
morganshello friends, you helped me get rid of tracker+ but now some functions are missing: files isnt there, in Ubuntu software "Installed files" is solid black. what?00:26
morgansthat was a couple of hours ago00:26
morgansand for some reason I have never beenabout to determine, I cant search in ubunt software. WOT?00:27
heaphi, can i use 8TB hdd on 32bit OS?00:30
heapsorry 32bit hw00:30
morganspgrep tracker -al  /   sudo apt remove --purge tracker-miner-fssudo rm -rfv /etc/xdg/autostart/tracker*.desktop  /  Reboot    <== That's what I did.00:30
morgansleftyfb, Hi I'm back with OOPS!00:31
morgansand then apt remove....00:34
morgansjust did  sudo apt-get --fix-broken install00:36
morganssudo apt autoremove00:36
morgans$ sudo apt-get update --fix-missing   ///command not found00:38
morgansI used plain apt00:38
morgansubuntu software looks normal but when I click on any of the categories I get a plain box with ... and no listing.s00:41
morgansapt told me I should upgrade so I am.00:41
morgansI am lost here.00:42
heapis there any diff to backup partition using dd vs fsarchiver?00:47
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morgansMy file manager is gone and so are the sysops who help. Woe is me.01:13
Bashing-ommorgans: ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo apt -f install '. All complete with no errors ?01:22
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signofzeta heap: yes.  format your disk with the GPT partitioning style.01:44
signofzetaheap: dd will copy a partition, bit for bit.  you'll need to restore it to the same size disk (or larger).  not fmailiar with fsarchiver, though.01:45
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leftyfbmorgans: I would highly suggest you just reinstall ubuntu at this point. There's no telling what state your system is now02:50
BeneditoSalvadorany recomendations for a matrix client for ubuntu?02:53
DarkTrick_**Help** @ Upgrade to 21.04: I got a fatal error and "my system could be in an unusable state", can someone help me fix this?02:56
DarkTrick_Also, it states "Upgrade complete" at the end, so I'm not sure, if I actually have to do something or if my system is about to die02:57
DarkTrick_I did what's described in the answer here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1333784/error-after-update-ubuntu-updating-from-20-10-to-hirsute-hippo-21-0403:02
DarkTrick_now dpkg --configure -a will run without errors, but `sudo /usr/lib/usrmerge/convert-usrmerge` still throws a fatal03:03
leftyfbDarkTrick_: I don't have usrmerge installed on either my 18.04 or 20.04 machines03:05
DarkTrick_leftyfb, it must be some system-stuff; I never installed it03:05
leftyfbDarkTrick_: try removing the package03:06
DarkTrick_leftyfb, that sounds a little like a random advice ... are you sure about that?03:06
DarkTrick_It looks like this is the root cause: Both /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libtinfo.so.5 and /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libtinfo.so.5 exist.03:06
DarkTrick_hm... and looking at what usrmerge does, this sounds a reasonable message...03:08
leftyfbDarkTrick_: that's part of the libtinfo5 package, which again, isn't installed by default03:08
DarkTrick_must be a dependency somewhere then... I also never heard libtinfo5 before03:08
DarkTrick_leftyfb, Do I have to fear an inconsistent state, if dpkg --configure -a runs without errors?03:10
leftyfbDarkTrick_: aren't you still getting errors somewhere?03:11
DarkTrick_leftyfb, yes, when I run `/usr/lib/usrmerge/convert-usrmerge`03:11
leftyfbDarkTrick_: why are you running that?03:11
DarkTrick_because the upgrade process error message told me to03:11
DarkTrick_However, you said it's non-std, so I ran apt to remove it. apt tells me "it's not installed"... so03:12
DarkTrick_if dpkg runs without errors now, and I don't need usrmerge, then I won't care about it03:12
DarkTrick_apparently* it also has no packages depending on it03:12
DarkTrick_*apt remove did not list any further packages, that become obsolete03:13
oerheksmaybe related https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usrmerge/+bug/192485003:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1924850 in usrmerge (Ubuntu) "package usrmerge 24ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: installed usrmerge package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1" [Undecided, Confirmed]03:14
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DarkTrick_I have a dream... of the first UB upgrade going through without errors and strange "[this configuration, that you've never seen or touched] might be changed. Are you sure, you want to change it. " :)03:21
DarkTrick_**Q** regarding keyboard input / ibus / anthy on 21.04: how do I tell anthy to change keyboard layout with input language?03:46
DarkTrick_Apparently the upgrade process removed some user settings from anthy03:47
aienaVMHow to disable that beep sound in the terminal when pressing tab and the autocomplete doesn't work because of whatever reason.04:11
aienaVMam on ubuntu 20.0404:11
gdbaienaVM: I don't know what terminal you're using but you'll want to look for anything that is along the lines of "disable audible bell" or "enable visual bell".04:29
aienaVMgdb: I'll have a look.04:30
gdbaienaVM: Sure thing! The sound is a function of your terminal receiving the "bell" character (^G) and rendering it audibly. Visual bell will (generally) briefly flash the screen instead of making the sound.04:30
aienaVMi found  it there was one "Terminal Bell" check box now the sounds are not coming.04:30
gdbVery good!04:30
aienaVMI am used to the peace of quiet of not having one04:31
gdbI'm with you there! I can't stand audible bell, either.04:33
cluelesspersonI'm in a bad state where nothing plugged in,  /dev/sda exists05:15
cluelesspersonI plugin a usb flash drive05:16
cluelesspersonit tries to use /dev/sda then errors that it exists05:16
cluelesspersonJun  4 22:15:37 ztab systemd-udevd[86827]: sda: Failed to process device, ignoring: File exists05:16
* cluelessperson reboots05:17
aienaVMthanks gdb05:36
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gbit86_I've been doing a lot of testing of a setup script.. and am wondering if this PPA works for others? "sudo add-apt-repository --yes ppa:ubuntubudgie/backports"06:05
gbit86_did I get my IP banned or something?06:05
Mekaneckgbit86_: why you think your IP got banned?06:07
lotuspsychjegbit86_: looks legit https://launchpad.net/~ubuntubudgie/+archive/ubuntu/backports06:07
gbit86_wondering if maybe I've been hitting their servers too hard by downloading too much in a short period of time?06:08
lotuspsychjegbit86_: you getting errors or something?06:08
gbit86_Really not sure how much I am consuming tbh.. just downloading a theme repeatedly..06:08
gbit86_lotuspsychje: Part of the problem - I do not get an error. It just hangs.. I had to add a timeout command just so the rest of my script would not stall.06:09
gbit86_Every time I install snapd it takes a very long time to update.. I am on a pretty fast internet connection so there's no way it is me..06:26
gbit86_Why is snapd hanging for several minutes on "Waiting for server to restart"??06:26
gbit86_I practically can't find anything on google that really goes into it.06:26
gbit86_I eventually get this "snapd 2.50.1 from Canonical✓ installed" but 6 minutes??06:27
cluelesspersonI avoid snapd. :/06:27
gbit86_I've had it hang and give up entirely as well..06:27
gbit86_cluelessperson: I might have too.. only reason I was using it was to avoid compiling a project myself but with those speeds and the unreliability of install snaps in general. Looks like I will have to work out how to compile the package I was avoiding compiling..06:28
gbit86_have to*06:29
cluelesspersonfor me it's vlc.06:29
RupertEvertonHello. Is anyone able to help with a UEFI/NVidia/nouveau issue?06:56
toddcRupertEverton: post your question and some will answer asap06:57
RupertEvertonI've attempted to perform an (almost)-full-disk encryption following TJ's guide, but when I start my system and enter the decryption password, I get stuck in grub with "Loading initial ramdisk ..." "_". I seem to have UEFI/NVidia/nouveau/modeset issues. Anyone able to help? Thank you in advance06:57
toddcRupertEverton: I am not the best in that area but I do use uefi ZFS nomodeset then after first boot install nvida drivers and that has always worked for desktop installs07:03
toddcRupertEverton: nomodeset just installs basic minmal video drivers so you can boot it as nvidia drivers cannot be included in the installer07:05
RupertEvertontoddc so what should I add after "linux..." ? I've already tried the following (one at the time): nomodeset -- nomodeset, nouveau.modeset=0, modprobe.blacklist=nouveau. None of them were helpful07:06
cluelesspersonis there anyway to disable the OEM startup screen?07:10
cluelesspersonI don't like "LENOVO"  being splayed across my screen.07:10
qa6Zauberfisch: I wanted validated virtio drivers... Maybe I'll try RHEL. Thank you!07:12
Mekaneckcluelessperson: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1238754/want-to-remove-oem-logo-during-boot-in-ubuntu-20-0407:13
Mekaneckmaybe that helps07:13
Mekaneckthere should be more out thet just google it07:14
cluelesspersonoh perfect. :P07:15
toddcRupertEverton: will it boot to ubuntu using nomodeset?07:19
RupertEvertontoddc : no, it will stay stuck in grub. I'm preparing an askubuntu question so you can see the full picture07:19
toddcok I was hope it was just installing nvida after the ubuntu install07:21
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RupertEvertontoddc here it is: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1341163/ubuntu-20-04-stuck-in-grub-after-encryption07:30
toddcRupertEverton: sorry beyond my skill. I did a laptop using the default 20.04 installer with ZFS encryption and nomodset and it worked then after ubuntu was updated I used the addle drivers to install the nvidia with no issues08:00
TJ-RupertEverton: hi!08:08
TJ-RupertEverton: we meet at last :)08:08
RupertEvertonHello Tj- ! Finally, yes! How's it going mate?08:08
TJ-RupertEverton: just sat down to tackle some tricky IPv6 stuff, and need coffee already! Anything I can do to move you forward?08:09
TJ-RupertEverton: just reading your lastest email!08:10
RupertEvertonI jus finished updating my post on ask ubuntu if you want to take a look! https://askubuntu.com/questions/1341163/ubuntu-20-04-stuck-in-grub-after-encryption08:10
TJ-RupertEverton: email read. The "----" sounds strange and more like a BIOS-mode boot using syslinux rather than, as I expect to happen, an UEFI boot with GRUB08:11
TJ-RupertEverton: maybe since I last worked on the installer code that aspect was changed08:11
RupertEvertonCould be, I'm sure I'm on UEFI as that's the only option I allowed in the bios settings08:12
TJ-RupertEverton: So, I think we have to prove first that the kernel actual starts. Right now all you know is that initrd is being loaded into memory... you don't know if that was successful and GRUB correctly handed off to the kernel08:12
TJ-RupertEverton: I agree from your previous logs it is UEFI.08:12
RupertEvertonSo how would I go about proving that the kernel actually starts?08:13
TJ-RupertEverton: since you're now familiar with editing the GRUB boot entries manually, I'd suggest an easy one. Since, when the installed system boots you have a display a least whilst GRUB is operating, how about adding a couple of lines: "echo 'About to boot Linux kernel...' " and "sleep 5"  after the final "initrd /initrd.img..." line  then pressing Ctrl+X08:16
RupertEvertonTJ- : also, is there a mobile client (iOS) for this that you'd recommend? I think it'd be more effective at ensuring quick communications since right now I keep having to install it on my live installer08:16
TJ-RupertEverton: I think there is a web chat, would that be sufficient?08:16
RupertEvertonYeah I think so!08:16
TJ-RupertEverton: try https://web.libera.chat/08:17
RupertEverton13alright that worked, i’ll follow you from here08:20
TJ-RupertEverton: I'd also recommend further editing the "linux ..." line to remove "quiet" and adding "earlyprintk=efi,keep debug systemd.log_level=info" - 'debug' will cause the kernel to be more verbose, ;earlyprintk' will try to ensure messages are seen much earlier in the start-up code08:20
RupertEvertonAlright TJ- now I'll reboot and add all the lines you suggested. You'll find me here as RupertEverton1308:24
TJ-RupertEverton13: I see you :)08:25
RupertEverton13TJ- quick question, should i add the lines to linux…generic or to the recovery-mode option ?08:27
TJ-RupertEverton13: I'd edit the first (default) entry on the initial screen08:28
RupertEverton13TJ- ok. right now the linux entry has the following parameters: “/vmlinuz-…” “root=/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root” “ro” “sysrq_always_enabled=1” “quiet” “splash” “$vt_handoff”08:30
TJ-RupertEverton13: so you don't think I'm ignoring you... I'm switching in and out of other terminals so might not always respond immediately. Anyone else feel free to chime in!08:30
RupertEverton13should i only remove “quiet” and add what you said at the end ?08:30
RupertEverton13no worries at all mate!08:31
TJ-RupertEverton13: yes, remove "quiet splash" and add "earlyprintk=efi,keep debug systemd.log_level=info" on that line, then after the last line of "initrd /initrd.img..." add those two other lines (the final sleep is so you get chance to see the message before the screen is blanked and kernel takes over)08:32
lotuspsychjecluelessperson gbit86_ yeah vlc snap was a bit slow install over snap for me aswell08:32
lotuspsychjebut i think ogra had a workaround for speeding up snap installs if i recall08:32
TJ-"use .debs" :D08:32
RupertEverton13TJ- still stuck at “Loading initial ram disk …” “_”08:37
TJ-RupertEverton13: hmmm, that eas after you added the 'echo' line after the "initrd /initrd.img..." line?08:41
TJ-RupertEverton13: (was in the garden strimming grass!)08:42
TJ-RupertEverton13: so, the kernel isn't getting started.08:42
TJ-RupertEverton13: the "initrd /..." line causes GRUB to read that file and place it in memory just after the vmlinuz image it already put in memory, so this looks like something there is failing. I'm wondering if this could be a weird UEFI/SecureBoot issue (regardless of SB being enabled)08:43
RupertEverton13At the moment I think Secure Boot is disabled. Should I try enabling it ?08:44
RupertEverton13TJ- also while I’m at it in the bios settings, is it possible that the various intel settings may be interfering ? like intel speedster, turboboost, c-states control08:47
RupertEverton13and even fastboot, there’s minimal, thorough, and auto (i’ve always kept the latter selected)08:49
TJ-RupertEverton13: I doubt it but I've long learned anything is possible, but I'd recommend not fiddling unless you have evidence since you may cause more issues!08:49
RupertEverton13alright, i’ll keep everything the same (all enabled) and turn on secure boot to see if that makes a difference08:50
TJ-RupertEverton13: FastBoot is UEFI way of saying, only load the parts of UEFI required to start the default boot entry. I prefer the "everything" (thorough) approach so I'm not missing something when things inevitably go wrong and the system needs to boot from USB!08:51
TJ-RupertEverton13: Enabling SecureBoot is probably going to make things worse but it is easy to test08:51
TJ-RupertEverton13: I'm doing a lot of research on this in case there are similar GRUB issues we can locate08:52
TJ-RupertEverton13: interesting similar issue here, with a potential workaround of "Ctrl+Alt+Del" soft reboot and it'll start!08:53
TJ-RupertEverton13: is IOMMU enabled in UEFI setup? If so it is worth disabling that as a test (if you can find the option!)08:54
RupertEverton13TJ- when should i press the combination ?08:54
TJ-RupertEverton13: see https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/332783/grub-freezes-after-loading-initrd-unless-exact-steps-are-taken08:54
RupertEvertonsorry i disconnected by mistake after clicking on the link08:55
RupertEvertonTJ- the ctrl+alt+del approach was quite interesting, however didn’t quite produce any resolution. I pressed it after “loading initial ram disk” and the system rebooted, prompting me to re enter my decryption password and then back in the grub menu08:57
TJ-RupertEverton: that is what I'd expect it to do ... and if you let the default entry boot (unedited) does it hang again?08:59
TJ-RupertEverton: oops :) can you join another channel as well? #grub -- not many there but there may be a dev hanging about that might take a look in a few days when they read the backlog!08:59
RupertEvertonyes, should I just post the link to the askubuntu ?09:00
TJ-RupertEverton: it can't hurt - more eyes sharing what's been tried the better09:01
RupertEvertonTJ- and yes, the unedited boot entry is still stuck after ctrl alt del09:01
RupertEvertonalright i’ll quickly disconnect from here and post the message. i’ll be right back09:02
unimatrix9hello all , i moved over from freenode to libera, since thats what ubuntu did, but noticed that our nick needs to be registered on this network, and you can login unto the ubuntu channel without registered nick, is this temporary ?09:04
lotuspsychjeunimatrix9: +R is actualy only supposed to be active when the channel is flooded09:05
lotuspsychjeso currently you can join without registering09:06
unimatrix9ok, i see09:07
unimatrix9is there a libera icon somewhere ? just builded an appimage for libera ( private use )09:07
lotuspsychjeunimatrix9: https://libera.chat/09:09
unimatrix9thank you09:10
RupertEvertonTJ- I'm back, had some issues reconnecting09:18
TJ-RupertEverton: I've found another possible workaround you should try. Basically, instead of allowing the UEFI firmware to boot its default entry, you press the hot-key to get the firmware's manual boot-selector menu (this is before it loads GRUB) and then from there choose the entry. See https://archived.forum.manjaro.org/t/boot-hangs-on-loading-inital-ramdisk/2684209:20
TJ-RupertEverton: this one is understandable and there is a fix (removing surplus UEFI boot manager entries leaving only the one /true/ entry)09:21
RupertEvertonTJ- I've tried that multiple times and unfortunately wasn't helpful. ubuntu is my only entry09:21
TJ-RupertEverton: darn!09:22
TJ-RupertEverton: I found bugs from 11 years ago that talk about a bad implementation of the UEFI specs in some firmwares causing problems when loading into memory. Those particular issues (with Intel firmware) were fixed in GRUB back then, but the class of bug is a possiblity here09:23
RupertEvertonTJ- does your guide use grub1 or 2?09:24
TJ-RupertEverton: 2 - 1 is ancient!09:24
TJ-RupertEverton: the UEFI memory-map bug http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?func=detailitem&item_id=3060109:24
TJ-RupertEverton: have you tried installing Debian, or some other Distro?09:26
TJ-RupertEverton: there is a vague possibilty this is something to do with the Ubuntu installer and your hardware09:26
RupertEvertonTJ- no actually. I've only tried Ubuntu Budgie 20.04 and 21.0409:27
TJ-RupertEverton: I'd test with Debian Bullseye (testing)09:27
RupertEvertonTJ- would I need to make any adaptation to your guide or can I just follow it blindly?09:28
TJ-RupertEverton: well I recommend ignoring my guide entirely and just trying a standard unencrypted install to reduce the problem area09:30
RupertEvertonOh then that shouldn't be an issue. I've been using unencrypted Ubuntu Budgie 20.04 for months with no issues09:31
TJ-RupertEverton: which reminds me; you did try an unencrypted install of Ubuntu and still have this same issue didnt you?09:31
TJ-RupertEverton: I thought in one of your emails you said this affected an unencrypted install as well?09:31
RupertEvertonNono, I specified that it works perfectly without encryption.09:31
TJ-oH! drat darn byoyi5^&!09:31
RupertEvertonhahah no worries mate09:32
TJ-RupertEverton: sorry, I really had it in mind this was affecting both09:32
RupertEvertoni guess we can skip debian then09:32
TJ-RupertEverton: Yes!09:32
RupertEvertonTJ- do you think that if I try with "vanilla" Ubuntu instead of Ubuntu Budgie it'll make a difference?09:33
TJ-RupertEverton: I cannot think how LUKS could affect this though, since GRUB has opened the container in order to read its settting, show the menu, load its modules, and load the kernel and initrd.img09:33
RupertEvertonveracrypt does this too btw. I tried another guide that encrypted root with veracrypt instead of luks and the result was the exact same. I'll actually mention this on the post09:34
TJ-RupertEverton: that might be a good test, yes! the more you can narrow this down the better. This is the kind of issue where to get to grips I need the system in front of me (intuition counts for a lot in these issues, picking up on subtle clues you would never know were significant)09:34
TJ-(even down to the speed of flashing of the cursor!)09:34
RupertEvertonTJ- I was looking at the parameters of the grub entry. Just below recordfail I see "load_video" and below "gfxmode $linux_gfx_mode". Would removing those make a difference?09:51
TJ-RupertEverton: from what we think we know, I doubt it, since that is a kernel command-line option and it looks like the kernel isn't being started. but it may be worth trying to set GRUB into text mode via a manual change of the installed /etc/default/grub with GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX="text" followed by an 'update-grub' (in a chroot)09:54
TJ-RupertEverton: sorry, not a kernel command-line option, brain gone to pot! Yes, try , this should leave the UEFI video in text mode09:54
RupertEvertonAlright, once the vanilla ubuntu usb is done creating I'll try this last thing and if nothing changes I'll try installing it vanilla09:56
TJ-RupertEverton: you've got a lot of staying power :)09:58
RupertEvertonTJ- Yeah man! Gotta get this thing working now09:59
RupertEvertonAlright live usb is ready, I'll be back in a little bit. I'll keep the forum post updated anyway10:00
=== bsmith093 is now known as Guest8203
Belial`is there any known issues in 21.04 where after adding a PPA you cannot locate the package? so far i've added slimbook's PPA and weechat's PPA and after updating, cannot find their provided software. it does show their repos updating during "apt update"10:45
Belial`i've also cleared the cache10:46
Walex2Belial`: it could be that are using some setting that strictly enforces the release level and those packages are not present for your release.11:07
Walex2Belial`: mann PPAs taget only LTS releases, or use names like "stable"11:08
oerheksthis weechat ppa? https://launchpad.net/~nesthib/+archive/ubuntu/weechat11:43
oerheksthat one is old, EOL11:43
oerhekshttps://launchpad.net/~slimbook/+archive/ubuntu/slimbook should give packages.11:43
wezirssi is a thing too11:43
RupertEvertonTJ- I'm back, unfortunately with not so great news. Removing those two lines I mentioned before didn't help at all and vanilla Ubuntu doesn't seem to be bootable for some reasons. I tried startup disk creator, unetbootin, mounting the iso then copying the files to the formatted usb. Grub loads up but the installer doesn't start. So vanilla ubuntu seems a not so great option11:46
TJ-RupertEverton: that is without any encryption?11:48
dreamonDid a "fwupdmgr upgrades" that bricked my ssd. It upgraded successfully. It told me to reboot. after boot bios dont recognize ssd anymore11:49
TJ-dreamon: the firmware upgrades are those provided by the manufacturer. If there was an issue best to let the fwupd devs know so they can pull the firmware to prevent others suffering. https://fwupd.org/11:51
RupertEvertonTJ- it's the live usb installer, so it's not encrypted. It shows all the grub options but neither the default one nor the safe graphics one work11:53
TJ-RupertEverton: starting to look like an Ubuntu installer issue now11:53
TJ-RupertEverton: back to plan B and try Debian Bullseye !11:53
dreamonTJ-, dont find a dev contact link/address11:54
Belial`oerheks: no sir. it was the one from their website. i am using weechat from the official repos but i usually try to use the latest version for my most used software. no big deal on that one though.11:54
TJ-dreamon: I'd start here: https://github.com/fwupd/fwupd/issues11:58
RupertEvertonTJ- I just had a thought. Since unencrypted installations show no problems, I could install it normally and then encrypt the root partition after. Is that feasible ?12:01
TJ-RupertEverton: difficult; easier to do a minimal install (space-wise) and then create new block devices after, encrypt them, copy everything in, reconfigure crypttab/fstab/boot/initrd/grub - even I'd take my time :)12:04
TJ-RupertEverton: I wish I could reproduce your issue - unless you're doing something slightly out of the usual, I cannot think of how it could fail like this. You've got LUKSv1 for /boot/ and LUKSv2 for the rest?12:05
RupertEvertonTJ- yes, I've followed your guide step by step. Then I tried variations, like LUKSv1 for everything, or removing the swap volume but nothing seemed to be helpful12:08
TJ-RupertEverton: I'm reading up on the XPS 9550 in case it could be that. Found an arch-linux article about it that recommends ensuring the SATA devices are set to AHCI (not RAID which is the default)12:11
TJ-RupertEverton: some interesting (although older) comments in this https://bytee.net/blog/arch-linux-installation-on-dell-xps-15-955012:12
RupertEvertonTJ- I currently have it set to disabled but I'll try turning it to AHCI. Btw, I only have one ssd and no other storage devices connected (execpt for when I'm in the live session). Once I turn AHCI on, should I reinstall everything or just try to see if it boots?12:13
TJ-RupertEverton: ooo, this one! https://askubuntu.com/questions/972200/bios-does-not-detect-ssd-after-reboot-from-ubuntu-16-04-dell-xps-1512:14
TJ-RupertEverton: does it have NVME?12:14
TJ-RupertEverton: reinstall shouldn't be necessary for AHCI; drivers will pick up correctly12:15
TJ-RupertEverton: NVME is failing in the last link I gave you - worth a complete read12:15
TJ-RupertEverton: cannot see how this would only affect a LUKS install though!12:16
RupertEvertonTJ- I'm seeing here that a possible solution would be to add a parameter to etc/default/grub. I guess I'd be doing that with chroot but when I tried before it said that /target can't be located. How would I go about editing grub then?12:17
TJ-RupertEverton: adding kernel options is only going to help if the kernel is being loaded... right now we seem to have evidence that it doesn't get that far12:17
TJ-RupertEverton: but these are all interesting leads to consider, just in case12:18
RupertEvertonahh fair12:18
TJ-RupertEverton: where are you located? I'm feeling the need to get my hands on that laptop!12:18
RupertEvertonyes definitely, I saved the link for future reference. I'll quickly reboot to check whether AHCI makes a different. brb12:19
RupertEvertonTJ- I'm back. AHCI does not influence the abnormal behavior. While I was there I also tried disabling Intel stuff and that didnt make a difference either. Also, just to rule out some more, it doesnt matter whether the powercord is connected12:43
TJ-RupertEverton: do you fancy using a Teamviewer session into the installer so I can directly poke this beast? It's really difficult to do more than guess at things right now and whatever is going in is subtle12:44
RupertEvertonNot a problem, let me just finish updating my post12:45
TJ-follow-up on RuperEverton's issue - we proved the install works using a virtual machine from the installer, so it looks like a hardware/UEFI settings issue14:21
cbreakI created an encrypted system by installing unencrypted14:29
cbreakthen zfs sending the whole pool to my mac over SSH, destroying the rpool (but not bpool), and recreating it with encryption enabled. Then zfs sending the whole data back14:29
cbreak(with -x encrypted to make sure the received datasets are encrypted14:30
=== jsofjpoiesj is now known as TabooRP
no_gravityHello! Is it possible to have "links to directories" on the desktop? Say a link "images_from_berlin" that when you click on it opens the file browser with "/mnt/images/berlin" open? I know there are symlinks, but those are a bit tricky because you cannot see in the file browser the real location you are working on.15:24
=== michael is now known as RedNifre
no_gravityMaybe the easiest way is to just use a script that opens the file browser with the path as a parameter.15:28
grovershorscript woud be the way i'd approach it15:31
grovershorthen you could open it as a tab if you wanted as well15:32
TJ-You could create a .desktop file for it easily15:32
no_gravitygrovershor: Hmm.. clicking a script with "xdg-open /some/where" in it asks me if I want to run it. And then does nothing.15:34
sixwheeledbeastYour "file-manager file:///foo" should do the trick15:35
no_gravitygrovershor: Oh, when I click "run" it works. I clicked "run in terminal" at first.15:35
no_gravityCan I avoid the question if I want to run it?15:35
TJ-no_gravity: like this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yDCyRZCk9K/15:44
no_gravityTJ-: Let me try ...15:45
TJ-no_gravity: obviously replace 'thunar' with whatever file-manager your system preferes15:47
no_gravityTJ-: That goes into ~/? And then I would have to restart the desktop?15:47
TJ-it tells you where it lives in the first line comment15:48
no_gravityTJ-: Yeah, that is what I meant with ~/15:48
TJ-no_gravity: oh I made a mistake sorry, it should be in $HOME/Desktop/ !!!15:48
TJ-corrected! https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/H4JkJTfWgH/15:49
no_gravityTJ-: And then I need to restart the desktop somehow?15:49
TJ-no_gravity: this assumes your Desktop environment allows files on the desktop; if it is gnome, it removed that feature and as I understand it needs an extension installing to recover the functionality15:50
TJ-I've not used Gnome since around 200815:50
grovershorlol...i was wondering i failed testing that15:50
no_gravityTJ-: Hmm... I put that file in ~/Desktop/ but nothing happened.15:51
ioria right click and 'Allow Launching' no grovershor15:51
ioria right click and 'Allow Launching' no gravity15:52
no_gravityioria: Ha! There is no "Allow launching" when I right-click, but there is "create launcher" which works nicely!15:53
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no_gravityIt creates a script with "#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open" at the top.15:54
ioriano_gravity, what are you running , budgie ?15:55
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TJ-the .desktop should be directly launched in any sane DE the same as they are when included in menus15:55
ioriaTJ-, on gnome3 (3.36.7) you need to allow it explicitly and it sets it with  '764'  perms15:58
TJ-ioria: ah, makes some sense I guess15:59
ioriaTJ-, the problem is running a shell script from the desktop;  apparently has been completely disabled16:00
TJ-.desktop files aren't shell scripts16:02
TJ-so does it require all .desktop files added to menus to also be marked executable (e.g. user adds them in $HOME/.local/share/applications/ ?16:03
iorianope, not always TJ-16:03
ioriaTJ-, you need to copy it in .local/share/app if you want to retrieve it in 'Activities'16:05
emdoes #ubuntu support kubuntu ?16:45
RatSalad> #ubuntu supports Ubuntu and official flavor16:46
emI don't know if kubuntu is an official 'flavor'16:46
RatSaladit is16:46
ubottuRecognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours16:47
emoh wow that's very serendipitous16:47
=== volki57_ is now known as volki57
=== ts is now known as tts
emI've had some problems with kubuntu on my laptop. When I'm using a browser (firefox or chromium) it just freezes up. Sometimes if I wait it comes back, but often I need to restart the laptop. I think it might be related to the nvidia driver, since changing that did change how often it happens, but it's not gone away.17:02
emAre there any known thoughts about that, or should I just try to install a newer version and hope it goes away?17:02
ttsHello! Can anyone help me with my monitor issue? I have a old ATI Radeon HD 2400 Pro graphics card and a new monitor that is connected from the DVI out of the graphics card to HDMI in on the monitor, and the screen is going blank constantly every couple of seconds, as if the resolution is changing.17:03
lotuspsychjeem: you could always share your dmesg to the channel, so volunteers could take a look for you whats happening to your system17:03
emOkay thanks, does the dmesg contain any highly sensitive personal information?17:04
lotuspsychjeem: not really, but making dmesg even less personal has been planned in the future17:06
emis dmesg a log that contains info from before I restarted?17:08
emor only since I restarted?17:08
lotuspsychjeem: dmesg gives your current boot, for previous boot you can use journalctl -b -117:11
emlotuspsychje: that's pretty interesting, is the journalctl the same as the dmesg, but from the previous boot?17:18
lotuspsychjeem: dmesg will give you a lot of info, but the journal logs all info (more)17:19
embut just from the previous boot?17:19
emIt must only go back so far17:20
lotuspsychjeem: yes, the above command will give you only previous boot17:20
emthat's pretty nifty17:21
lotuspsychjeem: if you suspect nvidia drivers, you can also check on sudo lshw -C video and nvidia-smi17:22
emoh it looks like the -b -1 means the previous boot, an offset of -117:24
emlotuspsychje: this is the output of that, does anything look off to you? https://dpaste.com/4DVA6QTJY17:26
lotuspsychjeem: yes, there we have your problem already, unclaimed means driver not loaded17:27
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=== volki57_ is now known as volki57
lotuspsychjeem: lets have a look at ubuntu-drivers list ?17:27
emlotuspsychje: how does one access the ubuntu-drivers list?17:29
lotuspsychjefrom terminal em17:29
emHere is what it says: https://dpaste.com/3LDHJMT9Z17:30
lotuspsychjeem: are you on a desktop or a sever?17:31
emI'm on a laptop17:31
lotuspsychjeem: lets try sudo apt install nvidia-driver-46017:32
emokay sure17:32
emIt says it is already the newest version: https://dpaste.com/HN6Q2EFLG17:33
lotuspsychjeem: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade please17:34
emE: Unable to locate package please17:35
em(I thought that was funny)17:35
lotuspsychjesame command -please em :p17:36
emlotuspsychje: done.17:37
emshould I restart or anything?17:38
lotuspsychjeem: probably if you saw kernel/security updates17:38
emokay I'll be right back17:39
emlotuspsychje: ty, I have now done the full-upgrade and restarted17:43
lotuspsychjeem: lets have another look in; sudo lshw -C video17:43
emlotuspsychje: this is the output of that: https://dpaste.com/A64QDG2SX17:45
lotuspsychjeem: still not loaded, can you share dmesg17:45
emyes one sec.17:45
lotuspsychje!pm | em17:48
ubottuem: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.17:48
lotuspsychjeem: could you please try turn off secure boot and try again?17:49
emHmmm turning off secure boot? Is that something that would be done ini bios?17:52
emlotuspsychje: I've gone into the bios and I put it on legacy support and legacy first.17:58
lotuspsychjeem: ok, boot and lets try again17:58
emI'm assuming that might be what you mean by turning off secure boot17:58
emWell I think I did boot. I'm not aware of how to go into bios without booting.17:59
emlotuspsychje: in your opinion is it okay to share my dmesg in this public chat?17:59
lotuspsychjeem: yes, i dont think it can harm you17:59
emokay thanks18:00
lotuspsychjeem: lets check sudo lshw -C video, again after you booted legacy18:01
emIt has changed https://dpaste.com/HK5X2MBBH18:02
lotuspsychjeyeah it worked em18:04
emhm, thanks, I guess now wait and see if this makes a difference with the freezing up while using a browser18:04
emI wonder if anyone is supposed to really use secure boot, or if you should just always turn off secure boot when trying to use linux18:05
lotuspsychjeem: depends on the usecase, some users need to fiddle around with uefi more for dualboots etc18:06
jeremy31I wonder if mokutil --disable-validation would have worked18:07
emI see. In the case that someone is only planning to run linux on their laptop would you recommend just turning off secure boot?18:07
lotuspsychjeem: in my cases, i always install ubuntu machines legacy18:08
emlotuspsychje: I really appreciate all the feedback and help. You have a remarkable knowledge of linux.18:08
lotuspsychjewelcome em18:08
ecsantoshey, i'm trying to install ubuntu20.04 cloud image on kvm. host machine is a virtualbox vm running ubuntu21.04. for some reason, i can't get cloud-init to work properly. the hostname is changed, but password login doesn't work and ssh doesn't work18:39
Guest2i can't find the option to disable touchpad while typing in 21.04, how can I disable it?19:06
tomreynGuest2: what'S the output of this, run in a terminal window?    gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.touchpad disable-while-typing19:09
bumboksI'm trying to install Ubuntu Server on an MD raid but the devices in the "Create software RAID (MD) disk" list is blank. Any ideas?19:11
bumboksI've tried both the 20.04 and 21.04 isos19:12
Mekaneckbumboks: probably #ubuntu-server is a better place to ask, IF someone is there to answer19:12
bumboksthanks, I'll give it a shot19:12
Mekanecknp, yw19:13
Guest6150how to safely remove old kernels?19:20
tomreynGuest6150: did you see my previous message?19:20
ecsantosokay, so adding to my first message. apparently cloud-init fails to create the user, it says "Failed to create user admin". any ideas?19:29
ecsantosusing names other than 'admin' and 'ubuntu' just works... does ubuntu cloud images have limitations on what names can we choose to add in cloud-init? i didn't find anything mentioning this in the docs19:31
tomreynecsantos: i think ost people here use the desktop installers. maybe try asking in #ubuntu-server. i thionkt here's also a channel related to the cloud images, but don't remember its name, maybe try /msg alis help19:48
powderLibabout ubuntu's versioning20:14
powderLibif it were semantic, ubuntu 4.10 might be 1.020:15
morgansmy files app vanished. (because I removed tracking+ per channel)I want to reinstall it. 20.0420:27
morgansshow in folder (for downloads) doesn't work either, shows folders not files.20:30
H3dn1ng  /exit20:47
dustwhat is .local/share/tracker/data/tracker-store.journal21:15
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AavarIf I want to be able to access files on my host from a lxc-container. Is it logical to use something like ssh-fs or nfs, or is there a better way?22:07
leotrHello everybody.22:16
leotrI want to encrypt my rpool without reinstalling. Can I do it using send/receive?22:17
leotrassuming I have enough space on my drive (rpool is %30 of the total size). My thought is 1) create another encrypted pool 2) zfs send | zfs recv 3) drop old, rename new to old22:18
leotrMy concern is whether it will work. Should I be configuring anyting to provide password or anything else. I read couple of articles on that, but seems like all of them are a bit outdated (they are suggesting to use some sort of rsync, which is probably not necessary with new ZoL22:19
trohrtomg libpam_mount is incredible22:55
trohrtgot it working on 21.04 with sssd22:55
trohrtnow to figure out offline files...22:55
Unit193Yes, yes it is.  Can be used with gocryptfs/cryfs.23:08
=== bsmith093 is now known as Guest6437
KonIs the GNU variant of the which utility available in the repos? If so, it's not easily searchable23:17
trohrtUnit193: was that directed at me? thanks23:19
Unit193trohrt: Well, it was about libpam-mount at least!23:20
leftyfbKon: /bin/which is part of the debianutils package in ubuntu23:20
Konleftyfb: That's the Debian version, not the GNU version by Carlo Wood23:21
KonThe GNU version is default in RHEL, for example23:21
leftyfbKon: is there a difference?23:21
leftyfbKon: is there a particular feature of "which" you're looking for?23:22
KonYes, quite a number of additional parameters23:22
leftyfbKon: I personally prefer to use "type -a"23:22
KonIn Ubuntu you can combine type parameters to get most of the information, but which is a little prettier to look at23:23
trohrtUnit193: oh ok i thought you meant about offline files :c23:23
trohrtUnit193: how would that work with libpam_mount23:23
Unit193Offline files?  Depends on what program you're using I guess.23:24
fekleeHow do I install scdaemon when booted into the live cd?23:43
feklee(on USB, version 20.04.2 LSB)23:44
Bashing-omfeklee: Though will not persist a reboot - run ' sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade; sudo apt intall scdaemon ' .23:46
fekleeBashing-om: It's not there.23:48
Bashing-omfeklee: It is there " scdaemon/focal-updates 2.2.19-3ubuntu2.1 amd64 " lemme check if this is  "universe repo" releatd.23:49
tomreynfeklee: is there an error message?23:50
maxFlexGuestI have tried to add a DEB repository with apt-add-repository (add-apt-repository), but I do not have a public key. I am unable to find information about how to find the missing public key for an Ubuntu DEB repository through the terminal.23:51
Bashing-omfeklee: "Section: universe/utils" ... make sure the universe repo is enabled in software sources.23:51
maxFlexGuestThe gpg command did not work, as the public key is not on my computer.23:51
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fekleeBashing-om: There is no universe in /etc/apt/sources.list23:52
tomreynmaxFlexGuest: whoever provides the apt repository should also provide information on how to obtain the key23:54
Bashing-omfeklee: either from the FUI check box to enable -- or terminal ' sudo add-apt-repository universe ' .23:55
tomreynmaxFlexGuest: you could also try pulling it off a public key server such as keyserver.ubuntu.com or keys.openpgp.org23:55
fekleeBashing-om: Thanks, that worked! :-D23:57
Bashing-omfeklee: :D - ubuntu - together we can :)23:58
maxFlexGuestWhat is the terminal command for a public key that is not available (preventing possible installation)?23:58

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