
amurraygood morning01:16
amurrayUnit193: are the various bots documented somewhere? how do I find out what ubot9 / ubuntulog3 / ubottu  all do / are capable of / how to use them etc?01:21
Unit193Yes, but is this doc 5 years out of date?  Also yes.01:22
Unit193amurray: ubuntulog* is static, you don't interact with it and Canonical IS runs it.  ubot9 is also something you don't really interact with.  ubottu has factoids, package info, bug and commit snarfing.  lubotu is a clone of ubotu just for loco channels.01:26
Unit193There's also a bot in #ubuntu-bugs-announce that tells you about the new ubuntu bugs.01:26
Unit193amurray: See also: https://unit193.net/ubottu.html#_encyclopedia01:27
amurrayooh nice - thanks01:28
Unit193https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots is the outdated page.  Also there's meetingology.01:29
Unit193And Drone.01:29
amurrayi recall ubottu can do something with cves.. do I just mention one ... CVE-2020-2567001:31
ubottuA vulnerability was found in Linux Kernel where refcount leak in llcp_sock_bind() causing use-after-free which might lead to privilege escalations. <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-25670>01:31
amurrayooh nice01:31
amurraythanks ubottu 01:31
Unit193Of the bots, I seem to run ubottu, ubot9, lubotu, Drone, and I do a bit with meetingology.  lubot is a Lubuntu telegram bridge, #kubuntu has one too, and like I said ubuntulog is Canonical IS.01:32
Unit193Oh, ubot93!  Can't forget that one..01:33
ubottuCommit 1739b5f in ubiquity "Fixed crash with manually created encrypted volumes"01:34
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