
inetprohi melodie14:36
melodiehi inetpro !14:40
melodiehow are you?14:40
inetproall good thanks melodie, just been a while since I logged in on here14:42
melodieinetpro I'll publish a presentation of the new versions of Bento Openbox built on antiX on which I have worked these last months. It's light, small, highly customizable, systemd free and available as one 32bits and one amd64 edition, at the linuxvillage.org repos : https://downloads.linuxvillage.org 14:43
inetproKilos telling me that he's in Hospital at the moment, going for an op on Wednesday14:43
melodieinetpro tell him I say hello and I wish him the best for his health, hoping he will feel better afterwards. I know how his life has been uneasy since his accident. :|14:44
melodiealso tell him I continue making progress to ease the recovery of old computers with the bento openbox versions branded now on antiX (and having the Debian repositories) :)14:45
melodieI have not been here very often either… 14:45
inetpro@melodie, +1 have relayed your message via Telegram14:46
melodieinetpro great, where are you on Telegram? I'm there too14:47
melodieas " Mélodie "14:47

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