script rebuilding all your installed packages and configurations14:39
varaindemianleftyfb: I thought there could be something like this..14:45
varaindemiansomething else*14:46
Chunkyzvaraindemian: clone zilla works well, too.14:50
varaindemianChunkyz: I though I could just get a compressed backup and then restore it from a live bootable drive14:56
Chunkyzvaraindemian: clonze zilla compresses...14:56
node1Hello is there anyway to recover an files from previous installed ubuntu ?15:15
varaindemianChunkyz: cool15:15
NokajiHi, am planning a dual install on a WIN laptop (adding Ubuntu) ... for a USB installer I'm looking at either 'Rufus' (used before - yrs ago, and seems the most recommended) or 'Universal-USB-Installer-' ... just wondered if it matters much which one I go with?15:26
leftyfbNokaji: for use on Windows use Win32 Disk Imager or etcher.io15:31
NokajiI'll take a look at those leftyfb , thanks15:33
__infinityI have `Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS` and 256.1 GB disk, I just got a notification, that I exceeded the file space: "No space left on device"15:39
__infinityalthough I literally have no data at all15:39
__infinityTried `df -ha` and it says `/dev/mapper/vgubuntu-root  232G  221G     0 100% /`15:40
__infinityCould anyone help, I have no idea what is taking all that space15:42
leftyfb__infinity: df -h | nc termbin.com 999915:44
Nokaji__infinity, I'd take a look at temp files, sometimes they don't get removed and can occupy many GBs15:47
ograsudo du -hcs /tmp/*15:47
ograthat will list the dirs under /tmp and their size15:48
ogradoesnt look too full to me ...15:49
ogratry the same command with /var/* inszead of /tmp/*15:49
__infinityhmm it got stuck15:51
__infinityohh so it's `122G/var/lib`15:52
ograit might take a while if there are really 200+ GB15:52
node1Can i recover my old operating system files and data using Onekey recover option in Lenevo laptop?15:56
__infinityah it's docker `117G/var/lib/docker`15:56
__infinitycan I just `rm -rf /var/lib/docker` ?15:56
* ogra doesnt touch docker ... can't tell ... i use lxd 15:57
ograbut there you definitely have a space hog  ...15:58
__infinityyeah it's like half of my disk, and I don't have anything running, I always delete the containers after using them15:58
isomarigreetings, Can I change ethernet device name using systemd rather than udev?16:04
__infinityanyway thank you for help, I moved to #docker to figure out how to clean it up16:07
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questisudo unattender-upgrade -d System is on metered connection, stopping16:21
questiwhy :)16:22
leftyfbquesti: unattender-upgrade is not a valid command16:23
leftyfbquesti: are you referring to do-release-upgrade?16:23
__infinityogra, `sudo docker system prune -a -f` = `Total reclaimed space: 115.4GB` :)16:27
ograah, if i ever use docker 🙂16:27
* ogra hugs lxd16:27
questileftyfb: is it its part of unnatended upgrades package16:35
questi*it is16:35
leftyfbquesti: please pastebin the exact command you are using and it's output16:35
freckledpIf I want to have a host recognize all certs signed by a CA, do I just have to import the CA cert, or do I need the key, too?17:34
renatosilvawhy ubuntu server is the only one I can't manage to get keys revoked? http://vpaste.net/D1MpM17:52
enycfreckledp: CA cert only... context matter though... when you say 'host'17:56
enycfreckledp: e.g. firefox thunderbird havetheir own certificate stores generally17:56
enycfreckledp: e.g. putting into the /usr/share/ca-certificates / /etc/ssl/certs  and "update-ca-certificates"  system is another matter17:56
enycfreckledp: e.g. there is a "ca-cacert" package that provides CAcert in that form....17:57
DJonesrenatosilva: What version of Ubuntu is it? Looking at the dates on the RSa Keys are 2012 and 2016, which makes me think its an old version of Ubuntu that you're checking against17:57
enycsome programs have options to take extra AC certificatse o0 custom certificate path when using the program ... etc17:57
freckledpenyc, Thanks for the information. That answers my question.17:58
renatosilvaDJones: it's a key server, not a distro installation17:58
DJonesrenatosilva: Yeah, just realised that17:58
renatosilvaDJones: :P17:59
renatosilvaubuntu server is the only one that doesn't report the keys as revoked, no matter what17:59
Learner2apt get upgrade deleted all grub entries except memtest18:02
metbsdis there way to downgrade from 21.04 to 2004 lts18:12
oerheksmetbsd, no, reinstall.18:28
jhutchinsLearner2: What were you upgrading?19:33
metbsddowngrade ubuntu anyone?19:54
oerheksanswered you, metbsd19:54
oerheksmetbsd, no, reinstall.19:54
sarnoldmetbsd: it's best to consider that as not possible; deb packages aren't packaged with downgrades as a goal. many packages will downgrade iwthout problem, but not all19:54
oerheksor read the long answer :-D19:55
oerheksthnx sarnold19:55
leftyfbmetbsd: the more important question, why do you want to?19:55
metbsd21.04 got stuck all the time19:56
metbsdvnc not working properly too19:56
metbsdi'll stay in lts forever19:57
oerheks21.04 gives wayland standard as session, change back to xorg?19:57
metbsdvnc only works in xorg anyway19:57
leftyfbmetbsd: have you tried switching to xorg?19:57
metbsdi always use xorg for vnc19:57
metbsdi have a couple 21.04. one using xorg and vnc doesn't work. one using wayland and got stuck all the time19:58
metbsdit got stuck when i switch task19:59
leftyfbmetbsd: it's up to you if you want to spend the time detailing and troubleshooting each individual issue you have with 21.04 here or just reinstall with 20.0419:59
leftyfbmetbsd: I always recommend LTS over non-LTS20:00
jhutchinsmetbsd: It would be good to report the bugs before you downgrade.20:05
PeGaSuShi. on my ubuntu server, after generating my publickey with `ssh_keygen` and no passphrase when I try to `ssh-copy-id user@localhost` I'l hitting a "user@loaclhost: Permission denied (publickey)."20:06
PeGaSuSzany ideas?20:06
leftyfbPeGaSuS: do you have password authentication disabled on the server?20:06
metbsdi have zero trouble in lts except some missing package20:07
metbsdbut i can tolerate that20:07
PeGaSuSgood question...20:07
metbsdfor example, fcitx5-configtool is missing in lts20:07
PeGaSuSlemme check20:07
PeGaSuSleftyfb, stupid me -_-; I actually didn't even remembered about that20:09
PeGaSuSturning on apssword auth worked20:09
jhutchinsPeGaSuS: It looks like you're trying to overwrite the public key.20:11
Learner2jhutI don't remeber, i think it wewas linux kernel20:16
joyfulCitrus:Cannot send to nick/channel20:17
joyfulCitruswhats that error message all about?20:17
joyfulCitrusI've registered and identified with sasl identification20:17
sarnoldjoyfulCitrus: it means the channel is moderated in some form20:17
joyfulCitruso ok20:18
joyfulCitrusso are my messages going through?20:18
sarnoldthese are, yes20:18
sarnoldin whatever channel you're talking about, probably not20:18
JoeLlamaOkay I got into some mode in xubuntu when I move the cursor the whole screen shifts and moves and also the screen is larger in size.  It seems to be a good thing for certain things I do but...  how do I turn it off?  Ready, set, GO! :)20:19
JoeLlamawhat's the trick? (:20:19
genkgoHello. I have a question on Netplan. I want to add a second interface, but I only want it to work for applications that specifically want to use it. My OS should by default use the other interface. I did manage to get it to work, but then it becomes the default interface.20:20
JoeLlamamove the mouse or touch the track pad, cursor moves, entire screen shifts slowly in the opposite direction of cursor movement...  some kind of accessability option?20:21
sarnoldJoeLlama: is it zoomed in, like a magnifier around a portion of it?20:22
JoeLlamayup kinda sarnold20:22
JoeLlamait is20:22
JoeLlamawhat is the name of the application that controls that please?20:23
sarnoldJoeLlama: there's a feature in X11 called "viewport" that lets you have eg a 1600x1200 display on a monitor that can only do 1024x768 and it'll just slide around the visible area20:23
JoeLlamaI will actually look20:23
sarnoldJoeLlama: but that viewport mode doesn't do any zooming20:23
JoeLlamayes it's sliding around in the visable area20:23
JoeLlamait is not accessibility it's not enabled20:25
JoeLlamaI do have NVidia software lemme check that...  thanks for the help sarnold20:25
sarnoldJoeLlama: there's probably half-dozen or more screen magnifiers, and they may not all be configured in the same place20:25
sarnoldJoeLlama: poke around ps auxw output, look for anything with 'x' in the name :)20:26
sarnoldJoeLlama: https://unix.stackexchange.com/q/290758/7064   -- this mentions an easy way to get the 'panning' feature, the viewport thing, with modern tools; if it's this, then this might be an easy way to undo it, too20:26
JoeLlamawell I did not install any magifier thingies and this is xubuntu straight install20:26
JoeLlamaok I look20:27
JoeLlamait's not in display settings20:27
sarnoldgenkgo: I think what you want is this metric setting https://netplan.io/examples/#using-multiple-addresses-with-multiple-gateways20:27
JoeLlamasarnold, the movement of the screen makes you kinda seasick after a while :(20:28
JoeLlamaI am thinking just reboot later :)  done for now...20:30
sarnoldJoeLlama: yeah, I didn't use that viewport mode much back in the day ;)20:30
JoeLlamadunno if it is viewport...  how do you access viewport sarnold?20:31
JoeLlamaI dunwanna learn anything (:20:32
sarnoldJoeLlama: check xrandr output20:36
sarnoldJoeLlama: maybe it says something20:36
jayjoin wireshark, I'm now able to trace USB CCID packets, got it working OK, but I'm confused by the USB source and dest numbering. They are Bus.Device.<SomeOtherNumber> ... is this an interface number? I'm trying to find something in the usb or linux docs about it. lsusb will show my device as Bus 005 Dev 004, but then I have to match all 5.4.* source and dests. Feels like I'm missing something20:41
JoeLlamasarnold how do you check xrandr output?20:44
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bancroftis there a way to have systemd run a command with ptrace capability (and without full blown sudo) ?21:46
ShillosIs this channel also moving over to the new irc network of libera.chat after what happened here on freenode?22:01
guntbertShillos: not yet - the decision takes time for such a big (and complicated :-)) community22:06
HabbieShillos, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-irc/2021-May/001922.html22:06
Shillosok thx22:07
Shillosthx for the link22:07
znpyhello there, quick question: i mistakenly deleted /etc/pulse, and now i'm trying to get its default content from packages. I tried `apt install --reinstall` but nope, i can't find the debs (they used to stay in `/var/cache/apt` iirc) ... does somebody has a suggestion ?22:10
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rfmznpy, just fetch the deb with "apt-get download pulseaudio" ?22:34
znpyrfm: yup i did download the deb in the end... although i browsed the repo url22:34
znpyi forgot about apt-get download22:35
nezxanznpy: was about to paste the files for you :P22:36
nezxanglad it worked out22:36
nezxan(since my pulse conf should be stock anyway)22:36
znpythanks nezxan :) very kind of you!22:36
ComCatIMPORTANT NOTICE: Hi Ops. Please update the topic to point to the new server (libera.chat). Thank you. Current situation: crown prince of korea and co-founder of MtGox (bitcoin exit-scam) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Lee_(entrepreneur) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mt._Gox#Bankruptcy;_stolen_bitcoin_(2014%E2%80%93ongoing) - has now full control over Freenode and has destaffed ALL the staffers you knew. The staffers have founded and22:37
ComCatmoved to Libera.chat. Sponsors of Freenode are beginning to pull out, it is unknown for how long the freenode will be stable. Most channels, projects and users are now migrating to Libera. Libera is a registered non-profit organization with mitigations against this disaster happening ever again. Leaked chats showing disgusting intents and former devs that have worked with Mr.Lee before says that he's disorganized, dishonest and that they wish to22:37
ComCatnever work with him again (he managed to scam freenode out of our hands and he lied to the staffers). All officiall freenode channels are now currently under complete censorship. https://distfiles.dereferenced.org/stuff/nirvana-log.txt  - https://paste.sr.ht/~ircwright/7e751d2162e4eb27cba25f6f8893c1f38930f7c4 - Please update your topic to point to the new server if you haven't done so already. This message is to inform the users about the22:37
ComCatsituation if the topic is set already. Spread this message too.22:37
nezxanComCat: go away22:37
nezxanand stop your spam22:37
znpy(i'm on libera.chat already btw, and the #ubuntu channel seems to be alive there too)22:38
znpyanyway... i messed up my /etc/pulse while trying to troubleshoot my bluetooth headset22:39
znpyit worked but i was unable to use the a2dp audio source22:39
znpywhatever, i'll keep looking at that...22:39
znpythanks so far!22:39
leftyfb!ops | feel free to escort ComCat out at your leisure22:41
ubottufeel free to escort ComCat out at your leisure: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, chu22:41
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RoDiMuS-Xalias MyNewAlias { echo Yes fucker }23:17
Shillosstart the move guys see you on the new network23:23

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