
isapgswellrelated to ubuntu software, when i open it i need to click background pane to swipe faster, no lag01:14
isapgswellbut the initial slow indexing still persists01:14
isapgswellmaybe race condition?01:15
leftyfbisapgswell: first, you know there is #ubuntu for support right? Second, you know we have moved over to irc.libera.chat right?01:18
isapgswellleftyfb good, i see 62 people on this channel, until this is not empty anyone can discuss01:20
leftyfbisapgswell: most of the people still here are just idle bouncers, people who have left their IRC client logged in, or a few of us who are monitoring until everyone is moved. It's best to move all activity to the new network01:22
isapgswellleftyfb ok, no problem01:23
isapgswellleftyfb thank you for explain it01:23
leftyfbsee you all on the other side01:57
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
=== Squarism is now known as GameOver
=== GameOver is now known as Squarism
ShookDawgUbuntu 20.04.2 LTS, 5.8.0-53-generic, GNOME Shell 3.36.7, & using Gnome Session Flashback. I am trying to switch from UPower to TLP. I've run a battery test under UPower (10xs) and averaged 4hrs 42min under default settings. Want to make comparison under TLP with a Thinkpad.05:32
ShookDawgUninstalled UPower and installed TLP. Restarted and was unable to boot into Ubuntu. I had to restore from CloneZilla backup and ready to try again.05:32
ShookDawgThinkpad T14 Ryzen 7 4750U 32GB. Hoping to get help on how to successfully switch from UPower to TLP. My first Google search directed me to Uninstall UPower and then install TLP. It stated that you should only have one Power Management running in Ubuntu. Thanks in advance.05:32
ShookDawgGoing with "https://fossbytes.com/things-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu/" 16. Improve Ubuntu 20.04 Battery by installing TLP for Linux. Thanks anyways.06:53
=== pizza is now known as pizzaiolo
HexorgHey all did you see https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/nkztyv/copyright_notice_from_isp_for_pirating_linux_is15:30
HexorgSomeone is DMCAing Ubuntu torrent shares15:30
JanCCanonical should sue them15:50
jeremy31Who is claiming to be the copyright owner?15:55
leftyfb"I want to do this unsupported thing on this unsupported distro"  "ok, do this"  "no, I don't want to"   "ok, do this"   "no, I don't want to"     "why won't anyone help me?!?!"16:08
jeremy31And he doesn't want to search16:13
leftyfbjeremy31: I would suggest backportpackage to his own ppa, but I've lost the motivation to assist them16:14
jeremy31leftyfb: https://amigotechnotes.wordpress.com/2020/09/18/build-the-linux-kernel-module-to-enable-rtl8811cu-rtl8821cu-usb-wireless-dongles/16:15
jeremy31all he had to do was search16:15
leftyfbor that16:15
leftyfbok, let me rephrase ...16:15
leftyfb"I want to do this unsupported thing on this unsupported distro and I don't want to search for an answer myself"  "ok, do this"  "no, I don't want to"   "ok, do this"   "no, I don't want to"     "why won't anyone help me?!?!"16:15
jeremy31I am using an unsupported distro now16:16
leftyfbjeremy31: you don't ask for support with it in #ubuntu16:16
jeremy31I usually use it to find solutions16:17
ravageI don't even care about his different dist. He is just too ignorant and unable to accept any help.16:18
daftykinspretty much the definition of IRC support seekers16:19
ravageHe found out about dpkg. Let's see how the story develops16:22
jeremy31He will have to figure out where to put the usb-modeswitch file16:24
jeremy31All the install does is dump the compressed folder into /usr/share/usb_modeswitch16:25
ravageYes we all know that :)16:25
=== pizzaiolo is now known as pizza
Aavar_Haha! I had issues with imaging a harddrive and it turned out that the issue was to do with the usb-interface. Changed the interface and the drive is happy :P20:54

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