
porkinzhi. quick question.  how do i ensure that password is always required to sudo su -?  after setting a root pw, i tried to update /etc/sudoers and add PASSWD: ALL at the end of the lines, but it's still letting me sudo without a password.00:39
leftyfbporkinz: ok, lets go through this 1 step at a time. First, why are you setting a root password? Why not just use "sudo su"?00:40
porkinzleftyfb: am using sudo su, but want to get a password prompt whenever using it.  this is for an AWS VM, so in the worst case scenario where someone gets ahold of my private key and gains access to the server, all the important files are still encrypted by some keys that are only visible to root, so i don't want someone to simply sudo into root without having to also know its password00:43
leftyfbporkinz: ok, step #1, disable the root password, that is not relevant to what you are trying to accomplish. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo#Re-disabling_your_root_account00:44
leftyfbporkinz: next, remove whatever you have added to the sudoers file and add this line towards the top with the rest of the Defaults:   Defaults timestamp_timeout=000:46
leftyfbporkinz: this will make it so every time you call sudo for anything you'll be asked for your users password (not root's, that's not how sudo works)00:46
leftyfbporkinz: your sudoers file should look like this https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/4Hc59CBqtk/   If you've added anything and think you still need it, feel free to share it here so we can determine if it's necessary for your end goal00:49
porkinzleftyfb: thanks. giving this a shot right now00:49
leftyfbporkinz: hint:  login with a different terminal and sudo su  ... keep that logged in and work in a different terminal just in case you make a mistake with sudoers00:51
porkinzleftyfb: ran sudo passwd -dl root  to disable root, then updated the sudoers file per your recommendation, but it still lets me right into root after i exit and sudo su -00:55
leftyfbporkinz: (while logged in a root in a different terminal/window) log out and log back in and then try00:56
porkinzleftyfb: did that with no luck00:56
porkinzleftyfb: exited all the way out to my local prompt and ssh'ed in again, then sudo su - and it let me in with no pw00:57
leftyfbporkinz: cat /etc/os-release | nc termbin.com 999901:00
porkinzleftyfb: termbin.com/mmwa01:01
leftyfbporkinz: sudo cat /etc/sudoers | nc termbin.com 999901:02
porkinzleftyfb: termbin.com/qpz701:04
leftyfbporkinz: I know it's commented out, but lets remove that ubuntu line completely. This really should work. It's working fine on my test machine01:07
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porkinzleftyfb: removed and exited all the way out, but no change01:07
porkinzwas able to even login on another computer and still sudo in01:08
porkinzi checked the groups to see if i added the ubuntu uer to root through usermod, but that doesn't look to be the case01:09
leftyfbporkinz: wait, do this...   login via ssh. Then type "sudo ls /"    it should ask for a password. Then "sudo ls /tmp/"01:09
porkinzdid not ask for a password on either of those commands01:11
leftyfbporkinz: echo $USER01:11
leftyfbporkinz: something isn't right here, this should just work. What is it about this machine or the testing process are you leaving out?01:12
porkinzleftyfb: i ran a bunch of other commands when trying to get WinSCP to access some privlidged content.  i think that i ran something like usermod -aG root sysadmin01:14
porkinzif i looks at the groups that ubuntu user is a part of "adm" comes up.  wondering if that is whats going on?01:14
leftyfbporkinz: sysadmin is not a default group01:15
leftyfbporkinz: I would spin up another AWS VM and test this on a fresh install. If it works, then maybe move everything to the new one ... or remember all the random commands you typed and undo whatever they did01:16
porkinzthanks, will give that a try and report back01:18
guivercI upgraded an 16.04/xenial box to 20.04 (re-install; something-else no-format)..  thus system dirs got wiped & my added fonts in /usr/share/fonts are gone.. I restored most; but not one I used obviously.. anyone know what config/xml file has my altered xfce (desktop/menu/panel etc) font?01:35
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rfmguiverc, no idea but probably under ~/.config somewhere.  You could "find ~/.config -type f -print | xargs grep <the font name>"02:07
guivercrfm, thanks, I was trying grep searches for 'font' & didn't find it.. I want to know font name (see if I'm willing to install that font; I don't want to restore the whole directory I believe it was in)02:10
leftyfbguiverc: I would create a new user and login as the new user and see if you have any issues02:11
guivercleftyfb, yeah that'd work I believe; also restoring the whole font dir & then logout, login would allow me to work normally I believe (& find what I'm asking for) restored (there are heaps I've not restroed); asked in case someone knew a file that had what I'm convinced is just a font-name I'm missing02:13
guivercthanks leftyfb :)02:21
porkinzleftyfb: the problem ended up being that cloud-init created an entry in a file under /etc/sudoers.d that gave ubuntu ALL with nopasswd rights.02:29
parclytaxel(sorry was tweaking some things on my local client)02:29
leftyfbporkinz: ah, I should have thought about sudoers.d/02:29
leftyfbporkinz: sudo apt remove --purge cloud-init02:29
parclytaxelSo, has my LiberaChat registration gone well?02:30
LjLparclytaxel, you don't seem identified at this time02:30
leftyfbparclytaxel: please go to #libera for help with IRC02:30
parclytaxeloh sorry02:32
parclytaxelI should be identified now02:32
leftyfbparclytaxel: you're not, please go #libera for help with IRC related issues02:32
LjLactually they are02:33
LjLbut you can talk here whether or not you're identified, anyway02:34
porkinzleftyfb: what is the purpose of purging cloud-init instead of just commenting out the line in the offending file. i'm afraid to remove it since everything else is running smoothly02:37
leftyfbporkinz: if you have to ask, then you're not utilizing it. It's meant for system bringup with preconfigued options or to manage some settings remotely, mainly at an enterprise level. Beyond that, it just gets in the way02:38
porkinzleftyfb: good to know. will remove it and see what happens..02:39
cluelesspersondespite being thoroughly disabled, ubuntu's built in on screen keyboard won't stay away02:47
cluelesspersonit keeps popping up randomly.02:47
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gneeriiloeepdeerI want to use 'locate' to find all jpg files inside a directory. I cd'ed to the directory and executed 'locate .jpg', but it showed results from all directories of my computer.05:02
gneeriiloeepdeerhow do I do this right?05:02
Unit193`find -name '*.jpg'` instead?05:02
ubot3"'*.jpg'`" is not a valid release: bionic, bionic-backports, bionic-proposed, experimental, fasttrack, focal, focal-backports, focal-proposed, groovy, groovy-backports, groovy-proposed, hirsute, hirsute-backports, hirsute-proposed, partner, stable, stable-backports, testing, unstable05:02
gneeriiloeepdeerhow come find is better than locate?05:09
Unit193It's not, it just does what you'd like in this case better.  find will list files in the current directory and recurse, locate searches the system.05:11
Unit193locate can be faster since it's backed by a db.05:12
jucelioflorestagneeriiloeepdeer you can read man locate and man updatedb to see that locate is to a another usecase than find.05:26
gneeriiloeepdeerthank you05:27
jucelioflorestasorry if I wasn't be respectful in my aweser, I trying to help you. 🌹05:29
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gneeriiloeepdeer🌹 that's a cool ascii06:11
cbreakit's not even remotely ASCII06:54
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xikkubbuffer hide09:48
xikkubbuffer hide09:50
xikkubsorry about that09:53
pinnerupA question of fallback fonts: After upgrading to hirsute, I see a strange phenomenon with font fallback for Arabic text. Generally, Arabic is displayed fine, but if an Arabic word contains a ٱ, that word (or the rest of the word) will render in FreeMono, which is, sadly, a horrible font for Arabic. Even if I've plenty of decent Arabic fonts ...10:43
pinnerup... installed that contain ٱ. Can I change this somehow?10:43
cbreakI can't really help you, but out of interest: does this happen in all programs the same? For example in web browsers, in the terminal, in file names?10:50
pinnerupHmm, it seems to function differently for different programs, and even for different text fields within the same program.11:03
ThinkT510do those programs have separate font settings?11:05
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pinnerupFor instance, if in Chrome I do a Google search for the phrase "أَعُوذُ بِٱللَّٰهِ مِنَ ٱلشَّيْطَانِ ٱلرَّجِيمِ", on the Google results page, it'll show the entire phrase in the search field at the top in FreeMono, but in the Chrome address bar, it'll show the address for the search page, which ...11:07
pinnerup... includes the same phrase, and here the words "أَعُوذُ" and "مِنَ" (notably words not containing the ٱ character) in a "proper" font, using FreeMono for the rest.11:07
ThinkT510does firefox do the same?11:08
pinnerupThinkT510: No, Firefox seems to display it all in a proper font.11:10
ograpinnerup, there was a longish discussion on the discourse community hub recently around better support for arabic fonts, perhaps there are some suggestions in it for you https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/request-better-arabic-font-for-ubuntu-20-04/1457311:10
pinnerupogra: Thanks for the tip.11:11
ogra(note that this is a looooong thread 🙂 )11:11
ThinkT510does chrome have an equivalant for about:config? perhaps there is some obscure font setting to change11:12
greyblue9chrome:flags is the closest thing i know of11:13
cbreakpinnerup: here on 21.04, the character looks like an orange | with a hat.11:21
cbreakat least in HexChat11:21
pinnerupOrange? :D11:22
cbreakunless I select it... then it shows totally different text.11:22
cbreakwonder if that's some kind of confusion with the LTR / RTL switching11:22
cbreakpinnerup: https://postimg.cc/bDJ24sv611:25
cbreakmaybe some artefact of sub-pixel anti-aliasing11:26
urthquassel doesn't like it either11:34
ThinkT510looks fine in fira code11:37
pinnerupIt seems to be fixed (at least for Chrome and Anki) if I create a /etc/fonts/conf.d/99-arabic.conf file with the contents as per the link ogra gace.11:37
pinnerupcbreak: Thanks. It's good to see that the character acts up on your computer as well. At least it's not just a problem with my install :)11:38
pinnerupurth: It seems to render properly in your screenshot?11:40
urththe font renders but the margin/padding is wrong11:42
sentimenthello everyone. I removed pulseaudio because of a problem I had with duplex stereo sound in other words I could not record sound.11:55
sentimentso i've installed pipe-wire and pipewire-pulse and the same problem persists.11:55
sentiment^ this problem, still with pipewire.11:56
tatertotssentiment: replaced the culprit with something else..and your problem(s) persists eh?.....maybe your culprit wasn't the culprit after all11:59
sentimentnot sure what that is supposed to mean12:00
tatertotssentiment: how many different GNU/Linux distributions have you tested with? Grand total?12:00
sentimentdid you read that link above?12:01
tatertotsso you've only tested Ubuntu12:01
sentimentI'm willing to spend money if that might speed up the support process. where can I get such support?12:01
sentimentIt's been over two days now and this is frustrating.12:01
sentimenttatertots: I have arch as well, but it only has ALSA12:02
sentimentSo it doesn't suffer from this problem.12:03
tatertotsIf you have the same problem(s) with "multiple" GNU/Linux distributions, it's very likely no software will address your problem(s)12:03
sentimentdid you read that link where I said the recording works so long as it's pure ALSA?12:03
sentimentare you willing to accept money for a better focused help?12:04
felcoi not an audio/video guy, but i read that you have a custom kernel for such workloads12:05
tatertotsOnce everything soft/hard has been ruled out...some problem(s) are problems in human perception...and those kind of problems will never be address with hard/soft wares12:05
felcobut i dont remember what it is called12:05
sentimenttatertots: you're not being helpful.12:06
tatertotstruth is bitter and hard to swallow sometimes12:07
sentimentI'd rather ignore you and wait for someone else who can help, paid or not.12:07
sentimentas it is, you're wasting my time and energy and I SHOULD ask you for money, not other way around.12:07
felcosentiment maybe you can try to compile arecord with pulse support?12:09
felcorollback to alsa maybe painful12:10
sentimentfelco: please read my last post on that thread.12:10
sentimentI can't record via whatever application.12:10
sentimentAlso PLEASE look at the first image in the OP.12:11
felcothats wierd12:11
felcoyeah, I saw that12:11
sentimentfelco:  it is12:11
felcoi cant help debug that, sorry12:11
sentimentI have a question.12:12
sentimentDoes ASLA manipulate firmware on the sound card  too?12:12
tatertotswhats the syntax for the bot to show information on packages ?12:12
tatertotsis it !packagename12:12
sentimentFor the lack of a better guess, I suspect this happened after I installed Arch.12:13
sentimentCould it be related felco?12:13
felcowait, are you arch or ubuntu?12:14
sentimentright now Ubuntu12:14
felcoif your reinstalled ubuntu, thats not the case12:14
sentimentNo, I installed Arch after Ubuntu.12:14
sentimentand I dual boot between the two.12:14
felcoyeah I understand, but I dont think that could ever happen12:15
sentimentyeah well, I thought maybe the firmware has been changed somehow but then, pure ALSA works on Ubuntu too. So it was pointless.12:15
felcoI mean, under normal circustances not will mess the soundcard itself12:15
sentimentI feel like ALSA does not talk the mic input to the audio server .12:16
sentimentWhere's the config for that? asoundrc?12:16
felcomaybe you can find better help in a community thats works with those stuff, like vlc12:16
sentimentbut this is pure recording issues, not playback.12:17
felcoi know, but you need better understanding of the underlyning stuff12:17
sentimentI should add that the volume meter in the mic input panel of pulseaudio moves when I talk. But it doesn't "show" the mic input to other applications.12:17
sentimenthow could that happen?12:17
felcothis is a guess, but you have tried to mix everything?12:18
felcomic and line in?12:18
felcousually you have a switch that mix everything on alsamixer12:18
sentimentnot intentionally. I haven't done that no.12:18
felcojust to try if you get any input12:18
sentimentyou men stereo mix? it's off.12:18
ThinkT510tatertots: just !info12:19
felcoi dont remember what its called12:19
sentimentthe issue is just that: pulseaudio or pipewire do no expose the mic input to other programs.12:20
sentimentas said, the mic input meter moves in the PA panel.12:20
sentimentsomehow someone knowledgeable about such stuff would be able to resolve it given those hints.12:21
felcoyes, i guess12:21
sentimentPA mi level moves.12:21
sentimentarecord works without PA running.12:21
sentimentother apps do not see the mic port at all.12:21
gordonjcpsentiment: PA takes over everything to do with sound and provides its own interfacs12:23
gordonjcpsentiment: you'll need to use something that can talk to PA's own magic method to record audio12:23
gordonjcpit's literally the worst of all possible worlds12:24
gordonjcpI honestly don't know why every distro uses it12:24
sentimentused to work though.12:24
gordonjcppulseaudio is fundamentally broken12:24
sentimentbecause there was no alternative arguably?12:24
mortIs there a nice way to download libraries for cross-compilation? E.g I'm on x86_64, but I want libz built for aarch64 to use with aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc12:24
felcoi liked alsa better, but then i dont have any specials needs towards sound stuff12:25
sentimentme too, no special needs either.12:25
felcoi mean, control wise12:25
sentimentwhat does this line mean to you? in the output of pactl ----> analog-input-front-mic: Front Microphone (type: Mic, priority: 8500, availability group: Legacy 1, not available)12:26
sentimentit says not available at the end12:26
felcosentiment maybe you can try livecd ubuntu i see if it works out-of-the-box there, if so, you may go deeper troubleshooting or else change your distro12:26
ogramort, try https://wiki.debian.org/Multiarch/HOWTO ...12:26
felcosentiment maybe it sees the mic as diconnected, which would be bad start12:27
sentimentwhy would it though, given those hints above.12:27
sentimentthis is rather confusing . :/12:27
felcoyeah I know, you may like debian12:28
felcoworth a shot12:28
sentimentwhy though?12:28
felcoit is pretty much similar to ubuntu and it may work outofthebox12:28
sentimentI thought downstream distros are better streamlined?12:29
felcowell.. distros are usally very personal choice12:29
sentimentalso "it MAY work" doesn't cut it for me unfortunately.12:29
ograsentiment, have you tried using pavucontrol ? it gives you a lot more options to manage pulse setups12:29
felcoin the end, you can pretty much build whatever you want12:29
ogra(perhaps there is a toggle in it that simply enables your mic)12:29
sentimentogra: please see this link: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=246288212:30
sentimentand please read above too. I said the mic input meter moves in the PA panel.12:30
ograsounds like you should file a bug then ...12:31
sentimentI'm fine with that if it increases the chance of a solution.12:31
ograsentiment, "ubuntu-bug pulseaudio"12:32
ograjust from a terminal12:32
sentimentoh ok, so it's not like a newsgroup.12:32
ograalternatively launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+filebug ... but that wont collect configs/settings and logs12:32
sentimentthat wouldn't give me any likely solution though would it?12:33
ograit will make the devs working on pulse aware of the issue so there is at least a chance it gets fixed12:33
sentimentI know.12:33
ograno developer reads the forums ... so to ever get it fixed a bug needs to be filed12:34
sentimenthowever I'm inclined to believe it's a problem with ALSA connectivity to sound servers.12:34
ograelse nobody will be aware that there is an iaaue at all12:34
sentimentbecause it is happening with pipewire-pulse as well.12:34
ogramight be12:34
sentimentso are there any configs worth checking out?12:34
sentimentlike asoundrc? (which is advised against anyways(12:35
ograprobably an issue with alsa-ucm ... simply not providing the correct device to pulse/pipewire12:35
ograthe ubuntu-bug tool usually collects all relevant logs12:35
sentimentoh that seems to ring a bell... I say that ucm somewhere while reading configs and commands12:35
mortogra: I'm not able to add either aarch64, arm64 or aarch64-linux-gnu as architectures12:36
ogramort, "arm64" should be the dpkg architecture12:36
mortreally? arm64 causes a bunch of 404s, while aarch64 just causes a bunch of "skipping acquire of configured file blah as repository blah doesn't support architecture aarch64"12:37
sentimentogra: any jumpstart to that alsaucm command?12:37
sentimentI'm reading its man page12:37
ogranot really ... has been years ago that i had to touch it ...12:38
sentimentALSA lib parser.c:2152:(load_toplevel_config) Unable to find the top-level configuration file '/usr/share/alsa/ucm2/ucm.conf'.12:38
ogramort, oh, the sources.list entries you mean ? the server is different for arm ... "ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports"12:38
sentimentis that a problem? no ucm.conf?12:38
mortogra: so what it says about dpkg --add-architecture isn't correct for arm?12:39
ogramort, dpkg --add-architecture arm6412:39
ograthat should enable it12:40
ograand then "deb [arch=arm64] http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports focal main universe" in sources.list12:40
ogra(and whatever other pockets you need in there)12:41
mortalright, after manually adding the ports.ubuntu.com repos it seems to work12:43
mortstill a lot of 404s though, because the existing repos don't have arm64 versions12:43
mortdo I have to manually go through and add [arch=amd64] for all repos which don't have arm stuff?12:45
ograno, you should only add that one line i gave you above to the end of your sources.list12:46
ograthen run apt update ...12:46
ograand then apt install libfoo:arm64  ... for the lib you want12:46
mortbut then apt-get update looks like this: https://p.mort.coffee/vaN12:49
mortit works, but returns a non-zero exit code and prints a bunch of errors because it tries to find the arm64 version of the normal ubuntu archives12:49
ogramort, can you paste your sources.list too ? you should really only add that one line for arm64 that i gave above, not edit any existing lines12:55
ogra(and indeed s/focal/hirsute/ in my line for your release)12:56
mortogra: https://p.mort.coffee/P4A.list12:58
mortall that's from ubuntu itself except for the last linve12:59
weqis there any method to install "additional software" to a snap package... ?12:59
ograand you get these errors when simply running "apt update" ?12:59
mortogra: yeah13:02
ogravery strange13:02
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FreeBDSMhi. I need help with apt's error preventing me from updating packages. The error is: `E: The package docker-ce needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.`13:24
FreeBDSMand I even get the same error when I do `sudo apt -y remove docker-ce`!13:25
mgedmincan you pastebin the full error?13:28
mgedminthere's no docker-ce package in the ubuntu archives, so you must've had some 3rd-party repo enabled13:34
mgedminI see dpkg has an option --force-remove-reinstreq, but I don't know if it would be a good idea to use it13:34
Guest9320.04LTS youtube-dl package is out of date enough that it no longer works. Can't create launchpad account, someone else able to report it?13:49
FreeBDSMmgedmin: yeah, googled that solution as well, went with it, thanks13:49
locsmifHi all. I want to add a locale, but if I e.g. run localedef nl_NL.UTF-8 the process enters a state S and does nothing?14:05
hggdhlocsmif: localedef is a *compiler* for locale data. It is in S probably because it is waiting user input (the data to be compiled).14:07
hggdhlocsmif: you probably want 'setlocale', or similar14:08
ogralocale-gen i think ...14:09
locsmifogra: I mistook this system for Ubuntu-based (I'm dealing with dozens :|) but it's Debian. dpkg-reconfigure locales as root worked14:12
ograah, indeed14:12
locsmifNot sure if that matters much but it may?14:12
ogra(thats a no-op on ubuntu nowadays i think)14:12
locsmifYeah, we have mainly Ubuntu here but there are a few exceptions14:13
ograyou'd just call locale-gen fo_FO.OO14:13
sentimentHello , I have a question. Are ucm profiles necessary for a sound card to work properly?14:19
sentimentwhy am I asking? because: -----------> alsa-lib main.c:1021:(snd_use_case_mgr_open) error: failed to import hw:0 (empty configuration)14:20
sentimentFound hardware: "HDA-Intel" "VIA VT1705" "HDA:11064397,101905b3,00100000" "0x1019" "0x05b3"14:20
sentiment^ that error14:20
ograsentiment, the majority of cards doesnt need UCM ... this is really rather for complex cards with many in/outputs usually14:25
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LiveroHi. I'm trying to find a program that allows me to resize unresizeable windows forcefully. Unfortunately, I have no luck finding one. Does anyone know something like that?14:41
leftyfbLivero: I don't think that's a thing. Why do you need to do that?14:45
braewoodsLivero: doesn't really exist.14:45
braewoodsLivero: they're unresizeable for a reason typically.14:45
entulandLivero - what's the point of that? if the window can't be resized, chances are that even if you force it to have a different size the contents wouldn't get arranged accordingly14:45
entulandI know many programs that lay out the widgets assuming a specific size and in some cases they "forgot" to make the window fixed in size, which resulted in the program simply showing blank around the widgets (right + bottom) or clipping the interface14:46
urththe kde window manager allows for some forced window settings but I don't know if it works on unresizeable windows14:47
entuland(I mean, that happens if you resize the window anyways)14:47
entulandI found hits about wmctrl which may be able to do so or not, can't find mentions of fixed size windows14:50
urthLivero: if you want to resize a window without a border, most window managers allow that via ALT+right click14:51
Liverourth: It does have a border. It just won't let me resize it.14:59
LiveroAlso, I don't think Alt+right click works for me. Resize is greyed out, even for windows I can resize15:00
entulandLivero you tried wmctrl as well?15:02
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Abraxwhy did you move here15:53
entulandyou mean here on Libera?15:55
lotuspsychje_#ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic please Abrax15:56
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TravisHello.  Can Mac programs be installed on Ubuntu?16:24
Toadisattvamost everything not proprietary to apple should have a linux alternative16:25
Toadisattvaer linux version as it were16:25
TravisWell, maybe not.  Paltalk does not have a Linux version.16:25
TravisI wish it did.16:25
ograTravis, https://snapcraft.io/sosumi perhaps ?16:28
cbreakTravis: it is possible to install MacOS in a VM via Qemu / KVM on linux16:28
gordonjcpit even works, too16:29
cbreakthis will not be productively usable though, unless you somehow dedicate a whole GPU to it16:29
TravisI don't have that OS.16:29
gordonjcpTravis: what are you trying to do?16:29
TravisI am trying to install Paltalk onto Ubuntu.16:29
TravisI gave up on the Mac version, as that is what came up, when I accessed the website via Ubuntu.16:30
cbreakI don't really want to post a link to it here, but if you search for OSX-KVM you should find stuff... wouldn't recommend it for anything serious though.16:30
TravisIf I can get my other radio programs to work, I may switch to Ubuntu full time.16:31
Toadisattvait appears it has a windows version?16:31
Toadisattvamaybe you can just run it in wine?16:31
tatertotsPaltalk can probably be used with a browser also...firefox/chrome16:31
tatertotsPaltalk is pretty basic16:31
cbreakit does look like Discord?16:31
TravisPaltalk doesn't have a web-based chat anymore.16:32
TravisI am trying that now, Toadisattva16:32
DrkTremosevening people16:36
simahi, I updated 20.04 minimal install (advanced) and added xubuntu packages for desktop, then updated to 20.10 nd now to 21.04 with ' do-release-upgrade -d '16:42
TravisI have the program installed, yet get zero sound from the software.16:42
simaBut every time after logging in, it pops-up with some warning about reporting bug/having an error to report16:43
simaSince I am preparing the laptop for relatively average user, I don't want qestions like, Why Ubuntu always want to report some error. How do I stop him from doing that and maybe report it and make that pop-up go away?16:44
simamaybe it's about apt-btrfs-snapshot not working by default, without installing additional required packages (not listed as dependencies)16:46
alkisgsima: https://askubuntu.com/questions/135540/what-is-the-whoopsie-process-and-how-can-i-remove-it16:47
alkisgYou can see the existing crash dumps with: ls /var/crash16:47
cbreakpeople actually use btrfs?16:54
cbreakif you don't, you might be able to just systemctl disable the btrfs related services / units... or remove them?16:55
simaalkisg, huh, I just removed everything from /var/crash Thanks.17:02
* sima will re-login to see if it re-appears 17:02
=== Gorian is now known as Guest3462
Chunkyz-RPiwhat's ubuntu's software centre called on 21.04?17:28
LernerI just install Ubuntu 21.04 and I tried to install XRDP using "sudo apt install xrdp" but it just says "Unable to locate package xrdp"17:28
Chunkyz-RPiso I can install it?17:28
cbreakLerner: sudo apt update && apt search xrdp17:29
LernerI did the first already17:29
cbreakon my 21.04 it finds xrdp/hirsute 0.9.12-1.1 amd64 among others17:30
LernerThe second says "Sorting... Done." then "Full Text Search... Done" and that's it17:30
Chunkyz-RPiLerner: do you have multiverse/universe enabled?17:30
LernerI don't know how to do that17:31
cbreakthere's a checkbox for it in the Software & Update settings17:31
Lerneri'll try and come back17:32
cbreakUbuntu Software > Downloadable from the Internet > Community-Maintained free and open-source software (universe)17:32
Chunkyz-RPicbreak: what's the software center package name?17:33
ioriaChunkyz-RPi, on 21.04 you should have the snap ver. (snap-store), but you can also install gnome-software, if you want17:35
Chunkyz-RPiI'm trying to stay away from snap, what's the gnome-software package name ioria ?17:36
ioria!info gnome-software17:36
ubot3gnome-software (3.38.1-1, hirsute): Software Center for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Built by gnome-software. Size 876 kB / 6,835 kB17:36
ioriathat ^17:37
Chunkyz-RPiioria: what's the snap store package name? sorry.17:39
Chunkyz-RPidon't think so ioria17:40
Chunkyz-RPiioria> snap-store17:40
Chunkyz-RPiE: Unable to locate package snap-store17:40
LernerThat was it. Enabled universe/multiverse and was able to install xrdp. Thanks.17:40
ioriait's not a regular pkg; snap find snap-store17:41
ioriaChunkyz-RPi, ^^17:41
ioriaChunkyz-RPi, you cannot find/install/remove  snaps with apt tools17:42
Anna_jeremy31: the "xrandr --output LVDS1 --off" command didn't work on installer's terminal17:55
Anna_can we try plan B ?17:55
jeremy31Anna_: My idea was to disconnect the broken monitor17:56
Anna_and TJ was telling the same. But how?17:57
nomikeI'm running ubuntu 20.10. A few days/weeks ago update manager offered me to upgrade to 21.04. Id didn't upgrade back then and I know there was this issue with upgrading and upgrades where temporarily disabled. But AFAIK these issues have been solved for some time now and when I run "do-release-upgrade" I'm just told there aren't any new releases.17:58
nomikeIs the upgrade still delayed and I just need to be patient, or could if be an indication that something is wrong?17:58
jeremy31Anna_: Look up monitor replacement for your model, likely a youtube video17:58
Anna_jeremy31: I copied him18:01
Anna_<TJ-> Anna_: there is a way to add an option to the kernel command-line when the installer bootloader starts, and that would allow you to disable the laptop display and therefore the VGA display should be used by the installer. The option to add would be:  "video=LVDS1:d". I have to go so I cannot talk you through that process, but others here can. It's generally a case of first identifying whether the installer is booting in BIOS mode (and thus18:01
Anna_uses the syslinux bootloader) or UEFI mode (and uses GRUB) - depending on which it is, the process of editing the kernel command line is different18:01
Deuteranopia 18:04
jeremy31Anna_: to do that you have to press 'e' during boot to edit the grub command line and put that bit next to quiet splash18:04
jeremy31Anna_: it might need to be video=LVDS-1:d18:08
Anna_do what? the editing? He said i need to identify something else first...18:09
=== Laibsch is now known as Laibsch1
=== Laibsch1 is now known as Laibsch
jeremy31Anna_: I am doing some checking on the grub18:14
jeremy31Anna_: adding the video=LVDS-1:d  should disable lvds if that is what xrandr showed the connected monitor to be18:18
Anna_jeremy31: was it? you tell me ---> http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jx5SWPfjkC/18:21
Aavarhow can I list large files/directories on my drive? I managed to move some files to my / drive instead of deleting them, but I cant seem to find out where they went (the drive is at 100%)18:21
jeremy31Anna_: It should work18:22
Anna_jeremy32: so all I have to do is press "e" while boot from usb and then blindly type "video=LVDS-1:d" ?18:24
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MikeBWhen will Ubuntu member cloak be available on liberachat?18:26
jeremy31Anna_: the second monitor doesn't work at boot?18:26
jeremy31MikeB: ask in #ubuntu-irc have the URL to your LP page ready and have it updated with your Libera nick18:26
Anna_you mean the external one?18:27
jeremy31Anna_: yes18:27
=== MikeB is now known as Mike
=== Mike is now known as Mikeb
=== Mikeb is now known as MikeB
|macallan|Hi, still getting used to ubuntu and gnome (from previous kubuntu). One thing I use fairly often both on kubuntu and windows is the "windows button" and arrow to fit for example to apps side by side to fill the screen. is there an equalent shortcut in gnome?18:28
Anna_jeremy31: in all cases, including while on installer from usb, the external monitor is my only hope to see something. It works, just not with the right resolution. It's the internal that doesn't work at all.18:29
=== MikeB is now known as dbasinge
jeremy31Anna_: any chance you can go through the menus on the external monitor and see if screen size can be adjusted?  Is the aspect ratio the same, neither monitor a wide screen?18:32
rfmAavar, "ncdu" is popular for displaying file/directory usage and drilling down into the directories18:32
MTecknologyIn default ubuntu 21.04, how do I configure virtual desktops? I know where the option /used/ to be (settings > appearance > enable workspaces), but the option doesn't seem to be available.18:36
rfmAavar, the older way is "du -x / | sort -rn } less" if you don't have ncdu installed and can't because root is full...18:37
ThinkT510MTecknology: gnome makes a new workspace when the current one has an app open on it18:38
MTecknologyThinkT510: then it seems I'm missing how to switch to it18:40
ThinkT510MTecknology: open activities and the workspaces are on the right18:40
Anna_jeremy31: No chance I could navigate on any menu. I don't know what aspect ratio has each, but it doesn't seem to be the same. The external is as bulky as a usual monitor from the 80s could be. The internal is wider, but not too wide. A normal internal monitor for a normal 15.4 laptop.18:41
MTecknologyThinkT510: I don't see any workspaces... just a list of apps18:42
jeremy31Anna_: So grub menu doesn't appear?18:45
ThinkT510MTecknology: do you have an app open?18:46
MTecknologywell, not "list," it's thumbnails of open apps; either way, not workspaces18:46
MTecknologyI have a few open, yes.18:46
ThinkT510is there one that's empty?18:47
ThinkT510could you send a screenshot please?18:49
ubot3Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.18:49
MTecknologyThinkT510: https://i.imgur.com/eO5TiLz.png18:51
Anna_jeremy31: by pressing "e" while boot from usb you mean? I remember something appeared last time I tried to press "e", but I couldn't even recognize what it was. Now, of you meant the regular boot menu, someone advised me to use a program called grub customizer. Selecting to boot the "right" OS between the installed but unsupported Windows 7 and the equally unsupported Ubuntu MATE 16.04 is something I can do. The only problem I managed to solve18:51
Anna_during this frustrating week.18:51
ThinkT510MTecknology: I can see it to the right18:52
MTecknologyI see it now18:52
MTecknologyWhere an I see the keys for switching between and switching while bringing the app with?18:53
Josh_2Hi I got quite the problem on my server, https://dpaste.com/2868WR6ZN can anyone tell me how to sort this out?18:55
Josh_2tried to do an upgrade & update18:57
BrightHi, is anyone using Srain to chat?19:00
BrightThe config instructions on this page of https://doc.srain.im/en/stable-1.2/config.html is difficult for me.19:00
Josh_2Thats how I ended up in this situation, cant really do anything now :(19:00
jeremy31Anna_: I am doing a check on an ISO customizer program, hopefully it can change the default command line so it will use your external monitor19:00
BrightMy aim is to keep only "Libera Chat" in the list of servers, using auto-login with username and password. Can anyone help me?19:00
geniiJosh_2: dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/libpython3.9-minimal_3.9.5-3~20.10.1_amd64.deb19:04
Anna_Bright: Libera.Chat is not a server, it's a network. Even I know that. For saving your preferences you need a good client. Maybe HexChat if you're on a desktop, but don't ask me how to install it. I found it already installed on my brother's laptop. Not really an expert.19:06
ravageapt install hexchat19:10
ravageits not that difficult :)19:10
BrightAnna, thanks for your recommendation. I have installed HexChat.19:12
BrightThank you ,ravage19:13
Anna_Bright: On HexChat select Networks list , then use the favor button to select favorites and then ckick the option "show favorites only"19:14
Anna_that's how I did it19:15
BrightYes, thanks! I've been using HexChat for a long time. Just found srain, it has a beautiful interface19:16
jeremy31Bright: see https://askubuntu.com/questions/1339682/how-do-i-connect-to-libera-chat-with-hexchat that will show you how to add Libera to the server list in hexchat19:16
Anna_I have no idea if HexChat is the best there is. It's what my brother uses, so not really mine the recomendation. Blame him if it won't worl for you :-P19:18
Josh_2genii: tyvm!19:29
geniiJosh_2: Glad to assist19:29
Josh_2okay, now thats fixed. I am starting postgres with systemctl start postgresql, however when I run ps -e | grep post I get no output19:37
Josh_2same if I use /etc/init.d/postgresql start19:37
oerhekssystemctl status postgresql19:39
oerheksjournalctl -xe # couls also be a help19:39
Josh_2output from journalctl -xe19:40
Josh_2oo got a problem with my config19:41
Josh_2Okay got it :D19:47
Anna_jeremy31: any luck with that program?19:56
jeremy31Anna_: No, I can't get it to change the ISO to disable my internal like I can by changing grub19:57
Anna_So there is no solution?19:57
alkisgAnna_: are you trying to get the correct resolution in the external monitor, and disable the internal? Did you try: xrandr --output LVDS1 --off; xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1024x768 ?19:58
Anna_alkisg: is this 1 big command or two?20:00
jeremy31Anna_: you might have to wait for tom or disconnect the laptop monitor.  On this laptop I can read from an external monitor in BIOS and the Grub menu20:00
jeremy31Anna_: one command20:00
alkisgAnna_: there are two commands, paste them in a single line, the question mark properly separates them:    xrandr --output LVDS1 --off; xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1024x76820:01
Anna_I have tried "xrandr --output LVDS1 --off" as TJ had suggested and nothing happened. he never mentioned that's only the half of it20:01
alkisgThat would disable your internal monitor, without changing the external monitor resolution20:02
alkisgSo if your internal monitor is broken, you wouldn't see any change20:02
Anna_the second half sets the resolution on 1024x768?20:03
alkisgIt's what your xrandr says that the monitor supports20:03
Anna_I don't think the external can support that. It's an ancient monitor (from the 80s)20:04
alkisgIf you're afraid to try, then try this: xrandr --output LVDS1 --off; xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1024x768; sleep 10; xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 800x60020:04
alkisgThat big command will set the 1024x768 resolution for 10 seconds, then revert to your current 800x600 one20:05
alkisgSo you'll see if it supports 1024 as it claims, or not20:05
Anna_I'm not afraid. Worst case scenario, I drag the usb stick out and restart.20:06
jeremy31Anna_: wasn't the main thing to be able to install a new version of Ubuntu?20:08
Anna_jeremy31: I'd like to be able to see graphics while installing it, because, frankly, I'm not sure if I want xubuntu. i might have to try to install a new distro several times. So, no, installing is not the main thing. the main thing is whether I can "hack" the resolution with 1 crappy monitor and 1 totally broken.20:11
Anna_Simply put, I had enough with "ready" computers from my brother. I want to select on my own.20:12
jeremy31The big problem is that the monitor isn't completely broken, as it thinks it is connected20:13
Anna_yes, I got that. Just a minute...20:14
Anna_I'm trying to understand what alkisg said... alkisg, did you call "question mark" this symbol ---> ";" ?!? ...are you Greek?20:18
alkisgAnna_: yes sorry, that's question mark in greek, while I should say "half colon" or however it's called in english :)20:18
alkisgIt's a command separator in any case20:18
alkisg*semicolon :)20:19
Anna_thank god you didn't call it "half-ass" ha ha ha20:19
jeremy31Only Americans say that20:20
AavarIs there a tool to show what is taking up space? On a server (terminal/ncurses)20:21
tomreynAavar: ncdu20:22
Anna_hello tomreyn :)20:23
Aavartomreyn: THank you.20:23
tomreynhi Anna_20:23
tomreynyou're welcome Aavar20:23
Aavartomreyn: do you know if I can Exclude more than one directory?20:25
Aavarfound it :)20:26
Anna_Aavar: If you were on MATE, I would recomend MATE Disk Analyzer. You can select any disk or folder with that. I'm going to follow alkisg's suggestion now. I'll return in very few minutes if that won't work. ASre you going to be here, tomreyn?20:27
tomreynAnna_: i'll have some supper and watch some tv, but should be back later. do you need me specifically?20:28
Aavarhmm... my syslog is 116GB... How can that be? Could it be that logrotate is not working? should that be rotated via cron?20:29
tomreynAavar: syslog as in /var/log/syslog ?20:30
Anna_I;kk update you on your initial suggestions if you're interested, plus everyone here seem to trust you and recomend you as top adviser. See you later20:30
tomreynhah, thanks. there are certainly more experienced people posting here, though.20:30
Aavartomreyn: Yes20:31
AavarI think that was managed by cron before. Maybe systemd has taken over?20:32
tomreynAavar: it should get rotated in deed, unless you removed logrotate20:32
Aavartomreyn: is that a package?20:32
tomreynsystemd managed rsyslogd, which is the default syslog daemon on ubuntu.20:32
tomreynsystemd also has its own logging service, but not syslog compatible. it is systemd-journald20:33
tomreynuse journalctl to control it20:33
Aavartomreyn: I can see that the logrotate.service is not running... I'll try to enable and run it.20:33
Aavaror is it managed by logrotate.timer?20:34
tomreyni assume so, but don't have a system using this at hand.20:34
Aavarhaha! I ran the service by hand and gained 115 GB...20:35
tomreynif you don't need logs in syslogd format, you could consider purging rsyslogd and the logs at /var/log/syslog* and instead use journald, enable persistent journals by creating /var/log/journal (if it does not already exist)20:36
AavarI guess there is something wrong with the timer...20:36
Aavartomreyn: I have not learned to use journald yet, so I want to keep the logs for now.20:36
tomreyncould be, or something logs to syslog with high frequency20:36
illuminatedhow do you remove apt's cache?20:37
illuminatedpackage cache20:37
tomreynokay, tv break now, ttyl20:37
illuminatedand refresh it20:37
Aavarilluminated: apt clean and apt update20:38
Brighthi,all. How to enable google chrome HW acceleration in wayland, I'm using GNOME.20:38
illuminatedthis is really annoying me20:39
illuminatedI added the microsoft repo20:39
illuminateddid an apt update20:39
illuminateddid an apt search powershell20:39
illuminatedshows fine in the listings20:39
illuminatedthen do an apt install -y powershell20:39
illuminatedand it says no package found20:39
illuminatedis this a problem with their repo20:40
illuminatedor something on my end?20:40
illuminated"unable to locate package powershell" is the exact error20:40
Aavarilluminated: did you follow a guide?20:41
illuminatedyeah on ms's site20:41
Aavarahh... I did not solve anything. I was using the wrong machine :P20:43
Aavarilluminated: this one?20:45
illuminatedI figured it out20:46
illuminatedthis is an old 32 bit system I'm trying to dump it on20:46
illuminatedthe packages apt search finds are only for 64 bit20:46
Aavarshould I be worried? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/htysTBBqHQ/ from syslog20:47
TheteAavar: if those numbers start climing yah21:14
Thetemight help to have backups if you don't21:14
AavarThete: I do, but this should be a healty raid...21:15
Thetedrives fail though21:15
AavarThey do... and they are of a similar vintage... Maybe I should move the files to a new raid... I do have one set up.21:16
AavarI'll keep an eye on it for now.21:16
Thetewhat does smartctl say?21:17
Theteare you seeing lot of errors on those devices specifically?21:17
Anna_alkisg: it didn't work21:21
=== Bright is now known as Inoton
Anna_tomreyn: how can you login on tty terminal since there is no account to login for a distro not installed yet?21:22
AavarAnna_: I believe the login is ubuntu with no password.21:23
=== Inoton is now known as Bright
AavarI am still struggling with setting up bridged containers with bridged network. I have managed to create a bridge on my system but when I connect a container to the bridge it stops the connection to the host (to the network). I am following this guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgBbhrv3KQg21:25
AavarThere is something very wrong with my setup...21:25
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=== ihaveahax is now known as ihaveamac
tomreynAnna_: i did not know (or realize?) you were referring to an installer. but i think Aavar was right. Have you given this a try?21:41
tomreynAavar: thos disks you have a running hot. check your fans, increase air flow, reduce disks if needed. they'll die faster when running hot21:44
Anna_I will now. The proper command is still DISPLAY=:0 xrandr --size 800x600 ?21:44
tomreynAnna_: i think you had been given better commands since, after you provided more details.21:45
tomreynsomething where the primary, broken monitor is disabled, and the resizing applies to the secondary screen?21:46
Anna_And none of them worked.21:46
jeremy31Anna_: does the broken monitor do anything?21:47
Anna_the laptop's internal monitor is broken, but probably still detectable, and the external one supports only 800x60021:47
tomreyni didn't follow the full conversation on that, so i'm not sure what you tried exactly and how those did not work. that makes it more difficult to come up with alternative approaches.21:47
tomreyni had suggested trying to install ubuntu-server. i do not know whether it outputs to all monitors, but would hope it does.21:47
Anna_jeremy31: of course not, it's broken, what do you mean21:49
jeremy31Anna_: You did say it was Ubuntu 16.04?  I know there were some issues around that time with brightness settings with Intel graphics and it would require the user to use the FN combo to increase brightness21:50
Anna_No, it's really broken. Once upon a time FN was useful for what you said, but no matter. the monitor went completely black.21:51
Anna_no more*21:51
Anna_tomreyn: I wasn't expecting you to follow the entire conversation, I was talking for your suggestions only and whether there is update regarding them. Althoughg, to be honest, I did think you followed the conversation since you seem to know "better commands" were being given since you.21:55
Anna_I;m almost more confused now than when I started using this channel :(21:56
tomreynAnna_: i noticed some nick highlights and had a quick look, but don'T expect me to have read or remember all that was said. ;)21:56
oerheksthis is beyound ubuntu support, broken hardware, and an external monitor that does not meet the minimum specs of xorg, 1024x76821:57
oerheksget a different monitor, how hard could that be?21:58
Anna_So, should I use the initially suggested command on tty terminal (assuming I will be able to login) or not?21:58
=== niko is now known as o
tomreynAnna_: trying whether or not you're able to login there should not be too difficult, would it? which version is this installer cd? which hardware is all this about anyways?22:01
jeremy31Anna_: I would take it to a computer shop and have the connected monitor disconnected if you do not want to do it22:01
jeremy31tomreyn: Toshiba Tecra IIRC22:02
Anna_oerheks: being totally broke and unemployed during a hard covid lockdown shouldn't be difficult for someone to understand or necessary for me to say, unless you want to embarrass me22:02
Anna_to make me feel embarrassed*22:03
tomreynthanks jeremy. that's just a series, though. i understand that's all the info we have,t hough.22:04
Anna_it's a toshiba tecra A10-11M. the usb stick contains a xubuntu 20.04 iso22:04
jeremy31Anna_: you can ask a question at ubuntuforums.org that will make it easier for people to keep track of what has been suggested and what does and doesn't work22:05
TravisTo whomever was helping me earlier, thank you!22:06
TravisI fixed the Paltalk issue in Wine.  I had to switch to Alsa, for my sound22:06
Anna_jeremy31: I'd like to try one last thing. The suggestion about the tty terminal seemed good. I only asked whether I should use the initially suggested command, because tomreyn said better commands were suggested since then?22:07
tomreynAnna_: hmm that's indeed old - without meaning to insult you, it's just old hardware. but it's 64-bits, and apparently those systems have 2 GB RAM. 4 is recommended for current default ubuntu, but you can try something lighter such as xubuntu, lubuntu or the like.22:08
Anna_ram is 6gb22:08
Anna_it was extended22:09
tomreynAnna_: oh nice! if you can get to a tty on the working monitor AND can take a photo of the    xrandr    output there that'll be helpful.22:09
tomreyntake a photo and upload that, that is22:09
tomreynAnna_: umm sorry, i guess i didn't think much. you may not actually be able to switch the secondary monitor to a tty with a key combo. i think it will keep shopwing the graphical login, only the the first monitor would switch to a tty.22:12
leftyfbAnna_: did you try reaching out to that makerspace? They're usually community-orientated and willing to help out with this sort of thing. I know if someone were to reach out to the one around here, myself and many others would be willing to meet the person in the space to hook up a monitor and get the install going.22:15
Anna_I haven't tried the "ubuntu" username yet. Last time, the tty terminal was also hard to read (i was typing my usual username blindly) so I don't see how a photo would help. The photo will only show you the mess I see. It is either going to be fixed or not. leftyfb: That site announced they are closed due to covid.22:17
tomreynAnna_: have you tried this while runnign the installer?22:19
tomreynis "hard to read" because it was on the primary, broken, monitor?22:19
leftyfbAnna_: ah, right, Sun - Mon closed. Ok, well, if you don't get things going today, maybe you can reach out to them tomorrow22:19
Anna_the "ubuntu" username? Not yet. I have tried your initial suggestion but I couldn't login22:20
Anna_So, assuming the "ubuntu username and no password" backdoor works, should I use the "DISPLAY=:0 xrandr --size 800x600" command?22:21
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Anna_leftyfb: no, they are all week closed, (lockdown)22:22
leftyfbAnna_: where does it say that on their site? I don't see that22:23
oerheksxrandr -s 800x600 # not display 0, that one should be the broken one.22:27
Anna_I also tried that guide ubot3 gave, but I couldn't edit the grub file22:27
oerheksi think it is not going to work.22:27
Anna_not that it would matter. that affects only the installed distro, right?22:27
=== SysGh_st is now known as SysGhost
tomreynAnna_: when i gave you the "DISPLAY=:0 xrandr --size 800x600" command, i was assuming all sorts of things which, as further information you have since provided indicates, won't actually work for you.22:39
Anna_okay... so what now? another suggestion or no hope?22:40
oerheksin my experience; nope. maybe you can hook it on a TV in a livingroom?22:43
Anna_I never had a TV set. movies and news from internet for me. This old laptop wasn;t even mine. My brother gave it to me before he moved to another town.22:46
Anna_If you guys are 100% sure there is no way a solution to be found, I guess I should focus in finding someone who could lend me a monitor for awhile. Was I naive to believe my brother when he said "you can do everything with command line" ?? Maybe all this was a prank of his :(22:49
cbreakif you don't need graphics, the CLI is quite powerful22:50
cbreakif you want graphics, then... X is a lot more useful than a CLI22:50
tomreynAnna_: what does the second monitor show when you boot from the usb? just a graphical image, or a black screne, or a login prompt, or...?22:57
tomreynif you can can get a login on the working screen then you'll be in a much better position to fix this. but only then, i guess.22:58
Anna_You mean the external. It shows everything, but with the wrong resolution. I can see the xubuntu logo first, then little words at the bottom (probably loading) and then a graphical window, for which i assume it is a menu where i'm asked what i want to do, try the distro or install it and how. the only thing i can regognize is an image of a disk. No text is viewable at all.23:00
tomreynAnna_: so try the server installer. i assume you have not done so, yet?23:02
Anna_Even the xubuntu logo is showing badly. Is that also graphical?23:03
tomreynyes that's most likely graphical23:06
AavarAhh... I finally got lxd working like it should and now zfs is bugging. Can someone help me with zfs? the pool is not showing in "zpool status". It worked fine before the reboot. Can I mount or initialize it somehow?23:06
Anna_I was so desperate at a point that it crossed my mind to choose random options with the arrow keys, but I didn't cause I was afraid I might mistakenly order it to format the entire disk (while i have obnly a partition really available)23:09
AavarI'll try a reboot. Brb..23:10
AavarA reboot did not help...23:12
Anna_You know, instead of me sending photos, which is impossible, it would make more sense if I had screenshots of the installer's initial menu from someone.23:15
Anna_I'm not asking, just saying.23:15
jeremy31Anna_: The installer is different between UEFI and Legacy installs.  I think the Legacy install has a graphic that says automatic boot in 10 seconds and you have to press something to edit23:19
Anna_(which is probably equally stupid since screenshots might be not possible on an installer)23:21
Anna_stupid idea of mine23:21
Anna_<--- blonde23:21
tomreynfirst screen of xubuntu 20.04 after fully booting up https://i.imgur.com/A5lcg7k.png23:23
Anna_jeremy31: you just described my grub boot menu. On xubuntu installer happens nothing if I wait long enough.23:23
jeremy31Anna_: I wish you luck but it is time for me to eat23:24
Anna_tomreyn: WOW how did you do that!!! are screenshots possible on instaler?23:25
tomreyni ran it in a VM23:25
Anna_thank you jeremy31 ...okay... since the cursor is not just multiplied, but not even visible, can someone choose one of these options with tab button? (by the way, the first page is ridicoulously safe)23:27
kotajoin #openstack-snaps23:29
remlineAre hirsute kernels still going to be released today? cf. https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kernel-sru-announce/2021-May/000179.html23:31
Anna_I'm thinking... maybe I could click the "try" option, just to start the OS and be able to use the xrandr command and then return to install. I assume the installation can begin from the trial session?23:43
ravageyes you can start the installation from the desktop in the live session23:46
Anna_Is it also logical to assume the xrandr would work during the live session?23:47
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