
BlueT有人有這邊的 OP 嗎?03:46
BlueTFourDollars 你有這邊的 OP 嗎?03:47
=== BlueT changed the topic of #ubuntu-tw to: Ubuntu-TW 正體中文使用者社群 http://ubuntu-tw.org | UTC+8, UTF-8 | LP http://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-tw | Ubuntu 行為規範 http://0rz.tw/S4FNg | Hackpad https://ubuntu-tw.hackpad.com/
=== BlueT changed the topic of #ubuntu-tw to: Ubuntu-TW 正體中文使用者社群 http://ubuntu-tw.org | UTC+8, UTF-8 | LP http://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-tw | Ubuntu 行為規範 http://0rz.tw/S4FNg | Hackpad https://ubuntu-tw.hackpad.com/ | logs at irclogs.ubuntu.com | Use of this channel implies acceptance of the terms https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/TermsOfService
FourDollarsBlueT: 我沒有 OP10:28
tai271828hi everyone, long time no see!16:17
tai271828oops it's sad that hexchat irc client does not display CJK correctly : (16:17
BlueT_tai271828: hahaha hiya18:51
* BlueT_ wave to tai27182818:51
* BlueT_ wave to @tai27182818:51
* BlueT_ waves to @tai27182818:51

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