
blackboxswXe: nice work on that post BTW! 01:43
blackboxswwe were passing it around today.01:43
blackboxswsame to you Mr powersj :) I hadn't seen yours01:44
Xenice :D01:45
Xei hope the sarcastic parts didn't come off too badly, i got an early start in the morning thanks to an amber alert (in Canada they use the "TAKE COVER YOU ARE BEING NUKED" alert level and you can't opt out of them) so it might have come off a lot more snarky than I intended01:45
blackboxswyeah same in Colo, USA.    And sarcasm is the author's liberty and draws a repeated audience :).   For your "<Mara> What if I need to template the userdata file?" you had me thinking maybe you were going to touch on jinja templates for distro specific user-data functionality a. la https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/instancedata.html#using-instance-data01:51
blackboxswIt'd give "templaters" a chance  to use things like## template: jinja01:58
blackboxswwell that surely didn't work01:58
blackboxswthat's more readable. Anyhow. time to head into the weekend02:01
blackboxswcheers all02:01
Xeblackboxsw: i'm more touching on how i templated the yaml for integration tests at work02:15
blackboxsw+1. yeah I had misunderstood initially on first glance.02:16
Xedoes cloud-config work if you use json instead of yaml (with the right header ofc)02:17
blackboxswahh sry. Yes, since YAML is a superset of JSON it observes JSON constructs, so something like {"runcmd": ["echo I work"]}     would be honored as long as it was preceded by a header line #cloud-config03:49
haitchthanks, will file a issue.05:27
haitchdo I file bug on  https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+filebug or https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init ? 05:28
haitchit ask me to signup a ubuntu one account, which I don't have one yet.05:28
haitchbut I do have github account.05:28
haitchhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1930956. 08:21
haitchbug filed, also I have a PR workaround the issue: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/915 08:21

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