[12:48] aw man the livestream talks sounded horribly interesting. i had to go and sleep like a dullard [18:07] hallyn: yeah, I only watched part of lamport's presentation, I liked it.. bummer about the usual au-rest-of-world-timing :) [18:09] they should do a US-tz replay :) (assuming they don't want recordings to be forever available) [18:19] yeah, ideally they'd throw them on youtube, but .. I can kinda see why they might want to own them [18:32] how could one get https for security.ubuntu.com (like Debian has done for a while now)? it would be very nice as a defense-in-depth against bugs in apt (like https://www.debian.org/security/2016/dsa-3733 https://www.debian.org/security/2019/dsa-4371 both had HTTP MITM -> instant root) [18:35] oh hey madars :) [18:36] hello sarnold ! :) [18:37] adding https to the archives has been on the todo list for a while, I'm not sure what progress has been made or where that is so far.. the security server may or may not be part of those plans, I'll double-check [18:38] I recently looked at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors and was pleased to see that there are https mirrors in every geography now [18:39] except for the ubuntu-security pocket haha [18:39] I wouldn't hold my breath, we'd have to get rid of the mirrors to be able to properly enable https [18:40] I suggest you pick one from that list and use it directly [18:40] mdeslaur: I think jsing had found a way to make it happen [18:40] not holding your breath is a good ide athough [18:40] oh? [18:40] top tip :) [18:41] yeah, but sadly it was hidden in a google doc [18:41] mdeslaur: hmm, why get rid of mirrors? I think Debian still has http-only mirrors, yet people who want HTTPS can enable those (e.g. Crostini in ChromeOS uses https://cdn-fastly.deb.debian.org/ for all pockets) [18:42] Madars: because we'd have to hand out ssl certs to all of them? [18:42] ohhh, that's assuming you want them to keep https://security.ubuntu.com name (which the above deb.debian.org mirrors don't) [18:43] mdeslaur: If they already have the http namespaces, wouldn't they be able to claim a LE cert for that name via the wellknown/http dir challenge type? [18:43] mdeslaur: https://letsencrypt.org/docs/challenge-types/ -- see HTTP-01 challenge type. [18:43] I don't know, I don't know how all of that magic works [18:44] cipherboy: how would that enable them to get a cert for "archive.ubuntu.com"? [18:44] we currently round-robin the mirrors under our own domain name [18:45] I think the provided mirrors are only on country-specific names, eg de.archive.ubuntu.com [18:45] yes, but multiple mirrors per country [18:45] yeah [18:45] mdeslaur: Ah I thought it was down a domain (e.g., osuosl.mirrors.ubuntu.com) [18:45] no [18:46] mdeslaur: sarnold: You could set up RR via 302 redirect and then assign them subdomains. But otherwise, yeah, you'd need to hand out certs. :/ [18:48] oh, hrm, apt apparently supports SRV records now [18:49] whoops, I think there are two different issues: a) having _a_ ubuntu-security pocket HTTPS mirror (even if that uses a different name, e.g. https://cdn-fastly.security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-security ) for users who desire one; this is what Debian does ; b) having every security.ubuntu.com mirror be HTTPS and have it as default [18:52] I'm not aware of any practical way to do (b) without giving security.ubuntu.com cert to too many actors, however having something for (a) would be pretty cool :) [18:53] security.ubuntu.com is only hosted in-house, no contributed stuff there; I don't know if those machines would be up for that kind of load though