[07:08] morning [07:22] pstolowski: hi! === rzr is now known as RzR [08:01] good morning [08:01] hey zyga-mbp [08:11] pstolowski: hi, should I re-review https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10290 ? [08:12] pedronis: hi, yes please, thank you! [12:02] pstolowski: he needs a master merge again, https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10290, the diff is strange/large again [12:15] pstolowski: go formatting is a bit weird, now after adding the comment it looks like you need to reindent the field type [12:28] pedronis: sorry, done now [12:32] mardy: yeah, that happens... done [13:31] pstolowski: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10282 needs a 2nd review, so that mardy can then get back to the original PR I suppose [13:32] pedronis: sure, will do [13:32] thx [14:32] * cachio afk [14:35] pstolowski: I reviewed 10290 [14:36] pedronis: thanks! [15:00] pedronis: re your comment, are you suggesting to change the function to 'func maxAllowedPostponement(gatingSnap, affectedSnap string, buffer time.Duration) time.Duration {' ? [15:01] or maxPostment time.Duration [15:01] maxPostponement [15:01] pedronis: ah [15:19] pedronis: mvo: so I'm pretty much blocked on quota stuff now waiting for reviews (I opened a few more PR's just this morning) and I think the path forward now should be much less fraught with peril than previously - should I start looking at cloud-init stuff with that LP bug that TPE filed ? [15:20] I can also do reviews, not sure if there is anything in particular that I should focus on for reviews [15:25] ijohnson: Pawel's https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10290 need reviews, but starting on cloud-init next step seems also good [15:25] pedronis: ok sure I will give that a review in my afternoon then [15:47] thanks ijohnson [16:09] ijohnson: btw there is a spec associated with https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10290, let me know if you would like to take a look at it to make things more clear [16:09] pstolowski: oh hey yes please I would love to take a look at the spec :-) [16:09] thanks [16:10] is there a reason the spec wasn't mentioned in the PR description ? [16:10] ijohnson: yes. i really don't trust google ;) [16:11] haha okay then [16:11] thanks for sharing it [16:13] yw [16:47] ijohnson: sorry, had a crazy day today, will try to do a bit of reviewing after dinner and in my morning