
lotuspsychjegood morning01:55
lotuspsychjehey Ussat 02:10
leftyfbCan we add the same ACL's we had before here?17:44
leftyfbsarnold: ^18:22
sarnoldleftyfb: I'm not convinced it even makes sense to keep the channel; we've got *so many* and some of them see so little use18:23
leftyfbsarnold: got another one similar to how we use this one that isn't the cesspool that is #ubuntu-offtopic?18:24
sarnoldleftyfb: #ubuntu for the stuff that's on-topic, #ubuntu-offtopic for the stuff that's off-topic18:24
daftykins+1 to cesspool reference of -ot18:25
leftyfbsarnold: this one tends to be a middle ground18:26
leftyfbsarnold: we don't get much spam/garbage/completely offtopic stuff here as much as -ot18:27
daftykinsyep bouts of sanity interrupted only by lotus inviting the trolls over from #ubuntu (:18:28
leftyfbhttps://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/TFyCbfY2DD/ this was the recent discussion in -ot, and this is the lighter stuff18:29
tomreynold topic was:21:14
tomreynWelcome to #ubuntu-discuss. This is a channel for high quality on-topic non-support discussions about Ubuntu | Non Ubuntu stuff to #ubuntu-offtopic or the relevant other channel | We follow the CoC at all times here | No ranting here please21:14
tomreynmaybe sarnold could set this for us?21:15
WrathOfAchillesleftyfb: While in theory that sounds fine, that's not really what happened in practice.  Also that's not really what this channel was meant to be to begin with, that never panned out.21:39
jeremy31I think I got invited to this channel many years ago by Bashing-om21:41
leftyfbWrathOfAchilles: so what is your opinion on what this channel should be and whether we should keep it?22:06

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