
ricotztjaalton, hi :), could you take a look at this https://people.ubuntu.com/~ricotz/nouveau/nouveau-crash08:36
ricotzfocal with libdrm 2.4.105-3~20.04.108:37
ricotznot so sure08:37
ricotzit doesn't break the system completely, and the user is able to kind of continue using the system08:38
ricotzafaict it happens more often now08:38
tjaaltondoubtful libdrm would cause that08:39
ricotzcan this be caused by a user space application like firefox running in gnome-shell08:40
ricotzthis is a GT218 with 512MB08:41
tjaaltonI don't know much about nouveau08:42
ricotzcould you use your resources to look for something similar?08:43
tjaaltonnot right now08:43
ricotz[ 1174.075283] refcount_t: underflow; use-after-free.08:43
tjaaltonalso, which resources? :)08:43
tjaaltonwe don't enable hw with nouveau08:44
ricotzI assume you know more places to look for ;-)08:44
ricotzuptream bug report channels08:44
tjaaltonor just ask on #nouveau?08:45
tjaaltonon oftc08:45
ricotzahh thanks, that sound like a good place08:45
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ricotztjaalton, this looks like it https://lore.kernel.org/patchwork/patch/1425268/11:02
ricotztjaalton, would you mind forwarding this information to the kernel team?11:25
tjaaltonanyone can send patches to the list11:38
tjaaltonjust needs an sru bug first11:38
tjaaltontoo bad it wasn't forwarded to stable@11:40

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