
=== Kilos is now known as Kilos-
Kiloshelloooo za09:31
pavlushkaKilos: o/09:56
Kilospavlushka  o/10:30
Kilostoo sore to sit by pc but i will look every now and again10:31
Kilosprostatectomy isnt fun10:31
pavlushkaKilos: sure, get well soon, me to kinda dehydrated due to diarrhea10:32
pavlushka*mee too10:33
pavlushka*me too10:33
Kilosoh my10:33
inetproKilos: good evening16:13
inetpronice to see that you found your way here. and I hope that you're much better already16:14
Kiloshahaha hi inetpro  quite a bit better just lots of pain still17:34
Kilosand the weather is freezing here outside rustenburg17:35
Kilosand my ubuntu cload doesnt work anymore17:35
Kilosso i walk a bit, pee to flush blood clots, then lie down and it drains to the catheter bag then i sleep17:37
Kilosonly 4 more days then everything gets removed and i should be almost normal again17:38
Kilosinetpro  ping17:38
Kilosdrive crashed just before hospital so my wole system is still being built up again. had to even do konversation from scrath'17:40
Kilosi started making cbd about 8 months ago for old friends with cancer dementia sleep and other old peeps issues17:43
Kilosfound out yesterday that 10 drops is slower but stronger than a pethidine injection17:44
Kilosvery powerful pain killer but ,akes me sleep for 4 hours as well17:44
inetproKilos: way too cold this evening18:30
inetproWrathOfAchilles: am not sure what it's for but can we perhaps try the LoCo ubot here as well?18:33
Kilosand maybe superfly  will bring QA back to life18:43
Kilosnight guys.18:43
inetprogoeinag oom Kilos18:50
inetproKilos: oh and I see you got cloaked as well18:57
WrathOfAchillesinetpro: It has the default factoids, tells bug and commit info if people paste links/mention them, and can give package info.  Something you want?19:23
inetprosounds like a good idea, yes please WrathOfAchilles 19:46

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