
=== ItzSwirlz_ is now known as ItzSwirlz
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=== stgraber_ is now known as stgraber
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utkarsh2102hello! o/11:53
utkarsh2102could someone please re-trigger autopkgtest for pdepend with triger=phpunit&php-defaults; cf: https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=impish&arch=arm64&package=pdepend&trigger=php-defaults/80~exp1&trigger=phpunit/9.5.4-1&trigger=pdepend/2.9.1-111:54
slyonutkarsh2102: done11:59
utkarsh2102sylon: thank you!12:03
utkarsh2102slyon: thank you! (apologies for the typo earlier)12:04
utkarsh2102woot! passed now12:06
utkarsh2102for armhf also, please: https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=impish&arch=armhf&package=pdepend&trigger=php-defaults/80~exp1&trigger=phpunit/9.5.4-1&trigger=pdepend/2.9.1-112:07
utkarsh2102and for ppc64el: https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=impish&arch=ppc64el&package=pdepend&trigger=php-defaults/80~exp1&trigger=phpunit/9.5.4-1&trigger=pdepend/2.9.1-112:07
slyonnice! done and done12:08
utkarsh2102and s390x, finally: https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=impish&arch=s390x&package=pdepend&trigger=php-defaults/80~exp1&trigger=phpunit/9.5.4-1&trigger=pdepend/2.9.1-112:08
utkarsh2102thank you, slyon! \o/12:08
utkarsh2102lovely, thank you!12:08
paridesil2100, hi!15:15
paridesil2100, python3-flake8 in focal-proposed is broken (uninstallable) and preventing packages build-depending on it from building15:16
parideit has been stuck in proposed for almost 300 days now15:17
pariderelated bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-flake8/+bug/188317515:17
ubot3Launchpad bug 1883175 in python-flake8 (Ubuntu Focal) "Missing code linter support for python3.8 language features" [Low, Fix Committed]15:17
paridedo you think it can be just pulled from focal-proposed at this point?15:17
sil2100paride: can you mark it as verification-failed-focal ?15:23
sil2100It will then be considered for removal and I can remove it15:23
paridesil2100, done15:23
=== ejat is now known as fenris
=== fenris is now known as ejat
=== ejat is now known as fenris
GunnarHjHi sarnold, Wondering if I can consider the apparmor part of bug #1928360 assigned to you. Also, do you think it is as easy as (almost) copying the fcitx 4 abstractions, or is there more into it?18:57
ubot3Bug 1928360 in Ubuntu Kylin "Switch to Fcitx 5 for Chinese" [Undecided, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/192836018:58
sarnoldGunnarHj: I don't know nearly enough about what's going on there to take ownership of it at this point :(19:01
GunnarHjsarnold: Then who does? I don't know enough about apparmor and snaps to play around on my own.19:04
sarnoldGunnarHj: maybe it's time to engage the snappy team?19:06
GunnarHjsarnold: That may be an option, yes. It's often unclear to me who is responsible for what when it comes to these things. ;)19:07
sarnoldGunnarHj: tell me about it :(19:08
sarnoldGunnarHj: jamie would have been perfect for this, he was really good at most of these, and only fcitx would have been new to him, but alas he's found greener pastures19:09
GunnarHjsarnold: Right, I see he did most of the input method related apparmor work in the past.19:10
GunnarHjsarnold: Your mentioning of Jamie's absence makes me think about another loose input method related end. Thinking about bug #1890905. Is that something for the apparmor team?19:24
ubot3Bug 1890905 in snapd (Ubuntu) "Snaps cannot access IBus when $XDG_CACHE_HOME is set" [Medium, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189090519:24
sarnoldGunnarHj: no, that'll be snap19:25
GunnarHjsarnold: Are you sure? After all but #1423890 seems to very closely related.19:29
GunnarHjbug #142389019:29
ubot3Bug 1423890 in apparmor (Ubuntu) "AppArmor support for the XDG Base Directory spec is incomplete" [Wishlist, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142389019:29
sarnoldGunnarHj: I don't think snap would just magically get ibus access or other xdg stuff correct if apparmor had a better XDG story; it probably would help with a clean implementation, but actually addressing 1890905 would require time investment from snap folks20:34
GunnarHjsarnold: Ok, thanks, I know too little to argue. Will try to call the snap devs' attention to these issues.21:14
sarnoldGunnarHj: it's less 'argue' and more 'there's no way the apparmor team has time for this'..21:15
GunnarHjsarnold: I see. :(21:15

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