
lotuspsychjegood morning01:52
ducassegood morning05:32
=== popey0 is now known as popey
Chunkyz-RPiAfternoon 😀12:06
Chunkyz-RPiAnyone else tried to visit lotuscomputers.be? Doesn't load. 19:22
ducassei'll notify lotus19:40
Chunkyz-RPi404 not found.20:00
sarnoldit's almost like he's asleep or something20:01
isapgswellubuntu software explorer slow20:39
daftykinsthis is a non-support channel20:40
isapgswellmaybe discuss a workaround or solution20:44
isapgswellor not?20:44
daftykinsthat'd be support... go and ask in the correct channel20:46
isapgswellwhat this channell discuss? updates and innovation?20:48
isapgswellok good to go20:48
Chunkyz-RPisarnold: ?21:13
Chunkyz-RPiWhat you on about...21:16
Chunkyz-RPi"like he's asleep or something"21:16
sarnoldlotus can't fix a problem on his website after he's gone to bed21:16
Chunkyz-RPiLmao no shit. 21:17

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