
SasetHello, I would like to know how I can connect my iphone xs with kubuntu 20.04.00:44
aienaI am on kubuntu 20.04 I have an ubuntu 20.04 vm to which I am passing through my huion graphics tablet. In the guest the host pointer and the tablet are fighting for mouse control I can see two mice in the vm as https://paste.opensuse.org/64246483 any ideas hoe to fix?05:09
aienai mean the usb device gets disconnected from host and captured by the guest05:09
skramerAnybody knows how I could add Google account to my Online Accounts? I always end up with an empty window after I put my account details... Is there any config file that I could edit manually?06:56
Mekaneckskramer: did you try to google for it?10:20
skramerMekaneck: Yes, I tried. Unfortunately I always end at this empty window :(10:22
f_ayxHello, could use some help I am running Ubuntu 20.04 and Plasma Desktop 5.18... I've got a media player widget/applet stuck on my desktop which I am not able to close, it keeps relaunching even after restarting my device. There is no button or context menu to disable it.10:47
mparilloOn System Settings > Startup and Shutdown, can you check Desktop Session for Restore previous saved session and change it to Start with an empty session and Autostart for any programs listed there.11:20
f_ayxmparillo: Changed to Start with an empty session... and only 2 programs on Autostarts are Kite and Latte11:27
owlerHi all, I've been trying to use a wayland session in 21.04. So far it doesn't seem very stable and  plasma crashes frequently. what's the status of wayland in 21.04?12:31
owlershould I just give up for the time being and go back to Xorg?12:32
mparilloIf you are on Nvidia, absolutely.12:40
mparilloOtherwise, you can try running the development release. It seems very stable in my VM (your use case(s) may differ).12:41
owlerthe problem seems to be related to non-kde apps such as firefox and virtualbox, so is it an xwayland problem?12:41
owlerthanks, all amd with open source drivers, although the graphics card is a few years old12:42
owler^^ is it likely to be an xwayland problem?12:43
mparilloThat might be, but I hope there are others who know more than I do. First, I try to avoid non-Qt apps. But the last time I tried with Wayland on real HW, it was usable, sometimes the colors seemed washed-out for a few seconds, and I could not get my launch feedback (bouncy cursor) to work,12:43
owlerYeah, cursor support in virtualbox seems to be problematic, although I'm probably testing the edge cases ;)12:45
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owlerback in a couple of minutes, methinks it's time to go back to an xorg session for the moment while I'm playing with installs in virtualbox without the vbox drivers12:49
Guest93Helloes! Just installed Kubuntu 20.04. Is it no longer possible to bind mouse buttons in the keyboard shortcuts settings? Previously I've had Alt+"Left click" for moving Windows and Alt+"Right click" for resizing them. Can't seem to get them bound now though.13:38
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Guest54my kubuntu 21.04 is fully black and white screen what can i do i access everything but black and white this is not hardware problem16:21
MekaneckGuest54: nvidia or amd graphics card in it?16:23
Guest54i think this is not graphics card problem  first 2 days work normally and now this is black and white16:25
Mekaneckthat doesn't answer my question... just to rule things out16:26
Mekaneckbut ok, as you wish, good luck16:26
Mekaneckprobably related16:28
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