
caribouHello, where is the best place to warn about an issue with a package that sbader worked on and was pushed through SRU yesterday ?10:39
caribouSRU was lp: #192870010:40
ubot5Launchpad bug 1928700 in linux-base (Ubuntu Hirsute) "new postinst hook requires initramfs-tools" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/192870010:40
caribouhere or Libera.chat ?10:40
xnoxcaribou:  what's the issue?11:02
xnoxcaribou:  normally you can notify things like "regression-updates" and "regression-proposed" in ubuntu-release. but here is fine too.11:02
ricotzhello :), I am suffering from this nouveau-drm crash https://people.ubuntu.com/~ricotz/nouveau/nouveau-crash -- https://lore.kernel.org/patchwork/patch/1425268/ seems to target this problem11:27
caribouxnox: lp: #192925511:48
ubot5Launchpad bug 1929255 in linux-base (Ubuntu Bionic) "update-initrd-links creates incorrect symlinks" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/192925511:48
caribouwhen upgrading linux-base, the /initrd.img symlink gets broken, hence the next reboot fails11:49
caribouI haven't tested it myself, but a colleague ran into it yesterday 11:50
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xnoxcaribou:  thanks, adjusted tags on all the things. The update should be blocked from going out, until the 55 bug is looked at.11:58
caribouThanks! I would have pushed it further myself, but I'm in a bind for a release tomorrow and already fighting with the Debian kernel 11:59
ricotzis there a current working guide for how to build a patched kernel from hwe-5.8 focal branch?12:46
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