
=== ledeni_ is now known as ledeni
lotuspsychjegood morning01:55
ducassegood morning06:50
Chunkyz-RPiLol morning ☺️08:00
Chunkyz-RPilotuspsychje: lotus|NUC: your quit message points to a 404 page not found. :-)09:38
lotuspsychjei know my website was to expensive, im still looking for an alternate09:39
lotuspsychjethey asked 600 euro a year for webshop09:39
Chunkyz-RPiThat's bad!09:39
lotuspsychjethen some random invoices for some work09:39
TJ-lotuspsychje: what?!?! what did it do!?12:16
lotuspsychjeTJ-: it was a linux minded admin with an own hosting company, my webshop was running opencart, so i could edit products myself12:38
lotuspsychjehad tons of russian spammers on opencart too12:39
lotuspsychjecreating a personal logo was 600 euro too12:41
lotuspsychjethe webshop was also linked to a mollie.nl auto payout12:42
=== sunarch_ is now known as Guest7038
=== sunarch is now known as Guest469

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