
inetprolubotu: hi04:38
Kilosmore boetie04:41
inetprogood evening16:38
Kilosgood evening young man 17:39
Kiloshi pavlushka  17:39
pavlushkahello Kilos 17:42
Kiloshow are you today a?17:42
Kilospavlushka  17:43
pavlushkaKilos: you?17:44
Kilos3 days from having the staples in my op taken out17:44
pavlushkahope that goes soundly17:46
Kilosty , i am sure it will17:46
pavlushkagood to know17:46
Kilosthen to rebuilt stomach muscles can take a while17:46
pavlushkanight night18:57
melodiehi !19:43
melodiehello Kilos inetpro superfly and everyone else!19:44
inetprogood evening melodie19:44
melodiethank you inetpro ! (21:44 here ^^)19:44
inetpronot sure whether oom Kilos is still awake but am sure he'll see your message here in the morning if you wanted to chat with him19:46
melodieKilos !!! Long time no see, how are you???19:47
inetproof course, for offtopic issues you can always chat with him either directly or at #kilos19:47
melodiealso for the communities who like them, 2 new distros using the Debian repositories and the antiX MX repos are available! less than 700 MB each. 19:48
melodiehttp://downloads.linuxvillage.org or https://downloads.linuxvillage.org as you please19:48
melodiedescriptions are on the antiX forum :19:49
inetprosounds good, thanks for sharing melodie19:49
melodieinetpro I will be looking forward to some feedback, feature requests, contributions if you may ... 19:50
melodieand I hope it will help lots of users keep their computers longer19:50
inetpromelodie: am afraid that will have to wait till some other time19:51
melodieinetpro whenever you need want wish and please let your people know about it. :)19:52
* inetpro getting ready to go sleep 19:52
melodieinetpro good night 19:52
inetprothanks melodie19:52
melodieand sleep tight :)19:52
inetproand all the best there as well19:52
melodiethank you!19:52
inetprooh, but there's one thing that I still wanted to test19:54
inetprolubotu: help19:54
inetproWrathOfAchilles: how do we use the bot?19:55
inetprolp #58059320:10
lubotuLaunchpad bug 580593 in Ubuntu IRC Bots "[Bantracker] rewrite plugin and improve web-interface speed" [Critical, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58059320:10
inetproaha, she picks up lp bug numbers, that's a good sign20:11
* inetpro found http://ubottu.com/20:12
inetprolubotu: usage?20:14
inetprotest lubotu20:15
inetprolubotu: test20:15
inetprohmm... will have to figure out how to use the factoids on another day20:16
inetprogood night20:16
lubotuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:20
* inetpro found the key \o/20:21
inetproWrathOfAchilles: thanks for adding the bot20:22
melodie!hello world20:22
lubotuYou might think your joke is funny, but you may confuse new users who follow your advice or irritate people who attempt to answer your question.20:23
lubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/20:23
WrathOfAchillesinetpro: It's not a chat bot. :>21:16

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