
bahamatWhen I do lxc image list images: what's the URL that it's using to fetch the list?00:05
sarnoldbahamat: I think the ubuntu: ones come from https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com00:17
bahamatsarnold: Even though it's not ubuntu:?00:17
oerheksbahamat, weird .. why ask here?00:18
bahamatoerheks: because I'm using debian00:18
sarnoldbahamat: I hadn't found it yet, looks like ravage beat me :)00:18
oerheksmaybe debian uses images.linuxcontainers.org/00:19
bahamatoerheks: Wait, sorry. Using `lxc image list images:` or `lxc image list ubuntu:` works on both ubuntu and debian.00:19
bahamatbut I installed lxd from snap on debian, so I think it's effectively ubuntu anyway.00:20
bahamatIs there a way to set a custom image server?00:20
bahamatAh, `lxc remote`. I think I can find the rest of what I need now.00:22
sarnoldbahamat: https://lxd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/image-handling/ I think00:22
bahamatsarnold: thanks!00:22
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nomic2nywone know what this message means in bash : Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.00:37
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sarnoldwhatever program emitted that message is saying that it will run as a pipe command rather than interactive tool00:39
oerheksnomic, what do you do when that happens? google "Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal" gives tons of different answers00:39
oerheks ssh -t -t comes in mind00:40
svenusorry, had to step away, thanks for the response00:40
svenuwith r/e wine, i want to try to run an exe and i was able to right-click and run in wine such files in mint, but in ubuntu, i'm not able to do so00:41
sarnoldare you using the same file manager in both mint and ubuntu?00:42
svenueh, that's a good question, probably not00:43
svenui'm using the default in each case00:43
svenuthat's files in ubuntu i think?00:43
svenunemo in mint maybe00:43
svenui feel like i can't even open wine as an application in ubuntu00:44
svenui have some winetricks stripped down thing available00:44
oerhekssvenu, depends, wine as snap, or deb00:47
nomicis ok oerheks i don't think it is aproblem .. i can suppress it00:47
oerheksfor snap; go into software > installed <> wine > permissions and see what wine can do to run anythong from anywhere, or better #winehq if they are on this irc server too00:47
nomicit is not a problem00:47
svenui don't even remember installing wine in ubuntu00:59
svenumy version is wine-5.0 (Ubuntu 5.0-3ubuntu1)01:00
svenumight i have sandboxed rights with a snap version that's not letting me run exes from the file manager gui?01:00
svenusoftware - installed - wine doens't seem to give me any "permissions" option01:05
svenui can remove it01:05
svenuor donate to it . . .01:05
svenuother applications offer me a permissions button next to remove01:05
svenubut not wine01:05
svenui'll look at winehq thx01:06
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kn100anyone running a fairly stock Ubuntu box willing to try `nslookup magic.kn100.me` for me? It should resolve to, but...doesn't - and I am pretty sure it's a problem with systemd-resolved or my local setup, but I can't figure out which!01:52
sarnoldkn100: wfm https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rCxCHHmPst/01:54
kn100agh why doesn't this work for me :(01:54
sarnoldwhat error are you getting? maybe try dig, instead, the dns folks I know all vastly prefer dig for troubleshooting01:56
sarnoldhttps://dnsviz.net/d/magic.kn100.me/dnssec/ worked without trouble, but does indicate it's not dnssec validated01:56
robertparkerxhttps://www.atechtown.com/install-varnish-on-ubuntu/ this guide mentions port 8080 for apache2 but I think I've setup mine for 80. Can I follow the guide but replace the varnish config with 80?01:57
bigpodkn100 try sudo systemd-resolve --flush-cache01:58
sarnoldrobertparkerx: the usual goal is to have your application proxy like varnish listening on the port that clients will use to contact it01:58
sarnoldrobertparkerx: that's why this guide moves apache to a different port, so the port is free for varnish to use01:59
robertparkerxI don't understand. WOuldn't it be the same if I left it to 80?01:59
robertparkerxin this guide it seems they both are using 808001:59
leftyfbkn100: systemd-resolve --status|grep -i "dns servers" | nc termbin.com 999902:00
sarnoldrobertparkerx: DAEMON_OPTS="-a :80 \02:00
sarnoldrobertparkerx: that is probably telling varnish to listen on 8002:00
kn100leftyfb and
robertparkerxOkay I think I am starting to get it02:00
robertparkerxso the client isn't actually routed to apache but instead just varnish02:01
leftyfbkn100: there's your problem02:01
robertparkerxand varnish is what is communicating with apache202:01
kn100leftyfb - what's the issue?02:01
sarnoldrobertparkerx: exactly02:01
leftyfbkn100: do you care about resolving local hostnames?02:01
robertparkerxcrap I don't know how to adjust what I have now02:01
robertparkerxdo I just change the port and go through my current vhosts02:02
kn100leftyfb - somewhat - would like to not lose that ability unnecessarily!02:02
leftyfbkn100: ok, then get rid of the in your DNS. Either manual settings on your machine or if your DHCP server (router?) is configured to give them both out as part of DHCP02:02
leftyfbkn100: you should only have multiple nameservers for a client specified if every one of those nameservers are going to resolve with the same exact results02:03
robertparkerxyeah after reading this it seems I just need to change the listening port and adjust my current virtualhost to 8080 instead02:03
robertparkerxthen continue with varnish setup02:03
leftyfbkn100: client nameserver configurations are not a failover situation02:04
robertparkerxsarnold is that kinda right?02:04
sarnoldrobertparkerx: yeah, that's probably it -- move your apache aside (check ss -tlnp output to make sure you got them all) and then aim varnish to use the new ports02:06
robertparkerxsarnold what about the ssl virtualhosts?02:07
robertparkerxthey're using 44302:07
robertparkerxwill that change at all ?02:07
leftyfbkn100: I have to wonder though, why are you creating a public DNS record to point to a private IP? Why not just use the hostname of the local machine who the ip belongs to?02:07
kn100leftyfb, so now the command you gave me just outputs, and still nslookup does not resolve magic.kn100.me02:07
sarnoldrobertparkerx: probably, but I don't know what's best-practices for terminating TLS these days. Probably vanish can do it. and probably apache can do it. but maybe there's some reason why you wouldn't.02:08
kn100leftyfb it's more a question of why I can't, rather than whether I should :P02:08
kn100but I am now wondering if this is my router being funky02:08
leftyfbkn100: try: host magic.kn100.me
leftyfbmagic_ninja: if that fails, then your route is either caching the negative result or is pointing to a public DNS that hasn't updated yet02:09
leftyfbkn100: which public DNS is your router configured to use for it's WAN? (It might not be configured, it might be provided by your ISP)02:10
kn100leftyfb, the router is pointing at, and I just tried clearing the systemd-resolved cache, (sudo systemd-resolve --flush-caches) and your host command you suggested lists as the domain server, with an address of
robertparkerxThis makes it sound simple sarnold02:11
robertparkerxthe other one I found was complicated02:11
sarnoldrobertparkerx: if nothing else, the graphical design on this page is vastly better02:13
leftyfbkn100: so the host command didn't resolve the domain with
bigpodsarnold: what do you mean terminating tls you should have tls all the time02:13
sarnoldit doesn't all fit on one screen but it isn't scrolling for pages02:13
kn100leftyfb it did not02:13
sarnoldbigpod: lol02:13
kn100I think it's the router now though... lemme compile my thesis as to why02:13
leftyfbkn100: then your route is at fault.02:13
kn100that is so strange, why would it...do this? hahaha02:13
kn100I suppose I could just move to hostnames - or buy a router that's not isp provided trask02:14
leftyfbkn100: sub-part consumer router which aren't meant to last more than a few years and provide almost no real networking capabilities beyond what a couple lines of iptables can accomplish?02:14
bigpodsarnold: you should have TLS between clients all the way to the final server, including between server to reverse proxy02:14
robertparkerxWhat is this https://paste.gg/p/robertparkerx/054558ac4ca043389a8b7279b076107502:15
sarnoldbigpod: oh, sorry, I thought you were just making a joke..02:15
robertparkerxnevermind I had to read it again02:15
sarnoldbigpod: when the reverse proxy is on the same system as the server, does it make sense?02:15
leftyfbkn100: you could run a pihole for DNS and only use the router as a gateway02:15
troytI was about to mention pihole myself…02:15
leftyfbkn100: the problem with that is, local DNS wouldn't work02:16
leftyfbunless he pihole forwarded requests to your router, which would still have the same issue and defeat the whole purpose02:17
kn100leftyfb - It's the 'best' consumer level router I've ever had, but that's not saying a lot. This is the first time It's tripped me up like this. Setting up a damn pihole was exactly what got me to investigate this02:17
kn100because another fun thing I had a hell of a time trying to figure out, is how do you host a pihole on a machine, and then use said pihole on said machine? Systemd-resolved doesn't seem to be configurable to talk to a dns server on any port other than 5302:17
bigpodsarnold: maybe not in that case then but  on other hand i tend to do many practices even if they might not make the most of sense because you get used to not doing the proper thing when it needs to be done02:17
kn100but maybe I'll just try hosting the pihole on my NAS or something. Or maybe my vacuum cleaner.02:18
troytI just have my cable modem connect directly to my Linux box. That thing runs DNS, DHCP, Squid, and IPv4/6 firewall and routing.02:18
leftyfbkn100: the pihole does not need to use the pihole for it's DNS, so you don't. You forward requests out02:18
troytThen everything else hooks up to the “inside” interface of my machine.02:18
kn100leftyfb what I mean is, I have a server that runs a bunch of podman containers, and stuff on the host too02:18
kn100I wanted to run the pihole software inside of a container, and then get the host to use that containers exposed port for its dns querying needs02:19
kn100there's the added complication that my containers are rootless, so can't bind to ports below 1024 without some other kerjiggery02:19
bigpodkn100: why you cant run pihole on port 5302:19
leftyfbkn100: you can do that just fine02:19
kn100see above bigpod02:19
leftyfbkn100: then don't use podman, use lxd02:20
kn100leftyfb how does that solve the problem of binding to a port below 1024 without running as root02:20
bigpodkn100: cant find a reason realy02:20
leftyfbkn100: lxd is linux containers, they're not "rootless"02:20
kn100leftyfb but surely they run the processes as some user?02:21
kn100on the host, that is02:21
bigpodkn100: lxd is basicly fancy lxc02:21
leftyfbkn100: negative, they're full linux installs besides the shared kernel. They use namespaces to manages resources02:21
kn100I am very unfamiliar with lxd to be clear02:21
kn100so I could be talking out of my butt02:21
bigpodkn100: i run a server that has dns on it and uses itself as a dns server and said dns server runs on port 5302:22
kn100any recommended reading/guides to learn a bit about lxd? I literally migrated away from root docker to rootless podman 3 days ago but why not I can migrate again!02:22
leftyfbkn100: https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/containers-lxd02:22
leftyfbkn100: first result on google for "ubuntu lxd"02:23
bigpodkn100: mix and match there is a tool for every job if docker fits for one job use that if podman works for another use podman for that. (saying the guy who runs almost everything in kubernetes)02:23
leftyfbkn100: installing a new container is as simple as: sudo lxc launch ubuntu:focal mynewcontainer02:23
leftyfbkn100: you probably want to look into setting up a proper bridged interface for it on your server though. The default interface is NAT'd02:24
kn100hmn, I will need to do some research then!02:24
kn100Thank you for all your help both.02:24
bigpodkn100: but again you should be able to install a dns server on your server and use it as a dns server (and set it so its a dns server for itself) i have it like that for long time02:24
kn100bigpod Kubernetes is what I do at work. I am NOT bringing that home :P02:25
robertparkerxHow can I check if varnish is working behind cloudflare? https://www.exactprecisions.com/02:25
leftyfbkn100: but, again, none of this will resolve your DNS/router issue02:25
bigpodkn100: well you dont need to i do it because i want to learn it, but reality is you shouldnt just lock yourself behind one technology mix and match technologies02:25
bigpodif possible remove router as DNS from any kind of chain those things are just sad02:26
leftyfbbigpod: they would also need to remove DHCP if they wanted local DNS resolution02:27
bigpodleftyfb: why02:28
leftyfbbigpod: what do you think creates the dynamic DNS entries?02:28
leftyfbbigpod: keeping DHCP on the router and moving DNS off, the routers DHCP would still only update local hostname entries on it's own internal DNS. Unless they're running something like dd-wrt where you can specify a DHCP option to point to another DNS server02:29
kn100I'm happy to give up local domain resolution. It's not that big a deal02:29
robertparkerxsomething broke :(02:29
leftyfbkn100: the trick would be to get a new/proper router or run your own DHCP/DNS02:30
kn100bigpod oh kubernetes is great! I love it at work. But I don't like working on the same tech at home as I do in work02:30
kn100just makes it feel too much like work for me02:30
kn100same reason I don't host anything in AWS for personal projects. Looks too much like my day job :P02:30
bigpodleftyfb: ou of course i kinda forgot thats a thing if a device is connected and gets ip over DHCP i generaly dont care about connecting to it unless i realy need to it gets a static DHCP record02:31
kn100I think what I'll end up doing is just hosting a pihole somewhere, and then pointing my client devices at that directly, just circumventing the router for dns resolution entirely02:31
kn100I don't really want to replace it. No need to really, it does a surprisingly good job of being reliable and has decent throughput and the such. Just clearly a bit dodgy when it comes to DNS for whatever reason.02:32
leftyfbkn100: that sounds like the opposite of reliable02:32
bigpodleftyfb: you know i set it in the routers dhcp setting that those devices have this IP.(mainly laptops of people that move in and out of network alot and some networked devices i just dont want to be messing with the settings of many of those creations from hell)02:33
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kn100leftyfb - It doesn't require rebooting, unlike every other consumer router I've ever had. It does gigabit perfectly well, and I get 30-40MB/s via wifi. And it's got the benefit of a) already being here and b) being free :P02:34
bigpodand then i have a DNS record on my server02:34
kn100admittedly my bar for what a good router is is ridiculously low. I've suffered through much worse crap than this!02:35
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bigpodfor me my cheap router(its the ISP provided one some iskratel thing(actualy not just an router but a hybrid unit that is here refered to as modem because thats what old people understand they technicly know what is a modem)) basicly does one thing route and nothing else.02:37
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somaritoi need help about nfs, someone know about?03:58
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apb1963_10.0.0 is a private network.05:17
apb1963_As is 192.168.005:17
maretI run lm sensors , everything went fine, than I run pwmconfig and set them to manual mode and ever since my chipset fan fan7 is spinning fast. I did edit /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon4/pwm2_enable and change the value from 0 to 2 , which I though will change it back to automatic, but the fan is still running. I did not generate /etc/fancontrol config and I would like to reset everything back to before running pwmconfig. Is it possible without06:43
maret rebooting pc(have a long running script which I cant stop now)06:43
bigsicrethello !07:50
bigsicretI have a problem with Ubuntu advantage (ESM)07:50
ubot3Launchpad bug 1929744 in ubuntu-advantage-tools (Ubuntu) "One moment, checking your subscription first Unexpected APT error. See /var/log/ubuntu-advantage.log" [Undecided, New]07:51
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bigsicretHowever, this bug reporting is leaking your private token.07:52
bigsicretPlease, contact customer services to invalidate that token and get a new one07:52
bigsicretcan you help me to get a new private token ?07:52
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Unit193bigsicret: This isn't the right place for that, this is support by community members such as yourself.07:56
bigsicretok where is the the channel for that ?08:00
Unit193https://ubuntu.com/support/contact-us maybe this?08:01
lotuspsychjebigsicret: ESM and advantage is driven by canonical, best to follow with them08:01
pikapikalotuspsychje, hi08:02
pikapikalotuspsychje, does Ubuntu work well with lenovos08:02
lotuspsychje!hardware | pikapika08:02
ubot3pikapika: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection08:02
pikapikalotuspsychje, 40408:05
pikapikahttps://certification.ubuntu.com/desktop/models?vendors=Lenovo came from google instead and seems to work08:05
pikapikathe main page is 40408:05
Unit193Lenovo gives a discount to Debian devs and has a linux line, I certainly hope so!08:06
pikapikaUnit193, hi08:09
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rud0lfo: nice nickname09:16
rud0lfso symmetric09:16
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quantum_just installed ubuntu, is there some way to specify my logitech keyboard type, for some reason when i try to define with the pause/play button does it shows a circle with a slash through it. I tried showkey -a, and I still get the circle with a slash through it not the key code11:16
quantum_before upgrading from linux mint they worked fine and  I could define them as I wanted11:18
tomreynquantum_: i'm not sure this is the exact thing you're looking for, but this could help: sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration11:22
quantum_I'll give that a try. I noticed under sound and media, it does seem to let me set the keys for pause playback etc, but still get the circle when I press the key11:23
quantum_I don't think it is a problem with the keyboard configuration per se, it seems it is something with gnome restricting my use of those keys maybe11:25
tomreynyou said you "installed ubuntu" (but not which), you said you "upgraded from linux mint". did you do a fresh installation of ubuntu, and which one?11:26
quantum_yes it is a fesh install11:26
quantum_Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS11:27
quantum_It feels like gnome only allows the function of those keys to be tied to the sound and media setting, but I want to use them for something else11:28
tomreynhmm idon't know then, maybe someone else does.11:29
quantum_well it lets me define alt+play so that will be good enough11:31
BardonHello, I installed some gnome extension from extensions.gnome.org but it seems like they are turned off after a reboot. Is it normal?11:38
BardonI am on Ubuntu 21.0411:39
tomreynBardon: that's not expected behaviour12:03
tomreynchances are they're just not compatible12:04
gbellinozapb1963_: what happnes if you run /usr/lib/cups/backend/usb12:18
gbellinoz directly?12:18
JuJUBeejust installed ubuntu 20.04 and mysql but can't create a new user.  create user 'username'@'localhost' identified by 'strongPass'; not working. ERROR 1396 (HY000): Operation CREATE USER failed12:21
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entulandJuJUBee, chances are that user already exists12:32
entulanddid you run the secure installation script already?12:32
nonix4How do I disable screen blanking on lock screen? (because that is broken on amdgpu)12:41
entulandnonix4, see if this helps or has any useful pointers: <https://askubuntu.com/questions/1037740/lock-screen-without-blank-in-18-04>12:42
EriC^^nonix4: maybe settings > brightness & lock12:42
cispranonix4: do you use wayland or xorg?12:43
robertparkerxI got help yesterday with varnish to follow a guide and get it installed. I think it's working because my sites are online again (I had problems). My response is https://paste.gg/p/robertparkerx/d9366354d3d1424e90f1ca190055157b but for some reason the WordPress plugin report that 'unable to cache your site' although varnish is running. I don't get it12:44
robertparkerxIs it working?12:44
cispranonix4: assuming you run 21.04 you probably run wayland by default, try choosing a xorg session on login screen (it's there for fallback)12:44
cispraand see if that solves it12:44
cispraI had weird glitches with wayland12:45
nonix4#main cispra actually 20.04 LTS (with HWE kernel, which introduced the screen blanking bug while fixing bunch of others)12:46
cisprasorry I read "screen blinking"12:46
cisprascreen blanking is default behavior, not sure what you mean12:46
nonix4#main cispra: I'll dig up the related bug numbers...12:47
* nonix4 has been on some non-irc chats too much recently apparently12:47
cispraare you on some kind of bridge?12:47
JuJUBeeentuland, no, it doesn't exist, checked several times.12:47
JuJUBeeentuland, I figured a workaround.  Exported the user table and used the insert statements to create the users I needed.12:48
cispranonix4: https://i.postimg.cc/vBndpVBp/Screenshot-from-2021-05-29-14-47-59.png12:48
entulandglad you found a workaround12:48
JuJUBeeThanks for trying.12:49
JuJUBeedid all the *buntu channels move to libera?12:49
entulandstill, that error may point at something borked in your installation12:49
cispraJuJUBee: /msg alis list ubuntu12:49
JuJUBeeso #xubuntu did not...12:50
JuJUBeecispra, thanks12:50
pikapikaJuJUBee, hi12:50
JuJUBeeHi pikapika12:50
nonix4cispra: Bug #1926400 and I think I saw somebody else reporting similar one vs 20.10.12:50
nonix4cispra: Ty. Testing whether that screen lock delay utilizes content blanking instead of screen-off which appears to be part of the buggy codepath.12:54
entulandrobertparkerx I see there is no varnish channel but there are 38 people in #wordpress12:56
entulandI tried googling but there are likely tons of dead ends tied to other versions of varnish and wordpress12:57
robertparkerxyes I tried to ask in #wordpress but they said it was OT12:57
robertparkerxI also tried google12:57
robertparkerxI'm waiting in the official varnish channel now but I thought since I got help here yesterday I would ask again12:58
lotuspsychjekeep it ontopic guys12:58
entulandyou could try r/varnish as well in the meantime12:58
robertparkerxI'm sorry12:58
robertparkerxI'm sorry lotus12:58
lotuspsychjewe have some nice chat channels #ubuntu-discuss #ubuntu-offtopic12:58
nonix4... although better would be if there was a way to blacklist power management of certain displays (instead of all of them).13:04
mymediaHi all! How do I upgrade my Ubuntu 20.10 to 21.04? When I run do-release-upgrade, it says "No new release".13:15
mymediaThis is because https://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release page doesn't mention Hirsute Hippo. Is there any reason for it?13:15
its_notjackany luck with do-release-upgrade -d out of interest?13:16
mymediaWell, it'll do the things. But I curious, why is 21.04 still marked as development release?13:18
tomreynmymedia: whats the output of   grep ^Prompt /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades13:21
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tomreynokay, that's correct. let's see whether this bug which was preventing release upgrades has since been fixed13:22
marcv%n N0mind13:22
tomreynmarcv: ?13:22
marcvJust figuring out new client..  my bad13:23
tomreyn:) ok13:23
tomreynmymedia: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/hirsute-hippo-release-notes/19221 is the release notes for 21.04. scroll down to the "Release Upgrades" section13:25
tomreynmymedia: so as a summary, the original bug report that was blocking it is now (17h ago) considered fixed, *but* there are two more which still need to be fixed.13:27
tomreynbug 192843413:28
tomreynand https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/shim/+bug/192460513:29
ubot3Launchpad bug 1924605 in shim (Ubuntu) "Grub2 menu not loading - could not create MokListXRT: Out of Resources" [Undecided, Triaged]13:29
mymediatomreyn, thank you for the links, it's clear to me now13:29
mymedialuckily I don't use shim :)13:29
tomreynif you're booting another way (bios, i guess), you could just ignore these upgrade critical bugs and do   do-release-upgrade -d13:30
BluesKajHi all13:39
pikapikaBright, hi13:51
pikapikaogra, hi14:38
ograheh, hi14:38
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Bardontomreyn: Sorry for the delay. The gnome extensions I was talking about are https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1319/gsconnect/ and https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/906/sound-output-device-chooser/16:43
BardonAnd I'm on ubuntu 21.0416:43
BardonIt looks like gsconnect works fine. Just disabled on reboot16:43
tomreynBardon: hmm, they both state they're compatible to 21.04's gnome-shell 3.38.4, so i wouldn't know what's failing there. you could instepct your logs (journalctl -b) . but reviwing gnome/gtk error messages/warnings is not really a lot of fun.16:59
davegarath_Hi all. I have a problem with ubuntu 20.04 and virtualbox 6.1. I have a nvidia rtx 2080. I have a problem to view some part of GUI like boot order or other parts of the GUI. Someone can help me to solve this problem ?17:15
EriC^^davegarath_: what do you mean by GUI like boot order? the bios?17:18
davegarath_EriC^^, if I open setting I can't see what are inside the boot option settings17:20
davegarath_Also if I open Virtual Media Manager and I switch to Optical disk I still continue to view the Hard disk list. I can't see the content of Optical disk17:21
davegarath_I think this is a graphical problem but I don't know where I can start to investigate this probem17:21
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EriC^^davegarath_: try to run virtualbox from the terminal, it might show some errors if it gives any17:30
davegarath_ok I'll try17:31
Anna_Hi. I was here yesterday for the same issue. I repeat for whoever didn't read it: My laptop's monitor is broken. My (ancient) external one supports only 800x600. When boot from usb (xubuntu installer) the installer probably detects the broken one and gives me a resilution with which I can't see anything clear enough for me to choose any of the options presented by the installer. I have tried xrandr command but didn't work. I tried ctrl+alt+left17:33
Anna_mouse drag, I tried the super+p, I tried the E key, nothing helped. Yesterday someone suggested me to find the right F key most laptops have to change monitors. It was a brilliand idea. In my case that key changes resolution, but while on xubuntu installer, it only ioened another menu(?) which I can't see either and arrow keys don't seem to do something. I know there must be a way for resolution to be changed while on first screen of installer,17:33
Anna_but I have no idea what else to try! Please help.17:33
davegarath_EriC^^,  started from cli no output at all :(17:33
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aienaI had removed the system youtube-dl installed via apt. Now my shell is a bit confused as seen https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WkB9bmQ79b I looked in ~/.profile and ~/.bashrc to see if I had done anything custom17:59
tomreynAnna_: you can try switching to a terminal using Ctrl-Alt-F3, login there, and use the    DISPLAY=:0 xrandr --size 800x600   command to change resolution (then switch back with Ctrl-Alt-F2 or maybe -F1 or -F7, if needed).18:00
tomreynAnna_: another, maybe easier, option is to install using the ubuntu server installer.18:00
aienaif I use which command it shows the correct manually installed path but running it directly it looks in /bin18:00
tomreynAnna_: you can switch from the server to a desktop setting by installing xubuntu-desktop18:02
jeremy31aiena: check the PATH with>  echo $PATH18:03
tomreynaiena: type youtube-dl18:03
aienatomreyn: in $Path there is nothing. But I see with "type" command something like this 'youtube-dl is hashed '18:04
aiena"youtube-dl is hashed (/usr/bin/youtube-dl)"18:05
aienathis could be the problem18:05
sirabenHow do I install python3.9 on 16.04.7 LTS? I added the deadsnakes PPA and apt installed it but it doesn't seem to be showing up in PATH18:05
Anna_tomreyn on xubuntu the terminal opens with super+T. What do you mean "switching"?18:06
oerheksyoutube-dl from apt is old, use the snap version18:06
tomreyn!tty | Anna_18:06
ubot3Anna_: To get to the TTY terminals 3-6, use the keystroke Ctrl + Alt + F3-F6 respectively. Ctrl-Alt-F2 or Ctrl-Alt-F1 will get you back to your graphical login (Ctrl-Alt-F7 on 16.04). To change TTY resolution, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution18:06
aienatomreyn: what does "is hashed" mean?18:07
tomreynAnna_: i don't mean just terminal windows (although you could try that as well), i mean a proper tty, see ubottu18:07
tomreynaiena: it's aliased in your shell18:08
tomreynaiena: alias -p youtube18:08
tomreynaiena: alias -p youtube-dl18:08
tomreynthe latter18:08
ejtlist devops -min 50018:08
ejtlist *devops*18:09
aienatomreyn: I think I had to run "hash-r" to clear the hash18:09
tomreyn!16.04 | siraben18:09
ubot3siraben: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) was the 24th release of Ubuntu. !End-of-life was April 30th, 2021. Paid support (ESM) is available. See also !esm, !eol, !eolupgrade18:09
ejtoops ww18:09
aienayeah now it rehashed with the correct path hmm18:09
oerheksi think you did not install youtube-dl  from apt, /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl is a weird path18:09
oerhekspip maybe?18:10
tomreynsudo pip maybe18:10
aienaoerheks: yes I did not I used curl18:10
aienai am not managing ytdl through repos or snap18:11
aienabecause I want the latest18:11
oerheksi would not install manually, use the snap version, that gets updates18:11
aienathe snap is still older than the latest18:11
aienamy problem was the shell18:11
aienait had hashed the older path18:11
oerheks"latest"is edge, https://snapcraft.io/youtube-dl18:12
Anna_No idea what tty is, but don't worry, I'll google the term. Opening a terminal window and using xrandr command is something I have already done and the result was going black like if the monitor was disconected or something. Your approach seems more drastic. I'll do that as soon as I understand what exactly you just told me. LOL18:12
sirabentomreyn: so I have to upgrade to get python 3.9?18:12
tomreynsiraben: you have to upgrade or reinstall to get an ubuntu version that's still supported. but probably also to get python 3.918:13
locusarahsiraben: have you tried miniconda?18:14
aienaoerheks: that relelase is from January and https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/releases/tag/2021.05.16/ is the latest18:14
aienathe snap is newer than the repo one but older than the latest18:15
sirabentomreyn: is it necessary to upgrade ubuntu18:15
=== tomreyn changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: https://ubottu.com/y/gl | #ubuntu supports Ubuntu and official flavors; versions 18.04, 20.04, 20.10, 21.04 | Unofficial derivatives: use your distro's support channel, not here. | IRC info: https://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to https://paste.ubuntu.com/ | Download: https://ubottu.com/y/dl
oerheksaiena, open that latest/stable menu, edge is there18:15
oerhekssudo snap install youtube-dl --edge18:16
sirabenAs in, is it necessary to upgrade in order to get 3.9?18:16
oerhekselse, have fun with your manually version18:16
tomreynsiraben: we do not support your version here, since it is dead (unless you have ESM support from canonical for it, but even then we don't support it *here*)18:17
aienaoerheks: I am a bit lost when it comes to snaps I am actually on kubuntu so I don't think I can ask about a snap GUI here18:17
sirabentomreyn: OK, but does it prevent me from running Python 3.9?18:17
sirabenI am running do-release-upgrade now18:18
sirabenBut support aside, any effect?18:18
aienasiraben: I think its better to upgrade the distro because the rest of the system may have problems with this new python version18:18
aienaa new python version with old other packages can break the system in very  mysterious ways18:19
sirabenOk. Sort of annoying that the server gave me an EOL'd distro18:19
tomreynwhich server did?18:19
oerheksfocal and groovy gives 3.9 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python3.918:19
sirabenhuawei cloud's ECS, I had some free credits18:20
oerheks'free credits' .. lolz18:20
sirabenwhat's the lolz for haha18:21
tomreynsiraben: hmm, yes, it's bad practice that they offer you installations of end-of-life ubuntu releases, without stating the fact. i agree.18:21
sirabenneedless to say, that makes me far less likely to use the service for real, but that's OT heh18:22
sirabenI was tempted to override the distro entirely with NixOS https://github.com/elitak/nixos-infect but it could break the setup18:23
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Anna_tomreyn ubot3 update in my case: I booted from the bootable usb again and pressed ctrl+alt+F3 to open the tty terminal. It was also with the wrong resolution but I managed to read the phrase "xubuntu login". I used my username and password only to have the result "incorect login' and i realized it is impossible to login on a OS you haven't installed yet! (silly me) In case it matters, it's xubuntu 20.04 the one on usb. My installed is Ubuntu MATE20:18
Anna_16.04. After that, I tried to do it from MATE. It seemed the command was valid but nothing's changed even after restart. While restarting, I checked the grub (version 2 by the way). I pressed C, a terminal opened and I used the command vdeinfo, just like the guide ubot3 linked me was saying. "Command not found". Then I tried "videioinfo". The result was 2 lines. First line was saying "List of supported video modes: " (without any list) and the20:18
Anna_second line was saying "Legend: mask/position=red/green/blue/reserved". I even found the /etc/default/grub file and somewhere in that text was saying "GRUB_GFXMODE="800x600". What do all those things mean? Is it possible not even one video mode to be supported ?!?20:18
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Hanscan someone help me unload a bunch of modules?20:19
Hanshttps://termbin.com/0mjp these20:19
Anna_tomreyn: 🠕21:03
Anna_ubot3: 🠕21:05
entulandheck, why am I seeing boxes again, I thought I picked a unicode font already21:05
ThinkT510perhaps that is the actual character they want to print21:08
entulandcan't tell, I copypasted it and it was an upwards pointing arrow or something21:09
entulandfor some reason my hexchat isn't picking up Lucida Sans Unicode even though I have it installed21:10
entulandah, it's not covered by that font, that's why21:10
Anna_Sending boxes is actually a good way to confuse someone into thinking there is something wrong about their font! :-P21:10
entulandI don't think there is a unicode symbol for what I get there though... one sec21:11
entulandGNU Unifont covers almost 64K glyphs, should be good enough21:12
Anna_Yes, it's an arrow pointing up. I was trying to somehow make up for the fact I'm worthless in pinging right someone on the main channel.21:14
entulandthere, way better: https://i.imgur.com/acn6wQ8.png21:22
* Anna_ clapping21:23
exit70hi, is 12.04 packages removed from mirrors recently? couldn’t find an announcement.21:31
entulandexit70, you really mean Ubuntu 12.04? If so why such an old version?21:33
jeremy31exit70: Are you using Ubuntu advantage21:33
exit70no i am not. i was using 12.04 for vintage/retro computing (legacy hardware/software). for “real work” i use 18.04+21:35
entulandcan't tell about all the mirrors, it's there in the old releases website and possibly some mirror as well21:36
exit70is old releases for iso only?21:37
entulandnot sure I get the question - here is what I've found: <http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/12.04/>21:39
exit70that’s isos and stuff. is the package archive there as well?21:40
RikMillsexit70: should be21:41
exit70okay i found it21:43
exit70thanks folks21:44
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gbellinozDoes anybody like to strip out lots of stuff to make a minimal Ubuntu desktop setup? I'm sort of tired of fighting all the increasing complexity that makes my system harder and harder to just sit there and wait for me to tell it to do things.22:57
oerheksminimal desktop is an install option, AFAIK23:00
ragbellinoz, i often start with ubuntu server, then add a desktop environment. very light and stable. then just add what you need23:00
oerheksbut a simple install does not take that much resources/diskspace23:00
oerheks"kruft".. https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2018/02/ubuntu-18-04-minimal-install-option23:03
oerheks"Though don’t expect massive gains.."23:03
gbellinozYeah, it's not speed or disk space I'm after, but simplification. There are so many actors now in my system. systemd, cron, anacron, snaps, udisks2, udev, and others.23:10
gbellinozra: do you install recommends and suggests?23:11
ragbellinoz, i skip all the installs and start with the terminal23:14
rai have an old laptop with 256 megs of ram that i use this way. just the terminal. i do my email, surf the web, and mostly tinker :)23:16
mybalzitchrip matrix23:17
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