
amurraygood morning02:24
amurraysarnold hallyn: apparently those talks were recorded and they were going to send a link out afterwards so I'll share it when/if that happens02:26
amurrayhey Unit193 :)02:27
sarnoldamurray: wonderful! thanks :D02:27
amurraysarnold hallyn: actually it looks like it is already up - https://www.unsw.edu.au/engineering/john-lions-distinguished-lectures02:28
amurrayseems to miss the first 2 lectures since I see Margo in the first frame ...02:29
hallynamurray: awesome.  thanks :)02:30
hallynwow that is one. long. video :)02:32
sarnoldthere's probably two hours of 'break' between butler and everyone else02:32
sarnoldapparently australia doesn't pay by the byte any more :)02:32
hallyni do !02:35
Unit193sarnold: Upgraded to KB finally?02:36
JanCSSL certs aren't very useful for defense-in-depth unless you restrict the CAs02:49
Madarsit for sure raises the bar from "anyone on your local net". with certificate transparency a newly issued cert for security.ubuntu.com would be noticed (with CAB Forum consequences), and getting one in the first place is non-trivial (compromise a CA, hijack ubuntu.com DNS, etc).04:52
JanCconsidering some commercial CAs routinely provide "security companies" with MitM certificates for their gateway devices...05:02
amurraynew podcast episode just went up08:18
bittindid listened to todays podcast episode now, and have moved myself over to the right irc channel :) 08:23
mdeslaurgood morning10:27

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