
=== dan is now known as Guest21054
=== ThreeM_ is now known as ThreeM
=== Fuchs_ is now known as Lausefuchs
=== Fuchs changed the topic of #ubuntu-de to: Der _ehemalige_ deutschsprachige Support-Channel von Ubuntu | jetzt zu finden auf irc.libera.chat/#ubuntu-de | https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-irc/2021-May/001923.html
=== Fuchs_ is now known as Fuchs
ghosthell Non Terrestrial Or Terrestrial Beings which can help me with Trans Universal Transportation (Please PM Me)318:45
k1lder bot ist schon drĂ¼ben. aber ich glaube der user hat eh nicht so das berechtigte interesse :X20:24
=== k1l is now known as Guest28053
=== Guest28053 is now known as k1l_

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