
DocMorssuperkuh, thanks for the tip, I've been doing the same08:19
webmindnot sure what causes it, but on my thinkpad x1, I keep needing to killall -HUP marco a few times a day as it freezes14:33
webmindon debian buster14:33
webmindwhich is not ubuntu as I realise typing this :)14:33
=== frenchguych is now known as yannickmauray
=== yannickmauray is now known as frenchguych
superkuhwebmind, understand to ask here since #mate, even back on freenode, was an absolute dead zone of questions and no anwers.21:23
bigpodisnt there a debian mate channel21:27
superkuhI didn't know about it till you just said, but yes, #debian-mate exists on OFTC.21:28
webmindyeah, it was in error as most of the systems with mate 22:22
webmindI maintain are on ubuntu.22:22
webmindBuyt the ubuntu-mate communities does seem to be one of the more active ones :)22:23
webmindso if anyone does have tips, quite welcome :)22:23

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