=== freenodecom changed the topic of #Ubuntu-es to: This channel has moved to ##Ubuntu-es. The topic is in violation of freenode policy: https://freenode.net/policies [03:05] This channel has been reopened with respect to the communities and new users. The topic is in violation of freenode policy: https://freenode.net/policies [03:05] The new channel is ##Ubuntu-es [14:23] Gahhh [14:23] Quién ha puesto el topic en no utf-8?? [14:25] Por cierto, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList dice que el canal oficial está en el otro lado, ¿alguien lo puede actualizar? [14:25] ^ IRC/ChannelList - Ubuntu Wiki; #limnoria-bots @ libera: ^ IRC/ChannelList - Ubuntu Wiki [14:27] Eso era todo; sólo venía a decir eso y de paso saludar === mkv is now known as m4v