
jsilverjoin the video chat https://gbaldraw.fun/canvas?room=00:08
oerheksjsilver, please don spam in here, thanks.00:09
tomreynjsilver: it's not an ubuntu support question or answer, it's a URL pointing elsewhere. it's spam.00:12
Anna_tomreyn: can you please tell me whether the tab button can replace the cursor on that page? And if yes, how many times should I press it to get the "try" option? please please please?00:12
tomreynAnna_: you press tab once. which computer are you currently using there?00:13
Anna_i don't understand the question. i have only 1 computer, that old toshiba laptop00:14
tomreynyou are chatting with us. are you chatting from this old toshiba computer?00:14
Anna_yes, I'm logged in the installed ubuntu mate 16.04, seeing everything from the external monitor by using xrandr command first and then display settings to save the 800x600 preference.00:16
tomreynah i was just wondering how you made that usable, or whether you were actually chatting from another computer like a tab or mobile phone.00:17
Anna_I wish00:17
Anna_isn't tab button going to affect the kanguage menu? It seems like being first in order00:19
tomreynenglish language and keyboard layout is pre-selected. if you hit tab there you activate the "try now" button. pressing enter will start the live system00:21
Anna_great! I'll do that00:22
tomreyni don't really see how it'll help. it may be better to just press ctrl-alt-t to spawn a terminal00:22
Anna_by doing exactly the same as with the installed distro00:23
tomreynyou can then type the xrandr command:  xrandr --output LVDS1 --off --output VGA1 --auto00:23
Anna_I tried that. oh wait... new command suggestion...00:25
tomreynor    xrandr --output LVDS1 --off --output VGA1 --size 800x60000:25
tomreynfor the fixed resolution00:25
Anna_first of all, the terminal on xubuntu opens with super+T. not important, just saying00:26
tomreynah, maybe this worked differently here for some reason such as localization or virtualization00:27
tomreynyet another thing you could try is to boot from the installer until you see this icon early on during boot, on the bottom of the screen https://i.imgur.com/ixwFol4.png00:27
tomreynthen immediately do this: press space, escape, F6, escape, backspace, backspace, backspace, backspace, space, type this: video=LVDS-1:d   ...and press enter00:28
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tomreynthis assumes a US-EN keyboard mapping, though.00:29
tomreyni do not know how to enter : on a greek keyboard.00:29
tomreynall other characters should be the same there00:30
tomreyngood luck, hope you can make some progress.00:31
Anna_to finish what I had to say, after I opened the terminal, I was suggested to use the "xrandr --output LVDS1 --off; xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1024x768" double command, which didn't work (of course) since the external cannot support this, despite the fact the vbeinfo was saying otherwise...00:31
* tomreyn zzz00:32
oerheks" I was suggested to use "... no, use 800x600 ...00:32
Anna_now the icon you mention is clearly visible.... reading you...00:32
Anna_I don't need a greek keyboard00:33
Anna_at least during installation00:33
Anna_okay, so I have at least 3 new methods to try. the tab button, the sequence while that icon is there and what oerheks said, which I don't know why I didn't think on my own to try00:36
Anna_thank you oerheks and goodnight tomreyn if you haven't slept yet00:37
oerhekstv in livingroom?00:37
Anna_no!! i told you! I never had a TV set. Why should I? movies and news always from internet for me00:38
raubTrying to find out which firewall is running in a given host. systemd is running but not firewalld. Nor ufw or iptables. And yet iptables -L shows rules00:38
oerheksufw status # sudo ufw enable # sudo ufw allow port and more..00:39
rauboerheks: ps -ef|grep ufw shows nothing00:41
rauband so does which ufw00:41
oerheksoke, then you have solely iptables00:41
rauboerheks: if that was the case, shouldn't its process be listed?00:42
oerheksiptables itselve is not a service running, afaik, and yes, you would have these top rules as basic https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo00:44
Anna_I just realzed that little man icon is for universal access! Why no one thought of that before!00:45
oerheksone can install firewalld, tons of manuals out there https://www.admfactory.com/install-and-use-firewalld-on-ubuntu/00:46
rauboerheks: installing firewalld or ufw does not answer what is running00:50
oerheksjust iptables, obviously00:50
oerheksnot ufw depending on it00:50
tomreynAnna_: this free test system boot a little different than your computer, and only has one monitor. but you can experiment with the graphical interface there, it should be identical (despite being ubuntu 20.10) to xubuntu 20.04: https://distrotest.net/Xubuntu/20.1000:51
tomreynreally gone now. ;)00:51
raubBut someone must be starting it. I found saved rules in /etc/iptables/ but they are from 2016 and do not completely match what is running.00:51
onryoso what happened with freenode?00:52
oerheksraub, not in /etc/iptables.rules ?00:53
oerhekswhat else could be running, pfsense?00:54
raubThat is my original question00:54
dcnonryo, check out this Hacker News thread, it has some context: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2728861300:57
oerheksnft list ruleset00:57
Anna_online emulator ?! wow... seems tomreyn was determined to impress me at the end00:58
oerheksif not, then i wonder what service that server is running, maybe that is holding /controlling firewall rules00:58
IvoCavalcanteShorewall, maybe?00:59
IvoCavalcantenot really a service, but a iptables framework00:59
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illuminatedping has an exit code of 0 on successful ping01:25
illuminatedor 1 otherwise01:25
illuminatedif you have a mix of successful and unsuccessful pings, which exit status gets output?01:25
oerheksilluminated, what do you read in the last 2 lines?01:27
oerheksping -c 4 ubuntu.com01:27
illuminatedwell all those are successful01:28
illuminatedI should explain what I'm doing01:28
illuminatedI'm writing a script that tests my NAS connection before syncing to it01:28
illuminatedbut my nas goes into power save mode01:28
illuminatedand usually the first few pings fail01:28
illuminatedbut after that they succeed01:28
illuminatedbut a google sorted me out I think01:29
oerheksnas does not support WOL ?01:29
illuminatednot sure01:29
illuminatednever used it if it does01:29
IvoCavalcanteilluminated, maybe ping -w ?01:33
IvoCavalcanteping -w <timeout> -c 1 my.nas.server01:34
illuminatedwhat does ping -w do?01:35
illuminatedis it the same as ping -i01:36
illuminatedwhat does it do?01:36
illuminatedthat option isn't specified in the man01:36
illuminatedfor ping01:36
IvoCavalcante-w waits for either timeout expiration, or a successful reply, or another network error01:37
IvoCavalcanteit is in man, indeed01:37
IvoCavalcantelooking at it right now01:37
illuminatedyou must be looking at a different man than I am01:38
illuminatedcuz I don't see it01:38
illuminatedDISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS"01:38
illuminatedmaybe you've got a newer manpage?01:39
illuminatedyeah I'd say that's it01:39
illuminatedI've combed over this man page a dozen times and don't see it01:39
illuminatedthough, the option does exist01:39
IvoCavalcantethen I rest my case01:39
illuminatedit was asking for a parameter to it01:40
illuminatedthat's ok01:40
illuminatednot your fault01:40
Bright Test uploading images01:41
IvoCavalcantefping might be worth a try01:41
IvoCavalcantelots of options too01:41
illuminatedanyway thanks01:41
illuminatedhmm.. not heard of fping01:42
illuminatedlet me see what that is/does01:42
IvoCavalcanteping on steroids01:42
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GinaloHi. Related to my previous question: I'm using CarlaFX With Audacity to use some effects. Unfortunately, Carla's window is too large that I can't access the buttons at the window. My workaround is to increase the resolution beyond my monitor's max. Is there any other workaround for windows like this?02:11
oerheksalt f7 move window, alt F8 resize02:15
epicpupperHi there, I'm trying to run Ubuntu Server 20.04 on my Raspberry Pi 4, but it won't let me log in with the default username and password "ubuntu".02:23
epicpupperI've tried switching to Ethernet, rebooting and waiting 10 minutes.02:23
leftyfbepicpupper: on the console or over ssh? I'm pretty sure ssh isn't enabled/installed by default02:28
leftyfbepicpupper: on the console or over ssh? I'm pretty sure ssh isn't enabled/installed by default02:32
epicpupperon console02:32
epicpupperit's connected to a monitor and keyboard directly02:32
epicpupperleftyfb courtesy ping :)02:34
leftyfbepicpupper: https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/how-to-install-ubuntu-on-your-raspberry-pi#4-boot-ubuntu-server02:34
epicpupperI am following that02:34
epicpupperDoesn't work02:34
leftyfbepicpupper: try reflashing and starting over. Boot it for the first time and wait until you see additional lines after the login prompt before typing anything02:35
epicpupperreflashing? okay I'll try that02:38
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epicpupperleftyfb refreshed but it's stuck03:10
epicpupperstill at cloud init03:11
oerhekssee the warning, it takes a minute or two .. https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/how-to-install-ubuntu-on-your-raspberry-pi#4-boot-ubuntu-server03:12
oerheks' You’ll know it’s done when it outputs some more lines after the log-in prompt has appeared.'03:12
epicpupperoerheks oh, trust me, I've been waiting for 15-30 minutes03:13
epicpupperno luck03:13
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aienaI have a kubuntu host and a ubunu 20.04 KVM guest. Now I have a huin graphic's table which I pass through to the guest the drivers in the guest pick up and use the graphic tab correctly but I have 2 mice now fighting for control in the VM05:01
aienaIt shown up like this https://paste.opensuse.org/64246483 (the plus sign is the tablet pointer)05:02
aienathey are fighting with each other I can use the tablet for drawing on graphical app canvases but I cannot use it outside the cvanvas as the host mouse is fighting05:02
aienaany ideas how to solve this05:02
aienaremoving spice-vdagent and capturing the mouse in the guest makes no difference05:03
aienais it something with ubuntu 20.04?05:03
aienadidn't see this non virtualised05:03
Ginalooerheks, Thanks! Moving the window  above the screen would suffice.05:05
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DarkTrick_hm.. my system refuses to go into suspension mode...07:05
DarkTrick_Can someone tell me why? Here's my syslog: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3FtQ4477DR/07:11
DarkTrick_I guess I triggered suspension on line 307:12
BobbyJrDarkTrick_: I cant see an obvious culprit, but I'd try disabling your wifi first and then trying to sleep. See if that has any effect.07:15
DarkTrick_BobbyJr, thank you for looking into it! Hm... Wifi has never been a problem, so far... How would I disable it? right click -> disable? Or just disconnect from network?07:18
BobbyJrDarkTrick_: Just turn off the wifi in settings, then try sleep.07:20
DarkTrick_And, do I btw have to care about these gazillion `Failed to push data into queue` messages from pulseaudio?07:20
BobbyJrI wouldnt worry about pulseaudio for the moment07:21
BobbyJrit shouldnt effect sleep either way07:21
DarkTrick_hm.. now, suspension works again; no matter if wifi on or off07:24
DarkTrick_But I came to feel like Microsoft Teams plays a role in this...07:24
BobbyJrwhat changed between the time it was working and the time it wasnt? Did you close any apps?07:26
mgedmin"Freezing of tasks failed after 20.004 seconds (5 tasks refusing to freeze, wq_busy=0)"!07:27
DarkTrick_I checked messesages in Teams (which removed the "alert" status of the app)07:28
mgedminthese are all in vfs_statx07:28
DarkTrick_After that it worked. For making sure I need to wait for another notification there07:28
mgedmindo you have any weird filesystems mounted?07:28
mgedmin"gvfsd[7695]: message repeated 20 times: [ Error calling org.gtk.vfs.MonitorClient.Changed(): Timeout was reached (g-io-error-quark, 24)]" seems related07:29
mgedmina mounted network filesystem?07:30
DarkTrick_mgedmin, tmp is a tempfs; smb server, external harddrive, smb of the virtual machine, that runs on the same machine07:30
mgedmin'code' is what, Visual Studio Code?07:30
DarkTrick_mgedmin, code = VS Code, yes07:31
DarkTrick_mgedmin, the log says, it couldn't freeze `code`?07:31
DarkTrick_(trying to understand the log file)07:31
mgedminyes, and it's doing that inside fput/vfs_write07:32
DarkTrick_[Would be nice, if they were listed right at the message: "(5 tasks refusing to freeze, wq_busy=0)"]07:32
mgedminso it's trying to flush some data (or metadata) changes before sleeping, and it can't because ... ?07:32
DarkTrick_hm... maybe I got an idea07:32
mgedminbecause it's a network filesystem and wifi is down?  or it's a network filesystem and the VM that has the SMB server is frozen already?07:32
mgedminsounds like a bug to me07:33
DarkTrick_Found the guilty one07:34
DarkTrick_I paused the VM (with the smb server), while vscode was still accessing files on that server07:34
DarkTrick_But... shouldn't this not be a reason not to suspend?07:35
DarkTrick_I remember thunar causing similar effects, when it was trying to connect to network share while suspending/shutting down07:36
mgedminoh, _you_ paused the VM?  I thought the kernel froze the VM process as part of the suspend07:36
DarkTrick_mgedmin, I paused it to speed up the system07:36
mgedminstill, I'm surprised that this blocks sleep07:36
DarkTrick_mgedmin, that pausing was completely unrelated to the suspension, though07:36
mgedminI'd file a bug and then forget about it (because nothing happens to 99% of bugs that are filed, but it's still worth filing in case you fall into the 1%)07:37
DarkTrick_mgedmin, what package would I file on? kernel?07:37
DarkTrick_mgedmin, thank you for your help!07:38
DarkTrick_BobbyJr, thank you, too!07:38
mgedminnaming a process 'code' threw me for a bit :D07:38
BobbyJrIt depends how different applications react to broken connections surely. For example if VSCode was accessing files on a now broken share (because VM is down), it could conceivably block and thus break suspend.07:38
BobbyJrI doubt this is a kernel bug to be honest#07:39
BobbyJrit sounds more userland to me, i.e. process based07:39
mgedminisn't process freezing something the kernel does?07:40
mgedminI'm not sure why a network filesystem being unavailable should preclude a process from getting frozen07:40
mgedminwhat if it were a real smb mount over wifi rather than a VM?07:40
BobbyJrmgedmin: Yes but my point is a process can block suspend in some circumstances, thats by design07:41
mgedminthe log shows that network-manager brings down fifi before the kernel starts freezing processes07:41
BobbyJrYou wouldnt want a situation where the kernel attempts suspend by force. Its designed I believe to give processes a chance to respond, so the system going to sleep in the middle of a critical operation doesnt occur for example.07:43
DarkTrick_filed on kernel. I also think that no process should be able to prevent suspension (forever)07:49
DarkTrick_Instead of blocking suspension, user software should be written in a way to deal with random freezes07:51
BardonHello, I'm on 20.10 and "do-release-upgrade" says no new release found. Only `do-release-upgrade -d` offers 21.04. Why is that?07:56
BardonIf I want to upgrade to 21.04, should I use -d?07:56
mgedminBardon: the new shim causes boot problems on some systems07:59
ubot3Launchpad bug 1928434 in shim (Ubuntu) "shim-signed does not boot on EFI 2.40 by Apple" [Critical, Triaged]07:59
mgedminif you want to risk it, you can do-release-upgrade -d08:00
mgedmin(worked for me on my ThinkPad X390)08:00
BardonOk I see08:00
BardonBut I thought 21.04 was stable, isn't it?08:00
ThinkT510Bardon: apart from the shim bug yes08:02
BardonIt is a thinkpad W530 and I don't think I'm using anything EFI so it could work I suppose. I'm in no rush to upgrade tough08:02
BardonThinkT510: I don't understand, did 21.04 got release but is now held back until that bug is fixed? I remember upgrading another laptop to 21.04 without the -d parameter08:03
ThinkT510Bardon: that is my understanding yes08:04
BardonOk I see, thanks :)08:05
BardonI wanted to upgrade because spotdl works on my laptop running ubuntu 21.04 but doesn't on my laptop running 20.1008:06
mgedminthe shim "bug" is more like a firmware bug (failure to boot when efi variables take too much space), but who are you going to blame when an ubuntu upgrade makes your laptop unbootable, ubuntu or your laptop's firmware?08:09
mgedmina workaround is known and being worked on, but getting new builds signed by microsoft takes a while08:10
DocMorsare there any reports that usb pointing devices, a mouse in this case, stop responding for short periods of time (5-20 seconds)?08:17
mgedmintwo things come to mind: usb autosuspend might be causing troubles (which is why it's disabled by default), and heavily loaded systems may behave this way (especially in wayland, which doesn't have a separate input thread moving the hardware mouse cursor yet, unlike X11)08:28
mgedminin the second case you'd see all output freeze (e.g. no blinking cursor in a terminal during those 5-20 seconds)08:28
ThinkT510also if it is wireless check the batteries08:36
DocMorsmgedmin, thanks I'l have a look08:39
DocMorsThinkT510, nope they are good and I also swapped the  mouse08:39
Bardonmgedmin: I see, interesting08:43
BardonAnd, that's surprising. I thought the process of releasing an ubuntu upgrade was more independent. I wouldn't expect Microsoft to sign anything08:43
Guest35I would like to uninstall intellij IDEA (community edition version(2019.3.1)) on my machine which runs on ubuntu 18.04. Could someone walk me thorugh the process?08:44
mgedminit's Secure Boot -- laptop manufacturers trust Microsoft's signatures08:44
mgedminso for best compatibility with existing hardware Ubuntu has a deal with Microsoft where MS signs Ubuntu's boot loaders08:44
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Guest35I am unable to find out the path to my installation directory.08:46
BardonHmm, I thought Windows and Ubuntu were rivals (idk if the work is well chosen). It's surprising to rely on a rival at all08:47
ThinkT510Bardon: part of the reason I disable secure-boot. I dislike Microsoft being gatekeepers to my hardware.08:48
mgedminGuest35: if you launch Ubuntu Software, can you find (and uninstall) IntelliJ there?08:50
Guest35I cannot unistall however I can find it thorugh the GUI08:51
mgedminoh?  I'm surprised08:52
mgedmindoes it not offer you an option to uninstall, or does the uninstallation fail?08:52
mgedmindoes it think intellij is not installed?08:52
mgedminhow was it installed?08:52
Guest35I do not remember how it was installed08:53
Guest35I do not get the option to uninstall it08:53
BardonThinkT510: I see :)08:53
mgedminthere are basically four possibilities for package installation: apt, snap, flatpak and manual08:55
mgedminI can't find intellij in ubuntu archives, so it's probably not apt08:56
ThinkT510there's also appimage and containers08:56
mgedminUbuntu Software knows how to uninstall apt and snap packages, so if it doesn't allow you to, it probably wasn't either of those08:56
mgedminyou need gnome-software (or flatpak on the command line) to check if it's a flatpak and remove it08:56
mgedminI've never used appimage08:57
ThinkT510appimage tend to be properly stand-alone. literally a file you double-click to launch08:58
ThinkT510the only appimage I use is pcloud (as an alternative to dropbox)08:58
ikonia /win 409:00
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f_ayxHello, could use some help I am running Ubuntu 20.04 and plasma 5.18... I've got a media player widget/applet stuck on my desktop which I am not able to close, it keeps relaunching even after restarting my devic10:14
mgedminI wonder if #kubuntu would have more people familiar with plasma10:21
Mekaneckmgedmin: or #kde10:23
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scaf_ayx: Try removing it from the applet list of your desktop if the controls of the applets don't work.11:13
f_ayxsca: the player controls work, i.e. if I am playing something in the browser it'll let me pause/unpause it etc... How do I remove from applet list, where is it?11:16
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f_ayxdid not solve the issue :(11:38
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tatertotsf_ayx: is this something you installed? if yes, then you would or should know it by name correct?12:28
Walex2f_ayx: you are not giving enough details for help to be effective, "a media player widget/applet" is a bit generic to start with.12:28
Walex2f_ayx: is that a Plasma widget? Is that the GUI manifestation of a running process?12:28
Walex2f_ayx: have you ad a look at the process list to see if there is any related process?12:29
coz_good morning12:40
redderHello, anybody here to help out with the lynx browser?12:51
mgedminwhat sort of help?12:52
redderCan't seem to open the images in an image viewer. Always defaults at opening them in firefox12:53
mgedminhmm, lynx probably uses mailcap?12:55
mgedminit's been ages since I used lynx; w3m/links/elinks are much better text-mode browsers12:56
mgedminwhat image viewer would you prefer?12:57
mgedminif you create a ~/.mailcap with image/*; eog '%s'; test=test -n "$DISPLAY" && test -x /usr/bin/eog12:57
mgedminthen it should start preferring eog (Eye of GNOME, GNOME's default image viewer)12:57
mgedminsee https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/impish/en/man5/mailcap.5.html for an explanation of the format12:59
f_ayxWalex2: It appears to be a Plasma widget, it looks like it is related to latte dock, because it only disappeared when I quit latte dock13:01
redderUnfortunately didn't work @mgedmin13:03
remlineredder: https://lynx.invisible-island.net/lynx_help/Lynx_users_guide.html recommends that "you need to define a viewer in lynx.cfg"13:09
remlineredder: And I think https://lynx.invisible-island.net/release/lynx_help/body.html#VIEWER is the relevant part for mapping MIME types to external programs. That said, I use links2... :)13:12
redderhave tried defining it directly in lynx.cfg and it didn't work either. It seems it completely ignores the local mailcap13:15
remlineredder: Last time I used lynx (a few years ago), I recall having trouble using a local lynx.cfg. I think I had to modify the one in /etc/ instead?13:17
remlineBy "local", I mean in my user's config directory.13:18
coz_googd morning13:19
redderhaven't gone that route yet, because for everything else the "local"/home/whatever lynx.cfg works just fine as expected13:19
remlineredder: Good, glad your local config is being used.13:22
redderIt's driving me crazy, got everything else to work and this seemingly "easy" thing doesn't. It must be something simple I overlooked13:23
remlineredder: Have you also set up the "SUFFIX" mappings in your lynx.cfg?13:26
reddershouldn't image/* take care of that? Anyway i'll try it out13:28
remlineredder: I also see an XLOADIMAGE_COMMAND setting, but I'm not exactly sure how it differs from the VIEWER setting... :)13:28
redderremline: I added the SUFFIX and unfortunately nada.13:31
redderthe last thing I can think of is adding eog as an external program in the .lynx/external file. But that would defeat the puprose13:32
remlineredder: From skimming the Lynx documentation, there seem to be several different ways of configuring external programs. I wonder if these different ways are fighting against each other right now?13:34
reddermaybe. I got mpv, xclip and so on working in the .lynx/external file. But image viewers should be defined either in the .lynx/viewers, lynx.cfg or the local mailcap13:35
remlineredder: Ah, I'm glad you got mpv working. That should mean you are on the right track. :)13:36
redderyeah all the external programs work just fine. Its just the damn image viewer.13:37
redderTried the XLOADIMAGE_COMMAND route too and nothing.13:48
remlineredder: The images still load in firefox?13:54
redderremline: yes13:55
redderremline: It seems whatever i do it resorts back to the global mailcap, in which of course both firefox and eog are defined with opening images13:56
remlineredder: Ah, that would make sense, since the user's guide says "Definitions here [VIEWER] are overridden by those in MAILCAP files and even by some built-in defaults in src/HTInit.c."13:58
remlineredder: Maybe you can use the GLOBAL_MAILCAP switch to ignore or change that?13:58
redderremline: correct but i have commented out the global mailcap in the lynx.cfg13:58
remlineredder: Do you think the personal mailcap can override the global mailcap?14:01
redderremline: since i have commented out the global mailcap in the lynx.cfg shouldn't it resort to the local mailcap instead?14:02
remlineredder: Instead of commenting out GLOBAL_MAILCAP, perhaps define GLOBAL_MAILCAP as empty?14:04
redderok i'll give it a try14:05
punkgeekHello, I want to try this ova on my esxi server but I couldn't find the password, what is the template password? https://ubuntu.com/blog/snappy-ubuntu-core-now-on-the-hypervisor-of-your-choice-with-ova    i've tried ubuntu/ubuntu root/root admin/admin and none of them work14:06
redderremline: now the image doesn't open at all14:07
redderremline: wait i think you are on to something, at least i get the error message that it can't find xli, which of course doesn't exist.14:08
remlineredder: Yeah, hopefully once we wrestle control away from the global mailcap, we can get it working via one of the other methods (e.g., personal mailcap?)14:09
redderremline: IT WORKED. I want to hug and kiss you. Finally14:24
remlineredder: Excellent. I'll have to keep what we learned in mind next time I use lynx.14:25
redderremline: yes for anyone interested: global mailcap empty, personal mailcap to .mailcap/or wherever you have it and XLOADIMAGE_COMMAND also empty14:30
GreyAreaHello, am I right in thinking that there is no longer a non-live non-torrent version of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS available for download?14:53
GreyAreaSorry, that's Ubuntu server 20.04 LTS14:53
kuudesis this the place for asking questions about ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS in VirtualBox14:55
kuudesmy ubuntu virtualbox fails to boot to gui. cli seems to work14:55
ioriaGreyArea, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-legacy-server/releases/20.04/release/14:55
kuudeseverything worked yesterday14:55
kuudesthere appears to be free disk space14:56
kuudesI wonder if there is something related to recent update to this? iirc I did try to update it just before or so14:56
kuudescould it be a video memory issue? I use the max 128MB virtualbox gives, in 1920x108014:57
kuudesis this wrong place to ask? :-)14:57
leftyfbioria: woah, is that new? I didn't know that existed15:00
iorialeftyfb, yeah15:01
GreyAreaioria: Thanks!15:06
kuudesso, it appears we don't have yet info here?15:42
ioriakuudes, if you got the console working, try to restart gdm15:45
ioriakuudes, sudo systemctl restart gdm15:45
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kuudesthanks ioria15:51
ioriano problem15:51
kuudesioria, sorry, it still gives the "oh no! something went wrong"15:55
ioriakuudes, maybe my memory is failing me, but is not that a unity/lightdm thing ?15:57
kuudeshmm, could be15:58
ioriakuudes, btw, switch to console and  sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade15:58
kuudesmy current best guess is that somehow it would currently require more than the 128MB of video memory virtualbox gives to it16:00
kuudesok, now it got those done16:00
kuudesI'll reboot?16:00
kuudessome module that has drm in its start claims errors briefly16:01
ioriakuudes, i know almost nothing about virtualbox; i just assume a graphic / update issue, that's all16:01
kuudesyeah, still the "oh no!"16:01
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ioriakuudes, got any errors about the upgrade ?16:02
kuudesno, it went well16:03
ioriakuudes, what happens when you run 'sudo systemctl restart gdm' ?16:03
kuudesnow after boot, it seems there are at least errors in syslog of "Failed to grab accelerators: GDBus.Error ..."16:03
kuudes"Oh no! ..."16:04
ioriakuudes, backup ~/.config folder16:05
kuudescp -r ~/.config/ ~/.config.bak/ I guess16:06
ioriajust mv16:06
ioriaand restart gdm16:07
kuudeswow, it gave me "connect to your network account" but then flashed to "Oh no! ..."16:08
ioriakuudes, enabled 3D acceleration  ?16:09
kuudesgraphics controller is VMSVGA16:10
ioriakuudes, as i said idk much about VM, sorry16:10
kuudesthere is something about "invalid opcode" in syslog16:10
ioriano idea16:11
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kuudeskernel: {  417.391191] traps: gnome-shell[4999] trap invalid opcode ip:7f1e98001024 sp:7ffef32a0900 error:016:12
kuudes* kernel: [16:12
kuudesthanks in any case ioria16:13
ioriano proble, what's your video card ?16:14
kuudeshmm, this is a dell laptop16:15
kuudesI guess something intel?16:15
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Mekaneckkuudes: make sure16:16
kuudeswhere I see it on windows X?16:16
heaphi, is freenode channel dead?16:16
Mekaneckheap, that offtopic16:17
kuudescontrol panel shows me Inter(R) HD Graphics 630, I wonder if it is that16:17
Mekaneckkuudes: install inxi16:17
Mekaneckah, then it's intel16:18
Mekaneckheap, this is the new official support channel of ubuntu16:18
kuudesyeah, I think that is it16:18
Mekaneckit is16:19
kuudesSystem Information says on System Summary > Components > Display > Name : Inter(R) HD Graphics 63016:19
heapokay thanks16:19
kuudeson VirtualBox it is VMSVGA, 128 MB16:20
kuudesshould I enable 3d acceleration?16:21
kuudesI guess I didn't manage to get it to work, sorry16:34
kuudesI will call it a day and continue tomorrow16:34
kuudesthanks for help ioria and Mekaneck! :)16:35
signofzetahi, I'm having trouble with one of my Ubuntu servers (20.04.2 LTS).  something's wrong with the boot process.  systemd doesn't seem to be starting up normally, unless I manually add init=/lib/systemd/systemd to the boot command line.  this just started recently.16:36
rfmsignofzeta, is there still a symlink from /sbin/init to /lib/systemd/systemd?16:38
davidkrauserhas anyone tried installing a newer kernel in an old release? Are there any dangers with that? Thinking about installing the hirsute kernel on a focal system. (it needs to stay focal for compatibility with other software, and the focal HWE kernel isn't new enough)16:47
lotuspsychjedavidkrauser: !mainline kernels are more for testing purposes then for daily use16:49
devslashI am trying to connect to my vpm in ubuntu but when I do ifconfig it only shows lo and eth0 interfaces16:49
leftyfbdevslash: vpm?16:50
devslashIm missing the tun0 interface16:52
lotuspsychjedavidkrauser: maybe if you explain your compatibility problem more, volunteers could think a long a solution with you?16:52
devslashhow do you create the tun interface?16:53
signofzetayes, /sbin/init -> /lib/systemd/systemd16:53
signofzetathe error message I get when using systemctl is:  System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can't operate.16:54
signofzetaFailed to connect to bus: Host is down16:54
signofzetaBut I see systemd running in `ps ax`.16:54
leftyfbdevslash: what is a VPM?16:54
leftyfbdevslash: also, as far as "ifconfig" goes, you need to run "ifconfig -a" to show all interfaces regardless of their online status16:55
devslasha service to hide your browsing activity16:55
davidkrauserleftyfb, I think a typo of VPN16:55
devslash-a doesnt show any additional interfaces16:56
davidkrauserlotuspsychje: I want to run kde-neon (which uses focal as its base) on a laptop that requires a very new kernel. The focal hwe kernel is currently at 5.8 which isn't new enough. My thought was to install the 5.11 hirsute kernel in the interim until the hwe kernel gets bumped in a later cycle. I think this should be fine, but wasn't sure if I was missing some 'gotchas'16:57
lotuspsychjedavidkrauser: well we usualy investigate the root of the problem, like a bug you encounter on a specific kernel, then file a bug against that kernel and start testing things with mainline or other ubuntu releases16:59
davidkrauserlotuspsychje: ahh, yeah - this isn't really a bug with the focal kernel. Just new hardware Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―17:04
tatertotsdevslash: do you actually have a VPM/VPN provider?17:04
davidkrauserlotuspsychje: and I don't want to wait for the hardware enablement kernel to drop17:04
devslashyes of course17:05
devslashi pay for a vpn service17:05
tatertotsdevslash: what is the name of your provider?17:05
devslashand i downloaded openvpn configs'17:05
tatertotsdevslash: mullvad has a GUI app that would make things easier for you....i suggest you use it17:06
devslashi cant17:07
devslashI am trying to use it in an environment (Docker image) that doesnt have a UI17:07
ValeraRozuvanWhat if you aren't running X?17:07
devslashyou can use a vpn without X17:07
tatertotsdevslash: who can?17:08
devslashwhat I mean is that it is possible...17:08
ValeraRozuvanYeah. If you configure OpenVPN yourself on a server - and know 100% what the server expects, so you can proiperly configure the client.17:09
ValeraRozuvanrep /proiperly/properly/17:09
leftyfbdevslash: have you tried following https://openvpn.net/vpn-server-resources/connecting-to-access-server-with-linux/ ?17:10
devslashno because I am using a docker image with openvpn17:11
ValeraRozuvanGet a base image with just debian - and configure it according to the guide.17:12
ValeraRozuvanDon't rely on 3rd party Docker images with OpenVPN...17:12
leftyfbdevslash: ok, maybe try #docker then17:12
devslashValeraRozuvan, I know I tried that with an image based on ubuntu17:16
devslashbut ran into an issue with no tun interface...17:16
tatertotsdevslash: users in the #docker community will have experience and can help you with docker inter-networking17:18
devslashthe thing is, I dont think my issue is realted to docker17:20
devslashbecause while im inside of the image, which is almost like its own o.s. I am unable to see the network interface tun017:21
tatertotsdevslash: a community that has likely done what you are trying to achieve is the point there17:25
eax@devslash: have you tried manually creating the tun interface inside the container?17:26
devslashim not sure how17:26
eax@devslash: inside the container. simply run `sudo mkdir /dev/net`17:27
tatertotsdevslash: something you claim you've seen "tun0"...exists already and wouldn't need creation ..again17:28
eax@devlash: `sudo mknod /dev/net/tun c 10 200`17:28
eax@devslash: `sudo ip tuntap add mode tap tap`17:28
devslasheax when I run the ip command i get an error open: No such file or directory17:31
devslashoh wait17:31
devslashI forgot to mknod first17:31
devslashok so I ran mknod and then the ip command and I get an error operation not permitted "ioctl(TUNSETIFF): Operation not permitted17:32
eax@devslash: here's a gist for future reference => https://gist.github.com/8b835d15d224cfe2e8c1bb4e369c3e0817:34
devslashahh ok i got it working and have a tun interface17:35
eax@devslash: awesome. happy hacking!17:35
almostdvsI'm trying to install ubuntu to an old laptop and it keeps getting stuck at the human and keyboard splash17:40
lotuspsychjealmostdvs: wich flavour of ubuntu are you trying?17:42
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almostdvsI need to install 18.04.  I have tried the live version, server and xubuntu live17:43
lotuspsychjealmostdvs: have you tryed F1 see if you can switch to textboot for errors?17:44
almostdvsgoogle results are speaking of after install.  I can't even run the installer17:44
almostdvsI will do so now17:44
alkisgalmostdvs: how much RAM does the laptop have?17:45
almostdvsI'm pretty sure its is 8G alkisg17:46
Thetewhy such an old version?17:46
almostdvsfor ROS robotic arm software17:46
alkisgOLD laptop with 8 GB?! Why, some new ones have 4 GB17:47
alkisgAre you sure you want 18.04 and not 20.04 then?17:47
alkisgDo you know which cpu and which graphics card it has?17:47
almostdvsI'm not sure of the specifics didn't expect to get stuck on OS installation17:47
alkisgIf it's not a hardware issue, like bad RAM, then it sounds like a graphics driver issue, e.g. nvidia or amd that need nomodeset temporarily17:47
almostdvsthis computer is a thinkpad e550 and I was stuck on splash on a barebones jetway pc earlier17:48
alkisggoogle "nomodeset livecd" for how to activate it17:48
almostdvsIf I press f6 right at the purple screen I can navigate the 'install ubuntu server, test memory' menu17:48
almostdvsas soon as I set nomodeset or select install ubuntu server it just freezes17:49
heaphello, any idea why ubuntu for arm computers as rpi etc is not using btrfs as native / /boot FS?17:49
Thetedefault is ext417:50
heapbut why not btrfs? its still not stable enought?17:50
Mekaneckheap: ext4 is used by default on ubuntu17:50
Mekaneckso every other spin uses it too17:51
heaphm but for arm pcs with SD cards isnt btrfs utilizing snapshoting better?17:51
almostdvsbetter is subjective17:51
Mekaneckheap: who uses a sd card anyway.... SSD is the way to go17:52
ograalmostdvs, you mean btr doesnt stand for "better" ? πŸ˜›17:52
heapMekaneck: maybe yes; hm even with ssd ; btrfs can be snapshoted during the run so used for a OS backup17:53
heapon the FS level17:53
ograheap, btrfs simply doesnt get a lot of attention by the ubuntu devs ... if you want an enterprise FS you use ZFS, if you want default you go for ext4 ...17:53
leftyfbheap: not everyone needs filesystem-level backup/recovery/snapshots17:53
ograheap, going away from that means someone has to maintain the difference17:53
Mekaneckif you're interested, while not very active, there's a #ubuntu-arm channel heap17:53
ogra... which costs manpower and thus ... money17:53
heapwell but how do u backup linux machine in case a failure? not interested in rsync etc... noone never remembers all setup that was done, all packages installed etc17:54
heapand executing DD on running system is crazy17:54
almostdvsThere are many ways to perform backups17:54
ograi could imagine that we see zfs based RPi server images in a future release ... simply utilizing whats there17:55
almostdvsbtrfs is more complex thus less desirable for a default17:55
heapalmostdvs: there are so i cant see any way how to achieve it17:56
ograheap, you could use snap packages for all your apps  ... they come with builtin snapshotting by default πŸ˜‰17:57
heapapps is part of that17:57
heapthere are multiple changes/fiddling to the OS17:57
heapso thats why i need something ... that can restore easily without memorizing docummenting every change to OS17:58
heapso if i understand correctly one can run ZFS on ubuntu w/out issue?18:00
ogranot sure it has been tested a lot on PI/SD cards18:01
ograbut theoretically yes18:01
heapeven if i buy SSD i will have same issue18:01
heapi just want to somehow backup whole OS as much easily as possible for data changes borg/rsync for whole OS on FS level something zfs send / receive18:02
heapquestion is about /boot / if i can have one / (including /boot) as zfs/btrfs and it can boot from it etc18:02
ogranot on a Pi18:03
ograthe Pi can only boot from vfat ... if you wanted to make the whole disk one partition you would have to use vfat for the rootfs .... that wont work18:03
heapi see but /boot as vfat is fine ... as most of the time there is no rw on it18:04
ograits not a rw issue ... more ... missing features the OS relies upon18:04
alkisgalmostdvs: if you replace "quiet splash" with "nomodeset", don't you see any error messages that would reveal the underlying issue? E.g. a kernel panic?18:04
ogra(vfat does not support symlinks)18:05
alkisgalmostdvs: the icon you say, it's the splash icon, not the pxelinux icon, right? I.e. it loads the kernel, and THEN hangs, correct?18:05
almostdvsalkisg: what do you mean replace quiet splash?18:05
almostdvsright now i see the installation menu because i pressed f6 during the splash18:06
alkisgalmostdvs: if you press "e" on grub or "tab" on pxelinux, you see the kernel cmdline; there, you can remove quiet splash or replace it with nomodeset, so that you can avoid the splash, and see the kernel messages18:06
almostdvspressing f6 again which is 'other options' i can choose nomodeset18:06
alkisgOK I assume by splash you mean syslinux. Press tab to remove quiet/splash18:06
alkisg(by splash we usually mean the plymouth splash which comes later on)18:07
heapanother thing backup of MBR18:08
alkisgalmostdvs:  To see a screenshot: https://askubuntu.com/questions/152847/how-to-access-boot-options-12-04-live-usb ==> there, see the command line at the bottom; you can edit it with [tab]18:08
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almostdvsok im back at the menu with the options. there is no 'quiet splash' it ends with initrd=/casper/initrd quiet ---18:11
alkisgRemove quiet then; it'll tell the kernel to print additional messages18:12
almostdvsso 'initrd=/casper/initrd ---'18:13
almostdvsalkisg: ?18:13
alkisgalmostdvs: well, did you also put or at least try nomodeset?18:13
alkisgIf you want, you can put it where quiet was. Otherwise yeah that's it go ahead and boot it18:13
almostdvsok.  right now it reads 'boot=casper initrd=/casper/initrd nomodeset ---'18:14
alkisgalmostdvs: btw, I just tested with ubuntu mate 18.04.5 and "quiet splash" is there; I don't know why you only have "quiet"18:15
alkisgOK go for it18:15
almostdvsI press enter and it hangs18:15
alkisgIt sounds like it hangs before loading the kernel then18:15
alkisg(or at least, before the kernel shows any messages)18:16
ograalmostdvs, and you said in the beginning you already got it in that state (hanging on a differet splash on boot) ?18:16
alkisgogra: I think by "splash" he meant the syslinux boot menu18:16
ograthat sounds like a broken BIOS/UEFI or broken hardware18:16
almostdvsif I don't do anything it will hang on the image right before this with the keyboard and human18:16
alkisgThat keyboard/human is still syslinux18:17
almostdvsinterrupting with keypress lets me select language and achieve this menu18:17
ograwell, have you seen the device working before ?18:17
almostdvsyea it has windows on it18:17
ograaha .... and that still boots ?18:17
almostdvsyeah, its fine until i wipe it18:17
* ogra takes back the BIOS/HW theory then18:17
alkisgalmostdvs: is that a cd or a usb stick? How did you create it, e.g. with rufus, unetbootin, dd?18:18
almostdvsi'm pretty sure i've made my usbs the same way before. Let me check real quick18:18
alkisgTry to boot another PC with that USB stick18:18
almostdvsim on a mac so convert iso to img with hdiutil and then dd on to the usb18:18
alkisgTo rule out the case where it's badly created18:18
alkisgNormally you can dd the iso directly. No idea about macs.18:19
almostdvsi mean same thing happened on another machine i tried before this one18:19
ograjust dd should be fine18:19
alkisgThis probably means "badly created usb stick" then. Use another method, like plain dd without conversion18:19
almostdvsjust dd the iso?  ok ill give it a shot18:19
alkisgRemember to dd it directly to e.g. /dev/sdb, not to a partition like /dev/sdb118:20
almostdvsi almost rolled my eyes but then remembered i wiped the wrong machine this weekend on some other project.  can't be too careful18:21
cbreakon Mac OS, you can use Etcher18:24
cbreakthe usb sticks aren't properly readable on Mac OS, but sometimes they can be booted by a normal computer :)18:24
cbreak(I didn't have success with the 20.04 image last time I tried, but 20.10 worked, that was the newest back when I tried it)18:25
almostdvs:/  just tried without adjusting options, then replacing quiet with nomodeset.  same results18:29
ografrom the newly written stick ?18:29
ogradies the UEFI perhaps have some secureboot option turned on that could prevent the USB boot from progressing ?18:32
almostdvsi'm going to try a different usb18:32
almostdvsThat must have been it. new stick must not be compatible or something.   thanks alkisg et al18:38
almostdvsdisappointing. this new usb-c/usb-a stick writes real fast18:40
cbreakusb sticks are essentially flash drives / SSDs, they wear out over time18:59
Sven_vBhi :) I'm using VLC on Ubuntu focal to play a file which I'm currently downloading. Unfortunately, when it reaches end of file (due to playback speed or time-jump commands), it stops playback and closes the file. Is there a VLC option to make it stay in a pause-like limbo instead, so I can time-jump back or just wait until more data arrives? (and ideally, auto-continue when it does) or do we have another video player that can do it?19:01
punkgeek Hello, I want to try this ova on my esxi server but I couldn't find the password, what is the template password? https://ubuntu.com/blog/snappy-ubuntu-core-now-on-the-hypervisor-of-your-choice-with-ova    i've tried ubuntu/ubuntu root/root admin/admin and none of them work19:01
sarnoldSven_vB: I don't think I've seen that kind of option before19:02
rbasakI wonder if piping in from tail -c0 -f or similar might work19:02
rbasakOh, tail -c +0 -f maybe19:03
Sven_vBrbasak, limbo with auto-continue works when playing from a pipe, but VLC won't allow time-jump with a pipe.19:03
rbasakRight - pipes aren't seekable19:04
Sven_vBrbasak, also it seems that each time VLC encounters the pipe is empty, it will be stuck for several seconds, even if the pipe sending process is only a few milliseconds late19:05
Sven_vBin this stuck time, VLC doesn't even visually acknowledge requests to adjust playback speed19:06
leftyfbSven_vB: try #videolan19:11
Sven_vBleftyfb, thanks!19:11
ograpunkgeek, i'm not sure these images are still supported (they are 6y old)19:13
ogratypically ubuntu core starts a setup tool on first boot on the console19:13
ograwhere you can set up a user19:13
signofzetaHi, I'm having a problem with systemd.  Suddenly, on my 20.04 server, it claims it doesn't start the system, and a ton of related things break.  When I try to run systemctl, it says "System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can't operate." and "Failed to connect to bus: Host is down".  However, /sbin/init is a symlink to /lib/systemd/systemd, which is indeed running as PID 1.19:25
signofzeta Any ideas?19:25
ograsignofzeta, is your disk full ... have you checked logs etc etc ?19:28
signofzetaThe disk was full at one point.  I expanded it.19:28
rbasak"which is indeed running as PID 1" -> what have you done that leads you to that conclusion?19:30
signofzetaThe output of ps aux shows PID 1 as /sbin/init, which is a symlink to /lib/systemd/systemd19:30
signofzetaI've tried booting with init=/lib/systemd/systemd for kicks, but no change there19:30
rbasakBecause of pivot_root, mount namespaces and suchlike, I don't think ps output can be trusted to reach that conclusion here.19:31
signofzetafair enough. how can I check?19:32
rbasakI would examine /proc/1, but I'm not sure which bit of info there would be conclusive, sorry.19:32
sarnold/proc/1/maps wouldn't be a bad start19:33
signofzeta/proc/1/exe is a symlink to /lib/systemd/systemd: https://termbin.com/c9yc19:33
signofzeta/proc/1/maps maps to a lot of things, including /lib/systemd/systemd.  need the output?19:34
rbasakCheck the inode number matches "stat /lib/systemd/systemd"19:34
sarnoldhere's mine to compare against https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qDQ6sg2T6v/19:34
rbasak(technically the device number needs to match as well)19:35
signofzetayes, the map and the app have the same inode19:36
ioriasignofzeta, ps -p 1 -o comm=19:37
rbasakOK, so then I agree with you that appears that systemd is indeed pid 1, and I'm out of ideas, sorry.19:37
signofzetalol, me too, rbasak, me too.19:37
remlineanything interesting in "dmesg | grep systemd"?19:38
sarnoldsignofzeta: okay, next guess, maybe try an opensnoop-bpfcc in one console and systemctl commands in another, and see if systemctl is trying to open files..19:38
signofzetaremline: no, not really.  one corrupted journal that's replaced. https://termbin.com/md2l19:40
signofzetasarnold: yes, I see systemctl in thie list.  nothing stands out, though.19:43
ograsignofzeta, you said you resized the disk ... did you also resize the filesystem in it ?19:44
signofzetayes, df -h says I have plenty of space19:44
signofzetathe filesystem does fill the disk19:44
ograthe log looke like it is still full TBH19:45
ogra(but then it might be an old log and journald probably didnt start at al since you have the issue)19:45
signofzetaokay, how can I clear it?  I just ran journalctl --vacuum-size and that surprisingly did something19:45
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isapgswellubuntu software lags reponse user input,19:59
isapgswellyoutube loading and paging is faster19:59
isapgswellany idea??20:00
signofzetanot offhand, isapgswell.  what's lagging?  the ubuntu UI?20:02
isapgswellsignofzeta lags to show up category items, icons and descriptions, resuming as you said UI20:04
signofzetajust the file explorer, then?  what happens if you open up another app (say, LibreOffice) and work with that?20:04
isapgswellsignofzeta yes the ubuntu software explorer, libreoffice and nautilus works great20:06
signofzetaoh, software explorer.  yeah, it's slow for me, too, and i've got a six-core Ryzen.  I think it's just the app.20:06
signofzetawish i had a solution, but i don't think it's just you20:07
isapgswellsignofzeta me too, i have a gamer notebook20:07
signofzetado you get that bug where you click on a category in software explorer, and it doesn't show you any apps?20:07
isapgswellsignofzeta it show sometimes after around 10/15 seconds20:08
isapgswellsignofzeta for the first time20:08
isapgswellsignofzeta my internet link connection is 240mb20:10
isapgswellsignofzeta so, not a link speed problem20:10
isapgswellsignofzeta do this test: click on a category unclicked before and after try swipe apps20:13
isapgswellsignofzeta for me when i do that i have to click background window pane one time and try to swipe again, it will be faster20:14
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bumblefuzzcan anyone explain what this output is?21:23
sarnoldbumblefuzz: you don't have a package named 'imagemagick' installed21:24
sarnoldbumblefuzz: but you do have packages named imagemagick-6-common and imagemagick-6.q16 installed21:24
bumblefuzzannnd I'm retarded21:25
AavarThis may be the wrong place to ask... I have a test-server running Proxmox and the ssh is failing. Is it possible to extract some files from a container that wont start?21:29
sarnoldwhat's doing the file storage for your container?21:30
Aavarsarnold: hmm... whatever is default i suppose.21:30
Aavarsarnold: sorry. Maybe I misread the question... it is saved to a hdd (i suppose the hd is failing and not the ssd)21:31
sarnoldAavar: if the file storage is a simple zfs dataset than you can certainly mount it into whatever namespace you've got available to work with, and inspect it that way21:31
sarnoldAavar: if it's iscsi then it'll take a bit more work ..21:32
Aavarit is not iscsi.21:32
Aavarsarnold: how do I go about doing that?21:32
sarnoldAavar: start with zfs list and see if it looks likely21:32
Aavarsarnold: I see that it is actually a ext4-partition.21:34
sarnoldAavar: aha; if it' snot already mounted, you could just mount it anywhere21:35
Aavar /var is a ext4 partition.21:35
Aavarsarnold: It is mounted, but how can i find and extract my files?21:35
sarnoldAavar: cp?21:36
Aavarsarnold: I am actually looking for some files inside a container. Should I be able to find them under /var?21:37
Aavaras plain files?21:37
sarnoldAavar: probably yeah, if you're using ext4-backed storage for your container21:37
Aavarsarnold: hmm... eighter you or me is missunderstanding. the whole /var of the host is a single extra ext4 partition. So I guess there is one or several zfs-images mounted on a physical drive.21:40
sarnoldAavar: I don't know your system21:40
sarnoldAavar: I'm just going on what you've said21:40
F_Carsonubuntu 20.04 sudo apt dist-upgrade is holding back evolution-common 3.36.5-0ubuntu1 while all the (6) other evolution pkgs seem fine23:38
Bashing-om!info evolution-common focal | F_Carson23:39
sarnoldF_Carson: a sudo apt install evolution-common   will probably show you what actions are necessary23:39
ubot3F_Carson: evolution-common (3.36.4-0ubuntu1, focal): architecture independent files for Evolution. In component universe, is optional. Built by evolution. Size 679 kB / 18,408 kB23:39
=== genii-core is now known as genii
F_Carsonwhy then is dist-upgrade holding it (and consequently all the other evolution upgrades)??  there shouldn't be any dependency problems (?)23:42
F_Carsonit's doing it on all my 20.04 installations...23:42
Bashing-omF_Carson: Pulling from the proposed repo ? https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=evolution-common&searchon=names&suite=focal-updates&section=all .23:47
F_Carsoni did what apt install suggested, and evolution was removed.  did an apt autoremove to clean up and tried to start fresh with apt install evoluion which fails completely with unmet depends:23:55
F_CarsonThe following packages have unmet dependencies:23:56
F_Carson evolution : Depends: libcamel-1.2-62 (>= 3.36.5) but 3.36.4-0ubuntu1 is to be installed23:56
F_Carson             Depends: libecal-2.0-1 (>= 3.36.5) but 3.36.4-0ubuntu1 is to be installed23:56
F_Carson             Depends: libedataserver-1.2-24 (>= 3.36.5) but 3.36.4-0ubuntu1 is to be installed23:56
F_Carson             Depends: libevolution (>= 3.36.5) but it is not going to be installed23:56
F_Carson             Depends: libevolution (< 3.37) but it is not going to be installed23:56

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