[10:35] RikMills: So basically, I'm here. Whatcha need? [10:37] well I think any of the KC members need to be able to op in here [10:41] me, Mamarok valorie in here so far [10:41] other 3 I am not 100% sure of their new nicks yet [10:43] do we also have op in #kubuntu again? [10:47] seems I do [10:48] Yeah, ever kcouncil member that has their libera nick added on LP was given access. [10:48] cool, thx a bunch [10:48] I am waiting for KDE to move to get my project cloak, though. [10:54] I sees an ACL list! thanks :) [10:55] What were your old flags? You all should likely get +fF I presume? [10:57] Unit193: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3Q4jTgDzRn/ [10:58] from 'the other place' [11:01] OK, that looks a little better then. You should be good, sans the missing person. [11:04] how would we go about registering a language specific channel, e.g. #kubuntu-de? [11:05] community or the like? [11:08] thanks! [11:10] Mamarok: If there's nobody in it, just /join and /msg chanserv register #kubuntu-de, if there's already people then I register and transfer it to you. [11:11] there are people in, and we would need at least 2 ops, currently me and tuxifreund [11:12] You have all the flags you need to set it up. If you want help doing so, I can do that later (sleep now) [11:16] sleep well, thanks a lot [11:56] oh noes, bittin has found us...