
-TelegramBridge[m:#ubuntustudio-devel- Hello, I'm a Telegram bridge bot. Use `!tg help` for help.18:10
studiobotmatrix_t2bot was added by: Eickmeyer18:11
Eickmeyer[m]!tg bridge -100143977950518:13
ubottuEickmeyer[m]: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:13
-TelegramBridge[m:#ubuntustudio-devel- That Telegram chat has no existing portal. To confirm bridging the chat to this room, use `!tg continue`18:13
Eickmeyer[m]!tg continue18:13
-TelegramBridge[m:#ubuntustudio-devel- Bridging complete. Portal synchronization should begin momentarily.18:13
OvenWerksEickmeyer: ok... why here? I thought everything was moving18:49
Eickmeyer[m]OvenWerks: I switched the Telegram bot to Matrix, so it's wherever the Matrix room is bridged.18:50
OvenWerksAh, sneaky18:50
Eickmeyer[m]But, people on Telegram now can't post to IRC, so it's a bit of a quandary.18:51
Eickmeyer[m]Seems Matrix's appservice doesn't like the double-bridge.18:51
OvenWerksI hear there is work going to add matrix to libera18:51
Eickmeyer[m]Yes, there is. When that is done and the Ubuntu namespace is moved, I'll move the bridge there.18:52
Eickmeyer[m]The Matrix room doesn't have to change, just where it's pointing.18:52
Eickmeyer[m]To be fair, this is the only room where we have a Telegram bridge of any kind.18:53
OvenWerkskubuntu has reserved their names in libera18:53
OvenWerkslubuntu has too.18:53
OvenWerks(or someone has done so for them)18:53
Eickmeyer[m]The IRCC is doing it.18:55
Eickmeyer[m]They're moving all Ubuntu namespace channels there.18:56
Eickmeyer[m]Including flavors, because they're part of the namespace.18:56
OvenWerksI think it is probably more important for commercial entities to move than non.18:57
Eickmeyer[m]Well, Ubuntu isn't a commercial entity. Canonical is, but not Ubuntu.18:59
Eickmeyer[m]We have a good relationship with the Libera staff (former Freenode staff) so it made logical sense.19:00
OvenWerksyeah, but I could see them getting charged for each channel regardless19:00
Eickmeyer[m]Oh, you mean for Freenode? Well, that had no bearing on our decision.19:00
OvenWerksPeople don't make the kind of moves the new owner here makes without money involved somewhere down the line19:01
Eickmeyer[m]Canonical also didn't pressure the CC on this.19:01
OvenWerksanyway I am guessing nothing before monday then.19:02
OvenWerksArdour is waiting for the matrix bridge to shutdown. They may also test zulip as an alternative (selfhosted) and may bridge that. The new version already points to libera19:03
OvenWerks(I think)19:04
Eickmeyer[m]Matrix doesn't intend to shutdown the Freenode bridge, just to add a LIbera bridge. The Libera bridge is still WIP.19:04
ubottuHelpful information for filing a sync request can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess19:06
Eickmeyer[m]Ok, that was useless.19:06
Eickmeyer[m]!tg config19:14
Eickmeyer[m] * !tg config help19:14
-TelegramBridge[m:#ubuntustudio-devel- **Usage:** `!tg config <subcommand> [...]`. Subcommands:19:14
-TelegramBridge[m:#ubuntustudio-devel- * **help** - View this help text.19:14
-TelegramBridge[m:#ubuntustudio-devel- * **view** - View the current config data.19:14
-TelegramBridge[m:#ubuntustudio-devel- * **defaults** - View the default config values.19:14
-TelegramBridge[m:#ubuntustudio-devel- * **set** <_key_> <_value_> - Set a config value.19:14
-TelegramBridge[m:#ubuntustudio-devel- * **unset** <_key_> - Remove a config value.19:14
-TelegramBridge[m:#ubuntustudio-devel- * **add** <_key_> <_value_> - Add a value to an array.19:14
-TelegramBridge[m:#ubuntustudio-devel- * **del** <_key_> <_value_> - Remove a value from an array.19:14
-TelegramBridge[m:#ubuntustudio-devel- **Usage:** `!tg config <subcommand> [...]`. Subcommands:19:14
-TelegramBridge[m:#ubuntustudio-devel- * **help** - View this help text.19:14
-TelegramBridge[m:#ubuntustudio-devel- * **view** - View the current config data.19:14
-TelegramBridge[m:#ubuntustudio-devel- * **defaults** - View the default config values.19:14
Eickmeyer[m]!tg config view19:16
ubottuEickmeyer[m]: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:16
-TelegramBridge[m:#ubuntustudio-devel- Room-specific config:19:16
-TelegramBridge[m:#ubuntustudio-devel- ```yaml19:16
-TelegramBridge[m:#ubuntustudio-devel- {}19:16
-TelegramBridge[m:#ubuntustudio-devel- ```19:16
Eickmeyer[m]!tg config set state_event_formats join: ''19:17
ubottuEickmeyer[m]: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:17
Eickmeyer[m]leave: ''19:17
Eickmeyer[m]name_change: ''19:17
-TelegramBridge[m:#ubuntustudio-devel- Successfully set the value of `state_event_formats` to `ordereddict([('join', ''), ('leave', ''), ('name_change', '')])`.19:18
Eickmeyerstudiobot: test19:44
studiobot<Eickmeyer> @Eickmeyer [<Eickmeyer> studiobot: test], Test19:44
studiobotUbuStuBot was added by: Eickmeyer19:57
studiobot<Eickmeyer> @UbuStuBot Test19:57
studiobot<Eickmeyer> Test19:57
studiobot<Eickmeyer> \o/19:57
studiobot<Eickmeyer> Ok, it's back until we move to Libera.19:57
Eickmeyer[m]Freenode doesn't allow mutliprotocol bridging.19:58

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