
=== slyon is now known as slyon_
=== slyon_ is now known as slyon__
=== slyon__ is now known as slyon
fiesheven in the virtual machine that I just set up with a stock Ubuntu 20.04, I cannot manage to have netplan / systemd not drop routes of a device on carrier loss... It does re-add them correctly when the carrier comes back, unlike on our actual server, so the problem would arise as such, but since I can't see why this doesn't happen on our server, setting the `ActivationPolicy` to `always-up` *seems* to be 09:11
fieshwhat I'd want, but it just seems to have no effect :-(09:11
fieshI disconnect the (virtual) cable, and the routes are gone09:11
fieshhmm it works when configuring the device via systemd's network directly.  So I guess I'll have to not use netplan on our server then as a solution09:33
slyonfiesh: uh.. that's really interesting. Could you spot the difference between your manual systemd-networkd config (probably in /etc/systemd/network/) and netplan's systemd-networkd config in /run/systemd/network/ ? If it's just a single setting, you could always use a systemd-networkd override config/snipped, to adopt netplan's config to your needs09:55
slyon(and we could potentially fix it in upstream netplan, if we know which setting makes the difference)09:56
fieshah no, I didn't know the generated config was available there10:20

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