
BlueTHello ubuntu-* ops. I'm BlueT, the contact of Ubuntu-TW LoCo. We're moving to libera.chat, but unable to claim #ubuntu-tw OP. (ChanServ says *You are not an authorized group contact for the #ubuntu namespace.*)04:02
BlueTI'm willing to know what should I do (or who to contact) to claim the channel. :-)04:03
Unit193BlueT: You should have control over the channel.05:07
Unit193Sounds like openreg is off, thought we had that on?  Hmm.05:07
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mvaUnit193: are you here? :) // there is nobody still helped me with #ubuntu-ru migration ;)07:38
mva(well, it by itself is now migrated, yes, but no operators migrated from freenode) ;)07:41
Unit193mva: I gave you op.  Would kwah, Agafonov or Malamut be good options to have founder access?08:46
Unit193mva: I gave you the flags you appear to have on freenode.08:46
mvaUnit193: thanks. About successors: I'd say "yes" if I saw them on IRC at all for at least last year :)09:03
BlueTUnit193 yup, I should have, but I don't have op in my channel #ubuntu-tw lol09:03
Unit193BlueT: You do now, I added it earlier.09:04
Unit193mva: Ah, fair enough.  Just who I saw as admins on LP. :/09:04
Unit193I don't remember if I set the notice about logging on -ru, though..09:06
Unit193mva: Be aware that if you put 'libera' in freenode topics, freenode staff take over the channel.09:09
BlueTUnit193: thanks a lot!09:11
mvaUnit193: oops09:11
mvaI'll change it now then :)09:11
jellymake e and a cyrillic :-)09:11
jellymy registar doesn't let me register xn--libra-1we.chat else it'd already be pointing over at the real thing09:13
mvabtw, intteresting thing that some projects are moved to OFTC, it seems like "oftc" is not a "bad word" on freenode ;)09:17
jellyoh, apparently .chat TLD has "TrueName" protection against lookalike punycode characters09:19
Unit193jelly: Be more clever, use a bitly link? ;)09:20
WimpyMay I request an Ubuntu cloak?10:39
rbasakWimpy: oh hai! I've been trying to reach you. Offtopic here though - I'll ask in #ubuntu-desktop10:41
jdstrandhello! may I have a cloak? I had one on Freenode. https://launchpad.net/~jdstrand12:27
jdstrandpopey: hi! is that the right way to request this? ^12:47
popeyjdstrand add libera to your irc section12:48
jdstrandpopey: in LP?12:48
popeyjdstrand ya12:48
popeyThat's what they're using as proof.12:48
jdstrandah. done12:49
popeyI think we'll need to wait for Unit193 to awaken.12:50
jdstrandok, cool, wasn't sure of the procedure. thanks!12:50
popeyperhaps https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam needs updating12:51
popeylast edited in 2010 :D12:51
rcjHello.  Could I get a cloak set up here?  I'm 'rcj' on LP too.13:11
commandolinercj: you'll need to add your Libera.Chat nick to your Launchpad account. Then, it's just a matter of waiting for the right person to see your message.13:39
mitya57I would like to have a cloak too: https://launchpad.net/~mitya5713:44
rcjcommandoline: I've added it to my LP account13:47
rcjThanks you13:48
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markthomasHello. I would like to request an Ubuntu member cloak. My LP page is https://launchpad.net/~markthomas15:12
ellaunchpad checks out. just hang around and ircc will request a cloak from a staffer at some point15:13
markthomasThank you.15:15
sil2100Hello IRC team! I would like to request an ubuntu cloak for myself, I guessed it's 'finally time' ;)15:47
sil2100My LP username is the same as my IRC nickname15:51
ellaunchpad checks out here too. sil2100 just hang around and ircc will request a cloak from a staffer at some point15:53
el(i'm not gc anymore, so you need to wait for someone who is)15:53
sil2100Thank you!15:58
* mitya57 notices that sarnold added a cloak for him, and says thanks18:37
sarnoldyou're welcome mitya57 :)18:37
greg-ghi there! we moved our loco channel (#ubuntu-us-mi) from fleenode to here near the beginning. I didn't do my due diligence when moving it and setting the flags appropriately. Now no one has op :) Since it's in ya'll's/our namespace, can you give me op (I was (f)ounder on fleenode) along with cmaloney (I believe the current official point of contact after I moved out of the state).18:45
greg-gus: https://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-us-mi/18:46
sarnoldgreg-g: could you add your libera nickname to https://launchpad.net/~greg.grossmeier ?18:47
greg-gwill do!18:47
greg-gsarnold: updated18:48
sarnoldhm, reloading the page doesn't show it :/ I wonder how brutal this caching layer is..18:49
greg-goh, I added to description, forgot the specific IRC field....18:49
sarnoldthanks :)18:50
greg-gdone for real now :)18:50
sarnoldyay that's what I expected, woot18:50
sarnold(the previous change was fine, it's now just a matter of figuring out how do to the thing)18:51
greg-gno major rush, just want to update the /topic mostly to remove "temporary" :)18:51
sarnoldgreg-g: I think you should be able to do things to the channel now18:52
greg-gsweet, thank you sarnold 18:53
BlueTHello, may I request for cloak set up here?  I've just add irc.libera.chat nick on my LP account  https://launchpad.net/~bluet18:57
sarnoldBlueT: I don't think you're currently identified to this nickname; can you identify to it first? thanks18:58
BlueTsarnold: ah, ok. Just identified.18:59
sarnoldcool, thanks18:59
sarnoldBlueT: oh, hrm, there's no 'ubuntu-members' badge in your launchpad :( I'll wait for one of the more experienced folks to let me know if your other group memberships are sufficient or not19:00
BlueTsarnold: oops. okay. let me see if I missed anything, AFAIK I became official ubuntu member since 15 years ago.19:03
BlueTsarnold: no worries, thanks anyway :-)19:04
sarnoldthanks BlueT :)19:04
rcjsarnold: Thanks for the cloak19:48
sarnoldyou're welcome rcj :)19:48
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elBlueT: were you on a council at some point?20:34
eli found the meeting minutes from your membership meeting but i'm trying to figure out what's gone wrong with launchpad. it did used to have more members20:42
eldo we have a launchpad dev in here active rn?20:42
elnevermind, i found out what happened20:43
eltrying to figure out who else got hit20:45
eli've sent him an explanation of what's happened in PM, he needs to get to a membership board to get his membership reinstated.21:02
ograel, try #launchpad21:02
elogra: it's fine now i answered it myself with email history21:03
ograah, k21:03
Bashing-om#ubuntuforums-unanswered migrtion - low priority; https://launchpad.net/~ubuntuforums-unanswered. Does this channel migration fall under the council's auspices, or does it fall on me , who has no channel op experience, to do the setup for libera ?22:15
elthat is not afaik in the namespaces that ubuntu controls22:20
elbut i might be wrong22:20
Bashing-omel: Be amazed at my lack of knowledge - If no objections I can try and begin the migration of #ubuntuforums-unanswered.22:22
Bashing-om^^ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UnansweredPostsTeam .22:23
Unit193Seems to be in our namespace, so I can likely lend a hand.22:24
Bashing-omUnit193: That is a load off my mind - what do I do to help migrating #ubuntuforums-unanswered ? - thus I can turn off freenode.23:15
Unit193Bashing-om: The channel is +s, can you paste the topic for me in PM or the unlogged #ubuntuforums channel?23:21
Bashing-omUnit193: doing so ^ in PM .23:22
Unit193Bashing-om: Does the channel really need to be +s?23:25
Unit193Well, do you really want it to be, rather.23:25
sarnoldon freenode it may make sense23:25
sarnoldon libera much less sense imho :)23:25
Bashing-omUnit193: sarnold: lemme search and see what the "+s" channel mode is :(23:27
Unit193Bashing-om: Unlisted.23:27
Bashing-omNo - we do not want to be secret :P23:28
Bashing-omBut but - Some of those flags >> "+s - Enables use of the set command." ... ??23:31
mhalanoHello, I would like a cloak please. My Launchpad user is mhalano too.23:34
mhalanoMy nickname is already registred in Libera.Chat23:34
Unit193mhalano: Hello123:35
sarnoldmhalano: hello :) I don't see an ubuntu membership badge on https://launchpad.net/~mhalano23:35
Unit193In order to qualify for the ubuntu/member cloak, you must be an Ubuntu member.  You can get a more generic one if you'd like in #libera-cloaks, though.23:36
ubot3Ubuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/NewMember23:36

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