
strawberrycathi everyone, does anyone have tips for setting up screen sharing? i've00:17
strawberrycattried the advice on the ubuntu website but can't get the 'screen00:17
strawberrycatsharing' toggle to appear in the sharing section of settings. vino is00:17
strawberrycatinstalled and juno is up to date00:17
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tripelbwhy is one core disabled? dell 20.04 only on hd.  https://i.imgur.com/zWnVlSy.jpg00:29
tripelbcould i have seated it wrong? no because it knows what it is. ???00:30
tripelbhow long should I leave the memory test going00:30
tomreyntry ##hardware for hardware questions00:31
tripelbhi tomreyn i did what you said and sensors showed me no temp issues. when I heard the beeps.00:33
tripelbstill dont know why it beeps. There should be a way to tell.00:33
tripelbwill go to ##hardware00:33
dbrownnskittytrouble: they should be able to set a static ip to the router they supply, assuming they supply one(like a cable modem), then on your local network set your server to a static ip rather than dhcp. then on the router port forward your webserver ports00:38
tripelbtomreyn memtest hangs. they answered first to tell me to get a new mem test. I did but I had the most recent version already. ran it again and I could see in the first 0.1 seconds it stops running. escape doesn't work I have to hard reboot with the button01:16
tomreyntripelb: there's a reason why i pointed you to ##hardware. this does not sound like a software issue, definitely not an ubuntu issue, you're asking about a software that runs outside of ubuntu.01:18
tomreynif this system can uefi boot, maybe try https://www.memtest86.com/download.htm as well01:19
tomreynbut i'd rather bet on hardware issues.01:19
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mx6523If anyone could tell me about making every resizable window to automatic fullscreen, I would appreciate it03:30
trohrtCan anybody point me to any reference on how to actually configure Group Policy on a 21.04 workstation?05:26
tatertotstrohrt: assuming you're in a ADDS environment...short answer is you're not going to05:42
tatertotstrohrt: anything you thought you'd manage via GPO in a ADDS environment, you'll have to create new/different ways to manage05:43
tatertotstrohrt: to make a long story short05:43
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renn0xtk9I am trying to make a udev rules like this :  ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sd?", SUBSYSTEM=="block", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", RUN+="/home/max/.scripts/sync_music_key.sh"   but the script does not run when I plug a usb key09:54
PCatineanHi all, I did an upgrade on a ubuntu 14.04 to the latest version (dist-upgrade) and now it is landing in grub with a terminal and no longer booting automatically to ubunutu. How could I fix this? I have a KVM link to the server10:16
McErroneousPCatinean: .. idk.., but maybe there is update-grup comamnd10:18
McErroneousv1.98 i think..10:19
PCatineanMcErroneous, tried that it goes to the same unfortunately10:25
PCatineanTried purging grub and installing it from scratch and now the screen is just blank10:25
McErroneoustry figuring ... chroot and maybe combine with update-grub...10:26
McErroneousbut i dont know how to do it by myself..10:26
McErroneousso ..10:26
McErroneousor maybe try ..., to install a new distro...., but just the bootloader (grub).., and stop installing...10:27
McErroneousidk if it works..10:27
McErroneousor search for help.., here in chat..., sorry..10:28
McErroneousmaybe try asking again...10:29
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McErroneousohh.., i am in #ubuntu... , thought i am in ##linux...10:29
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McErroneousi am helping in #ubuntu.., the distro that abandoned me (ubuntuusers.de)10:30
McErroneousthey banned me after a fight for beeing able to post on EOL releases in the forum...10:31
ChunkyzMcErroneous: this is a support channel, take it to discuss...10:31
Chunkyz!offtopic | McErroneous10:31
ubottuMcErroneous: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:31
ChunkyzMcErroneous: there's also #ubuntu-discuss for stuff like you're speaking about :-)10:32
McErroneousChunkyz: support then..., 1000 users.., and nobody is able to fix a grub boot...10:33
McErroneousubuntu should slow down...theire release cycles...10:33
ChunkyzPCatinean: have you tried a live cd?10:33
PCatineanChunkyz, there's only the rescue system from the data center in which you can mount the filesystem with chroot10:34
Chunkyzit's sunday, most people are probably relaxing and are asleep McErroneous. again, this *IS* a support channel10:34
McErroneoustalk , talk, talk..., upgrade upgrade upgrade.., is the answer for all ubuntu support questions...10:35
McErroneousjust UPGRADE..., they say...10:35
ChunkyzMcErroneous: /join #ubunt-discuss10:36
ChunkyzMcErroneous: /join #ubuntu-discuss **10:36
ChunkyzPCatinean: what you tried to do to fix it?10:36
McErroneousyour distro is EOL..., you are endangering the human mankind by using a EOl release...10:36
Chunkyzreally dude?10:36
McErroneousthey say..10:37
PCatineanChunkyz, I purged grub, tried reinstalling it and now it ends up in emergency mode10:38
PCatineanAt least it's not a black screen anymore10:38
ChunkyzI would say do a fresh install but it's a data centre...10:39
otisolsen70I have a problem with a broken package that depends on some old python stuff. I cannot remove the package because the remove operation fails. Now I cannot install/remove/upgrade any packages on my system. Any way to fix? This is output from apt --fix-broken install: https://paste.yt/p15187.html11:13
void09Hi. I have a rather non-standard ubuntu 18.04 install. It comes with python 3.6.9. I want it gone and python 3.7 on it instead. How would I do this ? I see there's python3.7 packages but also some ppas.. which is the better route?11:24
otisolsen70Can I somehow remove the package manually? Or just remove it from the package database. The package does not do much. It is just a bunch of scripts.... So it does not matter if dpkg does not know it is installed.11:24
void09I just read ubuntu needs python itself for stuff, will 18.04 break if i put 3.7 on it instead of 3.6.9?11:31
kraiskilvoid09, do you need the system default python upgraded? Or just 3.7 available? If the latter, I'd grab it from python.org and install to /opt/python/3.7, and set the PATH (maybe PYTHONPATH?) in .bashrc. Less chance of breaking anything :p11:31
void09I'd like the system default upgraded if possible, otherwise things are much more complicated, and i'm not good with either python or ubuntu stuff11:31
void09I'm sure someone tried this before11:32
kraiskilI don't see why anybody would want to mess about with the system default python. But yes, probably someone somewhere has tried :)11:37
vadi2All my my mount points in /media/<username> have become duplicated and I can't use my external drives anymore due to this. How can I fix the situation?11:38
kraiskilvadi2, can you unmount the drives, and delete the mountpoints?11:40
vadi2Tried unmounting via UI but it gives an incomprehensible error message - https://imgur.com/a/RNpNIMO11:41
vadi2Not sure what to do about that11:41
MadLambHow can I adjust the screen/monitor settings before I authenticate the user? I have two screens and it is picking the wrong one.11:42
kraiskilcan SSDs be ejected :D11:43
kraiskilvadi2, how about 'pumount /<mountpoint>'11:43
kraiskilor 'sudo umount /<mountpoint>'11:44
kraiskilie. cmd line :p11:44
doismellburningI'm having an issue with Xastir that I think might be an Ubuntu/X/config/$something issue but I'm struggling to pin down what/where - important parts of the interface text don't seem to render: https://kg289.user.srcf.net/xastir-white-on-white.png11:44
doismellburningI may be wrong, but it *feels* like some kind of X/font config issue where it's using white text on a white background, rather than something Xastir-specific, but I'm struggling to debug it at all11:45
vadi2pumount /dev/sdb1- Error: device /dev/sdb1 is not mounted, sudo umount /dev/sdb1 umount: /dev/sdb1: not mounted.11:45
vadi2I've tried restarting, but it's still mounting the drives all wrong11:46
vadi2The issue happened after my computer crashed - amd ryzen is very crashy unfortunately11:46
vadi2Would really like to unfsck this so I can get back to my life :|11:47
void09vadi2: I'd suggest you switch to a different distro ecosystem for modern hardware/desktop use.11:48
vadi2what are you talking about...11:49
void09ubuntu is just awful for desktop :)11:49
vadi2I'm looking for support, not trolling.11:49
void09I'm serious, from experience, just saying. Ignore me then.11:49
kraiskilvadi2, ok, so the drives are not mounted11:50
kraiskilit should be safe to remove the mountpoints11:50
vadi2I think it is, if I click on SSDer in nautilus it shows me the file contents11:50
vadi2It just got mounted as "/media/vadi/SSDer2" (undesired)11:51
vadi2okay, unmounted now, it was on /dev/sdb5!11:51
vadi2by remove the mount points - I delete everything in /media ?11:52
kraiskil'rmdir <mountpoint>'. Deletes only empty directories11:53
kraiskilI'm not sure what nautilus does though. I don't use a desktop :p11:53
vadi2They're all gone. Restart?11:54
kraiskilrestart works too :)11:54
void09ok so apt looks a bit broken if switching default python to 3.7 instead of 3.6 that comes with bionic11:55
void09who in their right mind would write a package manager on python, jeez11:56
void09that alone says a lot about ubuntu :D not trolling11:56
void09hm it says it's c++, but then why does it fail if switching pythons :\11:57
vadi2That worked - thanks a lot!11:58
john_ramboWhen I try to add my Facebook account to "Online Accounts" I see this message >>>> https://ibb.co/hdcvB4K ....Is there a fix ?11:59
void09nvm I had to reinstall python3-apt12:08
void09ok so, how do I make python and pip commands work without specifying pip3, python3, etc?12:08
doismellburningvoid09: you may be looking for `python-is-python3`12:09
void09lol.. a package for this12:10
void09does not seem to exist in ubuntu 18.0412:11
void09alias python=python3 in .bashrc ?12:13
void09is this an okay solution that will not break things ?12:13
doismellburningSeems reasonable, it's what I've done12:14
doismellburningNo guarantees it won't break things you run that make a `python=python2` assumption of course, but in relative terms, I expect it to be fine12:14
ksyyou can make a symbol link for python12:15
ksydon't use alias, it only works in bash12:15
void09mkdir -p ~/bin && cd ~/bin12:17
void09ln -s $(which python3) python12:17
void09ln -s $(which pip3) pip12:17
void09did this, works12:17
doismellburningHm, I think my dive down the rabbit hole of XLFDs was unhelpful, because they don't specify colours12:32
doismellburningThat'll do it - I had `*foreground: white\n*background: black` in my .Xresources, and Xastir was forcing a white background but using defaults for foreground in places12:56
void09so can someone clarify the correct way to install pip for python3.7 ?13:22
void09with apt, not from python13:22
void09it seems to be not included in the python3.7 package ;-?13:22
void09ubuntu 18.04*13:22
A_DI believe theres a python3-pip package13:22
doismellburningprobably `apt install python3.7-pip`13:23
void09E: Unable to locate package python3.7-pip13:24
void09A_D: that python3-pip package installs python3.6-dev13:24
A_Ddoes `pip3` work?13:24
void09Command 'pip3' not found, but can be installed with:13:24
void09sudo apt install python3-pip13:24
A_Dyou could download it manually, wont get any support though13:24
doismellburningvoid09: how did you install python3.7?13:25
void09doismellburning: sudo apt-get install python3.7-venv python3.7-distutils python3.7-dev git lsb-release -y13:25
void09I think one of those depended on python3.7 and it pulled that too13:25
doismellburningwhere'd that package come from?13:25
doismellburningI'd assume that would supply a `python3.7-pip` too13:26
void09install instructions for a thing i want to get going13:26
doismellburningno, as in, what's the package source?13:26
void09there's no such package13:26
void09normal ubuntu repositories, no ppas13:26
doismellburningthen there probably isn't an apt way to install pip for python3.713:27
void09python3.7 -m pip install pip then ?13:27
void09or apt python3-pip and change default python to 3.7?13:27
doismellburningI'd do the former, personally13:27
doismellburningwell, I'd probably actually install pyenv and do it all that way, but yeah13:27
void09sigh. This is why I never use ubuntu, not even on servers. but the distro I deployed for my machines, that does one task and does it well, needs to be expanded with this stuff now.. so13:28
doismellburningfair enough, have fun with whatever you do use!13:29
void09And I think they use ubuntu 18 LTS cause of better mainstream video driver support13:29
void09sudo apt install python3-pip13:30
void09The following additional packages will be installed:13:30
void09  build-essential g++ g++-7 gcc gcc-7 libasan4 libatomic1 libcc1-0 libcilkrts5 libgcc-7-dev libgomp1 libitm1 liblsan0 libmpx2 libpython3-dev libpython3.6 libpython3.6-dev libquadmath013:30
void09  libstdc++-7-dev libtsan0 libubsan0 python3-asn1crypto python3-cffi-backend python3-crypto python3-cryptography python3-dev python3-keyring python3-keyrings.alt python3-secretstorage13:30
void09  python3-setuptools python3-wheel python3-xdg python3.6-dev13:30
void09holy shit :D13:30
Chunkyz!language | void0913:30
ubottuvoid09: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList13:30
Chunkyz!paste | void0913:31
ubottuvoid09: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:31
void09holy shit is not shit though, if it's holy then it's edible, so no foul language imho :P13:31
dob1_can the scaling be setup per monitor?13:59
dob1_for example one monitor 125% scaling another one no scaling?14:00
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conjohi thanks in advance for any feedback14:28
conjofyi running Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS14:30
void09so can anyone make me understand why there's no python3.7-pip package in ubuntu repos ?15:04
void09since they did package python 3.715:04
void09or is it something about the nature of pip that made them not do it and instead use the base 3.6 pip?15:04
VMGuy23 I think pip comes with Python15:04
void09it does not, not on ubuntu15:05
VMGuy23Weird. Is there not python3-pip?15:05
void09there is, but it's for python 3.6, the default of the 18.0415:06
void09and it pulls all kind of crap dependencies with it i don't want15:06
void09that I don't want*15:06
VMGuy23Why are you on 18.04 instead of 20.04/21.04?15:06
void09VMGuy23: cause I have a cluster of 24 machines on it15:06
void09not my choice15:06
void09and whoever made that choice probably did so because of gpu driver support being more readily available15:07
VMGuy23Oh. Could you not add a PPA (or the 20.04 repos themseles)15:07
void09i found a ppa, but the method to install pip uses some external script, not ubuntu packaged15:07
void09idk if I should be adding 20.04 repos ? idk, i use arch linux on all my machines and servers, except this cluster that was more convenient to use this ubuntu 18.04 based distro :P15:08
VMGuy23Oh. Have you checked with the manager of the cluster that there isn't the required drivers for ubuntu 20.04?15:09
void09I am the manager of the cluster lol15:09
void09there probably are, but I don't have any saying in what distro  version it's based on. they probably chose 18.04 for good reason15:09
VMGuy23I meant who chose to stay on 18.0415:09
void09it's a mining distro15:10
void09Hive OS is an operating system developed on the basis of Linux distribution Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.15:10
void09look, this one even uses 16.04 lol15:10
void09I think amd drivers are more readily compatible with the LTS ubuntus first, and potentially problematic outside it15:10
void09or at least the amdgpu pro components15:11
VMGuy23Yeah. I have an AMD CPU and GPU and drivers are only for LTS, such as 20.0415:11
VMGuy23I learnt by breaking my graphics drivers trying to install AMDGPU-PRO, resulting in low performance LLVM and not allowing a second monitor15:12
VMGuy23I had to reinstall15:12
void09I think they only need the opencl part of amdgpu pro, but still15:12
void09not exactly sure, I use amd gpu on arch and everything works fine, latest drivers15:13
VMGuy2321.04 seems to have built-in drivers for my exact GPU (intergrated Radeon Vega Mobile GFX)15:13
void09Ubuntu is only good for servers, imho (and even then a hassle, if it's an older version)15:14
VMGuy23I dual-boot Win10-Ubuntu and use Ubuntu modtly15:14
ogravoid09, sudo apt install python3-pip, sudo apt install python3.7, python3.7 -m pip install pip ... gives you the 3.7 pip15:22
void09ogra: I want to avoid python3-pip, as it pulls some 3.6 dependencies i don't want, with it15:22
void09I found this way:15:22
VMGuy23Uninstall 3.6 pip after installing 3.7 pip15:23
void09curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | sudo python3.715:23
tomreyninstall ubuntu first of all15:23
void09I wanted an ubuntu packaged pip version for 3.7 , but for some reason there isn't any15:24
ograwell, if you find it safe to blindly pipe code from the internet into a privileged interpreter 😛15:24
ogra$ apt-cache show python3-pip|grep Depends15:24
ograDepends: ca-certificates, python3-distutils, python-pip-whl (= 9.0.1-2.3~ubuntu1.18.04.4), python3:any (>= 3.4~)15:24
void09well, it works, is quick, and doesn't get me bloat15:24
ogradoesnt really loook like unreasonale dependencies15:24
VMGuy23Safe way to do it: Install 3.6 pip, install latest 3.7 pip from that, autoremove 3.6 pip15:24
void09https://i.imgur.com/RoieilX.png - 206MB of crap for pip, which is 3.6 anyway15:26
void09yeah I have to manually remove everything later, sight15:26
VMGuy23I don't see what's so bad about having 300MB space used for only 5 minutes before you apt autoremove and apt clean.15:27
ogravoid09, use --no-install-recommends for apt in such cases15:28
* ogra would really not install a py file curled from the internet that contains a 2MB binary blob on ay internet facing production server ... but thats only me not wanting my machine hooked into some bot net 15:29
* VMGuy23 just uses whatever version comes with Ubuntu and does not care about dependencies15:30
ograyeah ...15:30
ograor where i can ... snaps15:30
* VMGuy23 uses snaps as little as possible15:31
void09well some stuff requires 3.7, so i can't do anything about that15:31
ogra(builtin sandboxing, smaller foootprint, builtin backup functionality, builtin auto-rollback to former version ... etc etc )15:31
VMGuy23slower start time, bigger packages, an entire vm15:32
ograuh ... myths 🙂15:32
doismellburningogra: given that py file is supplied by the pip upstream, it doesn't seem particularly unreasonable to trust it ;)15:32
VMGuy23Opera: .deb: instant, snap: >1minute, sometimes not loads15:33
VMGuy23Also I know it uses a VM because I tried to develop a snap once15:33
doismellburningVMGuy23: there's a lot of good work going into snap startup times, and it's not "an entire VM"15:33
ogradoismellburning, yeah, might be ... yet, there is a more "ubuntu friendly" way to get 3.7 ...15:33
doismellburningogra: oh sure!15:33
VMGuy23Snaps still use an Ubuntu base system and each snap installs its own dependencies.15:34
ograVMGuy23, there is no VM ... the startup differences are ... while measurable in the millisecond range, not really noticeable for servers ... the packages are definitely smaller than installing all deps as deb packages15:34
doismellburningVMGuy23: yep, and the dependency isolation is incredibly valuable15:34
ograespecially in the server area15:35
ograthat desktop snps are slower on very first startup because they have to copy a user environment in place is a fact though ... and while that can be improved (it already did ... i.e. chromium came from 20sec startup time to roughly 5sec) there will always be some difference to running it without snadboxing15:36
ograbut that really outweights the advantages15:37
VMGuy23ogra: "there is no VM" well what's this: https://imgur.com/a/loS4glu15:38
ograthat is a build tool building a package 🙂15:39
doismellburningVMGuy23: that's the dev VM that snapcraft uses to build things15:39
doismellburningVMGuy23: https://snapcraft.io/docs/build-options - "By default, Snapcraft uses Multipass to simplify the build process and to confine the build environment within a virtual machine"15:39
VMGuy23Oh :) I thought it ran that when you started the snap15:40
ograsnapcraft has nothing to do with running snaps15:40
ograit is the tool you can use to easily create them ... and it does also not require a VM (i never use one for creating mine for example)15:40
VMGuy23I still wonder how to get 21.04 dependencies and custom scripts into building a snap.15:41
VMGuy23I kind of need to know how15:42
ogra"snapcraft --use-lxd" uses a cotainer to build ... "snapcraft --destructive-mode" builds completely natively on your host15:42
VMGuy23Didn't know that. Cool15:42
ograthough careful with that ... snaps run on top of their base snap ... which binds you to a certain LTS version15:42
doismellburningVMGuy23: it's been a while but look at base snaps / https://snapcraft.io/docs/build-and-staging-dependencies15:43
ograyou dont want to use --destructive-mode on a 21.0415:43
doismellburning(ogra will know much more about this than me though)15:43
VMGuy23I'm on 21.0415:43
ograwe should move to #ubuntu-discuss though 🙂15:43
ogranot really a support thing15:43
doismellburningogra: is that a core channel / should it be added to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/Scope ?15:44
VMGuy23Moving to #ubuntu-discuss from #ubuntu15:44
VMGuy23It is an official Ubuntu channel15:45
gdi2kcan we still not upgrade from 20.10 to 21.04? Checking for a new Ubuntu release15:54
gdi2kNo new release found.15:54
ioriagdi2k, do-release-upgrade -cd15:59
gdi2kioria, thanks - is 21.04 considered a development release? what does -c do?16:00
VMGuy23I just did do-release-upgrade -d and it upgraded me.16:01
gdi2kyeh, it's going now with -d option16:02
ogra21.04 is a stable release ... but only supported for 9months16:02
VMGuy23Got error while trying to git clone: https://dpaste.com/2H8P9QV9H16:20
doismellburningVMGuy23: clone what from where with what?16:21
VMGuy23From github.com with git clone16:21
VMGuy23in lxd container (20.04)16:22
VMGuy23Cloning my fork of a game, which I will snap.16:23
VMGuy23https://github.com/VMGuy23/Funkin/ heres the link to the repo16:23
Lantiziaanyone ever seen a situation where you turn your screen off (in this case a projector connected by hdmi) and it triggers the screensaver to turn on?16:44
NokajiLantizia, nope but whilst you wait for someone who knows what they are talking about - I'd point out that a pc can have two 'OFF' buttons, one usually a S/W reset (the other a hard 'OFF'), the former can be configured to respond differently, e'g' needs to be held for four seconds16:48
VMGuy23I think maybe the projector turning off triggers to laptop-lid close16:50
Nokajithat sounds more like it16:55
VMGuy23Is Ctrl+O save in NANO?17:01
noordVMGuy23: yes, there is an alternative, Ctrl+X prompts save dialog then press Y for confirmation17:03
VMGuy23X closes though.17:04
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HaJonesOn How do I read man pages? e.g. in 'man ls' there is something called (underlined)PATTERN that I is what I want ls to search with, but in what format should (underlined)PATTERN be? e.g. inside "" or ' ' or without? I can not find any info in the man page. and I can not do ctrl-] (used in vim-help) to use PATTERN as a link. man PATTERN or pattern does not work. Is there a way to know what these underlined capital words stands for?18:44
tomreynHaJones: as it (if indirectly) says on the 'ls' man page, the pattern (format) is shell specific. so rfer to your shell's man page and see how it does Pattern Matching19:19
tomreynrfer -> refer19:19
tomreynHaJones: also note this channel will likely move to the libera.chat IRC network soon.19:22
coconuttomreyn, what is soon here?19:22
tomreyncoconut: not before it's been decided and documented at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-irc/19:24
coconutthank you :)19:24
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HaJonestomreyn, thanks for your information, both of them :)19:40
HaJonestomreyn, does that mean that right now the chat can be reached form both networks?19:42
HaJoneswill this be true for all freenode chats? do you know?19:42
Bashing-omHaJones: ubuntu is active now on irc.libera.chat network.19:44
tomreynHaJones: there's *no* synchronization / bridge setup for those channels at this time.19:50
trohrtTrying to install Ubuntu on an nvme on an Optiplex 901020:10
trohrtApparently these can't boot off nvme20:10
trohrtI'd like to have my install utilize encrypted ZFS - can I still accomplish this with booting on a USB?20:10
trohrtI tried "Something else" but when I go to create partitions, the installer doesn't have option for ZFS20:10
trohrtThis is Ubuntu 21.0420:10
trohrtI can install encrypted ZFS without "Something else" menu, just not /boot on my USB drive that way :(20:11
RJ45I don't have a serious issue, just a quick easy question; I am on LTS Ubuntu and would like to stay that way. has 5.9.0 kernel been released yet (isn't in my apt) and if so is it safe to install from a manually downloaded .deb with gdebi?20:41
RJ45I desire to do this because 5.9 has a driver I need  https://askubuntu.com/questions/1259947/cant-get-rtl8125b-working-on-20-0420:42
EickmeyerRJ45: Anything outside of the official repositories is unsupported and use-at-your-own-risk.20:43
RJ45in-general is it mostly safe tho? I can always just boot into the 5.8 kernel again and uninstall 5.9 right?20:44
EickmeyerRJ45: That's up to you.20:44
RJ45or is it more complicated than that for the kernel?20:44
EickmeyerNope, Grub should see it.20:44
EickmeyerMake sure you run a "sudo update-grub" to make sure.20:45
RJ45now I'm weary, after your stern warning.. w-what *could* go wrong?20:45
EickmeyerRJ45: The only thing that might go wrong is it will fail to boot with that kernel, which is why I told you to do a "sudo update-grub" after installing the kernel to make sure you can still boot into the old kernel if you have to.20:46
RJ45ah oki20:46
RJ45thanks for the helpful advice :)20:47
EickmeyerStill, you're putting yourself in a position where your system won't be supported here.20:47
RJ45is 5.9.0 kernel actually available though? in the non-LTS version of Ubuntu?20:47
EickmeyerNope. Next one should be 5.11 for the HWE kernel.20:47
EickmeyerIt's a few weeks away.20:48
RJ45oh okay, maybe I should just stick with the trusty ol' Intel Gigabit ethernet card for a few weeks20:48
RJ45that thing has saved my ass so many times20:49
EickmeyerThat's what I would do if you want something *supported*.20:49
RJ45kind of annoying tho, 'cos it's taking up a whole slot on the motherboard and now my R9 390X wont fit (2.5 slot width), am making do with an old R9 280X20:50
RJ45but whatever20:50
EickmeyerUnderstandable. That's why the other kernel is use-at-your-own-risk since we can't evaluate it and don't know where it came from.20:50
RJ45I always seem to have some sort of issue with something when I get Asus motherboards, which is a shame 'cos everything else about their boards is good quality20:52
RJ45on an older board the ethernet just randomly died completely after working for a while20:52
RJ45after reading reviews, Gigabite and MSI don't seem to be much better20:53
EickmeyerRJ45: Can't advise on hardware here, nor carry-on a conversation outside of the scope of "support", but do what you need to do. It's fairly low risk, but unsupported.20:54
RJ45thank you, bye :)20:54
mathaichanhello all,,i'm stuck on an loding initramdsik failed screen and kernel not booting up after the doing an kernel update in ubuntu. i tried every methods i saw on forums,but the problem is still persisitng. can someone help me on this21:10
leftyfbmathaichan: boot the previous kernel21:12
happyquackIf you can understand the reason behind the new policy that lets rasengan arbitrary take over channels now (https://github.com/freenode/web-7.0/commit/1194a3e71a427a669ccdddee22006416d46eeb43) (https://www.devever.net/~hl/freenode_abuse), please let me know. His explanation is this: <rasengan> href: Some communities have lost site of their mission and are engaged in a campaign to fracture the FOSS community.  We're attempting to solicit feedback21:15
happyquackfrom the community to incorporate better policies to help keep the FOSS community whole.21:15
flaneurI want to create my own Ubuntu package for extending initramfs with hooks and scripts for CephFS and Ceph RBD. These are just bash scripts so arch is "all" and I don't need any build routines ... . How can I most conveniently create a .deb containing these files. The docs I find seem rather complex.21:19
=== happyquack is now known as raising_sun
=== raising_sun is now known as RaisingSun
=== RaisingSun is now known as happyquack
leftyfb!ot | happyquack21:28
ubottuhappyquack: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:28
=== dTal_deprecated is now known as dTalibera
benpiccoHi, I managed to break my system by doing a 'sudo checkinstall make install'. I'm getting a 'failed to run command ‘/bin/bash’: No such file or directory' for everything (I get a different message for things non-bash of course) but the files are still there.22:44
benpiccoMy root fs is on a btrfs subvolume, 'btrfs check' (run from a live system) says everything is fine22:45
leftyfbbenpicco: what did you install?22:46
benpicco(the files all still haev the executable bit set)22:47
benpiccoleftyfb: I tried to cleanly install the latest projectM since the version in the repo is a mayor version behind22:48
benpicco(or rather, I wanted to install it in a way I could neatly get rid of it again if the package is updated, since I just had netly set up my fresh system and wanted to keep it tidy)22:49
benpiccothere were some errors that appeared to be caused by spaces in filenames…22:49
benpiccobusybox still works, so I guess I broke libc22:53
=== elli0t is now known as FOSS
benpiccohttps://stackoverflow.com/a/46957881/1273684 <- looks like this fixed it, at least now I can chroot into the install again22:56
benpiccoI'm a bit confused on how this could happen from a checkinstall in projectM oO22:57
benpiccoIs there a way to check the installation for consistency with what's to be expected from the installed packages?22:58
benpiccohmm it can't execute init still23:03
=== FOSS is now known as netz
spongeeehello all, was just reading about memtest-can anyone estimate a completion time mine hangs when i run it and am not sure if its frozen or doing its thing and isolating bad memory;all moving symbols/numbers stop moving after about 30%23:06
spongeeei have a phenom II, 16G cosair ram and Gigabyte GA-87023:07
spongeee4 cores23:07
=== Unit193 changed the topic of #ubuntu to: This channel has moved to irc.libera.chat #ubuntu
spongeeerunning desktop Ubuntu 20.0423:08
Bashing-omspongeee: UEFI system ? then: http://www.memtest86.com/ <- proprietary offering .23:11
spongeeeSMBIOS 2.4 present23:11
spongeeeVendor: Award Software International, Inc.23:11
spongeeenot sure if that is all info required (feedback please)23:11
spongeeenot UEFI its legacy bios23:12
spongeeeVersion = FD23:12
spongeeeRelease Date: 03/09/201123:13
DroneIn accordance with https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-irc/2021-May/001923.html we are moving to libera.chat and would love to see you there. Please update your launchpad pages with your libera.chat account to help with transition.23:17
spongeeeBashing-om, is the opensource version supplied with ubuntu 20.04 unsupported or buggy, why buy it even for uefi?23:18
spongeeeoff topic to my question indeed but am curious now23:19
spongeeedont worry is just read the page lols23:19
Bashing-omspongeee: Still here - just do not know how to assist you as I have never had an issue running memtest :)23:21
DroneIn accordance with https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-irc/2021-May/001923.html we are moving to Libera Chat and would love to see you there! Please update your Launchpad profile with your Libera Chat account as appropriate to help with the transition.23:37
mirakIs there a way to make ubuntu copy /boot/grub/x86_64-efi/grubx64.efi to /EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi ? Instead of  /usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi/monolithic/grubx64.efi that is copied to /EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi23:46
XXCodermirak: hi channel moved23:47
XXCodersee /topic23:47
klinemirak, #ubuntu is closing, you will need to join libera.chat to get help23:48
Beliallibera keeps axing me for sasl ident23:48
XXCoderBelial: lemme get link a sec23:49
klineBelial, can you PM me the error you get?23:49
Belialone sec23:49
XXCoderlook at second section23:49
mirakXXCoder, I am there, thanks23:50
XXCodermirak: no problem23:50
XXCoderBelial: essentally you use kiwi irc register it there, then setup your client sasl23:51
XavierdarknessYeah that's exactly what I had to do23:51
Bashing-omBelial: One must register 1st - can not do that attempting to access via SSAL. Remove the attempt from your client and try to connect "plain text": /connect irc.libera.chat 6667 - then nick and register.23:52
XXCoderor just use kiwi irc client. that website is outside blocked ip range23:53
DroneIn accordance with https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-irc/2021-May/001923.html we are moving to Libera Chat and would love to see you there! Please update your Launchpad profile with your Libera Chat account as appropriate to help with the transition.23:57
XXCoderhttps://libera.chat/guides/sasl if you cant connect due to sasl error23:59

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