
inetprogood mornings 07:25
inetproway too cold here this morning 07:26
=== Danie10 is now known as GadgeteerZA
=== GadgeteerZA is now known as Guest4473
=== Guest4473 is now known as GadgeteerZA
Kilosgood day for sleeping16:13
Kiloshi melodie16:13
inetproKilos: sounds like you had some good sleep today17:22
Kilosyip and you juxst woke me again17:24
Kilosto cold to sit here17:24
inetproai tog! Sorry oom17:24
Kilosnp man17:25
Kilosthis is a heavy winter17:25
Kilosi see danie and gadget guy one person17:26
inetprolast night I put a hot water bottle by my feet, helped a lot to keep warm17:27
Kiloshahaha i do that all day17:27
inetproKilos: yes, GadgeteerZA likes changing his nick around :-)17:28
Kilosthis house is very cold. does not see much sun with all the trees17:28
inetproKilos: you might wamt to join him at #gadgeteerza 17:29
Kilostoo much to read aeady17:29
Kilosi hardly ever go to twitter anymore17:30
* inetpro has the same challenges, just can't keep up with it17:31
Kilosyip too much17:31
Kiloscame out of hospital to 700 emails17:32
GadgeteerZAKilos one person technically but each is one half of my brain...17:39
* inetpro wbb17:46
inetprowb pavlushka18:30
pavlushkainetpro: ty18:31
melodiehi Kilos !19:00
melodieI'll be afk for a few hours, perhaps back later19:00
pavlushkanight night19:06
inetprogood night19:30

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