[04:33] [telegram] @RikMills @bittin1 as of 20210602.1, the SDDM issue is resolved; we get the normal login screen, not onscreen keyboard. (re @RikMills: Ok. I know why that is happening. Let me revert a recent change) [05:13] [telegram] That was the idea. I will have to fix the problem with duplicate sddm themes some other way (re @saivinob: @RikMills @bittin1 as of 20210602.1, the SDDM issue is resolved; we get the normal login screen, not onscreen keyboard.) [05:40] [telegram] @RikMills @saivinob thats great :) (re @saivinob: @RikMills @bittin1 as of 20210602.1, the SDDM issue is resolved; we get the normal login screen, not onscreen keyboard.) [06:32] [telegram] @RikMills @saivinob yep it works now [14:09] https://blog.launchpad.net/general/comment-editing-is-now-possible