
Mamarokso apparently the solver in kpat is broken because we use an old package: freecell-solver-bin/hirsute 5.0.0-2 amd64. Version 6.2 would be needed. See also https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=43775301:13
ubot3KDE bug 437753 in kpat "Baker's Dozen has no winnable games" [Normal, Unconfirmed]01:13
RikMillsMamarok: I guess also affects Neon then 07:06
=== ejat is now known as fenris
RikMillsMamarok: new freecell-solver requires new libraries that are not in debian/ubuntu yet, so a fix for that might not be quick09:57
MamarokRikMills: that's sad, because this means we ship a kpat version without the necessary updated packages.12:49
RikMillsMamarok: if debian unfreeze in time, we may get them. Otherwise I can swap kpat on the ISO for another game ;)12:59
RikMillsMamarok: and it is only in impish that BakersDozen exists13:00
=== genii-core is now known as genii
RikMillsit looks like Neon started to have a go at backporting the solver, then gave up13:13
RikMillslikely due to these issues13:13
=== DarinMiiller is now known as DarinMiller
Mamarokoh well, I can live without Baker's Dozen, and even without the solver, it jsut struck me that there were no solvable games reported14:46
MamarokI do play without the solver anyway, as my preferred games don't show anything at the start14:47
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc

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