
MikaelaHi, would this be a place to ask someone to look into behaviour of Ubuntu member https://launchpad.net/~aaronfarias ? They have been more or less hostile on #limnoria for a couple of days, going enough to ban evade on both networks, and also opened https://github.com/ProgVal/Limnoria/pull/1466 (check edit history) and https://github.com/ProgVal/Limnoria/issues/1465 while they have10:16
Mikaelasince removed that GitHub account (as it appears as ghost). There are also some emails I find strange from them as Farias Martinez on https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-irc/2021-May/author.html10:16
joseMikaela: Thanks for letting us know.18:01
Mikaelayou're welcome, I understand Unit193 has also forarded it and possibly logs somewhere18:02

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