[00:06] !list [00:06] AaronFarias: Admin, AttackProtector, AutoMode, Channel, Config, Google, Misc, Network, NickAuth, Owner, PluginDownloader, User, and Utilities [00:06] !list plugindownloader [00:06] AaronFarias: info, install, and repolist [00:30] !youtube [00:30] AaronFarias: Error: "youtube" is not a valid command. [00:30] !load youtube [00:30] AaronFarias: Error: Youtube is already loaded. [00:30] !list youtube [00:30] AaronFarias: yt [00:30] !yt [00:30] AaronFarias: (yt ) -- Search for YouTube videos [00:30] !yt el ranger 75 [00:30] AaronFarias: Error: You need to set an API key to use this plugin. [00:31] magnifico :X [00:32] !test [00:32] Vsg21: Error: "test" is not a valid command. [00:32] :O [00:32] !help [00:32] Vsg21: Use the 'list' command to list all plugins, and 'list ' to list all commands in a plugin. To show the help of a command, use 'help '. [00:32] !list [00:32] Vsg21: Admin, AttackProtector, AutoMode, Channel, Config, Google, Misc, Network, NickAuth, Owner, PluginDownloader, User, Utilities, and YouTube [00:32] !help google [00:32] Vsg21: (google [--{filter,language} ]) -- Searches google.com for the given string. As many results as can fit are included. --language accepts a language abbreviation; --filter accepts a filtering level ('active', 'moderate', 'off'). [00:33] !help admin [00:33] Vsg21: Error: There is no command "admin". However, 'Admin' is the name of a loaded plugin, and you may be able to find its provided commands using 'list Admin'. [00:33] \o hola [00:33] !help user [00:33] Vsg21: Error: There is no command "user". However, 'User' is the name of a loaded plugin, and you may be able to find its provided commands using 'list User'. [00:34] !list utilities [00:34] Vsg21: apply, countargs, echo, ignore, last, let, sample, shuffle, sort, and success [00:34] !help sample [00:34] Vsg21: (sample [ ...]) -- Randomly chooses items out of the arguments given. [00:34] :O [01:11] Liexei: ping [01:11] \o m4v [01:11] ;X [01:11] Vsg21: como va [01:12] aca a punto de jugar un CS estoy muy al pepe [01:12] Counter Strike? [01:13] recuerdo la época en que jugar al counter no implicaba descargar como 20 gb de espacio .. [01:13] se [01:13] super buen juego [01:13] <3 [01:13] no se queje que hay mucho espacio en los discos :P [01:13] :< [01:13] oh si? [01:13] cuanto space ;X [01:14] :P [01:14] 1 TB? [01:14] X [01:14] naaa hay varios tb [01:14] de sobra creo no se no mire [01:14] igual las conexiones son mas rapidas en unos minutos lo bajas [01:16] seguro que no con la mía. [01:17] jajjaja exagerado [01:21] oh, ;X [03:27] I'm not a bot, and I've been in this channel (sans network) for years... === m4v changed the topic of #ubuntu-es to: Canal oficial de Ubuntu en español | Normas: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines/es | Pegar textos: http://paste.ubuntu.com [03:36] boinas [03:37] GridCube: o/ [03:37] \0 [03:40] AH [03:40] que raro [03:40] lo intenté i no me salia [03:40] bueno listo entonces. [03:40] si [17:49] ¡SÍÍÍÍÍ! Topic legibleee! [17:53] viste [17:54] tuvimos que sacrificar al amigo aaron para arreglar el topic [18:00] oh :( [18:00] no hacía caso o qué? [18:02] el realidad se fue él solo, se le sacó el control del canal nada más. [18:02] s/^el/en/ [18:03] ah... se cansaría === hggdh is now known as eeebotu === eeebotu is now known as hggdh [23:57] buenas [23:58] hola