
=== genii is now known as genii-core
santa_hi everyone16:27
santa_RikMills: how is frameworks 5.83 going?16:31
RikMillssanta_: some files and symbols to fix I thyink, but mostly ok16:32
santa_ok, I'm going to build on my servers16:32
santa_is KA working ok?16:32
RikMillssanta_: download-tarballs did not. it wanted to get them from the /unstable/ folder16:33
santa_ok, I guess you are using git master, correct? could you please whenever you can push the ka-metadata so I could try to replicate the issue?16:34
RikMillsall metadata is pushed16:35
RikMillshad to change that to:16:36
santa_RikMills: somehow I can't see the metadata for fw 5.8316:37
ubottuCommit 9402fea in ~kubuntu-packagers/ka/+git/ka-metadata "frameworks 5.83.0 HEAD master"16:37
RikMillskde_ftp.py needed a 2nd 'if release_type != "frameworks" and last_digit >= 80:'16:38
santa_ok, the metadata is in master16:39
santa_you might want to merge it into staging branch16:40
RikMillssorry. I am not always consistant in what branch I use16:41
santa_RikMills: ok, at some point this weekend I will take care of the download-tarballs bug, thanks for the "patch" :)16:53

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