
mardyHi! Is it normal that after the removal of a snap, its services are still present in systemd ("systemctl show" can be used to show the properties, though "systemctl status" shows that the unit file is no longer there)09:20
cachioijohnson, in the test is expects the install is donde16:35
ijohnsoncachio: yes you have found a bug, what should happen is that we install the snap, but the default-provider is not installed16:35
ijohnsoncachio: so we need to fix that bug in snapd go code 16:35
ijohnsonbefore this pr can be merged that is16:35
cachionice, so the test is good16:36
cachioijohnson, thanks for the confirmation16:38
ijohnsoncachio: thank you for working on the test and finding this bug :-)16:42
* cachio afk 17:30

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