
CodeMouse92Oh. I was executing fail2ban-client without sudo, that's why01:14
sarnoldCodeMouse92: wow, then the errors it was giving back were remarkably unhelpful. It sure sounded like a configuration file mistake to me. sheesh.02:31
CodeMouse92Yeah. Another day I'll have to figure out the undocumented way of getting the current version of OpenLDAP (slapd) to log...02:32
CodeMouse92There are about five ways described online, and they're all outdated.02:32
sarnoldsounds about right...02:38
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kyle__sarnold: thanks.13:08
UssatSo, whats the chances of Ubuntu 18.04 ever getting python 3.8 ?13:25
UssatBecause its required for ansible 4.013:26
patdk-laphmm, hasn't python 3.8 been in 18.04 since it was released13:33
patdk-lapit's even in 16.0413:33
utkarsh2102patdk-lap: src:python3.8 has been in Bionic and upwards; `rmadison python3.8` shall yield you the version numbers.13:34
patdk-lapdo what?13:35
patdk-lapisn't that what I just said13:35
utkarsh2102uh, probably I am missing the history of the conversation, my bad! :)13:36
utkarsh2102yours is the first message I see & confused it with a question; ignore :)13:36
patdk-lap<Ussat> So, whats the chances of Ubuntu 18.04 ever getting python 3.8 ?13:36
patdk-lap<Ussat> Because its required for ansible 4.013:36
utkarsh2102aah, thanks!13:37
Ussatpatdk-lap um.....is not the default13:37
patdk-lapwhy should it be the default?13:37
patdk-lapyou can make anything you want the default13:38
patdk-lapso in this case, you want to make ansible work, by making everyone else that uses ubuntu 18.04 systems be broken13:39
UssatThats not even what I said, but whatever'13:39
patdk-lapwhy not just tell ansible to use python 3.813:39
UssatWelcome to ignore13:39
rbasakI'd avoid making it the default. Arrange for ansible to call /usr/bin/python3.8.13:39
patdk-lappretty sure you asked why python 3.8 wasn't in ubuntu 18.04, and then complained it wasn't the default in 18.0413:40
Ussatrbasak ya will probably just do. that13:41
UssatNot my preference but that will work13:41
utkarsh2102rbasak: hey, php-league-mime-type-detection is waiting on you :)13:57
utkarsh2102no rush, but it needs to go forward when you have time13:58
rbasakSorry, looking14:08
utkarsh2102rbasak: thank you! \o/14:15
utkarsh2102MIR for prips waiting, too, but that can wait until tomorrow and what not.14:16
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