[15:02] Whom should we contact wrt channel registration? I wanted to change the topic but I can't give myself op rights because the channel is not registered. [15:05] mitya57: ask in #ubuntu-irc to start with [15:06] Done [15:07] Unit193 sorted out the kubuntu council channel earlier, though may be sleeping now [15:20] that or being the only user of the channel [15:20] well, at least on oftc [22:27] RikMills: Can I give this channel to you, then you hand it over to whoever is appropriate? [22:43] Unit193: I might have to look up how to do that, but yeah ;) [22:43] mitya57 asked, did he have it before? === Unit193 changed the topic of #ubuntu-qt to: Ubuntu Qt Discussion Channel | https://is.gd/GIZG9E | 5.15.2 in Hirsute, 5.14.2 in Groovy, 5.12.8 in Focal, 5.9.5 in Bionic, 5.5.1 in Xenial | This channel is bridged to Telegram, ask us to be added [22:46] mitya57: OK, looked at the old channel. You, Mirv and valorie have op! [22:47] I don't know who should have founder other than UbuntuIRCcouncil. [22:48] Yeah, I think it was done by tsimonq2 in some fashion before. I didn't really pay attention [22:48] Unit193: thanks. that works :) [22:48] He's not on the network that I'm aware of. [22:49] he is quite distracted by college/uni and other stuff the last few months I think [22:50] and bunnies