
gryhi, gbit86, maybe ask #xorg00:09
grythen share their solution (or whatever solution you might find) here00:10
gbit86gry: thanks00:13
grygbit86: thank you, too; may take a while for them to answer; please keep the chat window open00:17
hello-smileIs ubuntu good for education?00:17
gryhello-smile: yes; what are you thinking about teaching?00:17
sarnoldthat's a bit broad of a question.. what are you hoping to do with it?00:18
gbit86gry: will try - I think the web irc client I use may keep me online for 24 hrs at a time.. I am not sure.00:18
hello-smileI mean, is it good for elementary school children?00:18
grygbit86: if you close the tab, irccloud stays connected for two hours after it00:18
gryhello-smile: yes, my brother uses it since he is four00:18
hello-smileHuh. Is ElementaryOS (elementary.io) better for user friendliness?00:19
gryyes, if it has an app for what you need00:19
gryit's designed to be good for desktops00:19
hello-smileHuh. Could you port the ElementaryOS AppCenter component to Ubuntu?00:20
grywhy not use elementaryos itself, then?00:20
gbit86hello-smile: I recommend trying ubuntubudgie.org over elementaryOS, has just as much, if not more polish and they aren't pushing an app store on you. Also I fully support either with kinto.sh - but I also have a fast dev environment script built for Ubuntu Budgie.00:20
braewoodshello-smile: ... you do realize elementaryos is a derivative of ubuntu?00:20
grygbit86: elementaryos's app store's got fewer proprietary apps, no? :)00:21
hello-smileYes. Did you know Ubuntu is a derivative of ElementaryOS?00:21
gbit86hello-smile: If you want to see my ideal version of a linux distro.. it is very mac like - but no downloading of weird themes or doing weird things.. just normal stuff part of a distro or apps every day developers would use. https://github.com/rbreaves/kairos00:21
hello-smileYes. Also, even though you have to use the command line to install Debian packages, at least they did away with the ugly app icons.00:22
gbit86hello-smile: kairos also downloads my http://kinto.sh app so that you have mac like shortcut keys as well.00:22
hello-smileElementaryOS uses MacOS key symbols.00:23
hello-smileWhat about that?00:23
hello-smileCould you port a .apk file for an Android application to Ubuntu?00:23
hello-smileJust wondering.00:24
gryhello-smile, elementaryos isn't well known here, try https://elementary.io/support instead00:24
sarnoldhello-smile: anbox can let you run android stuff on ubuntu, but it's probably not easy00:24
sarnoldhello-smile: https://anbox.io/00:24
gryanbox is ok00:24
hello-smileCan you port them directly? So like, decompile and compile for Debian?00:24
gbit86hello-smile: Screen shot Ubuntu Budgie w/ Kinto, zsh & the global menu.. things Kairos will setup right away https://i.redd.it/tenqgyjj0yj61.png00:25
oerheksandroid has nothing to do with the linux version00:25
oerheksask in the elementary os channel :-P00:25
hello-smileCould you make a PWA using copy.sh/v86 to run debian packages in the browser?00:25
gbit86The dock was hidden in that screenshot sadly..00:25
hello-smileElementaryOS has that, too.00:26
gbit86hello-smile: ElementaryOS doesn't have shortcut keys that don't trip all over themselves when using the terminal.00:27
hello-smileHow does the Ubuntu for WSL software work00:27
hello-smileIf you don't like ElementaryOs's terminal, install the one from Ubuntu.00:27
sarnoldhello-smile: WSL1 used a linux subsystem of the NT kernel; WSL2 uses a virtualized environment with some drivers of some sort to bridge you through to windows00:28
gbit86hello-smile: WSL1 uses kernel level translation layers, WSL2 uses Hyper-V and is closer to native linux than even WSL1. Either performs pretty well but I/O is faster under WSL2 at the penalty of using up VT and making other vendors VM tech like Virtualbox and Vmware perform extremely poorly. My recommendation is stick with WSL1 if you are going to do anything with VMs.00:28
oerheksbetter ask: what have you found sofar?00:29
sarnoldhello-smile: while it's impressive what it can do, I think it's not able to run a systemd init session, so it's going to be limited in how much functionality WSL can give you00:29
gbit86hello-smile: All the network interface is more complicated on WSL2.. things get passed through a bit easier under WSL1.00:29
hello-smileCould you make the opposite, a Windows subsystem for Linux?00:29
gbit86sarnold: Works well enough to run xfce4 in either WSL1 or WSL200:30
sarnoldgbit86: wow00:30
oerheksthat is called wine00:30
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gbit86hello-smile: Wine00:30
hello-smileDoes that have kernel-level emulation?00:30
hello-smileCould any of you get Ubuntu 20 running in https://copy.sh/v86 ? The maintainers can't figure it out.00:31
gbit86hello-smile: If you think Linus is going to merge code specifically for Windows in the Kernel.. then I feel like you don't know Linus lol.00:31
hello-smileI know. That would be pointless.00:32
oerheksnot in that list=no00:32
gbit86hello-smile: Linux handles VT fine - there's not much reason to try and integrate Windows further into Linux.00:32
hello-smileHow do you feel about Chromium OS?00:32
oerheksofftopicc here, hello-smile00:33
oerheksthis is ubuntu technical support, not the poll channel00:33
hello-smileWell, #linux isn't accepting visitors.00:33
gbit86They were earlier as long as you register your email.00:34
hello-smileLet's continue on #linux-notregistered.00:34
hello-smileSee? If you block me, I'll make my own.00:34
gbit86Is it that hard to use email?00:34
hello-smileYes. I am not giving my email yet.00:34
hello-smileCan you join it?00:35
oerheksnot an ubunu issue00:35
docaedohello-smile: back to your first question though, is Ubuntu good for education, it definitely is, are there specific things you are wondering about in that respect?00:35
gbit86No lol.00:35
hello-smiledocaedo I just am curious.00:36
CodeMouse92hello-smile: So far, I see a lot of offtopic stuff, but no actual technical questions about Ubuntu itself.00:37
CodeMouse92This room is specifically for Ubuntu support, not for....whatever one calls the rest of that.00:37
hello-smileCan we discuss the offtopic things on #linux-notregistered?00:37
CodeMouse92hello-smile: That's up to that room.00:38
hello-smileI created it.00:38
CodeMouse92Then you're welcome to discuss it with whomever is over there.00:38
winlundnDoes anyone here use VMware Ubuntu inside Windows? Wondering about why one needs to turn off spectre mitigations and if that is a ubuntu thing or vmware thing00:38
hello-smileThere's nobody. Can you discuss it with me in it?00:39
winlundnactually I just remembered it is a vmware thing, so never mind00:39
CodeMouse92hello-smile: Regardless of how much you want social conversation, it's off-topic for this room.00:39
CodeMouse92See the /topic here00:39
CMH4GuestHi.   A while ago I bought a new Dell XPS 13 that came pre-installed with Ubuntu 20.04.  At this point 20.10 had already been released, so I immediately upgraded to it ... except that it failed.  And I didn't have time to debug it at the time, but I am trying to finally do so now.  Running do-release-upgrade produces the output00:40
CMH4Guesthttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RhRThQyHD7/  /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log seems too long to easily paste here, but there are no lines that seem to be documenting an error.  I'm really at my wit's end here.  Any suggestions?00:40
oerhekswinlundn, why vmware, there is kvm in the kernel00:40
CMH4GuestFollowing some advice I found in a forum post I purged and reinstalled snapd, which doesn't seem to have made any difference.00:41
winlundnoerheks: I use VMware on Windows for Linux vms00:41
oerheksoh, windows as host00:41
sarnoldCMH4Guest: the pastebinit tool can make it easier to paste longer things -- how large is that main.log ?00:41
CMH4Guestsarnold: chad@cliff:~$ cat /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log | wc00:42
CMH4Guest    126    3375   4616700:42
sarnoldCMH4Guest: oh yeah, most pastebin sites should be able to handle that, try installing pastebinit, then pastebinit /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log00:43
CMH4Guestsarnold: cool!  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QrZ7hNzMTR/00:44
sarnoldlet's see..00:44
sarnoldCMH4Guest: so, I *think* this failure means that the previous upgrade attempt failed after it had changed the /etc/apt/sources.list  lines to refer to groovy -- and for some reason it left those in place00:46
sarnoldCMH4Guest: there's no obvious error message here, I'm guessing from the "is already set to new dist" bits00:46
sarnoldCMH4Guest: maybe this means apt update and apt upgrades since then have made a mess of things, or maybe this means it's just slightly inconsistent00:47
CMH4Guestsarnold: Yes, my /etc/apt/source.list all refers to groovy.  I've essentially been running 20.10 this whole time, but it still *thinks* I am running 20.04.  The biggest problem with this is it won't offer me the ability to upgrade to 21.04.00:47
sarnoldoh dang, then it's the mess of things version? :(00:48
CMH4Guestsarnold: But I don't know how to convince it that I am running 20.10.  I miss the days when upgrading meant nothing more than changing your sources.list and running apt dist-upgrade.00:48
sarnoldCMH4Guest: yeah, that was pretty simple in comparison00:49
sarnoldCMH4Guest: well, okay, your apt and python versions match groovy, not focal. try a do-release-upgrade -d  ? if it offers hirsute, yay; if it offers impish, cancel it?00:50
CMH4Guestsarnold: this has inspired me to go back and look at the log file from my original upgrade, which thankfully still exists.  It ends with the line `2021-03-05 21:29:16,691 ERROR got error from PostInstallScript ./xorg_fix_proprietary.py (g-exec-error-quark: Failed to execute child process “./xorg_fix_proprietary.py” (No such file or directory)00:50
CMH4Guestsarnold: But at this point I'm not sure fixing that would even allow me to upgrade.  I suppose I could manually change my sources back to focal, but I'm not sure what that might break.00:51
sarnoldCMH4Guest: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader/+bugs?orderby=-id&start=0  holy moly ... there's a lot of upgrade failure bugs..00:54
CMH4Guestsarnold: Indeed.  I just noticed your suggestion with -d; I'll try that.00:55
CMH4Guestsarnold: `Upgrades to the development release are only available from the latest supported release.`00:56
sarnoldCMH4Guest: what does /etc/lsb-release look like?00:56
CMH4GuestRefers to the new version: `DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu00:59
CMH4GuestDISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 20.10"`00:59
sarnoldargh :)00:59
CMH4Guestsarnold: So I guess what I'm really asking is what the system is looking at to convince itself that I am running 20.04, so that I can manually update that.01:01
CMH4GuestIt obviously isn't looking at `/etc/lsb-release` or at `/etc/apt/sources.list`.01:01
sarnoldCMH4Guest: okay.. this next guess is a big one .. there's a /usr/lib/ubuntu-release-upgrader/do-partial-upgrade that will run a function that I have hope might be able to help. maybe.01:02
sarnold    def doPartialUpgrade(self):01:02
sarnold        " partial upgrade mode, useful for repairing "01:02
CMH4Guestsarnold: Good thought.  That pops up a GUI app that runs for a second or two, creates another entry in /var/log/dist-upgrade/, ... and it's main.log looks the same as the ones from when I do normal upgrades.01:04
CMH4Guestsarnold: I don't suppose this apt.log from the upgrade indicates a problem to you? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Zv8chvQ4wk/01:05
sarnoldCMH4Guest: argh. :( okay, next guess is a lot more digging... you couldinstall bpfcc-tools and run the opensnoop-bpfcc program to see all the files that are opened by the thing01:05
CMH4Guestsarnold: OK, I'll make a note to do that when I have some time to figure it out.  Thanks for all of your help!01:06
sarnoldCMH4Guest: these things have always been basically unreadable for me, heh.01:06
sarnoldCMH4Guest: good luck :)01:06
gbit86Is there a way to get /dev/uinput to write to something other than DISPLAY=:0? I am seeing that it appears like it only wants to write to DISPLAY 0? I have a Desktop on DISPLAY 10 as well and would love to redirect there..02:54
sarnoldthat question doesn't match with my understanding of device nodes02:55
sarnoldprocesses are responsible for reading, writing, and doing ioctls, on the device nodes02:56
sarnoldwhatever processes is involved in doing those operations with that device will need some instruction, so that eg the X server running 0 doesn't use it, but the one running 10 does02:56
thyriaenHello Libera !02:57
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sarnoldoh nice, some decent docs even https://sources.debian.org/src/linux/5.10.38-1/Documentation/input/uinput.rst/?hl=198#L19802:58
sarnoldhello thyriaen02:58
thyriaeni have extended my .profile in my home directory to include "setxkbmap -option caps:escape" -- to my understanding .profile executes when my shell starts .. however it does not change my keybindings .. i have an export PATH command in there too, which does work -- now i wonder what i did wrong . the command does what i want it to when i enter it manually in my terminal02:59
sarnoldthyriaen: that is not a good place to put that command; it changes your X11 settings, not your shell children, so starting it in login shells is not very useful thing to do03:03
sarnoldthyriaen: it would be much better to stick that command in something that is run when X11 is started. I use ~/.xsession for this, but you may need to use something else depending upon what your X11 startup looks like03:04
thyriaensarnold, i use ubuntus default gnome shell03:04
thyriaensarnold, i thought .profile is run when the shell starts up03:04
sarnoldthyriaen: it's run when login shells are started, yes, but you may never get one when your system is starting ujp03:05
sarnoldthyriaen: so it would swap things around when you ssh in with X11 forwarding turned on, or if your terminal emulator starts login shells for some reason03:05
thyriaensarnold, whats a login  shell ? like tty3 ?03:06
sarnoldthyriaen: yes, or when you ssh in, it will start bash as a login shell as well03:06
thyriaensarnold, ahhh that makes sense :p thanks03:06
sarnoldthyriaen: it depends upon whatever process is spawning the shell, and how it does so03:06
sarnoldit doesn't strictly mean "logging in", but .. that's the conventions we've got03:07
thyriaenso .bashrc executes  with terminal emulators too tho ?03:07
sarnoldyes, it should03:08
thyriaensarnold, when does .xinitrc run ?03:08
sarnoldbut *please* don't use that for this command, it's also the wrong place to put it ;)03:08
sarnoldthyriaen: when you start X using the startx command03:09
thyriaensarnold, yes, i understand just making sure i get the complete picture03:09
sarnoldcool cool03:09
thyriaensarnold, could i put autostart applications in .xsession too ?03:10
sarnoldthyriaen: that's what I use, but I use i3wm; I don't know if it would work well with the default gnome install or not03:12
thyriaensarnold, i have been looking to use i3wm but i like the ubuntu base and i really dont wanna go through setting up mouse, bluetooh, wifi with nmcli and such but rather use gnome-settings -- do you know a good approach for that ?03:15
sarnoldthyriaen: there's an nm-applet that makes that a bit more useful03:16
sarnoldthyriaen: I'm less sure aboutthe other things; I've changed some of my pointer configuration using xinput, bluetooth is just horrible and I hate every part of it it https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tgSGsWzz8h/03:17
thyriaensarnold, yea exactly, i don't want to get into all that - id rather just have it all already setup like in ubuntu but i would prefer a tiling window manager over gnome03:18
sarnoldthyriaen: hmm, I think I saw something the other day, to make the gnome shell try to pretend to be a tiling window manager..03:19
thyriaenyea, its nice but not really that great03:20
thyriaeni currently feel in between worlds03:20
thyriaennot really keyboard optimized but not really gui oriented either :p03:20
thyriaensarnold, probably going to linger here for a few years till i feel comfortable to move to i3 :p03:21
sarnoldthyriaen: heh, maybe hthere will be something more your taste by then :)03:22
thyriaenmaybe :p03:23
thyriaensarnold, one question about i3 are there stacked windows ?03:24
sarnoldthyriaen: what do you mean by stacked windows?03:24
thyriaensarnold, kinda like tabs03:25
sarnoldthyriaen: yeah, it's got those03:25
thyriaensarnold, my current flow is that i have cut my screen i half and those halfs have stacked windows in each so its very nice to switch between, and new windows get tiled into those03:26
thyriaensarnold, i really love it and wonder if i3 can do that too03:27
sarnoldthyriaen: hmm, on the left half of desktop 1 I've got irssi and mattermost stacked like that, and when that half of the screen is focessed, opening a new terminal will stuff it in that stack, just as you said03:28
sarnoldthyriaen: the right half of this desktop is firefox, and only firefox, and opening something else will re-arrange the desktop into thirds...03:28
sarnoldI don't know if it's possible to make a new container for firefox that would force it to stay in halfs or not.. it probably is, but I don't know how03:29
thyriaensarnold, okay03:30
thyriaensarnold, here this how i have it stack currently: https://pasteboard.co/K3Vp7VZ.png03:31
thyriaensarnold, i rarely like smaller windows than 2 halfs03:32
thyriaensarnold, oh i have another question does apt-add-repository --remove does something else than removing the file from etc/apt/sources.list.d ?03:36
sarnoldthyriaen: I find two halfs pretty pleasing, three gets a bit difficult to navigate03:38
thyriaensarnold, yea exactly03:38
sarnoldthyriaen: I sometimes put two or three terminals in that half, above each other, so I could have two or three visible at once, just less scrollback in each03:39
sarnoldthyriaen: I think add-apt-respostiroy --remove will also remove gpg key for the repository03:39
DragostiniHi all. I'm running Ubuntu 20.04 and have run into an annoying issue that 3 hours of google-fu hasn't lead me to a solution for. I'm trying to downgrade fontconfig from 2.13.xx to 2.12.xx as 2.13 seems to be very broken / changed a lot resulting in a lot of "Fontconfig Error" and "Fontconfig Warning" messages when trying to launch some03:40
Dragostiniapplications. Any tips?03:40
sarnoldDragostini: I'm afraid you're pretty firmly in "you get to keep both pieces" territory there03:40
Dragostinisarnold get to keep both pieces, meaning I can't downgrade? X_X03:41
thyriaensarnold, do you mind helping me with some strange bug i have difficulty explaining ? :p03:41
sarnoldDragostini: you could try using the ABI explorer tool to see how compatible the ABIs are between the two packages, but that doesn't sound fun to me03:42
sarnoldthyriaen: I'm about to bail for the night to get some dinner.. just how difficult is it? heh03:42
DragostiniIt doesn't to me either. So what are my options? Distro change (maybe arch would be better?) or an older Ubuntu mayhaps?03:42
sarnoldDragostini: bionic used a 2.12.6, if you want to install bionic and test it out..03:43
DragostiniWorth a shot. Let's see how much of my system breaks from dirty installing it with my current home folder XD03:43
DragostiniThanks sarnold03:43
sarnoldor you could upgrade through groovy to hirsute, that uses a 2.13.1-4 instead of 2.13.1-2 package..03:43
DragostiniOdds of that being broken / messed up too? :p03:44
sarnoldDragostini: it might also be worth filing a bug report, maybe it's a bug that someone else would benefit from having fixed03:44
thyriaeni am using a usbc hub / ethernet adapter and since i am using it i can random shutdowns of my LAN - rebooting solves the issue but it hangs during shutdown - with a looping error message i made a picture of, found a kenerl error page for it, delted my picture and lost the kernel page - any ideas what to look for ? :p03:44
sarnoldDragostini: ubuntu-bug fontconfig  will probably get you tot he right place, you could then upload your config, show what results you got elsewhere, what's broken, etc..03:44
Dragostinithanks sarnold. I'll try the update first before I wipe everything >.>03:45
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sarnoldthyriaen: check firefox history for bugzilla.kernel.org urls and see if any of those look like what you remember, maybe?03:46
thyriaensarnold, sadly none are there :/03:46
thyriaensarnold, ! ah i might have looked at bugzilla on my phone03:47
sarnoldthyriaen: maybe... firefox seems a million times better at storing urls I've visited than chrome on my phone..03:47
thyriaensarnold, i have firefox on my phone03:48
thyriaensarnold, sadly there is no search function in history03:48
sarnoldthyriaen: argh :(03:48
sarnoldthe things we can get used to and expect on desktop tools that just don't exist on mobile. sigh.03:48
thyriaenfound it !03:48
sarnoldyay :D03:49
thyriaenlet me give you the link maybe you can make heads and tails of it03:49
thyriaensarnold, https://pasteboard.co/K3Vp7VZ.png03:49
thyriaencan i just say03:49
sarnoldthyriaen: that's your desktop again03:49
thyriaeni absolutely love irc03:49
sarnoldright? :)03:50
ubot3bugzilla.kernel.org bug 198931 in Drivers "Network connection on r8152 stops with 'Tx status -71'" [Normal, New]03:50
thyriaensarnold, its the exactly right amount of socializing i feel comfortable with :p and the interface is simply put brilliant03:50
sarnoldthyriaen: heh, comment #16 has a list of links, and my firefox shows I've already visited the askubuntu one..03:51
thyriaensarnold, heh :[03:52
thyriaensarnold, those issues are ancient 3 years old on 4.1303:53
thyriaensarnold, i feel like i dont really know what to follow up on with this problem03:54
sarnoldthyriaen: there's so much sadness in that bug report :(03:54
sarnoldthyriaen: if it were me I'd be tempted to try to find a different nic entirely03:54
sarnoldthyriaen: granted they're all terrible03:54
sarnoldthyriaen: but I'm getting an 'unlikely to be fixed' kind of feeling from this03:55
sarnoldthyriaen: okay, I'm headed out; good luck :)03:56
thyriaensarnold, "thyriaen: there's so much sadness in that bug report :(" Oh wow xD04:00
thyriaensarnold, thanks04:00
thyriaensarnold, what is a nic tho ?04:00
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slingamnthyriaen, network interface card04:18
thyriaenslingamn, okay thanks04:19
thyriaencan you help me understand https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=200977#c35 and how i can reproduce its results ?04:29
ubot3bugzilla.kernel.org bug 200977 in Drivers "Daily crash with r8152 driver requiring reboot" [High, New]04:29
hartman1986@mkultra - Although the silence is still deafening... :-D05:02
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mkultrawhats up fam?05:02
mkultrai recently took my funtoo root squashfs image and stuck it into a ubuntu live cd, it booted but my network manager isnt working on it.  help me plz  #fun-bun-too05:04
tatertotsmkultra: try using the vanilla stock LiveUSB/LiveDVD, the point of failure is that you introduced the problem when you introduced something foreign, and or non native ...point of failure is what you introduced05:20
mkultrayeah the vanilla usb runs great, im just wondering where i can just kinda feed a arbitrary file like that and have it work.  i got it to boot uefi and bios mode good.  that part was fixed fine =)05:22
polveHi. I am using readline to alter the cursor shape accordingly to vi-mode in bash. However when I ssh unto a server, I get stuck with the insert mode cursor shape. That is kind of unfortunate as I have problems seeing it when I'm inside vim. How can I change my cursor to a block shape, depending for example on the ssh connection being currently active?05:37
zetherooWhen you use the default folder options for sharing, is it using samba or nfs?05:49
VMGuy23Might be DAV05:49
zetherooIt seems like it's meant to work out-of-the-box, but in my experience it (still) doesn't - the ability to share a folder on the network from one Ubuntu (20.04) system to another via the default file manager (nautilus).05:55
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zetherooIt's incredibly confusing because these folder share options are available in the filer manager, and yet most online documentation points to fiddling around with smb.conf in order to get file/folder sharing to work.06:06
zetherooAren't we finally out of the era where editing configs is no longer necessary to get a folder to be shared over the network!?06:07
mgedminI think it's a reasonable assumption that a Linux server is usually not going to have a GUI, so smb.conf remains the only way there06:07
mgedminbut yeah, this is a frustrating experience06:08
zetheroomgedmin: I'm not talking about a Linux server ... obviously ... because I am talking about a file manager (nautilus)06:08
mgedminI think I tried the nautilus usershare feature once, and it failed because I didn't have some apt package installed06:08
mgedminbut nautilus did not give me a clear error message about that (or suggest that I install the package)06:09
mgedminit was a long time ago and I forgot the details :/06:09
zetheroomgedmin: I remember having this kind of problem back in 2005 ... it's really hard to believe that this hasn't been solved once and for all 15 years later :/06:10
mgedminthings don't get solved if nobody steps up to solve them :/06:10
zetherooOddly the GUI options in Nautilus change, giving you the impression that there is progress being made ... but functionally it seems just as dis-functional as ever.06:11
mgedminthere's currently a bug where I can connect to a server over sftp:// in nautilus from Other Locations and it works fine, but if I instead use the location entry (ctrl+l) to enter sftp://sameserver, then it fails06:12
mgedminI haven't filed a bug yet, and I feel guilty about that06:12
zetherooOk, I tried to reach my NAS and this works. I can browse the shares. But trying to reach another Ubuntu PC results in the infamous "Unable to access location".06:12
zetheroonah, I'm not going to bother with bug reports ... this stuff has not been working since at least a decade ... it's a known problem. One more bug report isn't going to make a difference.06:13
mgedminthat's what I mean when I say "nobody steps up to solve things"06:14
mgedminmost likely a bug report wouldn't be enough, you'd have to do deeper debugging, find the root cause, maybe even propose a fix upstream, then either wait or prepare a debdiff for a SRU06:14
zetheroopretty sure that been done umpteen times over the years.06:15
zetheroosmbXcli_negprot_smb1_done: No compatible protocol selected by server.06:18
zetheroothat's the error spat out in syslog when trying to access the share from the other Ubuntu PC06:18
mgedminsmb1, is that the insecure protocol version nobody should be using?  interesting06:18
zetheroothat's the default setup in Ubuntu 20.04/21.04 ... sooo ....06:18
zetherooI didn't fiddle with any smb protocol06:19
mgedminhave you tried connecting with smbclient to try and figure out if the problem is nautilus on the client or samba on the server?06:19
zetheroono I haven't06:19
mgedminlast time I had this specific error, turned out that the directory I was trying to export was not readable to the user that samba uses (nobody)06:26
mgedminI had to make it and all the parent directories world-readable/accessible06:26
tatertotszetheroo: recently windows 10 and Linux made changes for issues with SMB 1.0, if you need "legacy" 1.0 support you would need to allow it explicity and manually by hand06:26
mgedminthe fact that you can list shares means that at least samba is up and working06:26
zetheroo tatertots: I'm not doing anything fancy here - two Ubuntu laptops ... trying to share the Public folder from one to the other ... in both directions it doesn't work06:27
tatertotszetheroo: with that having been said, if you need to share between machines, ideally you'd explicitly configure for this, deciding on a protocol and then subsequently configuring for that protocol06:27
zetheroosoooo ... the file manager GUI is essentially useless ...06:28
mgedminoh hey ubuntu 21.04 has private user directories by default (i.e. /home/youruser is not world-readable), this could be relevant06:28
zetheroodrwxrwxrwx  3 eb   eb        4096 Mai 28 07:21  Public/06:29
zetheroosame on the 2nd laptop just with the user 'rescue'06:29
mgedminbut then again does samba's userdirs feature use 'nobody', or does it use your actual userid for accessing the files?06:30
mgedminit would make sense to use the actual user06:30
zetherooI am sharing the default 'Public' directory06:30
mgedminI wonder if there are logs06:30
zetheroo... going to get a USB stick to transfer the file .. LOL06:31
tatertotszetheroo: do you have ssh enabled between both computer "A" and "B"?06:31
tatertotszetheroo: i understand your frustration of not having a clickity click thing that has given success over a long period of time06:32
zetherooit's not even that - it's that this is presented in the GUI since many years and it almost never works.06:33
zetherooGet it out of the GUI if it doesn't actually work!06:33
tatertotsit works under ideally circumstances06:33
mgedminit probably worked for somebody at some point, so they left it in06:33
tatertotsthe "connect to server" in the menu has been successful for me for a very long time06:34
tatertotsthe difference is that i always "explicitly" configure and define my shares06:34
zetheroosure, but that should be possible to do via a GUI simply and quickly, but having to dig through logs and hack config files etc ... ridiculous06:35
tatertotsit's worked for me successfully for multiple protocols, including but not limited to ssh/scp/smb/nfs06:36
zetherooIt's Ubuntu Desktop I am talking about ... not some minimalistic server install made for sysadmins06:36
tatertotsthe old fashioned "sneaker net" method will be path of least resistance for some users for the foreseeable future06:37
zetherootatertots: what has 'worked'? Open file manager -> Share folder -> Open file manager on other Ubuntu PC -> Access shared folder .... that?06:37
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txtsdIf I have a server stuck on 16.10 and 18.10 with no Release files available to update, how do I dist-upgrade to 21.04?06:49
mgedmintxtsd: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades06:49
mgedminor do a fresh install, that'll likely be faster06:50
llutzyou may consider using LTS-versions for server in the future06:50
mgedmin16.10 -> 17.04 -> 17.10 -> 18.04 -> 20.04 -> 20.10 -> 21.0406:50
mgedmineach -> takes about an hour in my experience06:51
llutzso at leat 6h maintenance-window + fixing services - have fun06:52
txtsdmgedmin: Thanks!06:53
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txtsdAt the time I had to go with the latest OS to get new features of letsencrypt/certbot06:54
mgedminI pip install the latest certbot in a virtualenv on 16.04/18.04/20.04 lts servers06:55
mgedminwell I got rid of my last 16.04 a few days ago06:55
tatertotszetheroo: the work flow you described above isn't the work flow that i've used successfully for many years and iterations of Ubuntu...but if that is what is working for you that is a good thing you've found something you can be successful with06:55
mgedminthere's also a certbot ppa, I believe06:55
mgedminthe 16.04 lts server had to also use the deadsnakes ppa to get a non-ancient python 3 because certbot stopped working on 2.7 and 3.5 at some point06:56
zetheroo tatertots: no, that's what has almost never worked consistently for me since over a decade ... but it's presented in the file manager as functional (aka. no informational messages stating otherwise)06:56
txtsdI'm now wodering how much I should charge my clients to have me dist-upgrade.06:58
tatertotszetheroo: thanks for clarifying, I've successfully used that %50 of that from the client computer AFTER i've defined and configured a sharing strategy (which isn't a terminal shy operation and that's why i use the term "explicitly")06:59
tatertotszetheroo: but in your circumstance avoiding the terminal "sysadmin" stuff is very important for you07:00
mgedmina shiny feature that pretends to work is annoying, I agree completely with zetheroo's point here07:01
tatertotszetheroo: i've had great success using the GUI "connect to server" thing in the file manager menu, AFTER i've explicitly defined and configured sharing..for me it's always just worked07:02
tatertotsi agree and empathize with zetheroo also....although it was never "shiny" from my POV/perspective ...cute and convenience..but it never looked "shiny"07:05
zetherootatertots: I get that using a GUI to perform a function which one has previously setup via editing configs would work. However we are in 2021 and file sharing on the PC has been around since yonks ... without!!! needing to edit config files to get it to work!07:05
zetherooUbuntu is a step backwards in this regard. Quite a large step backwards in fact - they cannot even sort out a user-friendly way to share files between two Ubuntu PCs ... never mind cross-OS file sharing.07:07
mgedminsharing files is a hard problem07:09
thyriaenin this commend there is a fix suggested id  use - can someone explain to me how theses udev rules are run and what i need to do ? and what is this attribute power/control or why is TEST==power/control ? https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=200977#c3507:09
zetheroois it really?  :D07:09
ubot3bugzilla.kernel.org bug 200977 in Drivers "Daily crash with r8152 driver requiring reboot" [High, New]07:09
thyriaenmgedmin, it is probably NP-hard07:10
thyriaenmgedmin, we all know that07:11
thyriaenzetheroo, have you tried magic wormhole ?07:11
zetherooLOL ... nope ...07:11
mgedminI use magic-wormhole to share OpenVPN certificates between my OVPN server and my android phone07:12
thyriaeni love it07:12
thyriaenit even has a nice desktop integration07:12
mgedminit's incredibly inconvenient (install termux, pip install magic-wormhole, wait 30 minutes for it to compile a bunch of crypto code on the phone), but the least inconvenient method I've found07:12
thyriaenyes very inconvenient07:13
thyriaeni have moved to setting up local "syncthing" to all my devices07:14
thyriaenthen i have a directory on all devices where i can put things in or click "share" on my phone07:14
thyriaenits quite nice to always have things everywhere - however only works for your own stuff not if you wanna share a file to someone you dont know07:15
cbreakfor sharing with people you don't know, there's still bit torrent :)07:20
makaraI've pinned a program to my launcher. How can I see what command it runs?07:59
zetheroo1The documentation for SSSD (https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/service-sssd) shows the sssd.conf as having the line 'services = nss, pam' however this line does not exist in a clean install of 21.04 and clean install and setup of SSSD.08:20
mgedminmakara: figure out the name of the desktop file (dconf-editor, or dconf dump /org/gnome/shell/ or gsettings get org.gnome.shell favorite-apps), then find the .desktop file in /usr/share/applications (or ~/.local/share/applications etc.), then look for the Exec= line inside it08:21
mgedminalthough I think some .desktop files are dbus-activated so the key would be different08:21
mgedmin(and you'd have to find the dbus service file to figure out the command name)08:21
makaramgedmin: thanks08:23
EriC^^makara: if it's from the default ubuntu repo, it'll likely be in /usr/share/applications  ( the desktop files)08:23
EriC^^oh nevermind, didnt read above08:24
zetheroo1additionally when performing 'sudo login' the output is not 'ad-client login:' as shown in the documentation, but merely 'hostname login:'08:25
tatertotszetheroo1: sssd is in no way related nor will it aid you in your desires to achieve simplistic GUI only file sharing between two hosts08:31
tatertotszetheroo1: if you are operating under the impression that it would have aided you in file sharing...you went down the wrong rabbit hole08:32
zetheroo1tatertots: different topic entirely ... nothing to do with the previously discussed issue with file sharing ;)08:32
zetheroo1Just another official documentation which doesn't pan out :/08:32
tatertotszetheroo1: what issue are you having specifically in relation to sssd?.08:33
zetheroo1tatertots: I mentioned it above08:34
zetheroo1config missing line which is in the docu, and 'sudo login' not showing what is in docu and cannot login with AD user.08:34
tatertotszetheroo1: that sssd configuration does not exist after a vannilla install?...that's expected and not a "real" issue08:35
zetheroo1again, the sssd.conf is there, however the mentioned line is not08:35
tatertotszetheroo1: are you actually in a ADDS environment?...if yes you'll need to ask the aid of your system administrator more than likely...i say that based on what you've mentioned above and also previous file sharing conversation08:36
zetheroo1I have no idea if the line should be added manually or if something else should be installed which will automatically add the line etc ...08:36
zetheroo1tatertots: thanks, but this is not helpful ;)08:36
zetheroo1SSSD can join the domain, so obviously I am in an AD env.08:37
tatertotsyou won't be doing anything with sssd in a ADDS environment if you're not a domain admin (with the associated skill set...no offense)08:37
zetheroo1I have admin access to the domain.08:38
zetheroo1Again, SSSD joins the PC to the domain without issue.08:38
zetheroo1That's not the issue. It's logging in as an AD user on the PC ... again... according to the docu08:38
zetheroo1for some reason the command 'sudo login' is not using 'ad-client' as is shown in the docu08:41
zetheroo1This is on a fresh install of 21.0408:42
tatertotszetheroo1: try saying something like "I have successfully joined the PC to the domain BUT i cannot log in with a AD user account"08:44
tatertotszetheroo1: if your problem is not technical but merely a problem with some document...maybe the "author" will "revise" the document in the future08:44
zetheroo1its a technical problem - as I said ... I cannot login as an AD user according to the documented method08:45
BlueEaglezetheroo1: If the documented method no longer works then it is as likely to be an issue with the documentation as it is to be with the technical systems.08:46
kaihi folks08:49
kaiI'm running a 20.04 install where I'm using starship.rs to get some extra info on my terminal prompt. A couple of days ago, my system started displaying the wrong unicode character for python projects. Instead of a snake, it now seems to be rendering a horse08:50
mgedminanother user recently complained that the Noto Color Emoji font has emojis mixed up and displays a thumbs-down instead of thumbs-up08:51
kaiI'm pretty sure starship is still doing the right thing, because if I copy the prompt and paste it elsewhere (e.g. a browser for writing a bug report), the snake will render fine08:51
kaioh, ok, that'd do it08:51
mgedminyou could try downgrading fonts-noto-color-emoji to the version in focal rather than the version in focal-updates08:51
mgedminsee if that helps08:51
mgedminand be sure to file a bug08:52
mgedminI see the other user hasn't filed one: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fonts-noto-color-emoji/+bugs08:52
kaiyeah, I was just looking at that as well. the May 25 release of an update sure looks like it might coincide with what I'm seeing08:55
kainow I just need to remember my Launchpad login details.08:55
BlueEaglekai: That's what the "Forgot password" link is for. Except when you can't remember the email used to register the account. :)08:58
kaiah, looking at the characters horse and snake are adjacent08:58
kaisnake is U+1F40D, and horse is U+1F40E08:58
cbreakah... classic off-by-one error? :)08:59
kaiBlueEagle: turns out my password manager did remember both, I just forgot there wasn't a dedicated "launchpad" account anymore08:59
kaicbreak: I'm just about to paste some things into the terminal to check09:00
BlueEaglekai: Temporary fix could also be to change the character to U+1F40C or F until the font is fixed. If you only use it in one place then it might be easier to do that in stead of downgrading?09:00
kaiyeah, I should be able to configure that, good point09:01
cbreakor a different font? hmm...09:01
kaihm, funny, pasting a snake from the characters app to the terminal does the right thing09:02
kaithen again, it looks like the character app also uses the noto emojis, so maybe that's just consistent?09:03
tatertotszetheroo1: have you allowed and or permitted log in "realm permit"?09:03
tatertotszetheroo1: does kinit return the expected output?09:03
kaiha, even more funny. when I copy the horse from my prompt and paste it back into the terminal, it prints as a snake...09:03
tatertotszetheroo1: have you customized your PAM common session?09:04
zetheroo1tatertots: nope to all the above. I followed the documentation as it is.09:04
tatertotszetheroo1: are you able to show pastebins for trouble shooting purposes? yes/no or is this something private you'll have to bang your head against the wall until you figure certain things out on your own?09:06
tatertotszetheroo1: realm list|nc 999909:07
kaiok, there's got to be something else going on09:07
kaiif I printf the correct code point in the terminal, the correct glyph shows09:08
kaiso maybe it's a bug in starship.rs after all09:08
zetheroo1tatertots: ^09:10
tatertotszetheroo1: your policy for log in is not proper...i'll show you mine..it's proper09:11
tatertotszetheroo1: https://termbin.com/lrfj notice "allowed log in policy"09:12
tatertotszetheroo1: yours should look like mine when your get things configured properly09:13
tatertotszetheroo1: i'll attempt to help you out09:13
tatertotszetheroo1: notice my log in policy differs from your current one09:13
tatertotszetheroo1: i'll try to coax you to a proper setup09:14
zetheroo1I have been using PBIS up till now - that's been working fine for years09:14
tatertotscoax might not be the right spelling/word09:14
tatertotszetheroo1: i've used PBIS before..back in the ubuntu 14.x days..PBIS is no longer supported09:14
tatertotszetheroo1: you probably knew that already09:14
tatertotsPBIS died in ubuntu 14.x era09:15
tatertotsit was cute while it lasted09:15
tatertotszetheroo1: we need to change your log in policy..it will partially create a sssd.conf on your behalf09:16
zetheroo1uhm ... not supported by what?09:16
tatertotsah so maybe you didn't know PBIS was dead09:16
zetheroo1what do you mean it's 'dead'?09:17
zetheroo1It was taken over by Beyond Trust not long ago09:17
tatertotszetheroo1: are you interested in a purchasing a "license" for BeyondTrust's product?09:18
zetheroo1they also develop the AD Bridge09:18
zetheroo1no, why?09:18
tatertotszetheroo1: just curious...because it's no longer applicable to the modern mix environment Windows+GNU/LInux system administrator (except the ones with some handicap..no offense)09:19
zetheroo1How is it "no longer applicable"!?09:20
zetheroo1It's working. It's being developed.09:20
tatertotssince FreeIPA/sssd...it's a choice..chase it if you believe it will some how make your life easier09:21
tatertotszetheroo1: are you using Beyond Trust now?...that may be why your policy looks non functional09:22
zetheroo1first you say it's "no longer supported", then "it's dead" and then it's "no longer applicable" ....!?09:22
zetheroo1All our Ubuntu PC's are using PBIS from Beyond Trust - yes09:22
zetheroo1SSSD was looking nicely integrated in 21.04 so we were thinking of switching09:22
tatertotsi try to avoid getting into semantics ...if you have beyondtrust licenses then you are entitled to their "technical support" and in that case you should lean on their support ...i broke my dependence on beyond trust back in the ubuntu 14.x era....many are still happy/dependent on it09:23
zetheroo1we don't have licenses because we don't need them09:24
tatertotszetheroo1: pick up the phone and call Beyond trust09:24
tatertots...oh you're unlicenced09:24
zetheroo1I don't need to call them because I don't have any problem with PBIS09:24
tatertotszetheroo1: ...good luck in your endeavors09:25
zetheroo1I could call them to thank them for making a product that works though .. :)09:25
kaihm, something clearly is off by one. if I configure starship to use the snail emoji for python projects, it'll show a snake in the prompt09:25
zetheroo1I just find it misleading to tell people that something which is still working and still being developed and supported is "not supported", "dead" etc ...09:25
kaibut now I suspect starship, so I guess I'll take my bug there09:26
zetheroo1And if our AD setup is working with PBIS why would it have to be changed in order to get it to work with SSSD!?09:26
BlueEaglezetheroo1: I am sorry, but isn't your problem that the thing is not working?09:26
tatertotszetheroo1: seems you're more interested in debate and or argue than being "in production" with successful long ins....that's your prerogative of course...and i wish you luck in your endeavors09:27
tatertotsand by the way...you cant log in because your current policy doesn't "permit" it09:28
zetheroo1BlueEagle: something is not working. not sure what exactly (as in what the underlying cause is). But I am reluctant to start changing things on our AD server which is working fine with dozens of Windows and Linux clients connected.09:28
tatertotsyou're welcome09:28
zetheroo1and this is not needed by PBIS?09:28
zetheroo1nor is it needed by Windows?09:29
tommy``hello, i have a question about vsftpd, I'm using pasv range from 49152 to 49200, on ftp client like filezilla i could use one port from that range to connect, right?10:01
mejobloggsHi guys, I'm trying to install Ubuntu Server 21.04 from USB drive, but each time I try it says the installer had an unkown error and has to restart. I pressed "View error report" but its just pages and pages of stuff I dont understand... How can I proceed with the install? I'm using UEFI boot mode10:03
mgedminiirc when you start the installer it asks if you want to try upgrading to the latest installer version10:05
mgedmindid you answer yes or no to that question?10:05
mgedminyou might try the other answer10:05
mejobloggsit does not ask10:05
mgedminor did it crash before asking?10:05
mgedminif you pastebin the error report (or at least take pictures and share them via imgur), maybe we can figure out why it's crashing10:06
llutztommy``: you don't connect to pasv-ports, you connect to 21 (default). pasv ports are for data transfer10:06
mejobloggsubuntu 20.10 installer works perfectly fine10:06
tommy``llutz: so if I want connect to another port different from 21, what i should configure on the .conf?10:06
llutztommy``: listen_port=2121 (man 5 vsftpd.conf)10:07
tommy``ok let me try10:08
tommy``oh perfect, thanks llutz10:09
tommy``a question, what's the 5 on man command?10:10
llutztommy``: it#s the section (man man)10:10
llutz"5   File formats and conventions"10:11
tommy``yeah cool, i didn't know about that, thanks!10:12
tommy``llutz: if I use pasv port range, i can config connect_from_port_20=NO10:17
mejobloggsmgedmin this is the top of "View Full Report" https://ibb.co/S0cYJyq10:20
mejobloggsheaps of pages after that10:20
llutztommy``: i'd guess yes10:20
mejobloggsI have clicked "Send Report" but I dont know how to actually get the report to put on pastebin or something10:21
dunz0rFeeling stupid here. I have Nextcloud installed via snap, but running refresh doesn't upgrade it... It just says there are no upgrades... but I can see that there are upgrades when I do a snap info nextcloud. How do I change which version is installed?10:32
rbasakdunz0r: what does "snap info nextcloud" say against "tracking" and "installed"?10:33
dunz0rrbasak: Ah, that's where it is. Didn't see that. Installed says the current version, and 'tracking' says <currentversion>/stable10:33
dunz0rrbasak: Thanks :)10:33
dunz0rGonna change it to latest/stable, so it keeps itself updated10:34
rbasak"sudo snap refresh --channel latest/stable nextcloud" is what you want for that I think.10:35
dunz0rYeah, running that command now.10:36
grlopdrusdtI want to edit several pdf files, because each time I open one, on top of the screen I see not the file name, but a name I cannot edit or delete (I assume it is metadata). Instead of 'A.pdf' it reads 'made by V, A'. What tool or command should I use to get rid of it? If I edit it with libreoffice draw, some parts of the file are changed. I don't want that. I only want to delete that annoying title10:40
mgedmingrlopdrusdt: you want a tool to edit the PDF metadata; I've heard that pdftk has such a tool, but I've never used it myself10:47
tommy``llutz: i got this message when testing ftp: "Warning: The server does not indicate MLSD support. MLSD uses a well-specified listing format. Without MLSD, directory listings have to be obtained using LIST which uses an unspecified output format."10:48
ravagetommy``: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52032468/does-vsftpd-supports-mlsd-command10:53
tommy``yeah i just seen this, but seems like i can't lst the content of ftp10:54
dunz0rBah, have to go through all major versions of Nextcloud to update it. Ugh. And I'm at 13. Latest is 21 D:10:59
gbellinozdpkg-query -S no longer finds any matching packages. What got corrupted, and can it be rebuilt?11:09
mgedminare you looking for binaries?11:11
gbellinozActually, it still finds some things (dpkg-query -S /usr/bin/ncdu) but not others (dpkg-query -S /bin/ls)11:11
mgedmindue to /usr unification in ubuntu there's this annoying thing that binaries appear to exist both in /bin and /usr/bin11:11
gbellinozI'm usually looking to find what package provides a binary I know I have, so that I can install it on another system.11:11
mgedminbut you need to know which one was used in the .deb to pass to dpkg -S to find it11:11
mgedminso dpkg -S $(which someprogram) is no longer reliable11:11
mgedminbut you can manually try dpkg -S /bin/someprogram and dpkg -S /usr/bin/someprogram11:12
mgedminor just dpkg -S bin/someprogram without the leading /11:12
gbellinozah, yeah I've done dpkg -S $(which someprogram) in an alias for years.11:12
mgedminI wonder if people are aware/working on this issue...11:12
tommy``I'm now using on vsftpd `listen_port=41954` and `connect_from_port_20=NO` but to have ftp correct working I had to configure ufw with 20-21 TCP allow, why?11:13
mgedminI don't see anything mentioning 'usr' in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dpkg11:13
gbellinozThat's exactly what it is. ps lives in /usr/bin, but the package knows it as /bin. Grr.11:13
gbellinozThere's actually a *copy* of ps in /bin/ and /usr/bin/11:14
mgedminno, /bin is a symlink to /usr/bin11:14
gbellinozOH, way up there. Yep, sure is.11:14
gbellinozWait, so wouldn't this be fixed if I just had /bin first in my PATH ?11:14
mgedminmost packages ship binaries in /usr/bin11:15
llutzone day USRMERGE will be completed, and then all will be fine again11:15
mgedminsome essential system packages ship binaries in /bin11:15
mgedminif you reorder $PATH, that'll fix dpkg -S $(which thing) for a few packages and break it for many packages11:16
gbellinozHuh. OK thanks. Another confounder was that I appear to have a permissions issue somewhere, so it all seems to work better as root (no error as a regular user though).11:16
gbellinozOr... maybe it was just paths. Confused end user :)11:17
mgedminyou could rewrite your alias to do dpkg -S $(which thing | sed -e s,^/usr/bin,bin,) maybe11:17
gbellinozyeah, good one.11:18
gbellinozI'm thinking backing up /var is a good idea. I never have, but if that db were to toast itself, I'd be hurting, wouldn't I?11:18
mgedminwhich db?11:19
gbellinozsorry, all the apt/dpkg stuff in /var11:21
gbellinozI backup cron jobs, databases, mail separately, but I'm thinking I should just backup all of /var and be done with it.11:22
mgedminI tend to back up the output of dpkg --get-selections so that I could in theory reinstall all the packages11:24
mgedminthe problem with that is I don't remember how to actually do it ;)11:24
mgedmindpkg --set-selections followed by ... what?11:24
mgedminalso this probably forgets which apt packages were installed manually and which ones were pulled in as dependencies11:25
mgedminbacking up the output of dpkg-query -W --showformat '${STATUS} ${PACKAGE}\n' "$@"|grep ' installed '|cut -d ' ' -f 4- may be more helpful11:25
mgedminI have this oneliner aliased to list-installed-packages11:26
gbellinozThat's a good one. I've grepped stuff in /var, but dpkg-query is much better.11:27
llutzshort           dpkg -l | awk '/^ii/ {print $2}'11:37
mgedminthe dpkg -S usrmerge bug is classified wishlist in https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=85833111:39
ubot3Debian bug 858331 in dpkg "dpkg-query: -S does not work with reverse symlinks from /usr-merge" [Wishlist, Open]11:39
BluesKajHi all12:07
gbellinozawk /^ii/   never seen that one.12:38
gbellinozoutput is slightly different - zlib1g:amd64 vs zlib1g12:38
gbellinozoh, ^ii is the regex, der :)12:39
llutzgbellinoz: :amd64 indicates the package-architecture  for multiarch-systems12:40
tuxinator hi, are there any docs/guidelines/best practices available if and why "older packages" should be kept13:01
tuxinatorfor the reason you are able to install a specific version like sudo apt-get install apache2=2.3.35-4ubuntu113:02
rbasakI'm not sure what you mean. In general that's only for debugging/development. If you install or pin to an old version, you won't get security updates, so you don't want to be doing that in production.13:04
rbasakWell, you will get security updates if you just install like that, but as soon as you do you won't be on that version any more so that sort of defeats the purpose.13:04
tuxinatorrbasak: well if a update broke the package13:05
tuxinatoras far i remember, always all versions are kept in the official repositories13:06
rbasaktuxinator: then you need to tell us and we'll see what we can do about fixing it :)13:06
rbasakNo, all versions are kept and retrievable via Launchpad, but the apt repositories do not keep history. Only the original released version, and the latest updated version (sometimes split between security and non-security updates, depending on ordering)13:06
tuxinatorrbasak, are you sure?13:07
rbasakI'm sure.13:07
tuxinatorok, then i mixup things, maybe rh/centos does that for use with yum undo13:07
rbasakYou don't want to be running a downgraded package except as a stopgap measure.13:08
rbasakIdeally you'd tell us and we'd fix it. If that's not possible (eg. there are complications and we're forced to choose a least-worst solution that doesn't work for you) then I'd take extra steps locally to ensure security updates.13:09
taeaadWhen doing sudo apt update, I see it contacts the Ubuntu mirror on HTTP without SSL. Is this the default behaviour, and is it recommended to do it this way?13:09
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rbasaktaeaad: yes, and yes. This has a long story at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1464064, but the short answer is that it's safe and fine.13:11
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taeaadrbasak: Thanks.13:13
Mickeyanyone used zpanel before13:34
belcher_im on xubuntu 20.04 and i get this error after trying to install virtualbox https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GYGXr57Q5C/ i used to have virtualbox on xubuntu 16 which i then updated to 18 and then 2013:37
leftyfbbelcher_: virtualbox-qt is part of the multiverse repo13:39
leftyfb!multiverse | belcher_13:39
ubot3belcher_: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.13:39
quantum_Is there any way to add widgets to the top of the window manager?13:42
quantum_I can't find keyboard shortcuts on the control panel13:47
entulandhello there everyone, I have Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS just installed on a Hyper-V machine, properly connects to the internet via the Ethernet adapter, all good except I'd need to force a static IP so that I can SSH into it - is it something I should do within Ubuntu?13:47
HarlinI don't know about *should*13:48
Harlinbut you *could*13:48
entulandtried googling but found lots of different approaches (both altering the VM settings _and_ altering stuff within Ubuntu)13:48
ravageentuland, that is totally up to you. use ubuntu or the dhcp service hyperv provides13:48
quantum_why is there no link for keyboard shortcuts on the control panel13:48
HarlinI just do a simple host network and set it in the nick script within ubuntu. Done.13:48
quantum_oh I see, it doesn't reset the view13:49
Harlinquantum_, why? who knows why quantum_13:49
entulandI'd rather do that within ubuntu cause I think that's what I did in the past and it worked, wasted a lot of time trying to have the hyper-v to cooperate and now that it's working, I'd rather not mess with it13:49
entulandthanks, I'll check how to do that with netplan13:49
ravagemy suggestion would be to kill hyper-v and use proxmox. but that is just a comment i needed to make and is totally subjective :)13:50
Harlinentuland, do you have to use hyper-v?13:51
Harlinentuland, i'm curious about your use-case13:51
entulandno, not necessarily, my end goal is to have apache + mysql to port a drupal 7 installation to drupal 9, once I'm done with that chore I'll be installing drupal 9 with the ported database on a proper host13:52
HarlinPersonally I would avoid it like the plague but if you're at work and someone who is paying you is insisting on it, well that's another matter :-)13:52
entulandso I'm more than happy to evaluate alternatives13:52
ravageeven the ubuntu that comes with windows 10 works better :D13:53
Harlinentuland, ah ... I would recommend virtual box ... it's free and just as good really as hyper-v and vmware13:53
quantum_so is there any way to add widgets or whatever to the top of the window manager13:53
leftyfbquantum_: look into conky13:53
ravage"free" is a dangerous term with virtualbox. but yes. you dont pay for the basic installation for private use13:53
entulandto be honest I'm not going to do anything else with Hyper-V - just spin the VM up, then I'll be doing everything via SSH with PuTTy13:54
ravagethen use virtualbox if your host has to be windows13:54
quantum_leftyfb, guess the window manager doesn't naively support it then13:54
entulandso if I can get the static IP working I should be back to where I left a couple of years ago, which worked with Hyper-V13:54
entulandI'll check proxmox which I never heard about13:54
ravageproxmox requires that you have a seperate system13:55
ravagebut it works great13:55
entulandah, unfortunately can't afford that right now, I have to run the VM on this Win10 box where I can take some advantage of the SSD13:55
ravagefor one VM check out WSL13:56
ravageentuland, https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/how-to-install-wsl2-on-windows-1013:56
entulanduhm... doesn't that end up using Hyper-V anyways?13:57
ravagekind of yes13:57
entulandI'll have a look at that as well13:58
leftyfbWSL2 runs an actual linux kernel, so not really13:58
ravagei think mostly the network part13:58
ravageif you need a bridge13:58
ravagevirtualbox may offer some nice extra features anyway like snapshots13:58
ravagei would give it a try :)13:58
entulandI'll evaluate the alternatives, honestly my main concern is verifying whether the new SSD is actually going to solve the main problem I had - mysqld trashing the virtual disk badly just opening the admin pages of drupal9, which was a very bad sign for the porting I have to do14:00
ravagegood luck then :)14:00
entulandso if I manage to set a static IP and mysqld behaves, I'm pretty much ready to forget I'm even using hyper-v at all and focus on the port14:01
ravagesetting the IP should really be no problem14:01
entulandgood to know, I'm checking this right now, it sounds very familiar and that's most likely how I sorted this out last time: <https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-configure-static-ip-address-on-ubuntu-20-04/>14:02
a1Hi! I've just noticed that the xen-hypervisor-4.11-amd64 package (https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/xen-hypervisor-4.11-amd64) on ubuntu seems to have never been updated since march last year while the debian version (https://packages.debian.org/buster/xen-hypervisor-4.11-amd64) has patches from march this year - is this correct or am i missing something such that my package on ubuntu is that outdated?14:03
leftyfb!latest | a114:03
leftyfbthat used to work14:03
a1or does the ubuntu2 indicate that canonical updated it manually and never imported the latest versions from debian?14:04
leftyfba1: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.14:04
a1leftyfb: yeah, if one looks at the changelog of the debian package there are quite some security fixes in there :)14:05
leftyfba1: yes, Ubuntu continues to patch some packages as necessary, but does not continue to pull in versions from Debian beyond the initial pull14:05
a1leftyfb: okay thank you!14:05
JuJuBeeJust installed fresh 20.04 and google-chrome-stable.  The chrome profile selection screen is black.  Any Ideas?15:08
imrjdtell me about the free chat ubuntu channel15:11
OrkspalterHi there, when using the native Nextcloud integration on 20.10 or 21.04 the DaV is only available after clicking the drive ?15:17
OrkspalterI use KeepassXC and the password database is on the Nextcloud15:18
Orkspalterok thanks15:18
leftyfbOrkspalter: a quick google says there should be a keepalive option in nextcloud15:19
leftyfbOrkspalter: actually, looks like that's in apache, nevermind15:21
Orkspalterleftyfb: My Nextcloud is only hosted on Webspace, so i have no control over the actual server (apache or nginx)15:23
gbit86Anyone know of a working method to get USB hid keyboard devices to appear directly inside an xrdp session (not through keyboard emulation driver xrdpkeyboard)? If anyone does I would be highly interested to learn how.15:57
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remlineIs /etc/modules-load.d/cups-filters.conf necessary for network printing? It loads the parallel port kernel modules.16:03
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chaslinuxFor pxe installs is there a tool to validate cloud-init-bios/user-data? Mine keeps crashing the install..17:25
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spartanturtlehello from the west coast. still before noon here17:56
sixwheeledbeastEveryone nows IRC is UTC :P18:10
spartanturtleWe're stubborn in AZ, we have our own timezone because we think Daylight Savings is too much trouble lol18:15
spartanturtlethat being said- my DBs are all set to UTC18:15
knmaeMaybe asked million times before but how to run "connect with ssh -> run screen to open irssi" at startup in ubuntu?18:16
Mekaneckspartanturtle sixwheeledbeast mind taking the offtopic chatter to #ubuntu-offtopic? Thanks. :)18:19
knmaeI've tried 'ssh user@host "screen -r screen_id"' but it says "must be connected to terminal"18:20
is0ke3you wanna connect to an ssh at startup? you might be thinking of running screen on the remote server and then accessing it via ssh later?18:21
knmaeyes, I have already irssi running in screen at the remote machine18:22
is0ke3knmae: what are you trying to do anyways? i don't think you can run ssh without the terminal?18:24
is0ke3knmae: i could be wrong though18:24
knmaeI want that a terminal console pops up at startup, and runs automatically the command to open ssh connection and opening the screen at remote machine that is already running irssi18:25
is0ke3knmae: what terminal are you using?18:26
knmaeumm.. bash?18:26
is0ke3i mean, is it gnome-terminal, xterm, etc...?18:26
knmaewell the one that comes out of the box for ubuntu, i assume it's gnome-terminal?18:27
knmaei haven't installed any other terminal emulators18:27
is0ke3can you open the terminal and run 'gnome-terminal -e "ssh user@host"', see if that works.18:29
is0ke3knmae: if that works, just create a bash file with that command and then add it to the autostart18:33
geirhagnome-terminal -- ssh -t user@host 'screen -r'18:35
Anna_Hi. I need help with something. My laptop's monitor is broken. The only available (external) monitor is very old and supports only 800x600. I'd like to install xubuntu but when the installer (normal iso on a bootable flash drive) starts, I can't see a thing! Is there a way for resolution to be changed while running a bootable usb stick? I tried18:49
Anna_xrandr but it didn't work. please help. Any ideas?18:49
gbit86Is anyone aware of a way to intercept and remap input from an Xinput device/keyboard?18:53
sarnoldAnna_: you could try modifying the kernel command line at the grub prompt, vga=ask used to work once upon a time18:56
sarnoldAnna_: once upon a time, control + alt + numpad plus and minus used to change the X11 resolution, I think. it's been years since I've tried it..18:57
Anna_I didn't even understand the first suggestion. The second (used to) work with xubuntu specifically? I just tried with my current installed distro (MATE) and didn't do anything.19:01
sarnolddang :(19:04
sarnoldAnna_: the kernel has a command line, you can edit the options grub passes to the kernel .. I think the 'e' key? there's thousands of parameters, and several can modify the graphics modes. vga=ask should cause the kernel to prompt you with options, but I haven't tried it on anything remotely recent..19:05
Anna_sarnold you mean while boots from usb or before?19:13
sarnoldAnna_: while booting from usb19:13
Anna_I won't be able to see any options before the resolution is corrected. I can only blindly type a command, but as I said, xrandr dodn't help, dom't know why19:15
sarnoldAnna_: argh :( I had hoped you'd at least see grub, before the installer starts19:16
sarnoldAnna_: maybe use the server installer, instead? it can run with just plain text19:17
rfmAnna_, maybe a Ubuntu Server install (which still has a text installer, I *think*); then install xubuntu-desktop?19:17
Anna_It multiple times , one on top of the other, making it impossible to read anything19:17
knmaethanks geirha is0ke3 !19:18
Anna_okay... textual installer is something to consider. Before try that, any idea why xrandr didn't work and how to resolve it?19:20
sarnoldwithout being able to see what yo'ure typing, it'd just be so easy for something silly to go wrong19:21
is0ke3knmae: np. did it work?19:24
knmaeYes :-) (Y)19:24
knmaeI think that it was the '-t' flag for ssh command that was the critical19:25
Anna_I can see the keys on my keyboard, that's not the problem. I just can't understand why that command didn't work. Is it obsolete and replaced by a new one? Does it require me to do something else first?19:25
is0ke3knmae: i think geirha's command is more on point. :)19:26
Anna_oh you were talking to someone else, sorry19:30
oerheks" My laptop's monitor is broken... "why do you think ubuntu will give proper resolutions on your externalmonitor?19:31
Anna_Exactly. It shouldn't. That's the problem. I asssume the installer detects the broken one.19:33
rfmAnna_, laptops often have some F-key keystroke for switching monitors; have you tried that?19:35
Anna_rfm Sounds like a good idea to at least try19:39
Anna_Thank you all. I'll be back probably tomorrow if that won't work either. What time this channel is more active? I'm from Europe (which also means you should excuse my english mistakes)19:42
sarnoldAnna_: good luck :)19:44
Guest9any vscode user on windows?19:49
gbit86Well I am glad I am little insane - I restored my old kintox11 program and have found that I was intercepting xinput perfectly well with my original http://kinto.sh app. It is now in a branch called kintox-restoration as I plan to make further updates and changes to it. It isn't as simple to deal with and update but it will work perfectly for what I need.19:50
CodeMouse92Guest9: This is a support channel for Ubuntu. I suspect you're off topic?19:52
maretI run lm sensors , everything went fine, than I run pwmconfig and set them to manual mode and ever since my chipset fan fan7 is spinning fast. I did edit /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon4/pwm2_enable and change the value from 0 to 2 , which I though will change it back to automatic, but the fan is still running. I did not generate /etc/fancontrol config and I would like to reset everything back to before running pwmconfig. Is it possible without19:52
maret rebooting pc(have a long running script which I cant stop now)19:52
Guest9not much if someone dual boots CodeMouse9219:52
CodeMouse92Guest9: Do you have a support question about Ubuntu?19:52
Guest9not now19:52
CodeMouse92Then that's offtopic :319:53
CodeMouse92Please direct offtopic conversation to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks19:53
sarnoldor perhaps try a windows channel, or a vscode channel19:53
Guest9gbit86 hi, i cant send pm to you sorry. is there any other way out? can you join #ubuntu-offtopic19:55
Guest9yes, it is about vscode19:55
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entulandnot getting this one: I edited my .bashrc to add a bin path, and I see the path there just fine echoing $PATH, if I'm in that specific path I can run the executable I need (drush), but if I leave that directory I get command not found21:10
EriC^entuland: what exactly are you typing21:11
entulandrunning just "drush" from this folder works fine to run it: /home/ubentu/.composer/vendor/bin21:12
entulandlet me try again just to be sure21:12
entulandI borked the path most likely21:13
EriC^entuland: type the following "echo $PATH; ls -l /home/ubentu/.composer/vendor/bin/drush" and paste here21:14
entulandyeah, I borked the path, I needed .config/composer instead of just .composer, my bad21:15
entulandit's working now, thanks for the hint21:15
EriC^oh ok, great, np21:15
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apb1963_Greetings fellow refugees from freenode.  20.04; A few days ago my printer worked.  Today, not so much.  Nothing changed other than installing the usual daily updates.  My printer is a network printer, connected locally over USB.  CUPS claims it can't find any printers when I search for new printers.  So, I'm forced to ADD printers.  Unfortunately when I try, I get an error: https://snipboard.io/sX5rDK.jpg  This is what CUPS is21:38
apb1963_telling me now.  So, I have the obvious question - how do I fix this?  In addition, I'd like to understand why each of these lines is different and which to pick. https://snipboard.io/WNvZ5V.jpg21:38
apb1963_Oh yah... something, I don't know what... was adding the printer over & over & over & over.  I'm not sure what was doing that.  I just ignored it since I couldn't determine why that was happening.  It hasn't happened in a couple of days.21:40
apb1963_I kept getting popups that said it was adding the printer.  Very weird.21:40
apb1963_Please use my name when responding so that (hopefully) it alerts me... I'll be in another window.  Thank you!21:44
jhutchinsapb1963_: CUPS sucks, the documentation and help are terrible, and it's from Apple, not exactly an open project.  Unfortunately, unless you want to build your own lpr setup, it's all we've got.21:53
jhutchinsapb1963_: Check your dmesg and journal to see if it says anything about the usb printer.  lsusb as well.21:54
gbellinozapb1963_: I've had the exact same experience. I actually hold all cups-related packages so that, once I get things working, they don't change for YEARS. It's that hard to get working.22:32
gbellinozsee if running /usr/lib/cups/backend/usb gives you any interesting output.22:33
gbellinozAnd also consider apt purging ippusbxd22:33
VIAqueshow do i installa font22:38
VIAshortest video i find is 5 min and pretty dum just  nonsense i cant use i have ne downloaded22:39
VIAsry my typing need to be more careful lol22:39
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entulandthis is the most recent tutorial I could find, VIA, see if it helps: <https://itsfoss.com/install-fonts-ubuntu/>22:45
VIAty entuland let me have a try! vids are so annoying22:46
VIAtried 3 commands now all within reason just .. bs22:47
VIAi never know how to acces those  ./folders/ or /.x/22:47
VIAi mean i figured it one but doesnt seem to want to do anything on this install heh22:48
entulandmay need to point out exactly what you did and what's not working as intended22:48
VIAhmm i can doubleclick but looks different22:49
entulandcan you screenshot what you are seeing and share the link?22:50
VIAbe patient dont worry i appreciate22:50
VIAscreenshoting and communicating back and forth is also gonna take a long time22:50
entulandnp - do you see the font preview with the text "The quick brown fox"?22:51
VIAuhm wait i  think i can reproduce sec22:51
entulandok, take your time22:51
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VIAget some odd warning glyph mapped wrong22:52
VIAsome "fontforge" iwndow opens, whenever i try change size it all vanishes22:53
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entulanduhm... that's a program to edit the fonts22:54
entulanddo you want to just install the font or also to alter / create one?22:54
VIAi only want to install a font like i said22:54
VIA"render it useable for software ionstalled" heh22:54
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entulandyou may need to find how to set back the fonts to be automatically opened by the font viewer instead22:55
VIAi can right click, open with fontmerge, fotmanager OR fontviewer :>22:55
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entulandtry fontviewer22:55
entulandthat's the one mentioned in the tutorial22:55
VIAhmhm ;)22:55
entulandshould give you an install button22:55
VIAi didnt finish the text cause the steps werent working out thxalot my man22:56
entulandall good now?22:56
VIAi just assume lets give it a try22:56
VIAin windows fonts never loaded into software unless restarted22:56
entulandjust open a document editor where you can pick the font and see22:57
entulandthe tutorial says you don't need to restart, should be available immediately22:57
VIAlooking good:) sometimes i get errors "appcrashed" (on many) but never ever crashes oO23:00
gneeriiloeepdeeris a page label (pdf) the name of the file shown on top of the screen when I open the file?23:00
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VIAnow i need to figure out the software eh lol23:00
entulandbaby steps :)23:00
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svenuhow come wine doesn't work the same in ubuntu v mint23:17
apb1963_jhutchins, gbellinoz Thanks for responding.  hexchat didn't notify me :(  Anyway, here's the output of the various things you mentioned... I did not see anything obvious in either journalctl or dmesg; https://pastebin.com/cmPty33b23:18
sarnoldsvenu: because both distros do their own thing with many packages23:18
oerhekssvenu, depends, wine as snap, or deb23:18
oerheksgo into software > installed <> wine > permissions23:18
oerheksmint is weird, maybe that is why23:19
VIA!seen entuland23:29
ubot3I have no seen command23:29
* entuland is still around23:29
* VIA shreds ubot3 with a chainsaw23:29

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