
gbellinozra: yeah, but options to apt... --install-recommends and --install-suggests ?00:12
gbellinozI've never figured out if I need/should do either of those.00:12
ragbellinoz, i install everything up until tasksel, the software installation step, i skip that00:17
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ragbellinoz, after the system is installed, apt installs depends by default. don't think i've ever used --install-suggests00:27
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Anna_oh my god! I just realized I mistyped vbeinfo! I thought it was vdeinfo...01:06
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gbit86If I want to allow other windows/apps to be always on top - EVEN above the gnome-shell menu bar then how might I do that? wmctrl does not appear to be able to allow for that.. Any ideas?01:53
JanCgbit86: I think the only way to be above the gnome shell "menu bar" is when you go full screen02:02
gbit86I'd be willing to recompile it to change that tbh.02:03
devslashim trying to configure my vpn app from the terminal. when i do something like mullvad account set myaccountnumber I get an error like this: https://pastebin.com/EMqAvXhM does anyone know what this rror might indicate ?02:22
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gbit86Is it ok to talk about Pop!_OS UI improvements one has made in here?03:22
lotuspsychjegbit86: #ubuntu-discuss please03:23
gbit86lotuspsychje: sounds good, thanks03:25
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neilduganHi... I am trying to do a 'apt dist-upgrade' .... docker.io isn't installing correctly ... I get the error message "mv: cannot stat '/var/lib/docker.migrating/*': No such file or directory" ... how do get this fixed up?03:48
Bashing-omneildugan: Start at the beginning - show the channel in a pastebin ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' so we know that state of the package manager.03:52
neilduganBashing-om, see https://pastebin.com/yQTqTrDD for the print out from the 'apt dist-upgrade'03:54
borisneildugan: here's a workaround https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/docker.io/+bug/188294203:56
ubot3Launchpad bug 1882942 in docker.io (Ubuntu) "mv: cannot stat '/var/lib/docker.migrating/*': No such file or directory" [High, Fix Released]03:56
neilduganok ... so if this is fixed ... how come it still seems to be a problem?03:59
borisI'm not sure if it's fixed. bug is still "open"04:01
neilduganwell the workaround does work... that is something :-)04:03
neilduganthe status of the bug is 'Fix Released' ... I don't know if this means the fix is actually applied or not.04:05
neilduganboris, thanks for the help... the update has completed successfully.04:06
petrjin "infocmp -L1" output, which key refers to "ESC" key on keyboard?04:08
borisneildugan: np04:08
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TheteI have 2 nvme drives in my system, main one is Win10, how do I force ubuntu not to install grub to the windows10 EFI Partition and instead install it on the second nvme EFI partition?04:47
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EriC^^Thete: use the manual partitioner05:25
TheteEriC^^: I did just now, still installed grub to win10 efi partition I think05:33
Theteit's aight05:33
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EriC^^Thete: ok05:34
Thetethe way I usually end up doin this is pulling the drives, leaving just ubuntu drive installed and doing clean install, then plug windows one back in05:34
Theteand then I just get disk images of it and not worry about it again05:35
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EriC^^Thete: in the partitioner did you create an efi partition, and select it as the efi partition instead of the windows one? at the bottom there's also bootloader location05:39
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TheteEriC^^: I did06:12
Theteit installed fine, it just put Ubuntu/blah.efi on the win10 efi partition anyways06:13
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EriC^^ah, odd06:13
Theteit's no biggie, I might be doing something wrong still06:15
TheteI created 512MB efi on /dev/sdb06:16
Thetethen rest of space / on /dev/sdb06:16
Thetetold it to install bootloader to /dev/sdb06:16
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EriC^^Thete: i think by default it'll choose the current efi as efi partitioner, maybe you had to select it and remove 'efi' flag from it, and only leave it for the one you created on sdb, just guessing06:17
EriC^^*as efi in the partitioner06:17
Theteahh that might be why06:17
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sentimentHello everyone.07:03
sentimentCould some one please help me with this issue: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=246288207:03
TheteI thought they changed to pipewire?07:05
sentimentDid they?! I wish!07:05
sentimentI'm running 20.1007:06
sentimentDoes pipewire support PA based applications?!07:06
MekaneckThete: they changed to pipwire from 21.04 onward07:27
sentimentBut I'm running 20.10?07:30
sentimentno luck?07:30
ThinkT510you'll need to upgrade to 21.04 anyway before 21.10 comes out if you want to stay supported07:32
tatertotsYou might also consider rewriting your post and or editing it. Ending your post with "works perfecting" could give the reader the impression you've solved your own issue with steps preceeding "works perfectly"07:32
sentimentIs that the answer to my problem ThinkT510?07:32
sentimenttatertots: but ALSA does work perfectly. I can record with arecord while pulse is not running.07:33
sentimentOK I edited that line.07:34
sentimentit was kind of vague. Good now?07:35
gordonjc1whatever audio problem you're having, it's because of pulse07:36
tatertotsif "perfection" has truly been obtained, there is no justification or warrant for further actions/considerations...use the term "perfect" with caution07:37
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sentimenttatertots: are you fooling around with me? :D07:40
sentimentyou have ignored the if condition preceding it: "Without PA..."07:41
sentimentanyways, kindly, what are my options besides upgrading to the new release?07:41
shabbz@kedar_apte - u there07:45
gordonjcpsentiment: you need to kill pulse before you do *anything* with sound in most Linuxes these days07:46
gordonjcpsentiment: I don't know what it's intended to be for but it just totally stops sound working07:46
kedar_aptewere you able to figure out the temp issue with your AMD?07:46
gordonjcppulseaudio, systemd and indeed Lennart need to all die in a metal chloride fire07:46
kedar_aptewill PM you with details07:47
kedar_apteit is an intereting find07:47
sentimentgordonjcp: but it's working otherwise.07:57
sentimentjust the recording part is messed up.07:57
gordonjcpthat's just how pulse works07:58
bibbleMPV missing window border and doesn't prevent screen turning off, when installing Ubuntu 21.04 minimal desktop. But worked normally on Ubuntu 21.04 Live desktop. Anyway to fix MPV issue?08:00
bibbleNot sure why it would work on Live, but not correctly on Full Install.08:02
sentimentSo it seems unlikely that I'll get an answer on  how to fix pulse. So is it possible to use pipewire on 20.10 such it 'It just works"?08:02
sentimentor are there caveats?08:02
gordonjcpsentiment: pipewire looks more or less like jack08:07
gordonjcpsentiment: with various bits of the kxstudio tools strapped to it08:07
Mekanecksentiment: why not just go with 21.04 and get pipewire OOTB....08:08
sentimentMekaneck: because it feels an overkill solution. No?08:15
sentiment*feels like08:15
Mekaneckfiddling around not?08:15
sentimentif I know the stuff, certainly not.08:16
sentimentwhich is why I came here.08:16
Mekaneckwasting time to get it working is imho, but it's up to you08:16
sentimentthat's one point of view and that's okay. However I believe it's a simple line of config that I'm unaware of.08:17
sentimentI'd wait a couple of hours anyways, as I've already been waiting for +24 hours.08:18
gigirockhi all, happy Sunday... only to check new configuration...on libera08:29
Mekaneckgigamo: then please check your new config in libera,  this is a support channel, thanks in advance ;)08:36
Mekaneck#libera that is08:36
Mekaneckgigamo: sorry wrong nick08:37
Mekaneckgigirock: ^^08:37
gigirockMekaneck: are you talking for my configuration about libera ?08:39
gigirockMekaneck: i'm register at libera as usual and I'm using ssl connection, whatelse ?08:40
Mekaneckthere's no need to put it here and it's offtopic08:41
gigirockMekaneck: ahhh I'm sorry . will never happen again08:41
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Ronalds_Mazitis_hey I have gnome-builder installed in flatpack10:53
Ronalds_Mazitis_it say's I'm missing zeitgeist-2.0 which is installed via system10:53
Ronalds_Mazitis_ubuntu 18.0410:53
AaronFariastype apt-cache search zeitgeist10:54
Ronalds_Mazitis_Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/dfc3c17d42ce82a57d2c067037c13066/pasted.txt10:54
Ronalds_Mazitis_I think I have it10:55
Ronalds_Mazitis_it's not exactly called like that10:55
AaronFariaswhat's it call?10:55
Ronalds_Mazitis_meson.build:58:0: ERROR:  Native dependency 'zeitgeist-2.0' not found10:56
Ronalds_Mazitis_there is no such thing actually10:56
AaronFariaslook at this10:56
AaronFariaslibzeitgeist-2.0-0 - library to access Zeitgeist - shared library10:56
Ronalds_Mazitis_so if I have it10:56
AaronFariasdo you have them install?10:57
Ronalds_Mazitis_yeah that was output on system10:57
AaronFariasthose are the output of the packages but it doesn't really mean if they're install until you do sudo apt-get install packagename10:57
Ronalds_Mazitis_yeah they are installed10:58
AaronFariasapt-cache search it means you are searching for a package name or a desc10:58
AaronFariastry verifying one by one ;)10:58
Ronalds_Mazitis_libzeitgeist-2.0-0 is already the newest version (1.0-0.1ubuntu1).10:58
AaronFariasthere a bunch of libraries10:58
AaronFariasand I am sure you are missing one of them...10:59
Ronalds_Mazitis_zeitgeist is already the newest version (1.0-0.1ubuntu1).10:59
AaronFariasif you need kwirc support ask them directly.10:59
Ronalds_Mazitis_I think apt search finds all of them, btw I wrote to install zeitgeist-2.0 and it gave me those10:59
AaronFariaslike I said ask them directly to kiwiirc or install them one by one11:00
AaronFariasall the libs that apt-cache search give you11:01
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Ronalds_Mazitis_Determining dependency 'zeitgeist-2.0' with pkg-config executable '/usr/bin/pkg-config'11:16
Ronalds_Mazitis_meson.build:58:0: ERROR:  Native dependency 'zeitgeist-2.0' not found11:16
AaronFariasRonalds_Mazitis_, read this https://askubuntu.com/questions/994827/why-is-zeitgeist-daemon-still-in-exitstance-how-to-remove-the-database11:18
Ronalds_Mazitis_everythings fine with it11:19
Ronalds_Mazitis_I have filesearch thing11:19
Ronalds_Mazitis_otherwise nautilus would not search11:20
Ronalds_Mazitis_or catfish11:20
AaronFariasif everything is fine with it... then you wouldn't be here asking for them?11:20
Ronalds_Mazitis_because gnome-builder says it's not there11:20
AaronFariasthose are missing libraries11:20
AaronFariasthen report some type of bug11:20
AaronFariaswith logs11:20
Ronalds_Mazitis_Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/72bb70336ff0c3a1a3a11abdc38c4c74/pasted.txt11:20
Ronalds_Mazitis_Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/bb80c4b9ceab6068af01b33c9768c739/pasted.txt11:21
Ronalds_Mazitis_Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/6cf9922546fd4d0e9afbdc4e8a7f9460/pasted.txt11:26
Ronalds_Mazitis_last one is funny11:26
Ronalds_Mazitis_compiler does create exe in ubuntu\11:26
AaronFariaswhat are you trying to compiled?11:26
AaronFariasand run?11:26
Ronalds_Mazitis_gnome-builder build output11:27
Ronalds_Mazitis_wanna become part of this, it's easy11:27
Ronalds_Mazitis_imagine being cooler and pushing your own features trough c code11:28
Ronalds_Mazitis_which is actually easy stuff11:28
Ronalds_Mazitis_well I'm compiling nautilus 3.2611:30
Ronalds_Mazitis_for ubuntu 18.0411:30
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Ronalds_Mazitis_ gir1.2-zeitgeist-2.0:amd64                      1.0-0.1ubuntu111:32
AaronFariasinstead of compiling do apt-get install nautilus11:32
Ronalds_Mazitis_I have nautilus installed11:32
Ronalds_Mazitis_I need to modify it11:32
Ronalds_Mazitis_I have modified thunar before11:32
Ronalds_Mazitis_for my own use11:32
Ronalds_Mazitis_of course11:32
Ronalds_Mazitis_not some stuff I will push to mainstream11:33
AaronFariasthen read then README and the INSTALL11:33
AaronFariasand take it from there.11:33
Ronalds_Mazitis_dude gnome builder gets the right version from actual repo11:34
Ronalds_Mazitis_and does the thing11:34
Ronalds_Mazitis_and it is only way to not mess up the system according to #gnome11:34
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bonhoefferwhen i do dist-upgrade i'm still at 18.0411:38
ograbonhoeffer, what would you expect dist-upgrade to do else ?11:39
ogra(it just upgrades your installed packages)11:39
bonhoefferok, thanks11:40
ograbonhoeffer, do-release-upgrade will upgrade you to a new release11:40
ThinkT510upgrade upgrades your packages; dist-upgrade upgrades your packages that also pull in new dependencies11:40
Mekaneckbonhoeffer: there are many tutorials out there on how to upgrade from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS ;)11:43
bonhoefferyeah -- looking at one now -- thanks for the nudge11:43
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davegarathHi all, someone can tell me why I can't see xchat in system tray on ubuntu 20.04 ?12:44
Mekaneckdavegarath: xchat hasn't been developed anymore, it's dead, use hexchat instead12:48
|macallan|testing gnome instead of kde for a change. One thing I can't seem to figure out yet is the workspaces. in KDE you got the virtual desktops/workspaces on the top bar to easily "click switch" between them. can I get this with gnome as well?12:57
ThinkT510|macallan|: they are dynamic. new ones open as you need them. go to activities and you'll see them on the right12:58
Mekaneck|macallan|: try searching for a extension: https://extensions.gnome.org/12:59
ThinkT510the default behaviour is that a new empty workspace is generated when the current workspace has an app open on it13:00
|macallan|yeah saw it now, thanks :)13:01
|macallan|hmm one more thing, can you make apps show on all workspaces? I have teams/slack on a vertical monitor beside my main one. I'd like to have them showing there even if I on my main monitor switch to different workspaces13:07
|macallan|ah nm found it, "workspace on main monitor only"13:09
iomari891reetings. I bought a laptop with win 10 i installed and I immediately removed it and install linux as usual. Now when I boot, I can't get straight to linux without going to the bios boot menu into a maze of options before I can finally boot. Is there ny way to bypass all this efi stuff and get straight to grub?15:20
MidnightLanternHi, my system just tried to install an update to the Logitech Unifying Receiver, which failed, and now I can't use my mouse. The error message given is: Unable to update "Logitech Unifying Receiver": failed to erase all pages: invalid command response of c0, expected d015:20
MidnightLanternThis update was attempted through the ubuntu software GUI app, which I've had nothing but problems with. Seriously considering going back to Arch15:21
MidnightLanternCan anyone help me get my mouse working again? If not, I'm done with Ubuntu, I don't know how people tolerate it15:21
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braewoodsMidnite: what kind of update? that doesn't  sound like regular softwre.15:31
tomreynthis would be fwupd15:31
Midnitewell it's an update for USB firmware/driver for a mouse wireless adapter.15:32
ioriaMidnite, there's a snap version of fwupd (that might fix your issue), but i can't tewll for sure15:33
waltmanHi! I'm using a Mac keyboard. I use cmd-tab to cycle through applications. This morning I hit cmd by itself. It shrunk my windows and put a big X in the upper right. It used to be that I'd hit cmd again and it would go back, but now it's not! It's not accepting any keystrokes, and all I can do is close windows! Is there any way to get out of this mode?15:33
waltmanThat was after a reboot.15:33
waltmanI've been mucking around with my network settings, but nothing (I think) that would have caused this to change.15:33
waltmanI don't even know how else to describe this to google for a solution.15:34
waltmanI can't actually click on my Firefox window, just the outer window Gnome put around it.15:35
tomreynMidnite: which ubuntu release are you running?15:36
waltmanI was typing before so the keyboard works.15:36
waltmanI'm running 21.04 with the latest updates.15:36
Midnitetomreyn: 20.04.215:38
waltmanIf I click on settings it opens it next to Firefox, but they're both in a mode where I can't actually interact with them and all I can do with it is close it.15:40
waltmanI can move the mouse back and forth and it highlights each window (firefox or setttings) but otherwise won't let me interact with them. Clicking Escape or Enter (or any other key I've tried) has no effect.15:41
waltmanSo I take it no one's ever seen this happen before?15:45
ioriawaltman, maybe a screenshot might help ...15:45
waltmanSure, but I'm not sure how I can take a screenshot with the limited ability I currently have to interact with it.15:47
waltmanI think all I can do is take a photo of it.15:47
ioriawaltman, don't you have a print screen key shortcut ?15:47
waltmanIt doesn't seem to be responding to any keypresses.15:48
waltmanI'm going to restart on the off chance the network issues were causing this.15:51
waltmansorry, I didn't realize irssi was on the same box I was rebooting15:53
ioriaWalex2, looks like a work space mess15:53
waltmanYep, after rebooting it happened again. All I need to do is press and release the Command key and it puts me into a state where I'm completely stuck.15:55
waltmanIt should be able to select one of the windows, but it's not letting me.15:57
waltmanOnce I'm in this state I can cmd-, alt-, or ctrl-tab between windows (moving the big X between them) but I can't get out of this mode.15:59
entulandtried with ESC? (just guessing)15:59
waltmanOf course.15:59
bigpodcan anyone help me i have a bind9 dns server on ubuntu with some internal dns stuff and a forwarder to a public DNS and sometimes my ubuntu just doesnt take the internal stuff wouldnt work16:00
waltmanThis has basically made my workstation unusable.16:00
bigpodbut after i restart my laptop with ubuntu it can querry the internal stuff for a while16:00
waltmanIs there anywhere else I could try to get help for this?16:00
tomreynMidnite: the snap was already suggested. and while https://github.com/fwupd/fwupd/issues/155 doesn't discuss the very same issue, the same solution (use fwupd 1.6.0 or newer) may apply.16:01
ubot3Issue 155 in fwupd/fwupd "Unifying Receiver Fails to Update" [Closed]16:01
tomreynMidnite: also try a different usb port / connector if it keeps failing like this. and show a full log.16:02
entulandwaltman, does this match your scenario? https://discourse.ubuntubudgie.org/t/workspace-switcher-graphic-gets-stuck-on-screen-in-18-10/170216:02
tomreynbigpod: hardly enough info. maybe try #ubuntu-server with this16:03
waltmanentuland: No. I don't get to that screen. Though I did just discover that I can do ctrl-alt-up and down to switch between virtual desktops.16:04
entulandfound this other hit as well: <https://forum.manjaro.org/t/stuck-at-windows-switch-screen/66434>16:04
entulandI wasn't sure about your desktop manager, had to scroll up to see16:05
waltmanentuland: Thanks, that's exactly what's happening with me.16:06
entulandyw, see if there is anything useful there, seems like they could at least mitigate the issue16:07
waltmanGnome has been a hot mess for me going back to changes introduced in 20.10.16:07
waltmanSimple updates causing X to crash or syslog fill with errors.16:08
entulandnaughty gnomes, that's why santa didn't accept them as elves16:08
waltmanWhat's the extensions panel?16:09
waltmanAlso, what's manjaro?16:09
waltmanI mean, I'm going to have to reboot just to try it.16:10
entulandwaltman I don't think it matters the kernel there, seems like it's gnome 40 doing that with some apps that don't cooperate16:12
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braewoodserr nvm16:18
entulandhey, no shame in dd'ing16:20
waltmanDo you know how to switch layout managers in ubuntu?16:23
waltmanI disabled one of my extensions. I disabled my "Window Action Key", which had been the left command key.. Then I clicked it and it got me back into this mode and now I have to reboot again.16:26
sentimentHello and good evening everyone.16:38
sentimentCould you please help me with this issue? https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=246288216:39
sentimentIt sounds like a weird one that noone has been able to address since yesterday.16:39
gordonjcpsentiment: there's no way to do it, pulseaudio is designed to stop you using sound for anything useful16:41
gordonjcpsentiment: unfortunately every distro apart from maybe Alpine is infected with pulseaudio and systemd16:42
braewoodssentiment: because pulseaudio expects everything to be routed through it.16:43
kvnI've just managed to install Ubuntu 20.05 on a Dell XPS 15 9500 and the wifi interface doesn't work yet. I read that the new kernel version might fix that but I have no mean to connect the laptop to the Internet right now. Is there an easy way I can get a package and all its dependencies onto a USB drive, to manually install them? Talking about linux-oem-20.04b more specifically.16:46
sentimentbraewoods: but I can play audio just fine.16:46
sentimentand I was able to record as well.16:46
kvn*Ubuntu 20.04, that is.16:46
braewoodskvn: it's one of those thin and light  models with no ethernet?16:47
waltmanI'm not entirely sure what I tweaked but I got things working. I think maybe I can click "Activities" in the upper left of the screen to get out of it.16:47
waltmanthanks for everyone who helped!16:47
kvnbraewoods: that's right. Super nice but proving to be a pain for Ubuntu so far. :)16:48
braewoodskvn: this is why i keep usb ethernet handy16:48
braewoodsyou're missing wifi drivers. did you install the latest pont release?16:49
kvnI could very well get one of those, but I was wondering if going through the hassle of manually installing each and every one of the dependecnies for linux-oem-20.04b would be worth it.16:49
kvnI downloaded the 20.04 iso from the official website today, so I guess yes?16:49
nunyaI'm trying to delete a couple of files in a folder and kept getting  Read-only file system  so I tried sudo chgrp -hR nunya /snap/mari0/6/mari0/graphics/ That didn't work. Still same message. Can anyone help?16:50
braewoodskvn: lsb_release -d16:50
braewoodskvn: that'll tell you16:50
ogranunya, you cn not delete content of snap packages ... they are like CDroms (squashfs filesystems) and only get mounted16:51
braewoodskvn: i'd try with 20.04.316:51
braewoodsweird thought it wasreleased16:52
braewoodskvn: what kernel? try uname16:53
kvnbraewoods: Linux16:53
braewoodsuname -a16:53
kvnWhere can one find 20.04.3? It's nowhere to be found here: https://releases.ubuntu.com/16:54
kvnOr maybe just 21.04?16:54
braewoodsit's not released yet16:55
kvnBut that might very well open a whole new can of worms.16:55
braewoodskvn: looks like it expects network access to fix this problem16:55
ograkvn, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseSchedule ... the question is not where but when ;) ... in august16:55
braewoodsyou have the  HWE kernel16:56
kvnogra: oh nice, thanks for that link16:56
braewoodsyou can try downloading the OEM kernel offline but...16:56
braewoodsupdates are normally done over the network16:57
kvnI did that, but it requires other dependencies, which in turn require others.16:57
braewoodsyea, that's exactly why.16:57
braewoodsit's hard to know which ones to grab.16:57
braewoodsit's probably easiest to use usb ethernet  temporarily16:58
braewoodsor phone tethering16:58
braewoodsor similar16:58
braewoodsusb phone tethering should work even with no wifi16:58
kvnI was wondering if a tool existed to kinda fetch all the required dependencies recursively, for a manual install.16:58
nunyaogra: I hate the startup logo of Mari0 and try to change it because it's grotesque. There must be a way to change folder permissions and ownership.16:58
braewoodsmaybe but i don't know it16:58
IvoCavalcantekvn: +1 for usb ethernet16:58
kvnOh the USB phone tethering could be a solution! Thanks I'll try that.16:59
kvnIvoCavalcante: I'd have done that straightaway but I'm away from home for another week (:17:00
jeremy31kvn: Do you know what wifi it has?17:00
nunyaHow do I get hexchat to automaticallyjoin this network and channel on startup?17:00
IvoCavalcantekvn: I see; USB tethering might help17:00
jeremy31nunya: right click on the #ubuntu tab at bottom and choose auto join17:00
kvnjeremy31: I believe Killer Wi-Fi 6 AX165017:02
nunyajeremy31: That doesn't seem to be an option.17:02
jeremy31nunya: did you get here by clicking a link like ircs://irc.libera.chat17:03
jeremy31kvn: That one might need the 5.8 kernel or newer, it kind of depends on the PCI IDs17:04
nunyajeremy31: Yes.17:04
jeremy31nunya: you are going to have to add the Libera.chat to the hexchat server list, I think CTRL + s will bring that up17:05
oerheksjeremy31, howto for libera/hexchat  https://askubuntu.com/questions/1339682/how-do-i-connect-to-libera-chat-with-hexchat17:06
oerheksadd the name, replace newserver/6667 with irc.libera.chat/666717:06
jeremy31oerheks: good, I did mine manually17:06
IvoCavalcanteoerheks: I believe port is 6697 for TLS connection17:08
IvoCavalcanteor 707017:08
oerheksIvoCavalcante, sure, you want TSL, no?17:08
IvoCavalcanteoerheks: yeah, just correctiong a type - you wrote 666717:09
oerheksno, port is correct17:09
IvoCavalcante6667 is for plain text17:10
nunya__ok I think that worked17:12
nunyaThanks got Hexchat to auto join this channel17:17
IvoCavalcanteare all Ubuntu channels already here on Libera?17:18
IvoCavalcanteI can't see topic info for #ubuntu-arm, for instance17:18
oerhekschannels are there, maybe topic is not set yet17:19
IvoCavalcantehum; ok, then17:19
IvoCavalcantewasn't sure they're already "fully migrated"17:19
IvoCavalcantebeing active on Freenode still17:19
Mekaneckoerheks: some haven't been claimed yet or no one has been asigned to the channel17:20
Mekaneckon the other hand, this is offtopic chatter IvoCavalcante ;)17:21
IvoCavalcanteyeah, sorry17:21
ograIvoCavalcante, oh, thanks for pointing that out ... i think -arm was missed during registration17:22
IvoCavalcanteogra: NP !  :)17:22
IvoCavalcantesince we're on this still, same holds true for #ubuntu-discuss17:23
IvoCavalcantenow, to be on-topic: when is xorg hwe meant to land on 20.04 ?17:23
oerhekshwe is already there17:24
ubot3The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack17:24
IvoCavalcantefor 20.04 ?17:24
IvoCavalcanteI can only 18.04 HWE17:24
oerhekswhat is your current kernel?17:25
IvoCavalcanteAm I missing something?17:25
IvoCavalcante5.8 (HWE, I know)17:25
IvoCavalcanteasking for Xorg hwe17:25
oerheksthey you have it already, fresh install after 20.04.1 probably17:26
IvoCavalcantethen I may have missed something, because kernel hwe comes from package linux-generic-hwe-20.0417:28
IvoCavalcanteas for xorg, there's only xserver-xorg-hwe-18.04 , not xserver-xorg-hwe-20.04 for instance17:28
IvoCavalcantethought it was going to be one17:28
sixwheeledbeastdon't believe xorg or any of the graphic stack are part of hwe any more17:44
oerheksyes it is17:45
oerheksjust read that wiki, if you do a fresh install, or upgrade with 20.04.1, you already have HWE enabled17:45
sixwheeledbeastnot as a seperate package17:46
sixwheeledbeastwell metapackage17:46
neonhi all18:00
neonim installing program from ppa but it is says no module named orca.speech how can i install this module?18:00
entuland"apt install orca" doesn't work?18:04
krytarikI wouldn't try this btw.18:05
entulandyou mean cause I borked the command? Probably I used "sudo apt-get install <package-name>"18:06
krytarikNo, because installing and all of its dependencies likely won't help anyway.18:07
entulandoh okay18:07
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neonapt install orca is working18:09
neonmportError: cannot import name 'debug' from 'orca' (/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/orca/__init__.py)18:10
krytarikHuh ok, I was thrown off by the fact the package name doesn't start with "python3-" as usual, but apparently the required module is indeed in it..18:13
leftyfbneon: at this point I think you need to seek support from the PPA owner18:13
neonthanks :)18:20
kvnbraewoods, IvoCavalcante, jeremy31: didn't manage to make USB tethering work, but installing 21.04 fixed the issue. Thanks for the help earlier!18:32
IvoCavalcantekvn: good to hear. fixes would eventually land on 20.04 through HWE, but you need it now18:34
kvnYeah, no Internet access was a bit of a blocker. I'm just glad 21.04 seems to work fine, you never know so close after the release date.18:35
MidnightLanternUbuntu tried and failed to update a driver for my wireless Logitech mouse, and now my mouse is fucking bricked. I am NOT happy. Who the hell do I contact about this bullshit?18:48
MidnightLanternIt doesn't even work in Windows now!18:49
ecormieryou can't brick a mouse from a driver, if it doesn't work in windows either, I'd start trouble shooting the mouse or the usb slot you have the wireless plugged into18:50
co0nHi folks, I am wondering why vagrant images for ubuntu focal require 40G of allocated disk space. This seems quite wasteful, I was running my VMs on a generous 25G and noticed that my resize failed refusing to shrink the volume. One can do a lot with Ubuntu without even hitting the 5G mark, i would reckon.18:50
MekaneckMidnightLantern: mind the language please18:50
MidnightLanternLiterally the ONLY thing that has changed ecormier is that Ubuntu tried and failed to update the driver for the mouse. I have tried every port on my computer.18:51
MidnightLanternSo I highly doubt you are correct here18:51
ecormierMidnightLantern: batteries?18:51
jeremy31MidnightLantern: Replace the battery, there is Windows software that can check the pairing status of the dongle18:51
MidnightLanternWindows doesn't even recognize the mouse's wireless dongle as a Logitech receiver anymore18:51
MidnightLanternI don't think replacing the batteries will fix that!18:52
Mekaneckthe driver isn't installed on the mouse......18:52
MidnightLanternNO WAY18:52
co0nThis is me talking about my test boxes which are continously destroyed..18:52
MekaneckMidnightLantern: mind your attitude please18:52
oerheks"update a driver for my wireless Logitech mouse" ... firmware or driver?18:55
MidnightLanternsomeone in the Arch linux chat helped me fix it :) sorry for the attitude.19:03
Mekaneckthanks for letting us know the solution.... :-/19:05
jeremy31Don't mention it19:06
IvoCavalcanteI came just for the solution... and nope!   :/19:09
leftyfbthey ran fwupdate and updated the firmware no the mouse. https://jonathanbayless.com/2020/05/03/bricked-mx-master-receiver.html19:10
IvoCavalcanteleftyfb: thanks! didn't know fwudp would take care of peripherals too, learned something today  :)19:15
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z0faceanybody online?19:41
z0facetesting this chat first time19:41
z0faceAh finally19:41
leftyfbz0face: feel free to use #libera or #literallyanyotherchannelname to test your IRC client19:46
z0faceThanks leftyfb, it was so quiet here, so i was not sure if i see the right channel..19:48
semHiya pals. I just spun up a free IBM instance, and it doesn't seem to have less installed; it is ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS though. Could lit be a super minimum install?19:49
leftyfbz0face: this is a support channel. Not a whole lot of activity on a Sunday. Try #ubuntu-offtopic for idle chat19:49
leftyfbsem: if less isn't installed, then you are running a custom, unofficially supported version of ubuntu. Maybe reach out to IBM for support with it19:50
semleftyfb, lol i will try installing less and see what happens19:51
Anna_ubot3: should the command gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub open the file? Cause it asks me for password, but it doesn't open it. I find the file with the MATE search tool but it cannot be edited.19:52
semlol what kind of jank system is ths19:52
leftyfbAnna_: ubot3 is a bot19:53
leftyfbAnna_: ls -l /etc/default/grub19:54
Anna_ubot3 and tomreyn were giving me indtructions yesterday. i don't think bots do that.19:54
leftyfbAnna_: someone was triggering the bot to give you snippets of information. it's a bot19:55
guntbertAnna_: ubot3 talks when being told to do so19:55
Anna_tomreyn: is a bot too?19:58
jeremy31!lts | Anna_19:58
ubot3Anna_: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Focal (Focal Fossa 20.04). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information.19:58
jeremy31Anna_: Like that ^19:59
Anna_oh I guess tomreyn triggered it then.19:59
jeremy31Anna_: something like>  gedit admin:///etc/default/grub20:00
jeremy31Anna_: you will likely have to enter password twice20:00
Anna_"The program 'gedit' is currently not installed."20:01
leftyfbAnna_: ls -l /etc/default/grub20:02
leftyfbAnna_: ^^^ does the file exist ?20:02
Anna_the file does exist. i can read it, i cannot edit it yet... i'm installing gedit now...20:03
leftyfbAnna_: are you running desktop or server?20:03
leftyfbAnna_: If desktop, what flavor of desktop?20:03
Anna_Ubuntu MATE 16.0420:03
leftyfbAnna_: you know that Ubuntu 16.04 is EOL right?20:04
Anna_EOL = ?20:04
leftyfb!eol | Anna_20:04
MekaneckEnd Of Life20:04
Mekaneckit's not supported anymore neither is Ubuntu Mate 18.0420:05
jeremy31Anna_: is gedit getting installed?20:05
Anna_I know... You don't know the whole story, that's why i was hoping to find tomreyn online. I'm trying for days to instal xubuntu 20.04 but I have graphical issues...20:05
Anna_okay, let me give you the short version of the stoty please20:06
leftyfbAnna_: I can tell you, this point, it's going to be a lot easier, cleaner and certainly quicker to just install xubuntu 20.04 from scratch and reinstall your applications and restore from backup then trying to fix whatever is wrong and then upgrade from 16.04(EOL) to 18.04 then to 20.0420:07
Anna_My laptop's monitor is broken. My only available external (an ancient one) supports only 800x600. When I boot from the bootable usb stick, I can't see clearly the options given and xrandr command doesn't seem to work...20:08
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jeremy31Anna_: so you are trying to add nomodeset to grub?20:09
petohi, can you help me? I cant install clang, ubuntu 20.0420:11
leftyfbpeto: sudo apt install clang20:12
Anna_I always prefer clean instal, but... what nomodeset is? listen, I'm not a linux user as experienced as most of you guys and i don't care abooit terms, I only need to make the interface of the installer viewable!20:12
Anna_the installer probably detects the broken monitor, it does not adjust to the external one (of course) so I need to change the resolution somehow20:13
jeremy31Anna_: I think I will leave this to tomreyn if he had some idea on how to accomplish this20:13
TJ-Anna_ has a valid concern - I noticed several releases ago that the installer assumes displays taller than 800 pixels and so dialog box buttons often are off the bottom of the display20:14
TJ-sorry, taller than 600 pixels20:14
peto@leftyfb: i became following error https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rZGRFKT2YW/20:14
leftyfbAnna_: Here is another option, there's a local makerspace in your area, I'm willing to bet if you reached out to them they might be able to help you with this. At the very least be able to temporarily provide a monitor they supports a higher resolution so you can run your installation. https://athensmakerspace.com/about-us-gr/20:14
leftyfbpeto: apt-cache policy clang clang-10 | nc termbin.com 999920:15
TJ-leftyfb: how about the ubuntu-server installer - is it's "GUI" going to have the same issue do you think? if it is really TUI/ncurses then a viable solution for Anna_ may be to use the -server installer initially, then add the desktop packags20:15
leftyfbTJ-: I'm willing to bet that would help, but I can tell you going from server -> desktop does not always work out the way you think20:16
leftyfbTJ-: It's a pitty the mini.iso with the D-I isn't still a thing, that used to work perfectly for me with these issues20:17
TJ-leftyfb: well, I do installs even more basic than that (from debootstrap) to desktop and it's never a problem "sudo debootstrap focal /target --include xubuntu-desktop"20:19
peto@leftyfb: https://termbin.com/zzlh20:19
leftyfbpeto: I'm not sure of the issue. What I can recommend is trying to use the us.archive.ubuntu mirror as opposed to sk.archive.ubuntu.com and see if that helps. Running this after updating the update: sudo apt update ; sudo apt install clang20:21
Anna_leftyfb: How do you know I'm from Athens ?!? (that's a bit creepy)20:21
leftyfbAnna_: it's IRC, your hostname is part of your ident, and it's very trivial to look up an ip address and get a rough idea of it's origin20:22
leftyfbAnna_: as creepy as it may be, it might help you20:22
Anna_shouldn't the xrandr command should work? I opened the terminal with super+T while boot from usb, bit it didn't work. tomreyn said something about tty, but I'm not sure I got right what he menat20:24
Anna_thus my try to reach the grib file20:25
leftyfbAnna_: editing the grub file while in the ubuntu installer isn't going to help you at all20:26
leftyfbAnna_: ok, how about this, is installing ubuntu from scratch a viable solution for you right now?20:26
Anna_I know. the OS isn't installed yet, so I can't login as ppy terminal asks me to. I tried on MATE and I still couldn't edit it...20:27
TJ-Anna_: what exactly happens when you execute "xrandr" ? does it error? does it list any 'outputs' (video ports e.g VGA, HDMI)?20:28
bonhoefferi'm hoping to install k8s via apt -- bad idea on ubuntu 20.0420:29
Anna_I boot from usb, wait for the installer to stop at the initial graphicak screen, then I press super+T, terminal opens and I type "xrandr -s 800x600". The result is to go black like the monitor got disconected or something.20:30
peto@leftyfb still the same problem, I tried another mirros, but still the same error message20:30
jeremy31Anna_: No FN keyboard combo to switch monitor output?20:31
TJ-Anna_:  don't try to force a mode. First find out what modes the monitor is offering with "xrandr -q" ... then select a mode using "xrandr --mode <modename>" - maybe start out ensuring it'll use the lowest resolution (e.g. 640x480) and once you know that works try 800x60020:33
TJ-Anna_: it might be an issue with the --rate value (refresh rate) not the resolution20:34
Anna_on toshiba tecra (my laptop), if you press FN+F5, the rsolution can be changed, but only on the installed OS. While on installer, it on;y opens ...something... a menu? which I can't even see what it is, and arrow keys don't seem to work (in case it was resolution preference). The reason why i was hoping to have a working command is because typing blindly something is the only thing I can do relatively safely.20:36
Anna_I tried the vbeinfo command and the result was a list I'm not I understand20:37
Anna_I'll try "xrandr -q20:38
Anna_Screen 0: minimum 8 x 8, current 800 x 600, maximum 32767 x 3276720:40
Anna_LVDS1 connected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)20:40
Anna_   1280x800      60.00 +20:40
Anna_   1024x768      60.0020:40
Anna_   800x600       60.32    56.2520:40
Anna_   640x480       59.9420:40
TJ-Anna_: it could be the monitor isn't telling the PC what modes it supports (this is called EDID) and therefore the OS/PC is assuming it can use the SVGA standard modes. If the monitor really doesn't like those modes, that may explain your issue20:40
TJ-Anna_: "LVDS" is the internal LCD of the laptop. You likely just need to disable that output, assuming there is also listed the External monitor20:41
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Anna_was I banned for a minute? did I miss something?20:42
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TJ-Anna_: try this: "sudo apt install pastebinit; pastebinit <( xrandr -q )" and give us the URL20:42
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TJ-Anna_: yeah, you got 'quieted' because you pasted too much text. Use the command above which will put the results in a pastebin20:42
leftyfbTJ-: easier to just use termbin20:42
leftyfbAnna_: if you have trouble installing or with pastebin, you can do:   xrandr -q | nc termbin.com 999920:43
Anna_I'm sure my older brother would laugh now. (it used to be his pc)20:47
Anna_I tried to disable the internal monitor on display settings, but that's applied only for the MATE account of course20:48
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Anna_I hate MATE. It looks like being full of bugs20:50
leftyfbAnna_: please tell me you are doing all of these things from the ubuntu installer and not your locally install 16.04 installation20:52
leftyfbAnna_: nothing you do on the ubuntu installed on your computer is going to affect how the usb installer acts or looks20:52
Anna_How could I do anything from the installer at this point ?!?20:53
jeremy31Anna_: Is it possible to disconnect the laptop monitor?  See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSUclzQX6vY20:53
leftyfbAnna_: nothing you do with ubuntu 16.04 is going to help your usb installer at all20:54
jeremy31If that broken monitor is disconnected it might use the external by default where you can use it20:54
leftyfbAnna_: are you just trying to get ubuntu installed on this machine?20:55
Anna_That's what i thought too, Jeremy, but I had no idea how could someone do that20:55
TJ-Anna_: disabling can also be done using "xrandr --output LVDS1 --off"20:55
Anna_okay, if I use that command here on MATE, will the internal monitor stay disabled with usb?20:56
leftyfbAnna_: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic-updates/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/mini.iso   I highly recommend downloading that, imaging a usb flash drive with it and installing ubuntu with it. You will need to be connected to the internet with ethernet. That will install Ubuntu 18.04 with your choice of desktop (xubuntu if you like) and using the old text-based installer which will work fine at lower resolutions. Once that20:57
leftyfbis installed you can then upgrade to 20.0420:57
leftyfbAnna_: no, anything you do on the installed Ubuntu with have zero affect on the usb installer20:57
leftyfbTJ-: Anna_ is making all these changes on the installed 16.04 with the false assumption that it will help the usb installer20:58
TJ-leftyfb: right, I know, BUT, this is also teaching the same commands that will work when in the installer20:58
leftyfbTJ-: I don't think she can SEE the installer20:58
jeremy31Something like this in grub?  https://superuser.com/a/63678320:59
leftyfbTJ-: unless you are suggesting doing all of this blind20:59
TJ-"I boot from usb, wait for the installer to stop at the initial graphicak screen, then I press super+T, terminal opens and I type "xrandr -s 800x600". The result is to go black like the monitor got disconected or something."20:59
Anna_i can't see the instakker, but, as I said, I can copy a command on a piece of paper and then type it blindly on installer's terminal.21:00
Anna_that's the easiest21:00
TJ-Anna_: how about we tell the kernel to disable the LVDS1 device?21:01
Anna_the internal monitor is dead. i woll not ever need it again, if that is what you ask me21:02
Anna_so should I try the "xrandr --output LVDS1 --off" while on installer's terminal?21:05
Anna_is it safe?21:06
jeremy31Anna_: It can't break the laptop monitor any more than it is already21:07
Anna_yeah, I mean it's only a change which can be cancelled by simply turning off the computer before installing, right?21:08
jeremy31On the terminal on the installer, no way it will be permanent21:12
Anna_I think it's an idea worth-trying.21:13
TJ-Anna_: there is a way to add an option to the kernel command-line when the installer bootloader starts, and that would allow you to disable the laptop display and therefore the VGA display should be used by the installer. The option to add would be:  "video=LVDS1:d"21:16
TJ-Anna_: I have to go so I cannot talk you through that process, but others here can21:17
TJ-Anna_: but it's generally a case of first identifying whether the installer is booting in BIOS mode (and thus uses the syslinux bootloader) or UEFI mode (and uses GRUB) - depending on which it is, the process of editing the kernel command line is different21:18
Anna_I need to turn my computer off in 5 minutes. jeremy, lefty, tj, thank you all for your time. I will be back to update you. Keep additional ideas in mind if any until then. THANK YOU21:18
Anna_will you be gere tomoroow?21:18
TJ-I won't21:19
leftyfbAnna_: you should also reach out to that makerspace to see if they might be able to help with the monitor situation21:19
TJ-but others are knowledgeable about how to add kernel command-line options when using the installer. Just write down the option "video=LVDS1:d"21:20
TJ-leftyfb: if it is anything like the UK, maker-spaces are closed still due to CoVID21:20
Anna_shouldn't I try "xrandr --output LVDS1 --off" first?21:21
Anna_I will try both. kefty, in Athens we had a HARD lockdown, but thank you anyway21:22
TJ-Anna_: sure, but with my suggestion the VGA would be the primary monitor for everything21:22
TJ-Anna_: so you wouldn't have to suffer a blank screen and wouldn't need to blindly type21:23
Anna_I need to go. thank you thank you thank you, see you later, kisses21:23
psuedreamhey pals, i have a very profound question21:29
psuedreamif I run a 'ls -l' the first information it shows me is a number - I cannot figure out whats the meaning of this number. not even manpages would tell me a thing21:29
ograpsuedream, do you mean the  first line like"total 84648" it prints or do you mean the first column of the listing ?21:31
psuedreamyes the first line21:31
ograthats the total size in bytes21:31
ogra(of the content of the directory you listed)21:31
psuedreamthank you! makes sense....21:32
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mhensley78hey everyone! hows it going?  i have a question maybe someone here would know.  I use ubuntu20.04 and since i rebooted after the last update when my screen blanks it does not power off now. it just goes black with a mouse cursor still visible.  it used to shut the monitor off. has anyone else had this issue?21:36
tomreynpsuedream: if you're wondering how to find documentation on this: "man ls" states "Full documentation at: <http://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/ls> or available locally via: info '(coreutils) ls invocation'".21:36
psuedreamtomreyn thx important knowledge ^^21:38
tomreynpsuedream: if you run the     info '(coreutils) ls invocation'    command, go to the "What information is listed?" section and read up on the "-l" option you'll see the number is the total number of blocks allocated by the file system objects listed below.21:38
tomreynpsuedream: ...and blocks are 1024 bytes each.21:39
tomreynthis wasn't a precise summary, better read the original21:41
psuedreamah nice thx tomreyn ... -h would have made this clearer for me...21:41
psuedream...this was more than enough information for my 'problem' haha thank you21:43
tomreyn:) you're welcome21:43
psuedreami love community support....21:44
tomreynmhensley78: i won't know what causes it exactly, and why it started happening after a recent ubuntu update. but generaly, such issues tend to occur when you run old / early bios versions, do multi-boot with windows but haven't disabled it's 'fast start' "feature", or the mainboard firmware is generally buggy.21:45
tomreynin the latter case, !acpi_osi can help, but focus on the other two options first.21:46
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semI tried to do iptables -F but I got kicked out of ssh22:00
semguess I should learn my lesson and read what i'm doing22:00
semiirc this will open port 80? iptables -A INPUT -p HTTP --dport 80 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT22:03
alfpatIs it safe to have epmd daemon showing on the firewall? If not, how to uninstall it?22:11
leftyfbalfpat: epdm? What "firewall"?22:12
leftyfbsorry, epmd22:12
alfpaton the GUFW firewall22:12
leftyfbalfpat: can you show us what you're referring to?22:13
braewoodsthis software; though what is using erlang? that's a pretty obscure language.22:13
braewoodsalfpat: you can disable but it might cause issues for anything that uses it22:14
alfpatI don't know if it is a default ubuntu daemon22:14
leftyfbalfpat: it's not22:14
leftyfbalfpat: epmd is not part of any package installed by default22:15
alfpatbraewoods so I don't know if i am using anything that needs it22:15
leftyfbalfpat: this is really dependent on your personal needs and what you have installed22:15
braewoodsyou can see what happens if you try to uninstall it22:15
leftyfbalfpat: sudo lsof -i :436922:16
braewoodsanything with a strong dependency on it will show up too22:16
braewoodserlang-base or so has it22:17
alfpatleftyfb using your code i see it is used by root and epmd, and say tcp Listening22:17
alfpatSo to uninstall it, what would be the code? maybe sudo apt-get purge epmd?22:19
leftyfbalfpat: we can't tell you if it's safe to remove since you installed it either directly or as part of a dependency of some other package you installed. We can tell you a default installation of ubuntu does not have it installd22:19
alfpatok leftyfb i guess i've got to search info about it22:20
leftyfbalfpat: I can tell you, the epmd.service file and /usr/bin/epmd is part of the erlang-base package22:22
alfpatI disable the service, now in my GUFW I see the same port but instead epmd it says systemd22:23
leftyfbalfpat: you need to stop the service as well. Disabling it only prevents it from starting at boot22:24
alfpatleftyfb I stopped it too22:24
leftyfbalfpat: sudo lsof -i :436922:25
alfpatleftyfb Now it appears only one line, root, tcp and in name it says *:epmd Listen22:26
leftyfbalfpat: that means it's still running22:26
alfpatSounds bad22:26
semSo this is definitely a problem with IBM's cloud server, but it's weird enough i can ask anyway22:32
semany reason I'd start getting bash: command not found for less and man?22:32
Theteguessing you don’t have them in your $PATH22:33
semmore works though22:35
Bashing-omsem: ' ls -al /usr/bin/less ' shows the tool is present ?22:38
semls: cannot access '/usr/bin/less': No such file or directory22:39
leftyfbsem: then it's not installed22:39
semit was installed earlier22:39
leftyfbsem: apt-cache policy less22:40
semInstalled: 487-0.122:40
semthis is what happens when I try to apt install it https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PwfhgYxsX6/22:41
semdebconf: delaying package configuration, since apt-utils is not installed22:41
leftyfbsem: I would contact IBM for support here. I think this image is too highly customized for us to be troubleshooting what they've done to the image22:41
semit seems like a bunch of the core utilities just poofed. I'll wait to see what they say22:42
CesosI wonder how many will rejoin back using this new server.23:10
catman370i'm guessing manuy23:10
alfpatI found something about the epmd service I talk about minutes ago. Looking at System Monitor, I see that the service text says: epmd owned by user epmd linux. And I don't have a epmd user. Maybe its a Malware?23:12
alfpatIn this site (but talking about Windows) it says that sometimes use that exact name to camouflage it https://www.file.net/process/epmd.ex23:13
leftyfbalfpat: do you have erlang-base installed? apt-cache policy erlang-base23:15
alfpatleftyfb I think not, maybe apache server use it but as long as i read on the internet, no applications mentioning the use of epmd installed by me23:16
leftyfbalfpat: did you confirm if you have erlang-base installed? apt-cache policy erlang-base23:16
alfpatleftyfb that code you say only told me "1:22.2.7+dfsg-1", but without saying an app name23:18
leftyfbalfpat: alfpat did it say that after Installed: and Candidate: or just after Candidate?23:19
alfpatleftyfb intalled and also candidate, and at the end it says:     500 http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal/main amd64 Packages      100 /var/lib/dpkg/status23:20
leftyfbalfpat: then that means the package is installed. Highly unlikely by malware23:20
alfpatOk nice to know that, thanks leftyfb23:21
leftyfbalfpat: sudo zgrep -a erlang-base /var/log/dpkg.* | nc termbin.com 999923:21
alfpatleftyfb what that last code do?23:22
alfpatleftyfb what that last code do?23:22
leftyfbalfpat: it'll look in your logs for when you installed the package. Posting it to termbin.com for us to examine if you paste the link it gave you here23:23
alfpatOk added the code, I will tell you when terminal end the proccess23:24
leftyfbalfpat: it shouldn't take that long23:25
alfpatLooks like terminal done it23:26
leftyfbalfpat: if it finished without a result, then you have no log for it23:26
alfpatExactly, no result23:26
leftyfbalfpat: what is this machine exactly? your desktop or a server? What services is it providing? Is it publicly accessible?23:28
alfpatIts my desktop23:28
=== nickw is now known as winlundn
leftyfbalfpat: did you try messing with ejabberd at all?23:31
leftyfbor elixir, manderlbot, rabbitmq-server, rebar, tsung, vim-vimerl, wings3d or yaws-*23:32
leftyfbthose all depend on erlang-base23:32
alfpatleftyfb none of them, i have Vim, i suppose is not the same Vim and vim-vimerl23:33
leftyfbalfpat: sudo zgrep -a -E "elixir|manderlbot|rabbitmq-server|rebar|tsung|vim-vimerl|wings3d|yaws" /var/log/dpkg.* | nc termbin.com 999923:34
alfpatleftyfb no results of them after use that code23:37
leftyfbalfpat: not sure what to tell you then. Maybe assume a compromise and reinstall from scratch23:38
alfpatleftyfb maybe is a good idea, I used Clamav and did not detect nothing, maybe I can try an Eset trial and if nothing is seen, reinstall from scratch can be the better idea23:39
leftyfbalfpat: clamav is useless and won't even find anything23:39
leftyfbalfpat: none of those will find anything23:39
oerhekswhat guide did you follow for ejabber epmd ?23:40
alfpatleftyfb really? bad news that the AV are useless23:40
winlundnhaha I just tried using clamtk and it doesn't save changes23:43
sem$ ls -al /usr/bin/less23:43
semlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 May 30 22:39 /usr/bin/less -> /bin/less23:43
semI didn't change anything and it fixed itself23:44
semstill can't use man though...23:44
leftyfbsem: contact IBM for support with their custom images23:45
semi did, just waiting on them. I'll stop updating here23:45
sembyobu does give pretty colors for ls -al /bin though23:45
=== sem is now known as sembutts
=== sembutts is now known as sem

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