
=== Napsterbater_ is now known as Napsterbater
LeMikehello there. Is it possible to locally log the SSH history without using a keylogger? Just to automatically track what commands I ran on the customers server.06:49
jo-erlendLeMike, history does that by default.08:50
jo-erlendLeMike, if you're looking for a process accounting system, you can find it in the acct package.09:03
rbasakLeMike: try "script" though the output includes control characters so can get messy.10:29
rbasakOr you can run your client inside "screen" and use "Ctrl-A H" to have it log. I assume tmux has an equivalent.10:30
tomreynrbasak: i see there's #ubuntu-server also on libera, are there plans to move there? *this* channel doesn't indicate so, yet, so i'm wondering.12:18
tomreynif so, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList/Team would need an update12:20
rbasaktomreyn: see https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/minutes-for-the-2021-05-19-community-council-meeting/22367?u=rbasak and https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/topic-split-irc-discussion/22275?u=rbasak. AIUI, a move will be happening, but is pending coordination. So we're just waiting for the Ubuntu IRC Council to sort out the logistics of the move. I assume further instructions will follow from them, and until12:33
rbasakthen we stay put.12:34
tomreyni see, thanks.12:40
rbasakAlso https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-irc/2021-May/001923.html12:40
J_DarnleyIs the default kernel used by the desktop and server versions of Ubuntu the same, the same package?12:41
tomreyni'm aware of this one. many other lively channels have since taken the initiative to move.12:41
tomreynJ_Darnley: yes, but there are separate kernels for VM guests and for OEMs.12:43
Paddy_NIHello I installed ubuntu server 20.04 on a Dell PowerEdge T140 (m.2 drive) with the lvm luks options.  I have a second 4TB HDD which I would also like to have encrypted preferably with the same credentials and options as the initial install m.2 drive.  Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction?14:26
Paddy_NII tried doing this at install time however none of the options allowed me to set it up this way14:27
Paddy_NIIdeally I would just have the second hdd be used for samba14:27
Paddy_NIOr would that be a problem having it share using samba with it being encrypted?14:28
Paddy_NISorry if I appear to be spamming but I am not quite sure if anyone is still here due to the recent issues with freenode?14:47
=== guntbert_ is now known as guntbert

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