
callmepkgood morning01:11
dufluMorning callmepk 01:23
callmepkmorning duflu 02:06
jameshhi callmepk, duflu 02:06
callmepkhi jamesh 02:08
dufluHi jamesh 02:17
jibelGood morning all05:52
callmepkhi jibel 06:01
jibelHi callmepk 06:25
bittinhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-5tjNntraw Linux Conference in Gothenburg Sweden virtual 06:26
dufluMorning jibel 06:26
jibelGood afternoon duflu 06:27
jameshbittin: you were asking about Ubuntu Core Desktop a few days ago.  The repo is at https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-core-desktop06:55
bittinjamesh: ah yeah thanks :) 06:57
bittinbookmarks to check out later during the week when foss-north ends06:58
jameshdbus-activation (but not user-daemons) has been enabled by default in snapd master07:45
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seb128goood morning desktopers!07:58
jibelSalut seb128 08:01
dufluHi seb128 08:01
callmepkhi seb128 08:26
seb128hey jibel, duflu, callmepk , how are you?08:29
callmepkseb128 I am good, how are you?08:29
seb128I'm alright thanks!08:29
dufluseb128, achy but otherwise good08:30
seb128duflu, achy for a rewarding reason I hope?08:31
dufluseb128, no just haven't got back into exercise properly post-surgery. And using a standing desk for half the day doesn't count08:32
dufluNo it's a good thing if that's my only problem :)08:34
seb128that's right ;-)08:35
seb128on other news it's getting rather easy to get an appontement for covid now in France if you are 18+, which is nice08:36
seb128reasonable delay as well, you can easily get a slot in june, depending of your luck and how far you are ready to drive08:38
dufluseb128, let's assume "appontement for covid" is "appontement for covid vaccination"08:44
seb128lol, yes, sorry :p08:45
seb128I've read about covid parties, but that's not one of those08:45
jibelI'm good, thanks seb128 08:46
Trevinhofossfreedom: hey, mutter 40 is now in experimental, could you please update budgie there?11:39
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fossfreedomTrevinho: I need to upload a fix to gnome-screensaver first.   Gnome 40 breaks lock screen abilities of budgie. If I file a bug report for gnome-screensaver and attach a debdiff can you help review and upload to experimental? I can then upload budgie myself.15:12
Trevinhofossfreedom: ok sure15:12
fossfreedomThx. I will prepare a version specific to Debian since I have been testing against Ubuntu's version.  will ping you when  I have retested with a bug reference.15:17
bittinoSoMoN: Firefox 89 source is out, so ready to be compiled15:21
oSoMoNbittin, ack, I'm on it already15:21
ItzSwirlzbittin: Poggers16:01
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