
stubHi. I'd like an Ubuntu member cloak please. https://launchpad.net/~stub00:08
kc2bezIt was noted in #lubuntu-devel earlier that the 'lubuntu' user was registered on freenode and doesn't appear to be registered now on libera. Does anyone know who registered it before or who should register it now?00:25
Unit193ddeimeke, dbasinge, stub: Done!03:08
Unit193stub: That is a terrible LP pic. :303:08
ddeimekeUnit193: Thank you!04:17
Unit193Sure thing!04:24
=== o is now known as niko
=== popey0 is now known as popey
=== awayney is now known as laney
laneypeace, can someone cloak me up please? https://launchpad.net/~laney08:06
* laney is just back from holidays and trying to join all the channels08:06
laneyUnit193: you pinged me a week ago about channel access or something?08:06
Unit193laney: Heya!  Done, and  it's been a long week, I'll have to grep.17:06
tewardUnit193: don't forget: this is going to be the Long Month of Re-establishing Permissions ;)17:53
teward(RE: "it's been a long week")17:53
Unit193I'm not even close to forgetting that.  What I pinged about a week ago, while I'd normally remember, right now I don't even remember doing...17:53
laneyUnit193: I assume you would have elaborated if I'd replied ...18:25
Unit193Sorry, only thing I could grep was waiting for you and cjwatson to show up, likely to add you to -motu ops?18:26
laneyI forgot how to check what access I have to be honest, to see if it's all there18:26
Unit193laney: /ns listchans18:26
laneyso yeah, devel and release missing at least. I dunno if I had motu before, but happy to have it now18:26
Unit193-release!  Yes, that makes a lot of sense.18:27
* laney is off to not be at the computer now. thanks for managing the transition!18:28
Unit193laney: Added you to -release, will do -devel.18:29
=== hggdh is now known as eeebotu
=== eeebotu is now known as hggdh
tewardIRCC members around?22:39
tewardneed one of you guys alive.22:39
=== genii-core is now known as genii

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