=== popey4 is now known as popey [03:43] Mornin' [03:44] o/ [04:00] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/This_Perfect_Day - just finished, what a great book [04:19] Sounds interesting. [04:44] * ball goes back to reading about electric locomotives. [04:44] choo choo! [04:44] time for bed, g'night! [04:46] Goodnight daftykins! [05:01] are electric trains choo choos? [16:02] zxmpi: i was imagining an EV like world where they are ruled to have to make artificial noise ;) [16:04] clippety-clop... [16:06] xD [16:41] the gap between rails adds a nice *clack* *clack* [22:25] diddledan: yay i put the site live \o/ [22:25] backed up the old and just renamed the doc roots for now