
=== genii is now known as genii-core
marinellihi everyone. I have some problems with Ubuntu pinning. I'm already using pinning in Debian, eg: I'm using testing/(buildd-)unstable/(buildd-)experimental without problems. I started to use Ubuntu and pinning, and I'm not completelly sure that I configured it in the right way. I would like to have something like: the current release by default, I would like to install proposed packages (like06:17
marinellithe buildd releases in debian), and I would like to install packages from the next release (eg: impish). Well, actually I already have something like that, but I'm not sure that I putted the right priorities.06:17
marinelliis there some of you that might help me to review the config?06:18
marinelliwell... actually the only strange thing is that for some reason the ubuntu-release-upgrader has 1 as pin priority. if I check the policy of one of its installes bin packages, it says that the new version is 1:21.04.12 1 (phased 50%).06:28
marinelliwhat does that mean the "phased 50%"?06:28
marinelliahhh... ok... I didn't know about phased updates. it has been sufficient to set APT::Get::Always-Include-Phased-Updates to true06:58
=== genii-core is now known as genii

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