=== jose_ is now known as jose === Bashing-1m is now known as Bashing-om === tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn [17:47] Hi folks. I started asking about this a bit back and got some great advice about what to do. Our channel #ubuntu-berlin was on freenode and we want to move to libera. [17:47] The original founder was ccm. He has moved on and is no longer even in Berlin. The group is currently being organized by waldstepper, but he is a bit shy writing in English. [17:47] His and my launchpad accounts have been updated to show our new IRC nicks. So I guess the next step is to send an email to ubuntu-irc and make a request to register the channel. [17:47] Does the email have to come from him or could I write it on his behalf. And if it comes from him, could it be in German or should I prepare something for him and then have him send it off? [18:01] jonnj: Doesn't have to be by email really, but it does require someone from the IRC council to be around and look into it. [18:11] jonnj: Nothing personal, but since I found weld to be an admin of https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-berlin/+members, I added him. He can add you and I'm good with that, just trying to ensure I don't to the wrong thing here. Is that all good? We do have a couple German speaking users in here though, so if that'd help. [18:14] The name is waldstepper, pal! :P [18:20] Yes, clearly too American. >_> [18:35] thanks so much. I'm sure this will make waldstepper happy. He's a great guy, does a lot for the community in Berlin. [18:35] Anything else I can do for you folks? [18:36] I think we're good for now. I'll let waldstepper know. I'm in the US at the moment.